Is Legion fun?

Is WoW legion even worth trying out?

I've finished college now and wanna autism out on an MMO from the time I finish work until I go to bed. Not sure if this looks too autistic or if actiblizzard have finally raped WoW to death since I've been away with all the micro transactions and childlike difficulty?

If I sub again expecting something like BC will I end up fingering my bum instead?

If you want autism, play Mount and Blade.

Seriously, I wasted 2 whole years of my life refusing to get a job because sitting at home playing M&B was all I needed.
Sad but true.

old WoW didn't have difficulty, it had retarded restrictions
and even simplified rotations of today are more complicated than rotations of BC

social aspect definitely went down
but other than that people whining about blizz killing wow just grew up
instead of farming rep you farm ap
that's all there is

if you want to be really successful you still need to find groups of people to do content with you or autistically grind something else like catchup currency of pvp

or you could just see the "story" and get out, that's an option now

wow is a fun game, but it has a roughly 3 year expiration date.

Wow has gotten to the point where it's not a play all the fucking time game, its more of a sub 2 months play the new content/patch then dip out again from the grind. The game has grown up and has a multitude of ways to keep you distracted and there are now certain pieces of content that require skill and bring a challenge. The best additions are the just the little things added, the world quests aren't bad,the npc dialogue is nice overall if you've got spare gold or 15 bucks go for it.

This guy gets it

wow is trash


>Wow has gotten to the point where it's not a play all the fucking time game

If you want to compete at a high mythic level, Legion is EXTREMELY time intensive

If you're a casual, LFR and low M+ are mindless with zero fucking difficulty.

If you want to be a middle of the road guy, good luck. Ion and Legion hate you, and its the worst the game has ever been for your type of play.

Not really. Classes feel worse than ever and a lot of your effort is tied to increasing artifact power which is a tremendously long grind for extra damage. On the other hand you're also praying to the RNG Gods for best in slot legendaries so you can stay competitive with others.

I think they've also just gone ahead and made it so level 110 mobs in the world actually scale with your item level making the world quests (the new dailies spread throughout the Broken Isles) even more boring

I think Suramar was the best thing to come out of the expansion. I enjoyed the zone and its quests

If you aren't autistic you'll be burnt out within a month. Do something more worthy of your time, like lighting ant nests on fire.

WoW is dead, move on, you should have years ago.

You still have to farm rep on top of farming AP, it's bullshit and i'll never get flying because of it.

Does anyone who currently plays know how to make money of skinning/leather working? I'm a neet with no money left and 20 days on my sub and i need to make 80k before it's up.

Serverhop skinning.

>best in slot legendaries


Are legendaries the new epics? I know everyone got a ring or something in mop but do you need full legendaries now? what's the fucking point in that, why didn't they just keep legendaries hard to obtain instead of making blues greens and greens whites and whites your mum

Legendaries are "hard" to obtain in that they're pure RNG drops from everything in Legion but require you to do X amount of content, where X can be one LFR wing or 5 HC clears of every raid.

You can only equip 2 at a time, but many classes simply do not function properly without them, and you can't choose which one you get.

WoW is Diablo 3 now. Its dead.

>WoW is Diablo 3 now.
So your saying Legion is the best version of WoW?

Might have to call the authorities if you think Diablo 3 is anything other than a giant turd

mmos in general are shit, they're only good for people who need huge timesinks. My advice is to go and play real games, hell, emulate shit from ps1,2 and ds.

Middle ground has been fine for me, group finding normals and heroics for nighthold and completing the broken shore grind. Pvp has been quite enjoyable with the new brawls. I give two fucks about mythic raiding and all that elite bullshit, I might have autism for still being subbed to wow but not enough of an autist to do mindless grinds on bosses with people I hate for 6 hours a day.

Been playing since BC. It's pretty fun. People like to bitch constantly about how much better the game used to be, but the simple fact is, nobody would play it if they didn't make serious changes. The more you add to the overall game, the more you need to adjust.

And I give Blizz credit for doing everything they can to get people to want to play together. The new system allows me to play with strangers all the time and have fun. It's not really Blizz fault everyone is forced to work 60yr work weeks just to afford rent nowadays. Most of us simply don't have the time to seriously invest in a MMO anymore.

It's pretty good OP. You should give it a try.

fuck blizz