Would you enjoy a metroid game structured similar to Breath of the Wild?

Would you enjoy a metroid game structured similar to Breath of the Wild?

Where you grow stronger by exploring. What if Nintendo rethought the conventions of Metroid and made a seamless open world? Imagine stepping off of Samus' starship and being greeted with a sprawling, foreboding alien landscape. Where do you go? What do you do? The mix of freedom, isolation, and uncertainty would be palpable and harken back to when you first played the original Metroid.

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Metrid Prime should be the aim goal for any Metroid game to overcome. Not zelda.

Maybe instead of a planet to explore you get a big ass alien ship to explore or some other enclosed place that way it feels as claustrophobic as metroid usually feels

no. metroid needs to make another metroidvania or prime.

>trashy linear FPS game

Not a big hurdle to overcome.

I'd play it. The standard Metroidvania formula has already run its course, so if Nintendo were to bring Metroid back it'd be interesting to see them give it the BotW treatment.

Would also be interesting to see a Metroid game more focused on actual bounty hunting.

>le open world meme

Enough is enough with this fucking shit. It works for Zelda because a large sprawling overworld has been the hallmark of that series, and something like BotW is the natural progression of that. Metroid is about cramped, claustrophobic spaces that are supposed to inspire dread and unease. Keep this open world shit away from Metroid.


This. So long as there's a good BBEG. I still shit my pants playing fusion when SA-X shows up

>Metroid is about cramped, claustrophobic spaces that are supposed to inspire dread and unease
Open world != Big, open spaces.

Open world is about freedom of movement, of being able to go anywhere in the game world at any time. You can have an open-world game composed entirely of cramped, claustrophobic spaces.

If it's on a megastructure, sure.

you can, but you never do.

So literally just Super Metroid?

Like any Metroid game, really. You'd have to get rid of gear-locked doors for it to really be open world, though.

just keep it away from the cancers that ruined Breath of the wild. For example:

>never, ever show Samus crying or having moments of weakness. You can argue all you want that it "makes her deeper" but I'm not here for character development. I'm here for fun. Keep that tumblr crap where it belongs
>no DLC unless it's free
>no story allowed, at all. either implement standard optional non-cutscene lore ala Metroid Prime and AM2R, or have the gameplay be paced in a way that tells a story all its own
>no voice acting
>no dialogue period unless, again, it's in scan form
>should have multiple difficulty modes
>no empty spaces. every single area in the game should have some cool powerup or puzzle or collectible that makes it worth the trip
>keep backtracking in moderation. Don't make me do it everytime, but don't throw me on rails. Know when to do it
>have some kickass bosses in multiple size ranges
>no casual crap. Make kids despise the series by giving it a difficulty curve
>overall, give it that same isolationist atmosphere that metroid is known for, and improve any flaws of the series

Are you kidding me? Shinesparking in an open-(under)world game would be fucking amazing. Not to mention all of the other mobility shenanigans Metroid throws at you.

I have to say it sounds really fun but we'll never get it.

Maybe the game could work a bit like the new Pray in the sense that its an enclosed open

I wish they kept that crap away from Zelda too.

open world kills level design.

But it really depends how you want to make it. I'd like more federation interaction honestly, towns and shit to visit.


How about not making Metroid fall for the open world meme? Keep it claustrophobic hallways with tight and interconnected level design.

I want 2D Metroid back.

I'd play it.

Pffahaha no. I love the Prime series, but no. Just no.

Well, that's what Retro wanted to do with Metroid 1.5

No, metroid has always thrived with tight level design. While I agree exploration is a core concept of metroid, it doesn't fit open world.

how is prime 1 any more linear than super?

>I love the prime series

clearly not with that retarded post

>big ass ship

no thanks, this was fusion/other M's shlick and they have the worst level design in the series

While we're talking about Metroid, what's the best way to experience Super? There must have been fan remakes or touching ups of that right?

original, then play redesign


fuck no, redesign is only worth playing if you have played Super over 9000 times. If you havent played Super Metroid, just...play Super Metroid.

You can still love something without it being "your absolute most favourite thing ever and nothing else can ever top it," user.

I'd rather just see Nintendo make an enormous AAA 2d Metroid, metroidvanias are often short and sweet and there's nothing wrong with that, but i imagine modern nintendo could go nuts with a mainline 2d metroid game for the switch.

And i hate the idea of being stuck in a ship, give me alien planets and caverns, i can just play dead space if i want to be stuck in a ship with monsters.

Redesign is actually good now. Axiel Edition fixes most if not all the problems with the original hack.

Project Base is a superb touching up of the original game, but the best way to experience Super is with just the plain original game. Maybe the Control Freak patch if you prefer the GBA style controls.
Some good hacks to check out though are Hyper Metroid, Redesign Axiel Edition, Airy, Escape II, Z-Factor, Phazon Hack, and for shiggles Rotation Hack.

can you not read? I said play the original first

I would be very happy to play a Metroid in the older style, except many times longer with more content. Game budgets are a lot bigger today than they used to be, so it should be doable.

I would buy a switch JUST for this never to be made game.

Sounds great. Checking out everything now. Thanks.

Absolutely not. Metroid would not benefit from an 'open-world' because it's already as open as it needs to be.

Would Symphony of the Night benefit from being 'open-world'? Fuck no. So fuck off with that shit.

Did fusion already do that? I kinda just wanna explore a dark alien world.

I gotta say I'm playing the Trilogy for the first time and I've never feel this hyped in years.

I'm mid-game Prime

It could be good if it functions a bit like how planet exploration did in Mass Effect 1. Travel to several essentially barren planets, some with hidden dungeons or underground chasms to plunder. While others have civilizations of various allegiance that you have to discover, some to the Federation, others to Space Pirates, etc.

Could even structure the opening in a similar way, where Samus's ship crashes on one planet, and in order to get off you need to find a way to repair it. Then the galaxy opens to you.

It only goes downhill from there, user.

There's a lot, A LOT of backtracking but I can do it.

I would be happy with a 2.5D sequel to Metroid Fusion on Switch or 3DS.

It's worse in Prime 2.

wrong, prime 2 is the best metroid game

The best Metroid game is AM2R

naw, it's the second best 2D one though and could have been the best if nintendo didn't C&D and development continued

Go away shitposter, AM2R doesn't count. It's a fangame. Yes, a pretty good fangame, but still a fangame.

fusion had great level design when it wasn't just ship

That's a damn shame, but we got a good game in the process, and at least one patch that fixed that gravity suit glitch. So far the game doesn't have any other horrific flaws, bar for that weird jumping animation, but it's not out of the ordinary.

>It's a fangame.
Yes, and? nintendo lost the right to decide if a game is "official" when they made Metroid: other m.


Prime 2 is one of the worst Metroid games.

Actually, 1 was the only Prime game that I enjoyed.

it has good level design when you look at every other game, but it was bad compared to all the other metroid games released at the time. It doesn't get as much flack anymore due to other M.

Why do you fags feel the need to piss on the prime series?

fuck off. we all know you're that same guy that keeps on calling any game with cutscenes "movie games" just fuck off already. games have had story since the 90s. get the fuck over it.

it's OK a lot of people have shit taste

Wasn't the source for AM2R released or something? I thought I remembered seeing people making new versions of the game.

>Would you enjoy a metroid game structured similar to Breath of the Wild?
>Where you grow stronger by exploring. What if Nintendo rethought the conventions of Metroid and made a seamless open world?
Yes, that would be awesome.

I would play any game with a soundtrack as good as the first Prime. The atmosphere of every single area in that game was fucking perfect.

No fuck off.

It's likely been reverse engineered or something.

I miss Metroid so much bros

if Sup Forums is against it then I'm all aboard

>should have multiple difficulty modes
>no casual crap

Pick one and only one, friend.

a combination of muh nos-tal-juh and contrarianism. the two biggest plagues of Sup Forums

Go fuck yourselves, both of you. Metroid is supposed to feel lonely and isolated not claustrophobic, also Metroid is always best when it has ancient alien ruins in it, just don't make it Chozo anymore

>games have had story since the 90s. get the fuck over it.
>most games have been 60 dollars and only lasted an hour at most since the 90's, that should never ever change
>progress, what's that?

Not any of those guys but when I play a mainline Metroid game, I had better see Chozo ruins or anything related to the Chozo in it. If their going to put ancient ruins of another allien race, then that shit better be put in spin off games like the Prime series. Don't drag that shit into the mainline games.


>spin off games like the Prime series
Go away Sakamoto, Prime is more canon that Other M

Hot take coming up, Metroid could stand a ground up reboot. Metroid's plot was cartoon rubbish to begin with, at this point the "overarching plot" sucks and has been stretched WAY further than it needs to be. I don't need any of this garbage about Adam or Ridley or Space Pirates or Chozos or anything. The game is about a woman named Samus who wears power armor exploring mysterious caverns and ancient ruins to get powerful artifacts and hunt monsters. That's it. The rest can get fucked.

>thinking I give a shit about the Halo Reach of Metroid
Piece of shit didn't even mention the Chozo except in some garbage concept images, fuck off as far as I can tell the only mainline Metroid games are Metroid, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, and Metroid Fusion, hopefully one day Metroid 5. Try to not false flag and shove your garbage soap operas into Metroid Sakamoto. You're not Kojima and never will be, why the flying fuck are you on Sup Forums anyway? Won't you get in trouble if Takahashi finds out you're slacking on the job?

OK so wait, what emulator is the best for Super? I'm seeing a ton out there and I'm getting mixed recommendations on which is the best.

Metroid doesn't need a reboot it needs a sequel to Fusion. Once they finish the story started in Fusion then they can Doom 2016 the series.

But why?

Because the Chozo are a major part of the main series (2D games, so don't go shoving Other M in this, it doesn't exist). So for me they should always be apart of the main numbered games, like the Forerunners in Halo. The Metroid Prime series are side games so it's okay for them to venture out and show us different ancient species besides the Chozo because the Orie series is more like the Halo novel and spin off games.

DESU I really want a next gen VR Metroid(vania) game. But it needs to be faithful about the concepts that made the 2D Metroids great. And next gen VR in 2020 is unironically going to be mainstream Sup Forums quality of greatness.

tl;dr snes9x

>>no DLC unless it's free
you and I know this will never happen

>never, ever show Samus crying or having moments of weakness

When does Link cry in BotW?

It doesn't need either, just give me Samus going on a "bounty hunting" mission. I don't need a story or a plot.

How many times does it Nintendo need to explain that Samus doesn't hunt bounties, she just does it to maintain peace in the galaxy. Samus is not the kind of bounty hunter that Boba Fett is, she is hero/warrior like the Master Chief who only cares about civilian and the galaxy's safety, nothing else.

Then remove the bounty hunting part, just "i received a message from the federation that something's up in planet x" that's all i need. My point is that i don't need a plot or drama in a metroid game, honestly we already know Samus's backstory, and we know her "profession" sends her to horrible nightmare planets, that's all we need.

Nah fuck you. The plot needs to be there and they shouldn't just abandon what they have so far. I bet you also complain about "lorefags" in souls threads.

We already go everything we need, now it's time for Samus's adventures after Fusion where she decides her own missions. We already know her past and what kind of person she is, now that we know all about Samus it's time for Nintendo to stop fucking around and start moving the series forward. We need to know what Samus is trying to stop next from destroying the galaxy and what's her destiny that the Chozo left for her and wants her to fulfill. No more BS about who she is and how she became the person she is, no one gives a fuck about that they want to know what she will do next like with Metroid 1-4.


What the thing she is destined to stop, the thing the chozo told her that she was destined to defeat, the thing she was made to defeat...
Is herself?

Well she already stopped herself, and herself.

I know but I mean her real self

But this is precisely the kind of cartoon rubbish I am referring to. Who cares what Samus' motivations are or what her destiny is? She's a woman in power armor who kills things and doesn't need any more backstory than that. If you want a story driven metroidvania play Hollow Knight, it's even fun. However I think the important thing about Metroid is the atmosphere of hostile, eerie, mysterious space-fantasy and all plot details are totally ancillary to this.

Who knows but we'll probably find out eventually.

I honestly like Metroid 2 better

She's already killed two LARPers. Now its tome for Samus to realize the destiny the chozo prepared her for and kill herself.

I miss pre Zero Suit Samus. The giant shoulders too.

This. Although i actually wouldn't mind if Metroid had "lore" in the same way as Dark Souls, random bits of text and info dump here and there. But i definitively don't want cutscenes and shit.

Fuck off idiot.


Agreed, I'm glad they got this Samus backstory shit from Zero Mission and Other M out the way even though I can still see them doing the inner monologues and conputer talks to Samus thing in future 2D Metroid games. Fusion was done by a different team so I wouldn't expect a Metroid, Metroid 2, or Super Metroid ever again in term of gameplay, that's like asking 343 to replicate Halo 1-3 which they would never do, they would try to make something close to it but it would still be different. I expect the same thing to happen to Metroid since Nintendo know if they try to double down on Fusion again then they would have to suffer the consequences of another Other M level backlash again.
