
RNG in this game is so fucking garbage

>start as some militarist/authoritan or xenophobe
>every other empire that spawn near you are democracies and make defensive pacts/federations against you as fast as they can
>start with democracy myself
>surrounded by xenophobes/fanatic purifiers

Every time. My previous game with tech focused empire went well, until in small corner of unexplored space near me was actually the fallen empire which gets mad if you even think about expanding.

I recently played a game, and I spawned near a hostile fallen empire, am I fucked?

only if they awaken

How about that Horizon Signal event?

>1% to happen in a game

they declared war against me, does that mean they're awakened?

Militant Isolationists have been only problematic Fallen Empire for me. Spawning near them is just bad.

My little brother plays this game and loves it. Get good, he's 16. He doesn't even bitch about the worst crises.

If you are not bad at the game, not really. The first war is the toughest, if you survive that, you can just wreck them subsequently every time.

Just take care to delay the war, see what kind of fallen empire they are and what they dislike other races doing. And limit that.

Bide your fucking time nigger

It wasnt so bad last version, where you could build up a fleet of super sized battleships for a military dictatorship for the low cost of losing your leader every ten years.

They usually declare war to humiliate you
Instantly throw a white peace and get off their borders

>playing as slaver cunts
>meet some fallen empire that demands me to stop slavery
>they attack and i lose my stations on three planets and my whole fleet
>worst being they force slavery ban on me

How do I even recover from this? I wanted slavery playthrough, but this kinda ruined everything. I can deal with losing my fleet, but not with forced changes on my goverment.

Is it okay to perform target practice on space amoeba as a peaceful civ?

>Started expanding out in the early game
>Place down my a frontier outpost to secure a tight cluster of systems that were super rich in minerals/energy/research of all kinds
>Suddenly contacted by some empire that is flipping the fuck out about this, demand I back off their borders
>Stand my ground like a retard, tell them to fuck off
>Realize moments later that I just pissed off a Fallen Empire of bird people
>Before I can even react three separate 100k death stacks sweep through my systems and destroy literally everything
Assholes, their empire was ~20 stars away from where I plopped down that outpost too. Joke is on them though, I later conquered them and turned them into livestock.

Depends on how much you want to roleplay, pacifist only affects your wars policy

I prefer to not kill mindless space bugs but they're in the way of progress so I may have to exterminate them.

>Meta cancer hates RNG
You are the reason why games aren't fun anymore

>Bide your fucking time

You literally cant even do this. After to long a time you are no longer a player. You are a pawn. If you cant crop out a good sized area in the start of the game your are utterly crippled since you cant trade techs.

This to be honest, I find RNG the most fun about this game. Even have the mod that makes the start conditions more random

sounds like you need to get good mate
>start as hive mind
>everyone already hates you
>hyper-lane empire
>spawn next to holy guardians with their god damn perfect gaia worlds blocking you off aswell
>other side is advanced start xenophobic purifiers
> slowly build up and take down xenophobes
> main army called mobile crematorium
> unbidden spawn right next to homebase
>take them out
>take out fallen empire
>start consuming empires ive defeated turning them into delicious food
>hivemind rules all
>entire galaxy has -1000 like for me because i genocide everyone that joins my empire for my hivemind
>winrar game after 280 years by making all races my vassals or tributaries

How does this game compare to Paradox Grand Strategy or Civ?

They always hostle to you, so yeah go for it, their tech is good for the early game too
Whales is other story

>You are a pawn.
Nigger I've seen plenty of "overwhelming" and "superior" civilizations crumble during their wars and crises. The game is easy as fuck already: once you make almost every inferior to you, only crisis and fallen can affect your standing. Bide your time, make some changes in your edicts, vassalize or make tributaries from inferiors and you can become good in 50-100 years. If you let everyone around you to get into defensive pacts and federations - that's on you though

>playing as hivemind
>one of the most broken and op ethos in game
>calling other people to get good


It's certainly not Grand Strategy, but it has some elements from it, like warscore, edicts, event system (although random) and spreadsheet dick measuring.

>After to long a time you are no longer a player. You are a pawn. If you cant crop out a good sized area in the start of the game your are utterly crippled since you cant trade techs.
Even before it wasn't problem if you just make def pacts and ganged up wwith empires that hate you on the another one
Now you just need to survive until habbitants

They double the chance of it triggering in 1.5. You can still trigger it with console commands if you're not aiming for achievements

First time playing it, pretty bugged how you can get extra stats by abusing the happiness in the race builder.

Is it possible to save scum for this to happen by entering same black hole system again and again by loading the game?

This. Played as fanatical purifier (pre 1.5 so I didn't have the bonus) I owned a big chunk of the galaxy and a fallen empire suddenly went no fun allowed on me. I managed to fuck up one of their fleet but they got me good.
Last game I had the unbidden spawn on MY territory (didn't even had warp drives what the fuck) and then the neighbouring equivalent empire declared war on me and it was over.

it's entirely possible you took control of a holy planet, those aren't necessarily within their borders

Why does everyone hate rng?
It is the perfect way to generate long time engagement. "but i cant play my perfect edgy slaver playthrough!" Well handle the situation/crisis that the game throws at you, and see slavery as a challenging goal.
Also you have a reason to give it another try.

>(didn't even had warp drives what the fuck)
If you have open borders and someone jumped there is enough to make spawn point

Huh Guys
This militarist authoriarian faggot next to me has equivalent tech but somehow his ships all have V lasers, V kinetics and V missiles. Everything else is mediocre to overlooked though. He's also hyperdrives while im warp. Is that why his fleet literally jumps 3 systems while im halfway through the first?

Curiously enough his fleet power is about the same as mine, even with mil bonuses and everything.

Is going to war with this guy completely stupid or not? My weapons are all IIIs, although i have better systems and reactors.
That is of course assuming he wasnt in a federation with another edgy faggot, which looking back now means i cant touch him at all

>start game as space elves
>small spiral galaxy with hyperline travel
>spawn on one spiral arm
>blocked on two sides by fallen empires, can't go anywhere.
>whatever just turtle and kill some pirates
>150 years later buffed 1.5 patch Unbidden spawns in a middle of my little turtle empire
>my max fleet - 47k, one unbidden fleet - 55k.
>after failed attempt to destroy portal at the start of their spawn - reduced to last colony in mere months
>Fallen Empire awakened and trying to fight off Unbidden and proposes alliance
>can't join alliance cause of a bug
if not bug - 10/10 would see 10 hours playthru going down the drain thanks to late crisis spawn again.

it's SPORE: the actual 4x

in the worst way possible

>people are defending rng now


>early on join defense pacts with people around me
>turn my body into Synth
>everyone starts to hate me
>create federation with guys who are literally on the otherside of the universe
>everyone flocks to my RoboOverlordDemocracy despite hating me for losing my organic ways

truly meatbags are the worst

That's fucking stupid.
All of my games always end on something like that. I always hit a wall in late game

Did you try hovering on the BIG FUCKING RED X?

>games need to be predictable and balanced
Typical "ps3" generation of gamers, I bet you loved Pillars of eternity, endless space, galciv3 and distant worlds
Fucking cancer

There's nothing to defend, that's the point of the game

but PoE has RNG

I hover it right not that screenshot user, steam screenshot feature doesn't capture the cursor
Custodial attitude is positive one, "They want to protect you, bla bla bla"

Please, do tell me all about those RNG-based games on the PS1, SNES and PC back then.

>right not that
*right on that

any RPG

any sRPG

Disregard me im retarded

i reply this post because i pass by, best pict OP.

also best FM is 1 and 3.

I yet to play any other than 1st, but I sure do look forward to that
FM1 is probably the best sRPG I played.

>whole genres based on rng
>rng is bad
sounds like a good opinion

Its possible that they blame you for the crisis. In which case they wont exactly kill you but they wont help you either.

Is there a way to corrupt a devout primitive civilization by introducing my own 'culture' that corrupts the populace and turns the planet into a hotbed of violence and deviant behavior?

You can change their ethics yes.

nah, it's certainly a bug, otherwise it'd be reflected somehow on their attitude
also only dangerous technology I researched was AI. I dunno what triggers Unbidden, always thought it's just time limit.

Just start a playthrough with max fallen empires set to 0.

The jump dives or whatever the special FTL is.

Time limit is only prethoryn.
Psi jump drive have a higher chance of triggering Unbidden though.

How is the utopia DLC? I need my space 4x fix but Stellaris was somewhat of a disappointment, is Utopia worth getting?

I had regular hyperdrive upgrades but not the experimental ones. Never seen it popup in research window either.

See if you can spy on him when he engages another empire. Active sensor link to the empire he is currently at war with. Every fallen empire I've come up against seems to focus heavily on fighter swarms and point defence absolutely rape them. Also get weapons that bypass shields because their ships seem to have relatively weak hulls.

>have slavery related traits/civics/goverment
>suddenly you cant be slaver anymore

Yeah, sounds like pretty fucked situation.

If it popped inside you, they must blame you anyway.

again, that would result in different relations. Now on paper I have good relations with them, but relationship score bugged out into negative.
I mean I get your logic, but it doesn't work in this case cause their text would've changed.

you should play all of them, they get better and better (I dislike 3 though).

Back to Stellaris: Is there a way to turn non Synth pop into Synth after you ascended?

It's pretty good. My only gripe is if you spend a long time not bitch slapping empires you seem to get a plague of pacifist faction with massive pop attraction which makes going to war a bitch.


It either happens in your game or it doesn't.

Reloading to before you started exploring black holes doesn't do shit.

Everything's fixed now.

>you should play all of them, they get better and better (I dislike 3 though).
I will, at least I hope so. Too big of a backlog goddamit


Take that one ascension perk that lets you reduce the time for terraforming by 100%.

How can people even fail at this game?

I'm playing on high aggression and hard and still kick everyone's shit in

Does Stellaris have a fixed end date liek other Paradox games do?
I don't see why it would, but then again you never know

Some people roleplay instead of minmaxing
For example I started as a idle elvish peaceful kingdom, and my neighboor were democratic crusaders, and they were "advanced"
Op is still faggot for hating RNG

does Slavery do any good?
so far from what I am seeing no benefits

Best early game army

The updating one mega structure at a time bullshit is infuriating. It takes so fucking long.

>Take that one ascension perk that lets you reduce the time for terraforming by 100%.
pretty useless imo

I just genemod my people to whatever climate I require

The third one is easily the best one though.

>Does Stellaris have a fixed end date liek other Paradox games do?

best feature imo

>I am seeing no benefits
bonus minerals and food

People don't want a challenge when playing empire builders. They want to build the story that they have come up with before playing the game.
That normally means that it is indeed a perfect empire that knows no defeat. RNG fucks that right at the beginning and with their dreams shattered they can't go on.

The best experiences I had was when I started playing and had no real end objectives at the start and just did what I could at a given situations.
The worst ones were the ones that I pre-planned everything and it didn't go that well or something happened that made my plan less interesting.

I remember the only Stellaris playthrough I really enjoyed.
I started as a human theocratic empire, based on Dune.
At one point I met a militaristic race but I didn't have the power to take them down, so I just waited and started building up. I met some other weaker ones and as they were far away I allied with them to take out the other.
Finally, my rival attacked my ally and the war started, I had everything set to fuck them up, but as I was a fucking noob at the time I was royally fucked by them. I don't remember what was the exact weapons that we were using, I believe it were missiles and I didn't have point defense something like that. But they were stronger than me, I needed my ally to win against them, it just didn't happen.


I was completely fucked and exiled to a very far away younger colony as the asshole took 4 or 5 of my 6-5 planets empire.
He just went berserk on his neighbours, and I just expanded away from him, biding my time, building really expensive defensive traps with space fortresses equipped with that thing that directs an incoming fleet to a certain point. I checked his weaknesses and armed my fleet accordingly. When the war started his empire was 3 times stronger than mine and if I messed up it would end right there.
But it worked marvelously, with his huge fleet getting caught in the trap and losing almost half when I lost 1/3 (mine being far smaller).
So I just went on to mop up what was left and take back my empire and enslaved the xenos that had infested them and lived in planets that I conquered.

I felt amazing at that point. There really is nothing like getting fucked in a game and getting your revenge later. Games where you just steamroll from the start are insanely boring.

After that war. He only had lost a marginal number of planets. The empire was fucking huge. There was another war, but I just repeated the same strategy, as it is with all Paradox games. And still he was bigger than me.
That, however was a problem later. When that Horde thingy invaded the galaxy. I didn't have the numbers to take them on at the started and had just crushed the strongest military in my region. So the horde just fucked everyone around me, my Rival, and myself.

I ended up losing the most recent conquests to the Horde, the core human planets were largely left alone.

Is there a way to expand this display? I need to check my fleet makeup but it's hard to do with the ui cutting it off like this

If the only way for you to have fun is if everything goes perfectly for you, why not just open up MS Paint, paint a big blue circle, and make up a story about how the amazing empire enslaved the Galaxy?

That is pretty much what you are asking for, right?

you should re-read his post, that's not what he's saying at all.

It's strange that it looks like that he is directing that to me, but I agree with what he is saying.

This is what i mean. This is what should happen more often. A "perfect" play, without anything unexpected happening is the worst thing that could happen in this genre.

Play a xeno hating race, but you are forced to ally some xeno to prevail against a stronger oppenent. Or you play the hardliner and be isolated and lose.
The same goes for the other way of course:
Play as a pacifist empire. But somehow your defense forces are needed for a preemptive strike against another race, which would otherwise kill your empire. Or try diplomacy and be crushed in 10 years.

Bad RNG is just RNG that didnt have enough impact on your play.

Nice story btw.

I didn't read your whole post, I guess I was directing at the other people that expect a perfect game every time.

The fun part was trying to justify the Theocratic Empire with God-Emperors work in such a setting. Having being defeated and losing the holy planet. I actually changed the government to Theocratic Oligarchy just to play along.

I found some screenshots of it. Sadly none from the exact moment I got my ass handed to me.
This one is from before the war. That colony is just and exclave that got gobbled up from border growth.

This is a long time after what happened.

The capital here is now the rightmost planet, in the other pic it was the center one with the future capital in the leftmost side.

This is after the second war with the window being of some planet being enslaved, they're not the enemy, just some poor pre-ftl planet that I fucked.

And here is more or less the end result.
By that time a great part of the galaxy hated me and more than 30-35% of it was ravaged by the horde. My rival nowhere to be seen.
I got tired some time after pushing back the horde to at least 2/3 the size in this image.

Oh wait, he is still around. My bad.

>Start with hyperspace travel
>3 paths out of home system
>One of them's a black hole with a void terror

Should I move my capital from Earth (starting planet) to my newly terraformed one?

Being made a signatory is a hostile move, them not wanting to do it because they like you isn't a bug.

Why would you?

Yes, but not before you move your colony building to border four non-science spaces.