Holy shit, why is there no backlash of him being sponsored by a for-profit university?

Holy shit, why is there no backlash of him being sponsored by a for-profit university?

there is

...Why would that be a problem?

Because the episode was still fun, I'm sure some spergs cried about it though.

He can't make money out of this, makes my mcdonalds job feel extra miserable.

where though, i havent seen any of it. also, normies dont care

Why should we care?

It's been in every thread I've seen about the new episode

it's depressing to see a youtuber having to re-upload a video with ads so he can make a few extra dollars because he is worthless and almost 40.

Aren't all universities for profit?

>for-profit university
lol. they're all for profit and more so thanks to government subsidies

The WSJ put out a really shitty article which made all these retarded advertisers pull their ads.

A lot of people are reporting losses of 80-90%.

So him doing this is understandable.

Non profit universities are daycares for overgrown babies.

>for-profit university
as opposed to all those universities that do it for fun?

Simple fact is currently, blue collar jobs are in higher demand. Cousin got doctorates in some computer science crap and the places he was looking in to hire slave labor from India
>Company needs IT workers
>Instead of hiring domestic hire some one over seas, give them green card, puts them in shitty homes and pay min wage
>They are forced to work for that company for 4 years at least before they can be perm resident

He works at Taco Bell and constantly bitches on facebook about it

>Make money by pasting other's people works on windows movie creator
>they actually thought this kikery would be forever

Because the more deserved backlash should be directed at those awful self inserting greenscreen scenes


Who gives a FUCK

Because everybody uses ad block plus so he has to make money somehow.
Deal with it or disable your fucking adblocker pussy bitch.
It is your fault he resorted to that.

I find it more odd that a university wants to be represented by a guy reviewing a shitty game.

I don't care as long as he doesn't shill.

That's because computer science is the millenial liberal arts degree. It doesn't really qualify you for anything but research or code monkeying, and code monkeys don't need degrees.

>At the end of the video so can be ignored
>perfectly orated
>relevant to video games
>get more money to make avgn kino now that youtube is pulling out
hurr sellout

By your reasoning reviewers of any kind and journalists and video editors shouldn't be paid because it's not as "real" as your McJob.

I liked the one where he suicided like Tails.
The whole video was good.

this is obvious b8 but I'll still give it a free (You)

He's not wrong.

>making a living by being a vocal critic
Absolutely. They provide no skills, they're a level above neets. Kill them all

jesus man, it isn't even sponsored by an actual video game developer. just some video game university.

they're not dictating what game he reviews, they're not dictating how he reviews it, they just wanted to have a god damn shoutout at the end of the video.

Literally the only youtuber that's sponsored by something usefully related to vidya that isn't cheap plastic junk. Why would it be a problem?

Its literally a avgn video with a shitty ending shoutout that most of you will skip because pretty much everyone closes the video at the cinemassacre ending title card, he made it as comfortably as possible, im fine with this


>Fullsail University

Those fuckers never left me alone when I left highschool, for years I kept getting mail from them. "DURR, JOIN OUR GAME DEV PROGRAM GOY!"

They're insanely overpriced, and the degree you get from them is worth less than dogshit.

So I should probably just keep looking at networking and security certifications huh?

No. NO. We need to be mad about it.

That aside, the episode wasn't all that great. I guess it's because it's on a game that people have been requesting instead of a game James chose himself. It had some good moments anyway, so I'm fine.

Not really, when i saw he was reviewing Sonic 06 i thought "holy shit he really is scraping the bottom of the shit barrel" and after watching it i was like "well, that was hit and miss, but it was good at least" i really don't care about the sponsorship because i never had to see it

>non-profit education
>in the USA
>where universities are designed so dumb people who cant finish with debts over 50k and the smart people being collected by the big companies to keep control of the market

you guys are so naive and stupid is almost cute. But is not.

Anyone who was offended by this forfeits the right to call anyone else a snowflake ever.

>t. rural white high school dropout retard

h1bs in IT are underpaid, but they make a hell of a lot more than taco bell worker

it's one of the few well paying fields for 20 somethings these days. and there are actually jobs

if you want to get paid less

Buddy of mine makes a fuck ton of money networking for the local school system, so yeah.

It amazes me how bitter this board is, wasting so much energy over stupid shit like OP.

jokes on you i enjoy my free universities with actual useful degree in Europe, and not a burger flip doctor degree from Trump's University you stupid ameriburger. Oh and dont forget to pay all those debts user, otherwise mr. Goldstein will take your house.

It's not free, it's taken from your future income, either directly or in taxes

I can't wait until youtube is just as ad-laden as modern tv is thanks to that fucking shitty article

>Games from 2006 are now old enough to be reviewed by AVGN

They aren't, this is a special case meme game. It was the same deal with Big Rigs.