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Well, yeah.

It already was, the Announcement said "All Eras"

Did they improve the game? Or is it still shit, but now with a clone wars skin?

>this thread is sponsored by Verizon™

Im still skeptical, but classes are back and Heroes and Vehicles are earned now, not shitty power ups. None of those are bad changes. Imperial Campaign is a nice bonus.

take a wild guess

It will be shit, no matter what.

dat waifu on the left tho
and if we dont get playable Ahsoka (non-rebels Ahsoka) imma be mad

if you buy this game i hope you fall down the stairs and break all your limbs

>non-rebels Ahsoka

actually i might pick this up depending on how it looks on release, soon after release, and after hearing their plans for future support

i really dislike how battlefield is a throwaway series now that is incapable of holding an audience to a game for longer than the time until the next release

but i'm also very desperate for some good star wars games, and that's really what they've been banking on in marketing and developing this game i suppose.

it feels extremely wrong to want this game after seeing so little of it, and also after seeing so much of how little there was in SWBFEA1. even the normies hate it for that, it's all "oh it was (fun/pretty/cool) but it was (too short/3 maps/nothing to do/no gamemodes/no players/cashgrab)".

shit, if it can just be as fun as battlefront 2, with the gameplay features of battlefront 1, and with the playerbase somewhere between your average star wars game and a mainline AAA game i'd be happy. it's all ifs and buts though, because dice is a fucking travesty, and you already know that they're rushing through it to meet deadlines aligning with the Seasonal Optimal Release Period called 'fucking christmas', and it's going to be a huge mess like SWBFEA1.

damn, i don't know if i'm even excited for star wars 8. sure, i enjoyed rogue one far more than i expected, but it's like going back to work after a long holiday to clock in your 9 til 5 on watching the fucking sequel trilogy. what a horrible mess of shit characters, shit design, and no originality, just your average hollywood one-upping standards and genres to draw in more christmas fuckers.

Do you think they will add female clone troopers?

Something tells me there's a high chance they'll actually do that

>this one is totally going to be amazing despite how shit the previous one was :^)

> female clone troopers

I remember my friend tried to show off his ps4 and this game to me because he knows I really like star wars
I just didn't say anything about the game itself and just blurted out stupid shit like "this one's the E-11"or "that one's a Sullustan/Rodian/Quarren"

The level of cynicism in this post is dismaying.
I agree completely though. Waiting to see how it turns out, hoping for a miracle, but expecting at least one major fuckup that ruins it.

They won't.
Women can only be part of the good side in modern media.
If for any reason there are women with the bad guys, it's not their fault, a man did it

>Clone wars
Are you telling me I'll be able to WATCH THOSE WRIST ROCKETS!?

I don't mind all the main lead female characters, but if there's female Clone Troopers, THEN we have a real SJW problem unlike the Sup Forumstards current whining.

The only way (or one of them at least) they can make female Clone Troopers a reality is if they cloned Rav Bralor in a way similar to Jango Fett... which they fucking didn't. Since she was a Mandalorian recruited by Jango to train Clone Commandos.

but clones were the good guys

even better

>helmetless clones

You could have stopped there.

Clones have ALWAYS been the good guys

post a pic of a fat black twilek with negroid facial features

I loved the droid voices in BF2, hope they can do them justice

Why is no season pass a good thing? Isn't that just a cheap way to buy DLC?

There's no way this won't have DLC, right?


fucking retard

its exactly that, and the retards ate it all up, ea is going to fuck people harder with this game and people will lap it up because "le singleplayer theyve improved so much on the first game!"

The ones who carried out the order 66?

Clones aren't good or bad you stupid fucks. Tools, which is all they were, can't be good or evil.

It's really true, I was excited as fuck when Disney acquired Star Wars, especially seeing as how the Marvel movies were my guilty pleasure at the time, but it's just shit now. I went into 7 with low expectations just so I wouldn't be disappointed, and I got Battlefront with low expectations, and they both just didn't capture the magic of Star Wars like before.

>There's no way this won't have DLC, right?

This is the part the kills me. The outrage over having a season pass is just a reaction to the concept of dlc being planned out before the game is even released. Just because they won't have a season pass anymore doesn't mean that practice is going away. Idiots now get to pay more money just to feel slightly superior and pretend like they accomplished something.

They were following orders

What's your point?
In Ep 7 the black guy stops being an evildoer just because he decides to stop following orders.

this is literally covered in episode 2

yes, and they will all be poc with antifa arm bands.

They were instantly brainwashed into following those orders without question. They stopped being the good guys the second their Order 66 chips activated.

I never played the last one, but I did play the originals. To me, the new SWBFII looks pretty cool, like an upgraded version of the old one. What was so bad about the last SWBF? It does look a bit limited in lots of ways: not many maps, not many or any (?) classes, DLC, generally not much going on beyond a quick 10 minute COD-tier "run around shooting everyone and not paying any attention to teamwork" fest. But yeah the new one looks like it'll have more so I dunno.

>it wuz da chips! clones were gud bois who didu nuffin!
I like the Clone Wars series but the thing with the chips was kind of bs, it invalidates all the clones who decided not to follow order 66 before the chip plot point was created.

I like it specifically for that reason. It discarded a bunch of conflicting stories and replaced them with one that was 'more canon' so writers no longer had an execuse to ignore & contradict each other.

Did they kill engineer class in the EA SWBF? Haven't played it because I hate EA with a passion.

It will be some their "not DLC" shit I guess

>Droideka won't be ordinary class
Instead they will make it elite one which you should pick up
I guess it will be like this with B2 and BX series if they even add them
end my suffer already

Also, would you like Super Battle droid like in Republic Commando?

>Women can only be part of the good side in modern media
Explain this shit then.

>he still thinks Empire were a bad guys

She want revenge for the 6 bazillions Stormtrooper dead on the death star


>The Empire is now on the good side so it suits my argument!

Typical Sup Forumsirgin.

Ahsoka sided with the rebels though didn't she?


An evil man brainwashed her.

>Heroes and Vehicles are earned now, not shitty power ups


Well it a big progress for them: from shitty mechanic to less shitty

DICE needed an entire game to show them the power-ups idea was shit. Between that and the fucking bowcaster at launch, DICE uses Swedish cuck logic when balancing their games.

It sound like you expect good game from them

>Implying Georgie didn't adhere the Empire to all negative and evil traits to make them the stereotypical definition of evil in literature and/or film ergo they are not the de facto good guys

For a studio that prides itself in listening to feedback, they seem to ignore all of it for their own stupid ideas. It's why the word "feedbach" was a meme back in the BF3 days.

You trying to hard to bait on something you don't even understand
Here is it last (you) for ya SJW cuck ;^)

>studio that prides itself in listening to feedback
lol what?

>Uhhhhhhhhhh SJW KEK (You) BAIT TRYING 2 HARD


>female rebel
>male empire officer

What did they mean by this?

>Cares that much about (You)s
>Identifies as a Redditor

I got enough of (You) to fill your ass, whiteboi.

that's genuinely how it was in the original game's classes, she's based off the rebel sniper class from the originals. fuck you newfags that didn't even play the originals and are mad for all the wrong reasons

Finn wasn't a clone though, he was just brainwashed. The clones had limited free will.


The amount of strong wymn being pushed in the star wars medium is nauseating enough as is.

And she doesn't look like she has a sniper on her shoulder.


How did we go from this... this?

Who cares, it's going to be another soulless cashgrab full of disappointments and jewery.
Now fuck off shill.

I remember the first EAfront had black female stormtroopers and rodians and other rebel aliens spawning with the human rebels
did it also have the sexy species? like zabrak, twi'lek, zeltron or togruta?

I want to do war with that clone on the left if you know what I mean

>female clone troopers
No. Every clone trooper is Jango Fett. It'd be beyond stupid to make female ones

she is forced to fight for the empire

That's the point

I gurantee she's going to spend half the game with her helmet off

I don't know why they think that makes characters more relateable. I don't know about anyone else, but it's the opposite for me.

Who cares?
>No Galactic Conquest
>No instant action
>Mun strong independent woman story
>No mods
>No John Williams music
Why does Sup Forums care about this shit?

still would

its no yvonne strahovski -> miranda jackson at least


They all will be black.

Dont you know. All clone troopers are black just like the imperial german army in ww1.

But will we see her as a hero?

I wonder how she translates do realistic art style.

which is funny because lucas added scenes of people celebrating on other planets at the end of vi. Because he got butt-hurt over a poll that should most fans prefer the empire of the rebels.

I must be the only one who likes her. You're all retarded.

>They all will be black.

That's 100% true to the lore since the original guy was black/maori dude

Will it have Galactic Conquest?

Could be a pacific islander or Maori

Who cares, it's still EA and DICE so it will be utter shit like their previous Battlefront.

>>No John Williams music
I hope this isn't serious, it's the easiest requirement to fill.

>yfw you actualy liked BF1
Don't care what you autistic faggots think

You're not alone, user. She's hot, it's just that that's an unflattering frame. The only autist here is you.

Your opinion doesn't matter, stay mad you aspie fuck



BF1 looked great
music was awesome, athmosphere was amazing
optimisation was onpoint

still, boring casual FPS

We're out of fush and chups, sir

>No Galactic Conquest
>No instant action
How to spot a shitposter

This stormtrooper helmet is huuuge, srsly, its not a motorcycle helmet. Must feel extremely uncomfortable.