>OT, prequels and sequel triology
>Singleplayer campaign
>no more hero and vehicle pickups
>no season pass
>"b-buut the main character is a WOMAN!"
Should Sup Forums just be deleted?
>OT, prequels and sequel triology
>Singleplayer campaign
>no more hero and vehicle pickups
>no season pass
>"b-buut the main character is a WOMAN!"
Should Sup Forums just be deleted?
Other urls found in this thread:
Battlefront was fucking shit
For that reason I'm out.
>all of this should have been in Battlefront
So the first game was just a beta? Fuck that.
what makes you idiots honestly think this time it'll be any different?
So is it going back to the original BF2 formula or..?
this exact precise op was used yesterday, fuck you stupid
on topic however, yeah i was shocked by the trailer, looks pretty godlike
I had zero interest in BF1. I'm strongly considering signing this up. Only concern right now is Original -- is it still shit?
Battlefront was very shallow but entertaining. The addition of classes and hero pickups not being drops anymore literally fixes the two most glaring gameplay issues with the first game.
Fuck you, I liked it
Fucking auto correct.
I picked up the ultimate edition for $10. Got my money's worth from it, but it's pitiful compared to the original Battlefront 2.
Which I'm sure will be the same for this this upcoming one.
Im still gonna buy it but you gotta admit that they are pushing female protagonist really aggressively in star wars as of late.
But can you fly into space from the ground?
Don't get me wrong, I've never played a Battlefront game since they're usually either MP only or the SP is an afterthought. If this game has both an engaging SP campaign and a good MP, I'm in.
It's the same reason I haven't picked up Overwatch. The gameplay looks fun and the characters and lore are interesting but I'm just not motivated enough by MP alone.
Day one buy, at least it would be if it wasn't on Origin, I think the actual game sounds decent this time, despite not seeing any actual gameplay yet.
But I know for certain that the online community will die out just like BF1 did in a matter of months, which is why the single player or skirmish better be worth it
To answer your question though, no. I literally cum reading the arguments on Sup Forums
They have added quite a few maps for free, I'd consider getting it on a sale.
Is she a white woman?
20 vs 20 and 12 vs 12
>Game 2
>Game 2
I've got 2.3K hours in Battlefront, and I hacked for about 2.2K. I will continue to do so in this game without ever getting banned because the anticheat is shit.
How many times will this shill copypasta get posted because you got trigered by people having different tastes?
No. That is why Sup Forums is pretty pissed.
I had fun with battlefront, but you seriously need to be mentally challenged to play it for more than a hundred hours.
>I'm just not motivated enough by MP alone
I'm going to fug your butte you sissy bitch
men have had their turn. Now it's ours. Problem?
>>Singleplayer campaign
Fucking sold.
>Should Sup Forums just be deleted?
No, it has enough good nice threads that I enjoy
Is she cute, then?
When you're hacking it's more fun. These are also the hours I have since the beginning of launch. Still a lot, but hacking makes it completely different.
Read the OP again if you want to know why people think it will be different this time
Getting triggered by a woman MC is not "different taste", it's autism tier stupid
It doesn't bother me personally. So far the fact that they're female hasn't really changed anything about the stories. One thing I've appreciated is that so far they've avoided romance which is usually a trope for female protagonists.
Them being female is just a matter of happenstance, really. It doesn't impact the stories at all so far. Maybe that'll change here but I doubt it in the context of Imperial Special Forces.
Plus, we're getting a Han Solo movie next year.
t. fe(male)
But can I land in the enemy ship's hangar and fuck them up?
Yes, pure waifu material if the helmet stays on (not because I think she is ugly, its just my fetish)
Well it's by EA so it's most probably shit
pretty hype to play as confederacy again
once a rebel always a rebel
Well, part of it is that I'm not super competitive and the other part is .
All MP only games eventually die out and become useless, empty husks in your library. At least a campaign I can replay if it's any good.
Shallow and entertaining, but not worth my fucking 60 bucks
If you're going to larp as a girl at least post your boipucci
Stop falling for this bullshit
Females with realistic armor are the best shit ever.
But the last 5 threads i criticised this game because of the usual shit EA does, don't generalize just because you're a butthurt fanboy
I see you are a man of fine taste, sir
Gimme sources on the Classes, Vehicles, and season pass senpai. 20 canuck bucks say they change their mind on the season pass later
Yea, it's sure isn't worth 60, but I got it on a sale for 20 something, it's pretty enjoyable. Just don't expect a deep game.
Don't bother with the retards OP, the main problem with the first game was lack of content, something which the 2nd will address. I enjoyed the first one and got my money's worth and if the 2nd has a singelplayer campaign it's gonna be fucking GOTY for me. If it's not then WH2 comes out around that time anyways which means I'll have other things to play.
People on here just like to bitch and moan, even when they actually listen to feedback and try to improve the game.
Considering they have Pre Order DLC, I'm wary.
PS, I like what we've seen of Ren's new look but I wish his scar was gnarlier. I get that medical technology is more advanced but he took a sabre to the face.
And pic related you can read about classes
I thoroughly enjoyed the multiplayer of Battlefront 1, then the player count started to plummet and games took longer and longer to find.
Then skirmish launched and I had a lot of fun with that too, but they refused to release skirmish versions of the DLC so it eventually grew stale and I went back to original battlefront 2.
Specially when you don't know they're women until they take off their helmet and a 10/10 gorgeous woman is revealed with a few scars on her face
Does the Deluxe just give early unlocks and some skins?
>no season pass
No season pass on release. Either EA is lying and trying to trick people into thinking they don't already have several bunches of DLC planned out with deadlines set for their quarterly reviews/. Or EA is lying and they're just going to ship the game, abandon it immediately, and start working on the next one to scam people out of money.
Or, maybe, they're trying to actually address the complaints people had with the first game. Every announcement so far has been a counter to a criticism of the original game.
It gives some cosmetic skins and early unlocks.
>OT, prequels and sequel triology
No Droidekas, and its literally just gonna be reskins. Its nice yes, but we know that the only thing different will be the character textures.
>Singleplayer campaign
All the battlefronts except EA-Battlefront had singleplayer campaigns, you can't take features out and put them back in later and say "Wow look new features guys :D."
Battlefront 2 had a clone and an empire campaign, and the campaign looks shit, with special forces that are just tie pilots with red eyes even though they could've chosen imperial commandos or dark troopers, and a stronk independant woman minority protagonist even though the empire is racist.
>no more hero and vehicle pickups
>no season pass
Thats like congratulating someone for not taking drugs: "Good job, you aren't a degenerate idiot."
>"b-buut the main character is a WOMAN!"
A stronk independent """special forces""" meme woman in a racist and xenophobic organization, but who cares about logic or lore when you have to smash the patriarchy.
>Elite Deluxe Trooper edition aka "pay to win"
>Preorder bonuses
>modifications and bonuses that you need to buy
>prestige classes
>no galactic conquest
>no online splitscreen
Fuck off
Yes! This is something we desperately need more of!
why are space battles only 24 players/?? no boarding actions???
also, calling it now, only 1 prequel map
>No Droidekas
You know this? How?
>retards like OP getting triggered over bait posts
If you had to strawman this hard then maybe this game is not as good as you think.
how much of it will be dlc?
its gonna be only like 3 maps again
>I will never be this perpetuallt asshurt and bitter
Made my morning tbdesu
Also only 40 player matches.
That's kind of nice. Not feeling like you don't get the full game when you buy Standard, I mean.
And it looks like the skins are just a preorder bonus. If we get more detail about the length of the campaign I might consider it.
How bad is Origin now? Is it worth dealing with for a good game?
Sadly we are the only persons with good taste.
Excellent taste, anons.
nice try EA shill
>Star Wars Battlefront
>Star Wars Battlefront II
>EA Star Wars Battlefront
>EA Star Wars Battlefront II
>waiting to launch game along side the movie again
>How bad is Origin now? Is it worth dealing with for a good game
Origin will always be shit by virtue of existing, but it's not a pain to use now, the biggest issue is when EA pulls the plug and takes all our games with them
But your turn is to play male roles in worse films/games.
>"Haha this shitty game will be great"
>prove OP is full of shit
>"Haha wow mad, le butthurt, dont take games so seriously xDDDD"
OP is certainly right about the fact that v should be deleted
>but who cares about logic or lore when you have to smash the patriarchy
Because the old canon/Expanded Universe Empire never had any minority - female/alien/female alien - commanders, or fighter pilots, or leaders...
And there's also a scene where you accidentally peep on her while she showers and it's revealed she also has a 10/10 top fit-but-feminine body, also somewhat scarred
Oh shit, I guess if you PROVED it then this thread is over.
Your arguments are why I think you're bitter and asshurt.
>muh puhtriurchy
>muh femeneesm
>muh es jay dubyas
>yaaa but there's not THIS thing i want there to be so its shit!!!
>literally pre-order for exlcusive abilities
fuck this, EA can suck a dick I'm not putting up with their garbage
>unironically using "degenerate, meme, patriarchy, stronk womyn etc"
Would you prefer ?
My first gf had scars over her body from surgery, they feel really weird on women because the rest of their body is so soft, but scar tissue is rough, this contrast only enhances the sex factor though
I'm not saying that they didn't, i mean just look at thrawn, but people like thrawn are the exception and a vital point in his story was overcoming racial bias, but i bet that either they are gonna make the empire not racist to include more minority characters, or they are gonna hype her up to be the strongest, most competent mary sue person ever and thats not a good protagonist.
I think imperfections like that are hot as fuck, specially if there's a story behind them.
I mean, it'd suck if it's one of (sexual) abuse, but you know what I mean.
t. 1337 haxor
is this really the best you can come up with?
>Everything i dont like is Sup Forums
Saying degenerate or meme is Sup Forums now....Ok
Also patriarchy was used ironically to point out how stupid this is and i just used stronk for the same reason.
Ebin meme idiot.
And good job refuting my points there.
The titanfall 2 treatment has created a lot of good will for that small, yet dedicated community
Maybe EA is trying to chase that?
The only thing you came up with is
>Your points are bad ;)
So considering you can't say anything against them, i think my points are pretty solid
>Still no space battles
>Still produced by EA
Reason enough to hate it.
>I mean, it'd suck if it's one of (sexual) abuse, but you know what I mean.
Not if she demands you to punish and abuse her body sexually
I don't think that'd be healthy for her.
I want to heal girls.
>I want to heal girls.
White knight detected
Not him, but saying "degenerate" is definitely Sup Forums. Arguing otherwise shows that you are an incredible newfag. Lurk moar kid.
>no season pass
Only because it was a financial disaster. Nobody bought it, AND they were committed to making 4 expansions that nobody played.
but space battles are confirmed
Yes, it's true, and I'm proud
Free flowing or on rails?
Sup Forums is making good points then.
Then you don't belong here