Senran Kagura

This is a japanese NEET

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is senran kagura one of those games where people fap to the cg sets on porn websites instead of playing the actual game because it's fucking garbage

>playing a Vita beat em up
>Suddenly the SK Jotaro with tits knock off shows up


Why is she wearing lingerie to the beach?


She's a NEET she doesn't understand social conventions.

No they fap to the cards.

I'm not a weeb i just like beat em ups.

I played this shit and was fucking around with the model viewer and some of the poses legit gave me a boner..... I jerked off guys. I posed some anime girls into lewd positions and i fucking jerked off.

Am i one of you now?

that's a good amount of thicc

yes, user. you made it. I'm proud of you.

Not yet. Did you find your one senran?

The flat chested one. But not in her own clothes. In other girls clothes. Her default dress is shit.

You fucking faggot, you masturbate to girls.

>Her default dress is shit.
At least we can agree on something.

You're thinking of VNs. Senran Kagura is not a VN though it desperately wants to be one.

Embrace it.

I wish it didn't. It'd be nice to see some actual cutscenes whenever they interact. They use the same models every game so they might as well do more with them.

Banchos my friend. Banchos.

You're still on an early, harmless stage. Once you start buying merchandising or playing the games just because you like the characters you'll know there's no way back.

post more Kat bullying

This is a Japanese female ninja

cute! for a boy

I have exclusively played the games and never masturbated to them.

beat em ups are mentally soothing. add in random fanservice and its a great way to unwind for 20 minutes or so after work.


Will SK Switch ruin the development of SK 7?

Senran Kagura coming to Switch.

HD vibration function? C-c-can i feel Yumi's body tremble as I caress it?

This is snek

Does that mean it's too late for me?

I still think this will be nothing more than a glorified dressing room with maybe some simple dating sim mechanics, I can't think of something too big being digital only.

I'm still getting a Switch for it.

>Bloodborne figure
There's no salvation.

>Bloodborne figure
It's not a figure.

>I'm still getting a Switch for it.
Will not buy another nintendo console until they drop this gimmicky shit. the switch is a 2DS XXXL with only one screen. I already have a 3DS.

Is SK switch its own thing and not SK7?

no, that is my husband

It has it's own website and the genre is listed as TBA, so it's most likely a spin-off of some kind.

pretty sure its supposed to be another spinoff like BA was. the promo video was 50 flan hitting plates and water balloon groping.

That's a nice scroll, but still, no salvation.

Yes, it's a spin off called Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura, no more information was given.

>is a student

I went to gamestop and found EV on the shelf for $25 and decided to get it. The guy pulled out an unsold special edition that gamestop marks as "used" after a while. What a great deal actually. Will post cards in a moment.


That's kind of interesting. I don't really like the idea of two productions at once, but I suppose I can't say anything until we see details on either.

you lucky fuck.

All versions of EV are the "special edition." Unless you buy it used, there's no way to get just the game without the other stuff.

>special edition
It's actually the only physical edition, I don't think any american release of SK had a "regular" edition.

>Crimson cards

I think it's supposed to be released this year, so again, it'll probably be nothing big and I doubt it will affect SK7 development in any way.

what, why did it get cropped? god dammit

there are four version of EV user, not all of them are the endless summer version.

What is this sorcery?

Not in North America, and not sold at Gamestop nor any other store in NA physically. You can get the Endless Summer version for either the Vita or PS4, you can buy it digitally, or you can buy it used as just the regular game.

it's called female anatomy


In games their breasts are flat as balloons.

They're all modeled with nipples in the game too. They just didn't add nipple textures because of CERO.

I see. The cards are neat though, the only special stuff I have is from the SK2 Double D edition, soundtrack cds

Who is this seme... Er, who is this pure virgin loser?

here we go.
The employee told me they mark unsold special editions as used when they don't get sold in a timely manner.
I kinda hoped for Hanzo but Crimson is really good too.

Neet means loser

on the models, yeah. not the art



Yeah, I get that. I'm just letting you know that all versions of EV are the "special edition."

it does.

For anyone that has played PBS, does it continue the tradition of having Hibari being absolutely horrible to play as?

well okay, I just figured they traded in the game itself at this point and I was just going to end up with that only.


Nice my man. I like that Snek. I was lucky and got Hanzo which is the school I wanted since it contains my waifu.

All the characters are the same. Playstyle changes from your selected card loadout.

US editions are all lame in terms of content. While Europe got things like the mini figurines, an oppai mouse pad, and even a dakimakura, we are stuck with only cds and mini artbooks, the cards are probably the best they've put in, but making the packs random with the excuse of being "trading cards" was stupid.

I sold my Hebijo cards for $70. Smartest decision I ever made considering I don't even own a PS4.

thats what they are going for on ebay?

I should know because I am a neet

The good thing to have come out of SK2's relative financial failure was that the JPN collector's edition was like $20 on Amazon, which isn't a bad price for the chibi figures and other extras.

fuck i might as well buy a couple physical copies and sell the cards for profit.

did SK on steam get any nude mods yet

Murasaki. She's got the largest boobs of any senran.

Like a year ago yeah. I was surprised as well since it was just cards, it seems the demand has cooled off since then but if you have no attachment to them money is money.


How do we know she's a virgin?

they need to make a Senran kagura dating game

Looked through ebay and the only things I've found were the mikagura pack and "dlc" pack for like $17 each, and all the packs for $250.

I just wanted Hanzo's because Ikaruga and ended up with Hebijo, glad they released those postcard sets later.

Only one way to find out.

nude mods happened about 5 days after release.

post lewd dioramas

>doesn't attend school
>American diet
>write edgy fanfic

With how much frequency do they touch themselves?

they need to make a fighter.

she does attend school, and she reads fanfics that another senran writes.

Yeah, I wanted hanzo for Ikaruga as well, but Yomi is pretty cute too. What post card sets?
me on the left

A fighter would be nice.

Post those top 5.

She's literally never been to a single class in her entire time enrolled. She only gets her grades through nepotism.

meant for

Is this game worth buying (i. e. supporting the devs/localization team) or just pirate it?
I'm not into anime and regular weeb culture, but it seems fun.

Its Mirai that writes the stories. Murasaki just reads them and demands for more.

Lucky SoaB.
I got Hebiyo and Gessen for my PS4 and Vita versions of EV.

The breast, I mean Best.

The ones I posted plus pic related, which came with a photo frame.
All taken from NewWave, from which there are better illustrations to choose from in my opinion, but whatever.

There's sets for other girls too, of course.

I'll forgive you once

I'd rather have a fighter or RPG first.

Is there a digital set? That left one is making my heart race.


can those models be used in sfm?

Yoma Hunter when?

? ? ?