LAUGH AT Sup Forumsirgins

Star Wars Battlefront 2
>All Three Eras
>New classes
>No Season Pass
>Singleplayer campaign
Ruined because female protagonist even though Sup Forums's Weeb games let you play as female protagonists and Sup Forums doesn't mind.

Also Battlefront 1 sold 27 million copies this will sell more.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can someone give me the quick rundown on why Star Wars is so popular I watched the movies and they were nothing special.

Are you trying to say that it will be good? The first was crap, and DICE has a bad track record.

All signs point to it not being a good video game, regardless of anything else surrounding it, like complaints about the main character.

Woman of color or not, it probably won't be a good video game.

Autistic man babies who watched it as a kid and refuse to admit how shallow Star Wars really is.

Don't care about the single player campaign

do care about the added eras and hopefully more than one space battle.

Still won't buy until reviews are in, but I'm still holding out hope they finally do justice to the battlefront series.

Female protagonists in weeb games are cute and pleasant, female protagonists in Western games like this are unlikable ugly shit that cram the developers' shitty leftist politics down our throats.

>>All Three Eras

a good indicator that Dice will fuck this up, as per usual

cramming your game full with assorted fan-pandering bullshit is always worse than putting effort on doing one thing well to potentially create something focused and - gasp - original

It's a fun setting. See: just about every Star Wars game in existance

>Singleplayer campaign
I'm triggered by it because they may drop bot modes because of it.


Star Wars isn't that great all these cucks of the 80s who are in 30s need to grow up




EA released a statement that backtracked on the Season Pass.

>female protagonist
What? It's just a woman. The story barely matters in these games anyways. Even in the original battlefront 2 it was barely there and just held together by narration.

This picture is particularly hilarious since EA just mentioned in annual report that SWTOR still rakes in money

You gotta admit, playing as the 501st and seeing their story was awesome. If this new Battlefront had an Order 66 mission, I will definitely be buying.

probably not buying it. I need gameplay first. You are delusional if you trust ea to pre order

It was THE science fiction movie series before it was really done right, and the popularity endured for a very long time.

Ask your boss how to shill properly. This is way too obvious.

It's one of the few live-action movies oriented for 12-year olds which are actually good, which mean

>darth maul and kylo ren in the same game
this shit doesnt even make any sense. What is this clusterfuck?

>We’re thrilled to bring a new Star Wars Battlefront game to fans worldwide in the 2017
holiday season. In the past two years, Rogue One and The Force Awakens have
opened new storylines and captured the imagination of hundreds of millions of Star Wars
fans. We’ve listened closely to our passionate Star Wars Battlefront community, and
expanded our existing game with more great content and experiences since its launch.
As that game continues to thrive, we have also heard our players’ desire for even more
depth and progression. Our next Star Wars Battlefront will be even bigger, taking
players into more locations, and allowing them to play with more heroes and characters
across multiple Star Wars eras. There will be new ways to play, including an all-new
single-player campaign, and much, much more that we are excited to share with our
players in the months ahead. To build a game of this magnitude, we’ve brought together
three great studios – DICE, Motive, and Criterion – and aligned their areas of expertise
to deliver an amazing experience in the next Star Wars Battlefront.

>To build a game of this magnitude, we’ve brought together
three great studios – DICE, Motive, and Criterion – and aligned their areas of expertise

So who's doing the Single-Player Campaign, who's doing the Multiplayer, graphics, other, etc.

the original trilogy is generic scifi drivel that are only enjoyable if you have very low standards
the prequel trilogy is a masterwork that requires years of education in shakespearian literature to fully appreciate
the disney movies are empty cashgrabs

>Autistic man babies who watched it as a kid and refuse to admit how shallow Star Wars really is.
As if it takes away any part of enjoyment.

you sound like a retard when u try and differentiate scifi drivel with empty cashgrabs

Don't forget its a F2P/P2W game that you have to pay $60 for

Just got here from 8ch, wat's the latest? We're doing this or wat? We cannot let the cucks win

>original saga
By todays standards its nothing special, by old standards... it aired even in polish cinemas post communism. That's just how huge it was.
Setting was dope as fuck, everyone wanted to take a part in a huge war like that. The comics and books explored the setting more and more, that cartoon show was really enjoyable too and explored it further. Making it decent by today's standards
>disney movies
cashgrabs, im not even joking, i watched it in cinemas and it was pure garbage compared to older ones which weren't that great to begin with.

I love me some clones so im still following it

It's just going to be like the first one: run and gun, no deeper gameplay, mediocre maps and too few of them, nice graphics and effects though, full of little kids. No thank you.

>all three eras
Didn't see any droids in the trailer though tbhfam

It's not a cashgrab if it's not a 100% profit

And DICE also said they would never charge for maps, it's not up to them to decide.

>finally get an interesting looking campaign
>have to play as nigger female

They'll just call them "Force Packs" and say "it's not a season pass you idiots".

>Story will be canon

sandnigger female protagonist, my dude. that first part ruins it for me.

There's no returning. When you saw full squad of German troops and all of them were from fucking Africa that was end line for me. Fuck you EA, fuck you DICE.








I don't care OP. I just won't buy it. Doesn't effect me at all

>all these contrarian shitheads coming out the woodwork.

there are people out there who still go on 8ch(a)n?

>the game sold 27million copies
This game was shitted all over both by critics and by users. This game has shittuer critic and user scores than Andromeda.

>No Engineer class

Fucking dropped.

Eh, it's alright. It's a kind of cool, somewhat original setting, with some cool concepts like Jedi and the Force, with some really standout visual designs that gave the series some personality, like the Millennium Falcon or Boba Fett.

I fully admit that it's an overrated franchise but sometimes, it can be very enjoyable.

ruined because of DICE/EA you dunce

It's gunna be a shitty story about a strong brown woman rebelling against the evil white empire with no choice in how it unfolds.

Video Games have been completely consumed by social justice politics. There is no turning back.

Can't kill the fastest growing force ever user. It's thanks to us that several sjw agenda games died

It's a fucking star wars game.
You can remove vidya from politics by not inserting them into every game you don't play.

>I want politics out of a game mostly revolving around politics

Yeah ok.

I use to go there but that confirmed my thoughts.
Just another deluded group of people like /pol who think they make a difference

Some goobergaters really had nothing to live for but their "culture war" pathetic really. Even the kids strumming over nothing at Berkley were less of a joke.







She works for the empire

Gonna download this, even if the single player is easy as fuck this game is the shit.

Any mods or patches I should be running senpaitachi?

d-delete this right now GOYIM SCUM!

>a setting that shits on white power right wing authorianism
>wanting ANYTHING to do with it
I heard sjw had infiltrated Sup Forums but I had no idea it's gotten this bad

No you fucking moron, I meant real world politics about social justice and the poor brown people being oppressed by evil whitey.

You stupid fucking manchild.

Sup Forums got Trump elected, and 8ch is destroying sjw media. They're doing a big difference

Honestly, all they need to do to make me consider it is bring back the original BF class system.

I read this like those tweets with the clap emoji and it's really annoying.
This isn't reddit, and nobody is getting btfo. Use normal spacing. Spacing and all caps doesn't somehow make you have an arguement.

>about a strong brown woman rebelling against the evil white empire
nigga this game is gunna be
>For the Emperor!

go away to your safespace Sup Forums

>they still trust Dice

what politics?

>/pol got Trumped elected

Oh please, do you truly believe this?

This, I'm so sick of them whining about muh oppression. I wish we killed them all so they'll finally shut the fuck up

Sorry sweety, but I think it's time to go back to /r/gaming :)

>whines about white male oppression in his safe space vidya
>calls other people manchildren

LORE and worldbuilding

just buy the games goyim

>female protag
Into the trash. It's going to be a SJW infested shitpile.

They honestly believe Gamergate had a gigantic impact on the election.

And I guarantee you the story will be about her defecting because her white commanding officer ordered something she didn't like.

To pretend otherwise is outrageously naive. This is motherfucking DICE we're talking about. They turned the German army in 1916 into a majority of blacks because "muh diversity"

God you people are so fucking stupid.


No politics belong in vidya you sjw manchild.


sweet, are super battle droids expected?

Every time libshit media lied about him, Sup Forums stood up and countered the misinformation with hard facts on social media and kept the masses awake.

Dice has no agenda don't worry

How do they think this is good pr?
Everything not about solely white dudes conquering is injected politics. Like why couldn't faith from mirrors edge be a white dude? Ethnic baddies are okay, as long as they are not to diverse.

I'm not a racist though. You are for not making your games about my ethnicity.

I swear to god I'll go mental if the storyline is another "main protag defects from empire after realising they have evil agenda!!"

Why is wanting to keep real world politics of video games childish?


Probably, since there's four classes we can expect B1 and super battle droids. Maybe commando droids as well.

could you use a food analogy? never played mirror's edge

Lol ok whatever helps you sleep

>star wars directors admit there's an agenda
>you people still don't think there's an agenda
You're covering your eyes

Because nothing is free of politics IRL, not even the fucking air you breathe, trumplet.

>Star Wars is about politics on Earth


Better buy a straight jacket to prepare then.

DICE is gone.

Dice is the studio that made half the characters in a WW1 game black
There will be a blatant agenda

>i'm 17 and just got into politics on an anime webzone

alright, then construct an interesting plot without social commentary

>muh trump


So explain how he won without our help then. He literally namedropped us when he posted pepe

>So who's doing the Single-Player Campaign, who's doing the Multiplayer, graphics, other, etc.
Dice - multiplayer
Motive - story
Criterion - vehicular combat

For one thing, adults cam form cohere sentences.
But generally complaining videogames make you think or challenge your beliefs is childish. Ranting games you don't like shouldn't exist instead of not playing them is even more childish.
I don't like dark souls so i just don't play it.
I probably won't play this because the first dice one was awful.

But i won't throw a shitfit over it.

Her first line in the trailer is literally "I've waited 30 years for this" I'm not expecting a defect

>appealing to a huge untapped market that doesn't alienate any huge majority of the current market is wrong
is Sup Forums really commy and anti-capitalist?

>social commentary
Whites r ebil minorities r ahsum is not interesting or well written social commentary, it's just as pandering as saying capitalism / communism is evil.

I don't think you know how to use the word 'literally'.

There's no point in debating or arguing this, I know how /poltards work.

The point is to write made up politics, you fucking idiot. THAT'S KIND OF THE POINT OF A STAR WARS PLOT.


You should be permanently banned from Sup Forums for bringing that childish shit here from Sup Forums

conversion pack (2.0)