>Zelda Breath of the wild sucks
>persona sucks
>yooka laylee sucks
Are video games done?
>Zelda Breath of the wild sucks
>persona sucks
>yooka laylee sucks
Are video games done?
They've been done for a long time, the facy that you aren't here to just laugh at underage's and their shit and wrong opinions is kinda sad.
>Persona 5
LOL, why? It doesn't suck your dick all the way like 4 does, or because it doesn't help you emulate a successful Highschool life with friends?
Most of the persona series has been bad, mostly cause of how hard it divulged from SMT so it can suck causal dick.
More like you are done if you really think like that. Get a new hobby.
the writing, directing and pacing all completely suck.
the dungeon crawling is just barely playable.
the lifesim part is a shallow grind
Oh no, you're right user. I loved playing these games but now I realise they do suck, I was so blind. Thanks for showing me the error in my ways.
No problem. We must spread the awareness of how shitty the game industry has become.
Ah, I see, the typical "I'm a failure at life so I compensate by playing "hardcore" games that aren't really hardcore and are just RNG reliant garbage".
There is one game that came out this year that was actually fun.
No, you just live in misery and can't stand the fact that liking something means you have to lower your defences.
AKA Hating everything doesn't make you look smart.
You do realize a PS3 isn't that valuable now, right? You could just buy a PS3 and the game instead of shitposting because you're a sad P.Cuck.
It's not about being hardcore, faggot. It's about Persona becoming the flagship of the series and making the SMT mainline become handheld tier shit.
Liking everything doesn't make you happy either.
I finished the game yesterday 82 hours. The writing, characters and directing is barely above the quality of an average anime.
It's a shame, the premise of the game is pretty alright.
Exactly, (You) are mad that your shitty "hardcore" games aren't as popular as what actually sells, what a fucking failure you are.
>Liking everything doesn't make you happy either
What? Are you actually that retarded? Can I test you? Is Nocturne good?
>Nier Automata
Literally gave me back the wonder and hope in videos games that I lost in 2010.
Still has nothing to do with the original claim that "Presona sucks". Stop moving goalposts you cuck.
Maybe if they didnt put SMT on some shitty handheld and on an actual console, you would see more SMT. IV and Apocalypse is so lazy it hurts. I can forgive Strange Journey because it was actually very good and one of the first good ones for a handheld
>Sup Forums decides what I like: The post.
If they wanted SMT to be the flagship, they'd put more effort into the games being better. Turns out more people like Persona.
I really really did not get on with P5 at all, its entirely my fault, my OCD goes fucking crazy with being presented a list of available things to do and knowing that I can only do one at a time and they are a limited resource.
Knowing there are things I can miss completely because the game somehow just expects you to know when and where to do things, like the plant food right at the start of the game because its on timer and you need to max your links at all times because you need those things and you want to get money and theres things to buy and you better be doing the entire dungeons in a day otherwise you will lose out and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
So I am going to order Tales of Berseria today instead.
Persona was built for new game +
Nier: Automata is the first game I've played in a long time that made me say "This is so coooool!" with a big dumb grin on my face multiple times throughout the game.
I honestly can't put 80+ hours into a game and then do it again. I just do not have that amount of time anymore. Fuck, I was kinda enjoying what I was playing but it was just too much of a strain to keep on top of what I was meant to be doing at any one time.
And when did you come up with that assumption, dumbass?
Berseria is ok, but if you're like me who likes going for all achievements on JRPGs I like, its going to be a tough grind for 1 playthrough. Very good cast though, one of the better ones in modern JRPGs
Nier suffers from what all nier games suffers: it's lazily put together. They never feel like full games.
Since the moment I read your embarrassing, disgusting post, why are faggots (weaboos) like you so insecure? Are you faggots really that scared of not fitting in?
I'm with you, but that didn't stop me from putting 200 hours across two pplaythroughs of 4. It rubs me the wrong way, but I know I'll get the satisfaction when I revisit it
yes, too many money
2 games a month, the same ones since 10 years
now the industry will reset from phones instead of consoles
japanbros always know what to say
It felt like a full game to me, but I also binged the shit out of it over a week and got 100% of everything before erasing my data.
Oh god fuck you
NG+ in Persona games is literally the most fucking autistic thing of all times.
I maxed out all but 5 social links or so in NG in Persona 5. Who the fuck would play another 80 hours of this bullshit just to get the few you haven't gotten on your first go?
Persona 5 was boring and overloaded with HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS characters
Zelda was generic and filled with paid reviews
Horizon was all graphics and no substance
Nier Automata was forgettable
Nioh literally fell off the face of the Earth
Nintendo Switch is a complete disaster
Resident Evil 7 was too short
Mass Effect Andromeda was an all around failure
Halo Wars 2 was a joke
Yep. First 4 months have been nothing but a shitshow.
No? I like what I like, I dont give a shit about what other people think especially ones on an anonymous image board. You're the ones showing significant signs of being frustrated because your favorite series isn't as popular, then you take it out on someone else, how sad is that? I already stated my piece, maybe if they put more effort on SMT than they do Persona people would appreciate it more. Right now it is lazy and on a handheld, which means not enough exposure and not enough to attract more people. This is fact. Neck yourself cuck
True ending, faggot
If you like the game, going back through it shouldn't be a chore
Nioh was fun but it felt kinda samey at times, even overlooking the reuse of maps for different missions.
Nier Automata being "forgettable" is your personal problem. It was one of my favorite examples of interesting and enjoyable integration of story and gameplay this decade and has a 10/10 soundtrack, which always makes any experience a lot better.
>True ending, faggot
There is only one ending.
Confirmed for never having played P4 or P4G
Go to bed, kid
Doesnt the game allow you to get the true ending in 1 playthrough? P5 has a very obvious flag whether you go for the bad end or good end, or am I missing something here
>You're the ones showing significant signs of being frustrated because your favorite series isn't as popular,
Now this, is projecting 101.
>if they put more effort on SMT than they do Persona people would appreciate it more.
Not when Persona sells more.
Stay mad.
>playing P4 is a bragging right in any way shape, or form
>Nier Automata being "forgettable" is your personal problem
A joke on how you lose your save data, hence 'forgettable'. Holy shit user how dunce are you?
>mfw I didn't get the joke
>mfw I have no face
And it sells more, so whats the problem? So you're getting mad because it does? You're the insecure one I would say, maybe you should talk to the devs. Instead of the people who play the games.
I'm a huge Guilty Gear fan and actually play the games in tournaments but never did I bitch about how Blazblue stole its thunder. Maybe its about time you do the same.
>no u
I didn't want to bring out the animu picutes, you forced my hand.
sorry but Automata just felt like a drag to play to me, platinum combat isn't made for a 40 hour game
narrative was top fucking notch though
user, if you don't have any arguments then its pretty obvious you've lost and there's no reason to take you seriously. The only reason were having this exchange is because you have 0 tolerance of other people's opinions without any good counterpoints other than buzzwords and reaction images.
I dunno, maybe quit playing casual games?
i fucking wish nier had platinum combat
*teleports behind you*
heh, you make this all too easy...
*unsheathes shadowblade*
*slice the air infront of you*
*shock wave goes through you and splits you in half, and then into quarters and so on until you are powder flowing through the wind*
pshhhhhhhhh, another pest disposed of...
What was your argument? I've noticed like 3 or 4 posts back that you are doing this for the (You)s but that one was really embarrassing. And no kiddo, using a form of "inb4" doesn't make you right.
I stated an opinion here Then you replied with this .
You're quick to anger, have 0 points to prove and right now, you're only proving me right.
>has to hide the "effects" behind bright flashes
what a fag
>people are STILL trying to troll like Zelda is not the greatest game of the last 20 years
Just give up, it's pathetic, everybody has played it now.
Exactly, hold that L, autismo.
im sorry you don't have the ability to enjoy anything
>I cant argue for shit.
Apply yourself.
Where are your arguments?
Hold that L.
Ah, nevermind, I just noticed it, the reddit spacing.
this whole "reddit spacing" thing has really blown up recently
what happened?
Here you go . I stated why mainline SMT was not popular enough. You replied with nothing but buzzwords over here showing immediately that you can't hold a decent argument even if your life depended on it. You proceed to embarass yourself over here where you showed that you can only summarize (wrongly) points in one greentext to discredit something as well as use reaction images when you're running out of points, not that you had one to begin with.
I'll say it again. SMTIV is fucking lazy, and to add, Apocalypse, while adding more content from a different perspective, and is passable, won't make it popular unless they put the mainline series on a proper console release with enough care and polish like what P Studios does with Persona, and no amount of shitposting and whining will change that.
Of course you would know what reddit spacing means.
Not a single argument, not even surprised. And please, could you stop it with the "no u"s? The only one embarrassing himself here is, "u".
Its ok I understand you don't have reading comprehension.