
So I just finished Nier Automata. Then proceeded to bawl my eyes out for a good half hour. This game is god-tier.

Not really sure what to do with my life now.

Go for 100% completion.

As in the A-Z endings?


I finished tonight aswell. Now going for %100 completion.


>Not really sure what to do with my life now.

Delete your save and give another poor fuck a chance at happiness

>Rip the ending scene from Tumblrtale
4chin suddenly loves it

I did that without a seconds hesitation, The sad fact is I've never felt more sure of anything I've ever done.

Like I said- This game is God-tier. This is the new bar. I don't expect it to be topped.

>Command = Can't hear
>Operators = Can't speak
>Combat Units/Scanners etc = Can't see
>Commander even completely ignores what you have to say in Route C until she sees it

Also what did Taro aim by pulling WW2 parallels? Is it again just german fetishism by japs again?

>I did that without a seconds hesitation, The sad fact is I've never felt more sure of anything I've ever done.
My nigga

That entire ending is probably one of the best examples of the potential of vidyagaems. The entire world uniting together against the developers and publishers to get a fuckin single happy ending, all while the developers form a chorus cheering the players on

hey, Nazis have never looked so sexy. works for me.

Replay it to see the whole story in a new context while you go for 100%. Also, dlc maybe stream in a day or so.

>Your entire post
Ma nigga, so tru.

delete it and stop shilling a crappy anime game

It'll be free one of these days, play it then... and know that you fucked up.

>Command = Can't hear

Can you explain this one?

no thanks, anyways in all these nier automa threads i never see screenshots from the game or clips of people playing the game. where's the content if you guys are supposedly playing this a bunch?


then don't fucking play it, that shit is on you

I'm tired of the shitposters Sup Forums, what do they even want?

Please listen. I've felt exactly the skepticism you are saying. Mass Effect 3 was to forever kill my love for video games.

No one screenshots the ending because we are moved to preserve it for you.

Exactly you

An old adage; see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.

got spoiled by the ending

still teared up at E wtf guys ;___;

>bawl my eyes out
>don't know what to do with my life


Fun ride too

I also got pretty spoiled, but there's another level of emotional and skill based gitting gud that activates when you realize every fucked up dodge destroys another guy's save data

I went from full baka to toehoe expert in one simple realization, and I still feel bad for getting hit twice during the finale


Replaying it now after giving up my save to the ether, it's interesting to see the whole game under new perspectives. I even bought myself all of the throphies at some point, a trophyfag friend of mine got so mad.
The game isn't perfect at all, but it's got a charm that only a game made with love can give.
Also the writing is top tier by video game standard. Who knew I was gonna be hyped for another Forest of Myth VN section?