thanks my sand net wasnt having that twitch stream
Isaac Lewis
Andrew Harris
Go Bisu go
Colton Anderson
Elijah Rivera
this was the sloppiest reaver play I have seen in a long time
Colton Robinson
wtf mini just lost all of his shit. what was he even doing?
Eli Wilson
RIP those reavers
left out in the rain to go mushy
Ryder Kelly
Wow, how shit is Mini?
Connor Flores
>Mini playing a great game >has a good advantage >Loses 4 Reavers, 2 shuttles
gg. He threw the match right there.
Mini is a new player right? They have far less experience.
Angel Garcia
Reminder that SCR was released because the government needed to deal with their current political crisis
Oliver Russell
>Put Reavers against the top wall top to protect against flanking >Doesnt actually work
Christopher Adams
David Smith
Lucky shuttle
Lucas Brown
Korean casters are the bomb
Joseph Carter
Rip Mini
Jose Bailey
Daniel Cooper
Who or what is SCR?
Colton Powell
no mini was a proleague player but like a 3rd tier one
Juan Nelson
Bisu so gosu
Joshua Barnes
Take a moment to appreciate how difficult it is to storm that hard that fast
BW has no smartcasting, each storm is selecting a caster, selecting storm, and clicking
And you don't have enough hotkeys to bind 5-10 high templars, it's all manual
Dominic Davis
is this thread some kind of hivemind?
Owen White
Starcraft Remastered. It's a HD re-release of Brood War
Kevin Cruz
the remaster
Wyatt Hill
holy shit listen to that butt rock god the koreans are fucked up to listen to that shit
Adrian Morris
I've never understood their love of it for so long.
Landon Morales
I think twitch streams only get quality options when they are under contract, i.e have a sub button
Dylan Bailey
Jonathan White
Titty sambo will always be the greatest.
Camden Wood
Well, we're a group of people who all enjoy starcraft miraculously watching the same stream at the same time
We're probably gonna say some pretty similar shit
Juan Howard
I remember watching this shit at 360p resolution. My god, how did I manage?
Now I'm watching at 1080p in 2017.
That was the bes ad. A bit goofy, and memorable. Too many of these ads are boring.
Thomas Cook
Oh really? I didn't even know that. Well, hopefully it should only be a few weeks then
Cooper Martinez
I don't understand this Gillette commercial.
He talks to a dad ai and then his real dad shows up? What does that have to do with Gillette?
John Sullivan
dead game let it die
Lincoln Smith
Gabriel Green
>Koreans love Baseball too
Yeah, we should just let SC2 die.
Isaiah Davis
Tyler Cox
>come to russia
How is russian Starcraft doing?
Landon Wood
>2007-2009 Starcraft: BW English casting is not archived at all >just random youtube vids
Anyone else feel a little sad? So many games. Gone forever.
Leo Adams
Thomas Reed
Tropicana Sparkling Sparkuling
Nolan Ortiz
That probe is scouting a little bit too quickly.
James Gomez
>yfw terran 1 starts
Justin Evans
come on jaehoon
Landon Walker
Christian Young
Those early GOM tournaments with just tasteless must be on some hard drive in the back of a seoul warehouse somewhere. I have a dream somebody will upload all that shit. I hate to think of it all being lost.
Jaxson Ramirez
W-what is that pink thing?
The reaver's tongue? It's dick?
Christopher Taylor
Light GG no RE
Kevin Morgan
Light BTFO
Caleb Nguyen
based jaehoon
Charles Howard
Jeremiah Cruz
how is babby scarab made?
Camden Rogers
Time for Bisu to assert his dominance.
Logan Mitchell
That was so poorly dealt with by Light.
Bentley Garcia
>Toss can't win normally so they have to cheese
Gavin Sanders
Caleb Lewis
It's ridiculous how much better sc1 is to watch than sc2, how did blizz screw it up that bad?
Aaron Edwards
who are these gay dudes going to other dimensions?
Kayden Adams
I'm pretty sure a reaver is just a metal Ohmu from nausicaa. So I'm guessing some kind of foot pad thing
Adrian Fisher
The boipucci guys.
Adam Johnson
korean advertising agencies are some kind of sorcery where they put in money and weird horrible shit comes out the other end
Henry Rogers
Afreeca loses money with the English cast right? I can't see how the meager amount of views can pay fro their salary. Especially when it's Korean only ads. Unless they've successfully scammed their advertizers by including English views for ad count.
How much dot hese guys make per year? Probably only maybe 40 thousand USD right?
Eli Thomas
They get paid in gook puss.
Elijah Hernandez
i need some good ol KONGDOO
Jose Rodriguez
I can't stress how much Nick looks with a short beard. His hobo/Jihadi beard was not working.
Way to make me feel old. Me and Nick are both 32 years old.
Arty is married to an American girl.
Hudson Watson
It would help if they didn't keep changing the channel of the english cast. End of last season we were up to like 15-20k english viewers, now we're back to like 1-2k
John Ross
when the fuck is 1.18 coming out? the damn ptr is going down soon and we still dont have a date, that shit was supposed to be out a damn month ago
Levi Bell
The Twitch should just be called "Afreeca", and then use it for both GSL and ASL and whatever else they have.
David Cooper
Destination is my favorite map of all time.
Any chance this will show up in this tourny?
Wyatt Kelly
Tasteless is going to stop being able to hide his baldness soon - you can see he has the middle bunched up and dyed heavy to delay being able to tell, but soon he'll be a certified baldy. Check his brother Day9 for a preview.