How would you fix Castle's ability Sup Forums?

How would you fix Castle's ability Sup Forums?

have him actually make a castle.

fucking game lies

His wall go all the way to the ground, no drones can go through.

Maybe change their design, and add functionality, so they are one way doors. They can open from inside to out but not vice versa. So defenders can open the door to do shit, and run back in and shut it.

Maybe make it a drop pack like Rook, everyone on the team gets 1 that can be more quickly utilized. 3 walls vs 5 who cares.

>His wall go all the way to the ground

Super easy to just breach or for fuze to use his gadget
At least with how it is now you can shoot their feet to stop them

I like these changes. I don't know about trusting my team to use the castles properly though. I'd say make it so fuze can't deploy his gadget on them too but it's pretty fun drilling through them as fuze.

Treat it like a metal wall.

This would pretty much force the need for a mute though. If I can't shoot their feet as they try to plant something on the door, then you've pretty much given them an advantage.

I actually like this.

Put it in a better game.

Make it a metal door that teammates can open and go through, and make it so fuse can't shoot through it.

Problem with it being a metal wall is only two characters can interact with them, and them moving around to hit all the Castle metal walls would likely lead to them dying.

make him white

give him a ladder

>Sledge cant 1 hit them
>Glaz cant destroy them or make holes to peep through
>Fuze cant fuze charge them


You're at the coast operating with your gf when this guy comes up and blocks your path, what do you do?

Here's the better question: how the fuck do we fix this mess?

Put a little doggy door on it so roaming faggots can crawl back in like the vermin they are.

Succ his dicc while he pours sand in my gf's cock cozie.

mount the gun on a normal barricade

The back isn't bulletproof so your team can shoot through it.

Tiny Mira windows on them.

Point my gun at him and make him stand in the corner and watch like the cuck he is.

Shield protects his body too, plus give him 360 turning while using it

damn, was going to say this. I'm so sick of lying devs. if you name your character castle, his ability damn well be to make a castle


Make it impenetrable to glaz's bullshit.
Also refund if allies tear down

>glaz can shoot through but can't break
>sledge has to whack it 3 times instead of 1
There you go.

Give him 4 reinforcement walls

>Pulse sight in shield
>360 turning
>tank tracks/mobility scooter for slow movement
>explosive ammo

>refund if allies tear down
I think we already get that

>Also refund if allies tear down
it does


Give him 4 Castles and an extra reinforcement for a total of 3.

Now make it so bandit can attach batteries to them; countering fuze, ash, or anyone with a breach charge, requiring a thatcher or twitch to shoot the battery off of the castle before breaching.