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Video Games #3746
Video Games
Will you still talk about Nier Automata in 7 years?
Why was Deadly Premonition one of the best games of last gen?
It's 2000 and kids want to be Link
Is it THAT good?
Sonic totem thread. I am always around but i missed the thread edition
Hollow knight
I would've enjoyed Automata much more if everyone actually dressed for combat. Does that make me a faggot?
What are some games that I can play as a slut?
MGR was honestly a lot more fun
If your game is so progressive, why the main character is a white male ?
This is a Japanese demon
Can we get a nostalgia thread?
Steam Avatar Thread
Has any other game besides Doom ever even attempted monster and/or enemy infighting?
The 80gb backward compatible version is dirt cheap on ebay. What are the best games for this thing...
Shhh.... the snake lady is sleeping
Reminder that if you don't AT LEAST have the decency to make your player character bi in TYOOL 2017 you'll get a...
What games allow me to die for the greater good, to give my life fomr someone else, to make the ultimate sacrifice?
At least is was better than Plague of Shadows
Did your demonfu made it into Persona 5? There's 95 total I think, not counting the DLC
Why is this both the best Sonic game, and the last one worth playing?
Now that we've all played BotW and confirmed that Skyward Sword is shit and the Zelda cycle doesn't exist...
So, what's the verdict on let it die? It didn't look good, but I downloaded it because it said it was free...
Dad walks in
Convince me to buy a Switch
0x A press may actually become a reality
Got a vita today for 100. What games should I buy?
Favourite AVGN episode
D-do you ever get a boner when dominating someone in a video game anons?
What video game weapon is the best and why is it the Katana, Sup Forums?
Persona 5
Oh hey, a package. I'll make this quick
Where were you when our guy bought Chrischan's Sonic totem and brought about the end of days?
The first game is praised
What is on her mind Sup Forums ?
What are some games where best girl won?
Was it autism?
Implying she isn't better than that literal prostitute in every single way
I bet I could take Mario in a fight
Great games with flaws
Am I the only person here who plays every video game in Japanese? I don't want to be alone
Now that the dust has settled, can we admit that this game was pretty great?
Post a game you play, if no one else knows what it is you win
Did you buy her game, Sup Forums?
Why haven't you switched from Pokèmon to digimon yet...
Futaba and Makoto ruined Persona 5
Answer these:
Is Sup Forums a forum?
Vaporware Thread
Buyer's remorse thread
Getting into Resident Evil
What is the best multiplayer shooter on steam right now?
2 > 3 > 1 > A
May 26th, 2017!
What games let me stop time?
What ended the golden age of browser games? Late 90s-mid 2000s
Malonfags BTFO
Predict Nintendo's E3 announcements
Buy a game for titties
Is Halo done for under 343? It takes them months to respond to anything the community wants...
Walking home late at night
Final boss is the easiest boss
It really makes you think
How does Sup Forums deal with rage?
Hello, I'm just the best Zelda girl ever
Get to a part in this game where you have to find 5 different pieces of ore throughout time...
How does Sup Forums feel about Ratchet and Clank?
Theories thread, Deepest lore, etc
What's the best racing game out there for just driving around in an open world?
Sup Sup Forums
To american players, graphics are more important than story
Where on this tier list should I start?
Found Dark souls 1 and 2 easy
Lies Sup Forums tells you
What are your hopes and expectations for the new touhou game?
Why didn't you like this game?
I love you
Nothing lasts forever
You lived long enough to see Steam turn into this
Is there actual proof of this being a bad engine or is it just a meme?
So before I waste 20 shekels be honest with me Sup Forums...
Sum Sup Forums up in one image
Is she dare i say, /ourgirl/?
Cloud Smash
Dawn of War 3 Open beta thread : The empire strikes back 2
Between this, KEK, shitposting, and the We Are Legion, We Do Not Forget speech...
Did you buy my game you dolts?
10 days
A small studio in japan makes a female protagonist
Do I get a special effect for upgrading my sets to rank 4? Stats wise I don't really need it...
Filename thread
People are saying this games aged like milk and is unplayable
Sup Forums has berserk
Call of Duty: WWII tells the story of an unbreakable brotherhood of common men fighting to preserve freedom in a world...
Emulation thread
Pc has goty 2017 exclusive
Asura's Wrath
Video game set in the future
Pass the controller bro
Who here loves tetris?
Any twitch streamers here?
Its time to admit the Wii U's library was trash
Do you think ARMS will have enough depth to garner an actual competitive scene?
If you are in the UK or can otherwise listen to classic FM UK there is a 1 hour show at 9pm about video game music
Objective: stay alive
Has a game ever made you cry?
Why don't you play shoot em ups? Not enough genetic talent at videogames or what
Sprite thread
There are people on Sup Forums who prefer 3 over NV
Monster Hunter noob
What PS4 games should I get? I already own Yakuza 0 and Bloodborne...
Are there games where you can submit to a girl? Do you think there should be more femdom in video games?
How is gaming in third world countries?
Overwatch Uprising
What did he mean by this?
What is it about Mario games that makes them so well-loved that no other company has managed to replicate?
Tfw vidya no longer fills the void
Would you?
The Switch has already shown up in an anime
P5 ui memes
Quake Champions
PlayStation 1 must-haves
Hey guys! :)
Will it happen?
''I hate the Rick and Morty game because of the Redditors who like the show
Can someone give me a quick rundown of who exactly this fucking guy is?
Do you have a video game ringtone, Sup Forums?
Is the combat cookie clicker tier?
Escape from Tarkov
Persona thread
How do we fix the video game industry?
10 year old game
Portable Graphics
Quake Champions
Make this vidya related
What are the best sea or underwater games? Spookiness is optional but encourage
Where's my K-ON! PS4 game?
RPG has status effects
""""""""STEALTH"""""""""" game
Vidya men you'd fuck into oblivion general
Krosmaga thread
People will defend this
Enemies can suffer from every condition in the game
So what is the appeal?
Game devs in 1997
What do I name my group Sup Forums?
Is this how the average western vidya developer looks like nowadays?
The eternal debate
Steam rate thread
Go to Steam expecting Nekopara 3 with more catgirl meidos
Yooka-Laylee has a major glitch that prevents you from 100% game
Why is Trudeau so useless in this game? Even when he kills his enemies, he still loses...
>Oh Snap!
How would Sup Forums do Steam refunds so devs stop complaining?
I just impulse bought a PS4 after seeing it on sale on Amazon for just 200€...
Meanwhile on Phan-Site Sup Forums
Noctis in Kingdom Hearts 3?
Fire Emblem Heroes
What games will let me romance a little girl and have her fall in love with me?
I want an RPG, ideally with fun progression, no weebshit and ideally released this decade
This game is shit because the fans are shit
What is the most creative video game advertisement you've seen?
Konami brings back an old IP out of no where
Only April
Just finished this game. What's there to hate on...
Playing with girl gamer and other friends
Sea of Thieves playtest
I just beat this
What moment in vidya finally made you a jaded cynical bitter man who lost faith in the industry
Is this the best Mario RPG?
Thoughts on this gen?
Does Sup Forums hate him as much as i do or think his work has some merrit
Do you prefer to have cute anime vampire loli as a love interest or selfinsert as a cute anime vampire loli?
Is there a more memorable boss fight in fighting games than Gill?
What is the darkest videogame?
What kind of person plays games with the japanese voice setting turned on despite not knowing how to understand...
Why aren't you playing Duelyst right now? It's the best CCG out there
Is there any video game character who could beat him?
But for real what the fuck was his actual problem?
Tfw no one makes Dune games anymore
I challenge you to post a good mobile game
How do I get good at this?
Where were you when memes once again became reality?
This aged like rotten milk
Mosaic/3x3 thread?
Are you manly enough to wear gaming related clothes in public?
OMG, why doesn't Dishonored 2 have a neutral route?!?!?!?!
What went wrong?
How much money can you make on Twitch?
Sept. 4, 2017
How do we make dragon games great again?
Le "I hate romances" Sup Forums meme
Voice Actor thread?
What the fuck were they thinking?
Dawn of War 3 Open beta thread : The empire strikes back
ITT: Casual filters
Height: 168 cm
Chart thread
Fighting crazy gooks across a dense booby-trapped jungle in a refreshing new setting rife with gameplay options...
People still talk about Fallout 3 and New Vegas daily
Naughty Gods does it again
Where do I go after this bitch?
Is this the beginning of the end for PS3 network?
3 > BB > DeS > 1 > 2
PC or PS4?
Are they really expecting me to dump 100 000 yen on this blonde bimbo just to start her Confidant?
"Casino, Guitar, it's all in the mind."
Eternal Gaymer General
Why the fuck would anyone play Planetside 2? Is the big battle gimmick worth all the other bullshit it has?
The great debate
*holds down back*
You've decided to play as a female character
This game hasn't aged very well thread, I'll start
Degenerates like you belong on a New Vegas thread
Silent Hills is coming
Nintendo doesnt pay reviewers
I just started a second run in Horizon Zero Dawn...
Panel de Pon/Tetris Attack/Puzzle League is the best puzzle game ever. This is fact
Sup Forums unironically liked this pretentious, hipster piece of shit
Destiny 2
ITT: Canonically Gay Characters
Why aren't there any video games with cute centaur grills? or other lesser monstergirls in general?
Kongs or Bandicoots?
What went so fucking wrong?
Game comes out
Whoa, looking good Joker!
Stop saying I get paid 2 million a year it's only 1.6 mil, you fucking cunts
Were these characters designed with a certain demographic in mind? If so then who?
Sup Forums always talks about planescape torment
You'll never explore a fully customized mother base
How the fuck do I beat these guys?
Popular media sites are popping up online for LGBTQIA gamers. Facebook Group “Gay Geeks” has over 47...
W8 wot?
Was Bloodborne's launch the biggest shitstorm Sup Forums faced?
How was this possible in 2005?
Yo, let me pirate this heart senpai
What's your favourite game from the year you turned 12?
She's perfect
Wow, all of those in just 2017 and that's not even counting multiplats like Disgaea 5, Puyo Puyo...
Persona 5 BTFO
Will you be getting Code Vein for your Nintendo Switch?
Has he visited you yet?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
ADMIT IT Sup Forums you played Persona 5 with the dub on__
Why didn't you hack your 3ds you fucking goy?
Let's have one of those threads where we try to help people find games they don't remember too well
Battle Brothers
MGSV is shit
Is this game any good?
Games with shit endings
That one party member that's way too useful for your own good
Why does one of these get called a movie game and the other does not?
Will conquest mode be back? I wanna capture me some control points
Is Bloodborne the best video game ever made by mankind? Does it hold the moniker of 'pure kino'?
When did aggressively pushing far-Left political talking points become "art"?
Is nepnep the most autistic vidya character?
Easily the best incarnation of Zelda
When Stellaris first came out...
The worst fanbase on Sup Forums is
Ask the totem about video games and you shall receive your finest answer
Now that the dust has settled, can we finally agree that this game is amazing!
Official Sony PlayStation thread
This is a Japanese Jack O' Lantern
Still hangin in there Sup Forumsros?
Daily reminder these are the only good SMT games
Remember when old Sup Forums loved this game...
Games with old Sup Forums loved, but which nu-Sup Forums hates
I want to pet that cat
Fix diablo3, one thing per post
land in Normandy on d-day
What does Sup Forums think of the Devil Summoner games...
Does Sup Forums still like Zero Suit Sammy?
*Steals your heart*
ITT: Post the you've logged the most hours in
Confess your vidya sins
*blocks your path*
Are Coop games dead? After all those years, it still feel like Left 4 dead is the only one that really matter
From the point of view of a UO player, wow was a mmorpg for carebears...
Capcom Vancouver studio director departs
Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up
Open MSPaint
Touhou is finally dying out in popularity after over 10 years
Your location
So now that the leaks are confirmed - what are your hopes?
It will be released this year, right? ;_;
Games for pc
Who else should I main? I only main Mercy atm
What exactly makes PC gaming so great...
Persona 5
Whats the best 8th gen console in your opinion?
In your opinion, who are the most legitimately menacing/threatening enemies in vidya...
Tell me what game this is and I'll tell you all a secret
Are you guys still looking forward to A Hat in Time? Or will you hate it like you did Yooka Laylee...
How come there's no synergy? in your party
Mama mia
What games let me play as a nurse?
Which version of the Switch did you buy?
Only people with 80%+ are real SMT fans, the rest are persona shitters
Seriously, do you have Sony or you actually don't want a PS4?
What are some games where you need to perform complex math to build your character well?
What's the best Dragon Quest game?
Why aren't they making a new Rayman? It is one of the best games I ever played
Does Sup Forums actually still like Valve?
3x3 Thread
Literally had no reason to be a main party member
We've lost the command post
ITT: final boss kino
Porn game has better gameplay that most real games
*blocks your path*
What's a good pyro build for pve?
Need mmo to play with friend
Agree with her philosophy or not she's one of the best video game characters
Character from the fantasy version of Japan
Just completed Witcher 3 and both expansion packs...
Don't get raped man!
Was supported for less than 2 years
Has a girl gamer ever torn apart your friends or clan Sup Forums?
What is the Legend of the Galactic Heroes of videogames?
Thoughts on how this will turn out?
If the Uncharted series were to continue with Cassie Drake at the helm...
This is Hifumi. Say something nice about best girl!
This is Umihara Kawase
So, this just happened. yay?
What kind of video games does Chad play?
No one is interested in this game
Dark Souls is har-
What is YOUR revolutionary game idea Sup Forums?
How do you delude yourself into thinking she isn't doing sexual favors for money?
I don't want to set the world on fire
The great debate
Geting banned for words
Play Skyrim for years
Was this ever deciphered?
Yeah well if you people are so damn smart then are there no Eureka games!?
About to play this for the first time ever. What am I in for?
Okay let's settle this
Should I refund this game?
ITT: the best girl of their respective series
Complete tutorial
Why do streamer girls always try to show their full body on cam?
There will never be a Witcher 3 style massive open world game set in the universe of the Wheel of Time
After 2 months can we say...
ITT: "villains" who did nothing wrong
What did they mean by this?
Really jogs the good ol frontal lobe
Why do i want to be some older womans sex slave?
Holy, fucking, shit.. Based Nintendo always delivering quality games for real gamers like me!
Alright Sup Forums, let's settle this
What's Sup Forums's opinion on cheaters/hackers?
Does this crew ever start to feel like actual people...
Japan in charge of making actually fun to play third person shooters
Why is this game so expensive?
She dies at the end of tutorial, right?
Thoughts on Dragon's Dogma?
How was your day? other than chris-chan totem are you having a good time?
Sup Sup Forums i downloaded black ops 2 cracked and i wanna play zombies but i need fourdeltaone account thing but it...
Does Blaze represent an unrealistic standard of beauty?
Does Sup Forums like Bayonetta?
Dawn of War 3 Open beta thread
Why don't we have games with graphics like the Toy Story movies?
Sup Forums would tap out
It's up
COD WW2 has entire NEW coop campaign for mode
Paul makes the best hot dogs in the state! Belly Buster is best no contest
How do you treat invasions?
FFXV on PC will have mod-support
Do you agree?
ITT:characters who are literally you
Oh, there it is, babe. The world famous shitposting. Well, come on, user baby...
Still no games for this thing
P3 = Robot/doge
Shitty Gaming Communities
Please help me
Sonic Totem General
Persona 5
Admit it, you'd do the same in his shoes
/tg/ has better taste in video games than Sup Forums
Which one should I get ?
ITT: cancelled games. I'll start
How do we fix the horror genre?
Did these advertisements actually work?
What now Sup Forums?
Name one thing Fallout 3 did better than every other fallout game
I bought the TF2 soundtrack just for this dumbass hat
Mass Effect Andromeda outsells Horizon
Interesting Gaming Facts
As someone who's never played FF before, where do you recommend I start, Sup Forums?
ITT: Kino bossfights
What went wrong?
This game really is what made me realize that Zelda and Ganon are far and away the absolute worst things about the...
Thoughts on Randy Pitchford?
PSA Halo Wars is on steam
How to play a Pokemon game:
Which game redefined Open World more?
Gamer pose thread?
What'd she say anons?
Sup Forums what faction would you choose? personally I wonder why games have lost touch with internet culture...
The great debate
Just installed this game. What am I in for ?
How do we make PC gaming better?
You have to rebattle the last boss you fought, but this time playing as Mario in his SMW form, same physics and all...
Is it just me or is he becoming less funny
>games you're "not allowed" to criticize on Sup Forums
Skill ceiling so low that american nobodies can beat storied japanese legends
Wow, people aren't kidding when they say FCEUX has the best NES color emulation...
*blocks your path*
What did he mean by this?
Just admit it, Sup Forums. FF7 is still the ultimate experience of any game 20 years later
Is this the best female body type?
So can we all agree that Zone of the Enders>Metal Gear right?
What game allow me to witness a girl having metal broke down from realizing the reality of her world trampled over her...
Can we finally admit we're disappointed?
Quake Champions Beta Discussion
Tfw I haven't fed my neopet in 16 years
ITT: Spoil a videogame without revealing the game name or other words that would otherwise make the game obvious
Would you play a Shadow 2?
Gives you pause
This just arrived in the mail. What could it be?
Name a more tragic character
What video game characters have cute boots?
I'm gonna make a suggestion to the higher-ups/mods/Hiroshima/whoever the fuck is in charge around here:
What's the best DS emulator?
Summer is arriving
How am I just now noticing this? Nintendo really knows how to be subtle
How can people be this good at Puyo and Tetris?
Clone is actually better than the original
ITT: Only God-Tier VNs/Date-sims
I Reaper Black?
Melee weapon thread
Battle stations: comfy feet edition
Why is every game Open World now?
So what's the moral of this story?
Tfw no one makes Dune games anymore
I summon this creature in face down attack mode and end my turn
None of you guys actually ragequit, do you? We laugh at those that do, but we certainly don't ourselves
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Ever playing on anything other than the highest difficulty
HK Gush
What are the top 3 BEST SMT games?
Factorio 0.15 coming this Tuesday
Tell Yoshi bedtime story now
*sips gender fluid*
Why is this still the only mmo that has done quests right?
I'm new to monster hunter , should I play this game first?
What's the best game made in the last decade, and why is it Breath of the Wild?
Who's that vidya girl that makes you happy like no other, Sup Forums?
I was randomly browsing youtube out of boredom. can anyone identify what MMO this is, cause it looks interesting
Only Futaba, the twins and Lavenza are attractive
Sup Forums I just inherited 100 billion dollars...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
ITT: Games that are gonna suck
Rest in peace Battlefield
Sup Forums has Brendan Fraser
What's he doing at the moment?
Are Pokemon designs getting progressively worse? Even the recent movie and XY&Z shill gen 1
Who's in the wrong here?
What are some good Chinese videogames?
About to play this little fucker on pcsx2, any tips for a Persona virgin?
Generation 7 did EVERYTHING wrong. Seriously Fuck generation 7
Did you buy Slimecat's game?
What are some good crossover games?
What does Sup Forums think of gaming chairs?
This game has no flaws whatsoever. Best game in the series by far
All right you faggots, since you've apparently given up on call of duty: ww2...
Final Fantasy XV Patch 1.09 coming April 27th! Timed Quest leaderboard and luxury weapons
Japanese video game companies don't pander to sj
Is this game any good?
Do you pronounce it "Sness" or "Ess En Ee Ess"? The latter are degenerates
Uh... Guys?
Switch is a reasonable $299 MSRP
Well, Sup Forums? How do you rate?
Oblivion clone
How would Sup Forums react if this was Nioh 2?
Is this game any good Sup Forums? I'm down for anime tiddies, but is the actual gameplay good as well...
Melee is dead
FUCK the cops are here, put on your cool gaming face
I'm feeling pretty down lately, Sup Forums, and I want to grind away my sorrows
For Honor is a fighting game
Persona 5
E3 2017
At what moment did you realize that the 6th gen will never be topped Sup Forums?
I cant have fun in FPS games unless Im using a shotgun
What went right? What about the sequels went wrong?
Did anyone honestly beat this game completely blind? I just beat Orn and Smough...
What games did you enjoy today?
Your first console
Destiny 2 PC
Shovel Knight Body Swap
Providing for his wife's two (girls) children
Just beat this game
You people make fun of A2 and hate her all you want, but she's had a hard life...
I'm gonna start playing pic related over the weekend
Year of Sony
Another Zelda thread
This is the Master Sword
Quick Sup Forums, post your
Is SMT IV and Apocalypse really that bad?
SO. It's my first play-through, I'm going to infiltrate the first palace...
Have we witnessed vidya kino?
Go behind waterfall
Let's have one of those threads where we try to help people find games they don't remember too well
What are some of the best vidja soundtracks?
What is Sup Forums emulating? no drama please
Is it better than Persona 3 or 4?
Recommend me a vidya with stronk female protagonist
Why is EVERYTHING they do in third person?
When did it all go wrong Sup Forums?
Xbox comfy thread
Since when could the Japs design a nice ass?
So now that it's on pc, is there a mod that automatically skips all of the shitty insta kill 1 frame QTEs?
How's that game coming along, Sup Forums?
Anyone genuinely excited for this?
World of warcraft
Tell me why this isn't the best game of all time
Daily reminder to take your daily dose
New Yakuza in Development
ITT: """Heroes""" who did nothing right
Whatever happened to Cliffy B?
This is latin Zelda. Say something nice about her
Well, what is it?
What the fuck is with gaming journos giving this game shit for not having gay options...
Homer, I want you to the store and why is this the best GG episode ever?
HOly fuck this game just clicked for me
What if Fallout was an anime?
Yo is there a single nigger in this shithole that actually wasn't dissapointed with Dark Souls 3 after going in it...
ITT: Criminally overrated games
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
Video Game Characters IRL
What games did you play today?
Why is Minecraft still popular when dozens of games doing the same thing better have come out?
Name a game worse than FFXIII
ITT: anything Sup Forumsidya related that is forgotten
How to fix western developers?
What are your CoDWW2 predictions lads? Here's mine
Sup Forums's Game Dev Tycoon - Part 3
Post rare todd the godds
Holy shit, why is there no backlash of him being sponsored by a for-profit university?
Are you marty's perfect bf?
Nintendo won
Persona 5
What is it that makes it so much better than the other entries in the franchise
This game is getting a physical release?
Why the fuck isn't this on pc? Why is Atlus so retarded?
Has any game ever done meaningful choices right? besides the original deus ex
Which game has the best gunfire sound effects?
They kidnap his sister on the day of his birthday
Tekken 7
What are some games with deceased voice actors? me...I'm fading away
What are some games where you perserver through seemingly impossible odds?
Why's everyone in your party a fucking douchebag?
People USE these in duels and when they're invaded, despite the handicap that the invader suffers
Would the traitor be a little less obvious if these things were changed:
Comfy Vidya Music
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...