Opinions about next patch?

Opinions about next patch?
Looks like it gonna fix everything

You can polish a turd, but at the end of the day it's still going to be a turd.

> posts on random video game board
> looks like next patch is going to fix everything
> doesn't write what said patch is

shit game, shit op, shit thread.

None of the ptr things seems particularly interesting yet

Didn't you say that about every previous patch?

The Lich King is dead, and WoW died with him.

Bolvar has been Lich King longer than Arthas was.

The will not fix the calculator like graphics tho

But wow died with wotlk release, not end

Legion is basically MoP 2.0

>came off the back of a bad expansion, tried to fix what was wrong with it
>probably going to be a 4 patch expansion, with 5 raids, maybe a 6th, depends if they want to do something after argus, or something before Argus.
>focus on small activities outside of raiding
>all raids are solid, nothing stands out though
The only thing it's missing is good pvp. While it isn't the best expansion of all time, it's still fairly solid, and I don't see myself unsubbing until I finish the final raid tier. Even then, I've been enjoying RBGs outside of mythic raiding too

How did they manage to make brewmasters fun again?

Yeah, or someone makes a new thread about a patch and links to a youtube video talking about it for 30 minutes instead of just summarizing it with a tl;dr.

>Announce Pet Battle Dungeon
>People are hyped
>Release Pet Battle Dungeon
>"What we do next depends on the feedback"
>It's shit
>release second Pet Battle Dungeon
>It's exactly the same shit as the first.

>>came off the back of a bad expansion
But cata was pretty good
It had one bad patch, while Sup Forums's favorite wotlk had 4 shit tier patches
And let's not forget that cata is the only expackk since bc where we didn't had year of last raid tier

>it's still fairly solid

Sure it is, bro!

Can't wait to run through normal and HC within 2 hours and get mythic ilvl loot rendering the entire loot balance completely pointless!


Brewmaster passive armor bonus increased to 25% (was 15%).
Blackout Strike now has a 14 second cooldown (was 3 seconds, modified by Haste).
Tiger Palm also now reduces the cooldown of Blackout Strike by 5 seconds.
Fortifying Brew increases Stagger by 10% (was 20%)
Ironskin Brew increases Stagger by 35% (was 40%).
Special Delivery proc chance increased to 100% (was 30%).
Special Delivery damage reduced by 70%.
Staggered damage cannot exceed 1000% of your maximum health.
Mastery: Elusive Brawler is now also triggered by hitting with Blackout Strike and Breath of Fire.
Chi Burst has been replaced by a new talent, Spitfire, for Brewmasters:
Spitfire: Passive. Tiger Palm has a 30% chance to reset the cooldown of Breath of Fire.

Whats wrong with it?

Blizzard can't fix this game. No expansion is going to bring people back. Just fucking shut it down, it's an embarrassment to gaming at this point.

>fix everything
Are the balance changes out yet?

Have they brought back Momentum for havoc? Have the axed the cancerous whack a mole nemesis build?

All the fixes in the world won't matter if the means by which I interact with everything in the game is still a nofun butchered version of what I enjoyed.

>Looks like it gonna fix everything
good joke retard

>shift the numbers around a bit
>less stagger more passive armor because who the fuck wants to deal with the one thing that makes them unique
>percentages percentages percentages
>remove an active for a passive
>i-its fun again I swear
Hint, it's not the numbers that make brew shit to play

It's just a series of generic fights one after another where you fight the same common wind serpent/raptor/crocolisk 24 times.

>DH Tanks not fixed
What a fucking joke of a spec

This. Classes are boring as fuck by design. But don't worry, I'm sure Blizzard will prune more spells and abilities next expansion.

I can't fucking believe next expansion is still applicable, fuck this game.

what will they try to sneak into the patch this time?