Homer, I want you to the store and why is this the best GG episode ever?

Homer, I want you to the store and why is this the best GG episode ever?

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Because of Oney, Dingdong and gay mexican

I love my wife.

Last level is easy desu


But Marge the framerate


Is this Hit and Run lore?



I haven't played Hit and Run in well over 10 years, but this theme still persists.

>there are people that play this game without the grid

stop lying

>exploding cars cheat
>invincible car cheat

After Jon left the GG cast has become a bloated mess.
Minus Danny, if an episode contains a certain GG cast-member, that episode is guaranteed to have a lower quality.
The less amount of time that person talks, the better the episode. That's why Doodle Dudes and the recent episodes with Oney, Dingdong, and Julian have been so good - Because they drown out Arin, Ross, etc.

>invincible car cheat with the F1 car

>I want you to the store

Except maybe the stone age

Reminder Julian is literally our guy and is the only one that lurks.

GG is garbage

>People watch post-Jontron GG

For what purpose

these people have been attempting comedy since the days of newgrounds and they have never improved. why don't they just quit already?

>suzy getting triggered by oney's drawings in doodle doods

Because they have a following that enjoy's that comedy and it can sustain their lifestyles.
So why stop doing something that's been working?



they don't enjoy the comedy though they enjoy their pandering

lol screencap it

how hard would it be to google doodle doods feat suzy


Was a shit episode. But I definitely understand how the tween audience that grew up with Jon would enjoy it.

Nothing, I just watch oneyplays and this is the first time GG has been funny in almost 4 years

Why oney is so good

I literally didn't watch this Doodle Doods because of Suzy being in it.

What? what video? fuckin bitch

Don't worry she's still insufferable.

Sorry for being retarded, didn't know there was a new episode

this is offensive?

Spent most of my time in the first level just fucking around, never forgot this song either.
It's a pretty nice song

Suzy doesn't really get 'triggered'
She just is constantly shocked at how odd Chris's drawings are

>ross and chris just fucking draw horrifying shit and suzy tries to attempt things

whyd she even bother honestly

i fucking hate his videos but his drawings are god tier