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Video Games #3740
Video Games
AI-controlled Guest units can permanently die
Subtle vidya apparel thread
Are there any other games like Luftrausers? Not necessarily planes, but games that are:
Will Sam Fisher be 30 years old in the next Splinter Cell game?
Don't you think we'll get caught?
Poyo, motherfuckers
I'm feeling super super depressed tonight, post art of video game girls with nice asses to help cheer me up
Fallout 4
Continuing the Quest for the end of Oblivion's World Map
What're some games where you can play as an animal-person
ITT: autistic things you do in vidya
Would you enjoy a metroid game structured similar to Breath of the Wild?
So was this game any good?
Story of seasons thread anybody?
What games have detailed anatomy?
Mods ruin great games
His first Persona was Persona 4 or 5
Quick Sup Forums
Witcher 3 has best video game soundtrack in this decade
This is the third highest rated game of the generation. Say something nice about it
The West's answer to Persona
Was RE4 as revolutionary as they said? is it worth a replay on PC?
Is this the most pathetic gun in gaming? What the fuck were they thinking
Ask a guy who just bought a DXRacer® Drifting Series Ergonomic Gaming Chair anything
PS4 Platinum Trophies
Best girl from her series
Does the Jedi Knight series deserve a reboot?
Should I buy Nier: Automata for PC or PS4?
Shit game mechanics
Game has live action movie
So who did choose to stay alive, Roman or Kate?
Nintendo 4k?
CEO Dreamland Sm4sh Finals
Shitposting aside, is Yooka-Laylee any good?
Cursed image thread
You aren't a casual right?
This "Dark Souls 2 is misunderstood" meme is getting out of hand
What's the one thing you want to see the most?
The Sun has fallen out of Earth's orbit and is going to crash into it...
Will mania and forces return Sonic to his former glory?
What kind of games do your female friends play?
Nintendo doesn't have a 3rd party ga-
Game changes genre in the second half
ITT: Enemies that unnerve you
Jesus Christ is the antagonist
ITT: You hear it, you lose
How do I get Amiibo clothing in BotW without buying Amiibos?
Open chest
There's people who unironically believe that BOTW deserves GOTY more than P5
If Steam refunds are so broken, how come every suggestion to fix them is absolutely horrible?
Games you love in genres you hate
DmC Devil May Cry
Idle animations thread
The whole game is just fiction inside fiction
What are the best games this country had produced?
HEY Sup Forums this is becky........nevermind
Why the fuck does this exist?
Pokémon will always just be shitty nostalgia pandering from now on
What went so fucking wrong?
In Defense of Dark Souls 2
Sup Forums BTFO once again diversity wins again
Shin Megami Tensei thread
"Welcome to the Velvet Room. What is your name young man?"
Its a dead end
What was his problem?
What went wrong?
Why did gaming magazines go the way of the dodo...
What is the best and most compatible PSX emulator? I'm fucking tired of optimizing every game individually...
Post your build
Hey Sup Forums
Not maining the prince of all saiyans
Senran Kagura
Favourite AVGN episode
The great debate
Filename Thread
ITT: Games only you played
Recommend me an mmorpg
Name a more useless perk
Any fellow podcast listeners out there? What video game casts do you listen to regularly?
This is Benedict from the Battleborn series. Say something BADASS to him!
Post underrated installments from generally well received series
Which MMORPG has the hottest female characters?
Why does the owner of a damn medical clinic look like someone you would never want to visit for your health?
Do you smonk when you play vidya?
Do you think there will be a time where graphics are 95+% real looking ?
What went wrong?
Why did she get so much hate? You barely interact with her since she stays in her little nook in the bottom of the ship
I beat Automata. Is Drakengard 3 any good?
Hey Sup Forums, fuck you!
How do I enjoy games again if I'm depressed?
Why is everyone complaining about Yooka-Laylee?
Red pill me on this game
Who is the best Quake girl?
100% chance this guy will destroy you in any fighting game
Games you love with creators you can't fucking stand
Hey give me me money for no reason
Its scientifically proven that no game in existence is comfier than modded Skyrim
Have you played the western interpretation of Persona?
How about a good ol fashioned Isaac thread
How would you fix Castle's ability Sup Forums?
Hi Sup Forums I'm Mitch Dyer writer of Star Wars Battlefront 2 feminist frequency contributer and former Xbox editor at...
Nothing will ever surpass this mmowise
Habbo Hotel
Is this game only for nostalgia fags? Cause I'm playing it for the last 1 hour and it's extremely boring
Create a unique premise
*blocks your path*
A tough choice... but........ you can only have one
If you are able to see this post it means that you're among a chosen few
She's gonna defect to the Rebellion, isn't she
Dark Souls III, too high artificial difficulty
Will you be buying their game?
Unity vs. Unreal 4
Thou shalt be blessed when creating Personas of the Arby's arcana
Uh oh
All this Konami hate
ITT: Vidya characters who remind you of your first serious relationship
Do Ending E, loved it
Final boss is God
Can we have an actual discussion on this that doesn't devolve into manchildren crying about a female main character?
Drone mods delete this thread
What other games feature OBSCENELY purple girls that also happen to be best?
Who thinks Haru should've been swapped with Ann? Not only in Arcana...
ごめんなさい、日本人には申し訳ありません。今のところyooka layleeに関する考え?
Did she do the right thing?
3x3 thread
I still haven't beaten her
What the fuck was his problem?
CEO Dreamland - Sm4sh top 8
Sans, we are in Undertale! nyeh heh heh!
Choose your destiny
Nintendo really knows their audience
The Switch is the best selling Nintendo console at launch ever selling twice what the 3DS did in the same time period
You broke his leg, right, Sup Forums?
Mario kart Wii sold 35 million. Mario Kart Deluxe will sell 40
Anyone else playing DiRT Rally?
Why the fuck are pretty much all controllers so easy to break?
So tell me Sup Forums
You have been chosen to decide one game that if a person finds "good" they will be infected with a horrible disease...
Is Junpei the best bro ?
Fat bitch
The motion controls in Arms don't work
Remember Besiege?
Sorry kiddo, this thread is reserved for only the best vidya weapon designs
Mods deleting weekly sales threads now
What did he mean by this, Sup Forums?
The Legend of Redundancy
Name a comfier RPG, Sup Forums
Filename thread?
Zapdos is coolest
Let's have a Dishonored thread. Will we ever see a Dishonored 3? I heard sales of 2 were disappointing...
If you had the option to stay with Cerberus and help assure Humanity's galactic dominance, would you take the offer?
What are your guys thoughts on this game?
What are the best online games to troll?
Dwarf Fortress
Smash Sup Forumskend Easter Edition
Where are some games where I can save Humanity
Serious question Makoto or Futaba?
Why aren't you playing TESO Sup Forums? It's fun
Who was in the wrong here?
The Holy Trinity
I'm happy I own a PS4 now, because I didn't own a PS2 growing up...
ITT:Your opponent busts THAT out
How accurate is this?
CPU: Eight custom x86 cores, much better than """pro"""
Flash Sale in the US PSN Store but Easter Sale in other countries?
Black Ops 1 had the best story
Is this still GOTY worthy? Will people still be talking about it once the year is over...
If you were asked to fix L4D2, what would you do?
Here, it's settled
Tfw you're falling hard for the remaster meme
What went right?
Halo 3: Anniversary coming to Xbox and PC crossplay confirmed
Admit it you cunts, you actually liked 9S
Opinions about next patch?
Playing MGS3
Post your five favorite games
Post a image of the last Nintendo game you played
You just got the high score on an arcade machine
BotW is the best Metroidvania of all time
Why do US game companies focus so much on gender and race issues in their games?
Is it safe to let my kid play games with big tits characters?
Why haven't you hacked your Vita yet, user?
Is the ultrawide meme worth it? Or should I just go 16:9 4k?
Armored Core Announcement
What is the best AVGN quote?
So, now that ps4 is dead will Sony release Vita 2 or what
How hyped are you fellow gamers?
When did you realize pc gaming was just a meme?
Ps4 fag builds a rig
We need to build a Ghostfence, and it has to be built quickly. The greatest builder is me...
Found your smartphone, bro
Any Fire Emblem fans here? What was the first FE game you played? What was your favourite one?
Nier: Automata
Tfw the only game you're genuinely excited for this year is a NEVER EVER
What would the palaces of people IRL look like?
Are you ready for the BotW of the Dragon Quest series?
Explain this you fucks
2017 is so good I'm afraid of a nuclear war happens just to destroy it
Codename Queen
Seriously, where the fuck is the PC port? Is Altus fucking stupid...
Surprise, surprise. It's fucking boring
Now that I've finished it...
Enemies can open stores
Did you get any video games for easter?
I like Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Rising so I bought Bayonetta on PC. This is the epitome of stylish action games...
Tfw Republic Commando is getting a spiritual sequel
Mega Man X
So is it safe to say we'll get more Sega ports?
Is there a console with better aesthetics than the original PS1?
Was FFXV the perfect mix?
Well Sup Forums?
Vidya characters who remind you of your dad
Is Senran Kagura 7 was the Switch is going to get?
How can no Ps4 game has managed to, graphically, beat Xbox One's very own Ryse?
Bloodborne is a hard video gam-
Am I right in thinking that Dark Souls 3 had the best bosses in the entire series?
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning
This is Tina
This movie gets a bad rap
This is unironically the best story ever told in vidya
How is Forza Horizon 3...
ITT: Fuck you I liked it
What's next for them?
I've only just realised Sony's Media Go thing doesn't have a PSN store option any more
How are you supposed to "climb the ladder" when the SR algorithm is designed to keep you at the same rank?
Yo wtf they brought sunny back i can't blieve it playing rising right now hot fuh days and she's there unbklieveblae...
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Why are all horror games about ayylmaos or zombies?
Only hardcore Metal gear autists hate this game
*Hooks you and pulls you in*
Ok fags. Lets settle this once and for all. What is the best jrpg ever created
Does a better weapon in Dark Souls exist?
Neogaf finished
Want to jerk off and play games alone all day
ITT: Smiles you want to protect
Was he the best Souls boss?
Rachet & Clank
PS4 KH1.5+2.5 releases
What the HELL did they mean by this?
What are some quintessential Easter games?
Oh yeah
Sup Forums debate: In the long run, will Switch fail?
What are some good games where you can play as a cat?
Should I bother getting it or is it dead now
Is it really so bad?
What was this character's target audience?
What is this emblem supposed to mean?
Framerate or high quality, Sup Forums?
This shit is on sale. Should I buy it? It's fun? Do I need the expansion?
Kirby's 25th Anniversary Thread
What's an unusual way that you've played a game?
Why was CTR such a good game?
LAUGH AT Sup Forumsirgins
Would you buy EA Battlefront II if they remastered the greatest MP map ever created?
Post your PS4 games
How much does this change things? What's his end game?
What are some games where you play as an actual bird?
I "collect" "rare" video games
Path of Exile
EU IV is too eurocentric
Underrated Fire Emblem girls
I have $3000 to blow, I want a laptop with atleast 120fps monitor and a GTX 1080ti or 1080 atleast, maybe 1070 SLI
How do people feel about this game? Some people say it's good while others think it's a piece of shit
Its Easter
Are the Phantom Thieves JUST?
ITT: Bullshit things blocking the path in games
This was actually a good game and Sup Forums wont admit it because its still stuck in 2010 thinking MUH ONLY UNDERAGE...
I just don't know why do people think TP is better than WW
Bayonetta port 8 years later
Fire Emblem Fates came out last year
What went right?
Who brought more innovation to medium?
Open world game has fast travel because devs are too lazy to make traveling entertaining and filling the world with...
When an 11 year old buys a console game the default difficulty is 'Normal'. You play all games on Hard right?
This is the explosive mage Megumin
3x3 Thread
Fallout New Vegas
Do you still love me, Sup Forums?
*blocks your path*
What games allow me to purge every heretic, xeno, and chaotic force I encounter?
Since the body suit is now the most popular thing from the Metroid series, should Nintendo just put all the focus on it?
So now that the Switch has been out for a month, what is the general consensus on it on Sup Forums?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Since this was such low res on PS I thought it was a random bandicoot with a Australian farmer/sombrero type hat
ITT: second playthrough killers
Name a more cancerous artstyle than chibi
Engineers will defend this
So shall it be Sup Forums do you join the unity or do you die here?
What happened to this game?
Dark Souls 2
What would a Def Jams game in 2017 be like?
What's the most complex video game of all time??
What jobs do you want to see in the 4.x patch cycle of the ffxiv?
MOBA thread Part 2: Updated list edition
Have you found yourself being in love with someone from a videogame?
Risk of rain
He hasnt been gaming in 4k since 2015
What's the worst thing about Sup Forums?
Oblivion is not the worst ES Game
Motion blur
You can't romance the dragon
Dark souls 3 manages to have worse gameplay than dark souls 2
Endless Space
How does the Persona 5 cast compare to the P3 and P4 group? Better or worse?
You bought her game right?
This anime girl gives you a gift
Coco is the best love interest for Crash
Is there even a single mmo worth playing?
Are there any videogames where you fight hippies as a cop and restore order...
Are fighting games dying again?
Now that Dice fucked up by pandering to the SJW's, will CoD WWII have a chance at competing?
Why didn't you buy Hinako's game, Blue Reflection?
Sup Forums WILL defend this
Let me start by saying I am in no way bad at video games, I have 3000 hours combined between all of the souls games...
I need some steam friends. Why did those die out? Too much homo shit?
Group up with me!
Who was in the wrong here?
This is Jack
Post god-tier level design
Is he /ourguy/?
We've been having Bayonetta threads lately and I want them to keep happening
User Gets Witcher 3 for Easter
Anyone else tired of getting bullshit vac bans just for playing tf2 or csgo on windows 10...
I just bought a GTX 1080 and a 144hz 1440p monitor
Tfw as soon as you use a steam controller, dark souls 2 becomes the best game in the series
Why is it so shit?
Sup Forums says a game is shit
Why are all video games so similar to each other now?
CEO Dreamland - Final Day
Tfw he never went nuclear
Sup Forumsidya Draw thread
The best weapon in the Soulsborne series. Prove me wrong
Tfw 23 years old and finally growing out of video games
Why isn't anyone talking about this?
When did you grow out of Nintendo?
ITT: Shit games that got great reviews
Well, Sup Forums?
As a Christian, I find this series offensive and racist
ITT: Draw a game and others must guess it
This is Edea Lee. say something nice to her
Will bloodstained fall as much as these?
"Wow this game sounds like it'll be pretty good I can't wait to- wait is that a WOMAN in my VIDEO GAME??...
This is Kratos (the god of war) and his wife's son
Why isnt it as good as P4 or 3 yet?
This series is dead, isn't it
Persona 5
Grill streamer wrecks CS go fags and proves game is shit
What's the best way to play through this series for the first time?
I just had a dream about this game, and I haven't touched it in almost 2 decades. What did my brain mean by this?
This is the best console of all time
Friends sperging out for me to buy this piece of shit
Managed to fix my PS2 slim (I had to solder new dc port) Can you guys recommend any good games for PS2?
Xbox360 had a 250gb hard drive
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Have we witnessed perfection?
Oh god what do I do
Offline co-op on the PC
Why doesn't vidya have interesting alien design anymore...
Are western companies accelerating the next video game crash?
PC releases scheduled for this year:
If the 9th man had not died in the beginning of the game...
Make a minority woman your protagonist
What's the point of bosses being so far from bonfires in DS1...
Just throw a bunch of ugly black characters everyone will forget about the game's problems
Webm thread
Help me out Sup Forums. What's the first person shooter equivalent of Dark Souls?
Girls can't be gamers
What was the best Colossus?
The best review of breath of wild
Dirt 4
Are you enjoying your Switch Sup Forums?
ITT: Shit you hate in video games
Are you buying my game, Sup Forums?
Alright, Sup Forums. I'm at my wits end. How the fuck do I beat all three mechanical bosses...
Why is it so hard make a tough female character that looks like she's been through shit without giving her an ugly...
Every platform aside from PC has a well known mascot character
What's her appeal?
If Silent Hill 3 were released today, it'd be called SJW cancer
20 hours to achieve 100% completion
No Steam profile pic thread?
Steam Games
Why do you scoff at gaming laptops?
Steam: DRM+Spyware. Western games: unfinished $59,99+$39,99 cosmetics
Do you still love me Sup Forums?
Demon's Souls
Who's your go-to persona, Sup Forums?
Whats the saddest thing you've ever experienced in a videogame?
When will bloodborne come to PC?
Literally the only argument against western games is sexually frustrated /r9k/ virgins screaming "m-m-muh SJW!!!"
Le epin armored meme man of can't hold east and west at same time face
ITT: Games that have aged like literal milk
State of twitch nowadays
Lets talk about windows 10 and our gaming experiences using it
Tfw all video games are boring for me now
What happened to the Tony Hawk games, famdongus?
A2 would be more likable if she wasn't so flat
Raising the Dead
This was fun last night
I just can't beat these cunts
Find a flaw
Ah, finally my day off.. Time to relax and play some Overwatch!
No more shitty tryhard rap in Soundtracks
Games that are immune to criticism
Do you realize Adventure games have made a huge comeback? Primordia, Kathy Rain. Syberia 3, Thimbleweed Park, Witness...
Dad games
Thirst wakes you up on the beach. You can't recall what happened and how you ended up here, on the beach...
Shout out your attack, Sup Forums
Buyer's Remorse
Literally impossible
Name a better credits sequence
ITT: bait Sup Forums as hard as you can
MGSV Bosses/ wishlist
How did I do?
When was the last time a video game made you cry?
Stone boss
What games let you explore your repressed homosexual feelings?
Is he right?
5am on a sunday
Comfy Breath of the Wild thread
Memes aside, can we agree vocals were a mistake?
Dark Souls is NOT hard
What games help me train my reaction speed, Sup Forums?
Game gets popular
Remember me, Sup Forums?
6 months after release
Enemies can walk towards you
How does this make you feel?
Is Etna the hottest video game girl to ever exist?
What games do dual-wielding the best?
Why is the main character ugly nigger woman?
This is by far the WORST character in Dissidia. How did this shit make it through playtesting?
What games would David Bowie play, were he still with us?
Why is there so much shilling for this game?
Final Fantasy XIV
Over 50 bucks worth of DLC
So how hard are the dev trying to canonly ship Makoto with MC?
The patrician choice
Looking back, this game wasn't that bad
Eat fish and chips
How will they fuck up Battlefront 2?
Is Legion fun?
ITT: essential depression-core
Science: A black hole replacing our sun wouldn't make much of a difference
Brood fucking war
Zelda Breath of the wild sucks
Did I do good?
How you holding up
What are some games which Sup Forums mistakenly thinks are bad?
Why in the fucking love of god are they remaking it this way?
Post Autism
Game is actually more fun with friends
Tfw retard
So what games did you buy for Easter? I got fucking and nothing
So Sup Forums today is my birthday and it's also Easter Sunday any good games I could play that fit with both of these...
Kill a game-crucial NPC
Who was in the wrong here?
Are you ready for some Brood War Sup Forums?
I was not a fan of Fallout 3 and I am about to attempt Fallout 1 for the first time, Wish me luck
20 years since this mastapeice was released
Will there ever be a gaming machine as revolutionary as the original NES or the original Playstation...
Linear > open world
I just bought yooka-laylee thinking it couldn't be as bad as everyone is saying
Is yuka a fun game? i have heard a lot of different opinions...
Which newcomers do you want the most in Smash for the Switch? I personally want Incineroar and Decidueye...
Post some goddamn casual filters
Play games alone
ITT We write Family Guy jokes
What are some other good games set in low fantasy? Witcher is already too high for me
I have been playing this game for years on emulator...
Hey Sup Forums, who are you playing as right now? Any character from any game is fine
What are some games with plus sized girls?
How fucking annoying is this guy
How do I Reinhardt?
What would a game starring The Nanny be like, Sup Forums?
*Decelerates your 3D performance*
Is Terminator and Robocop the only good robot movies?
Did Sup Forums finish it?
Fellow gamers, do you liked Star Wars™ Battlefront 2™ announcement?
Why the fuck is all the text italicized? This annoys me to no end
Is that it?
BotW speedrunning thread
Implying this won't be considered the best Metal Gear game a century from now and be studied by academics around the...
American clues
Will we have a light gun resurrection thanks to VR?
Ice level
Are MMO(RGP)s dead?
So when does this game start getting good?
No cleaning u cunts
Explain this
I was spoiled on pic related from Sup Forums as somebody had Adachi next to Oxymandias on some villain tier chart...
Free 2 Play
See today's patch notes for balance changes to Part 3 characters in JJBA Online
Video Games Are Dying
Hi i'm the casual filter
Whats the best controls setup to use when playing old fps games?
Late night Sonic thread. What are your thoughts on Forces so far?
How did one random YouTube video change the entire gaming community's opinion of a previously beloved and critically...
What do you think are the top 5 games of 2017 so far? My list:
Post your age, country and favourite hobby that isn't vidya. Others try to guess your favourite game
Persona 3 - Evangelion
Vidya ideas, vidya ideas
Would you play a 3d bug fighting arena game?
Coco Bandicoot is the best racer in CTR
Name ONE (1) video game trilogy in which the second game is NOT the best one
Any chance Sup Forums?
Who was in the wrong here?
Meanwhile, on Monstergirl Sup Forums
What's the most obsessed you've got with a single video game/franchise?
So apparently, both athe microsoft and nintendo audience is far gayer than the Playstation players...
Help, I'm in love with my fictional teacher who also happens to be my maid and masseuse
What vidya characters have this kind of body?
What games let me be a cute girl fighting for justice against the corrupt?
Make website about video games
Should I save this guy Sup Forums?
Better optimization compared to 3
This is a video game developer
Vidya and Parents
Dark Souls Trilogy
Has a game ever made you REAL hype?
Is Hearts of Stone the best DLC of all time? It's the best story ever written in gaming...
Sitting in the Rubicon wastes, waiting for the Mars warsat to drop for my sleeper. Keep me entertained lads
Screenshot thread
What's that kid? You think you can say bad words ON THE INTERNET? on a VIDEO GAME no less? Hehe, kid...
What are some great video games based on cartoons?
So... what kind of girls do you like Sup Forums?
Is Shirou a good protagonist?
Do you play video games with your girl(boy) friend(s)?
Webm thread?
Are Mike and Ryan the most iconic YouTube gaming duo?
3x3 Thread
Anyone ever feel like they just want to pack up and move to South Korea so they can talk about video games in public...
Just finished endings C D and E today. I don't know what to do with the game anymore...
Anyone else hyped for this game?
Best Gameplay
The edge lord character turns out to actually be a bro and a history nerd
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Whats your favorite MOBA?
So cute
Modding is killing the games industry
What are some gameplay/story improvements you'd like to see if Persona 5 Crimson becomes a thing
Now that this game is approaching 1 year old and the dust has settled, i think we can all agree it wasn't that great
Today, thousands of Sup Forums-tards will begin to defend DS2
Nintendo Switch Mini
So what's the Sup Forumseredict on purse owner 5?
Help me jesus
Yooka-Laylee, what do you guys think now?
Tfw 80 hours in
Wakey wakey, hard-to-find pagie
New Kirby thread
Explain this
What torrent site to use for games?
The same people that shit on Last Guardian and Neptunia praise CoD and Ubisoft games
Laugh at Titanfall 2
I need all your runescape memes and I need them now
How do we fix her?
Why is this game so hated by elitist fans of the series? Is it that easy? Why?
Best video game girl of all time
What will be the better game Sonic Mania or Super Mario Odyssey?
Is it normal in Japan for men to paint 16 year old girls nude?
What's the best turn based grand strategy game? Civ is just not holding up nowadays
Teammates report you for "feeding"
If your character is Malkavian does this mean they enjoyed having sex with crazy/retarded people during their mortal...
The Chinese Room is getting fucked over steam refunds
Is he a "pssh nothing personnel...kid" character?
Final boss doesn't give monologue, he just charges at you
Post a better Credits Song than this
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...