Does Sup Forums like Bayonetta?

Does Sup Forums like Bayonetta?

Did you buy the PC port of her game?

i'm indifferent toward bayonetta, and no

>Does Sup Forums like Bayonetta?
Could just say Bayonetta thread or something, newfaggot

I've been trying to improve,but progress is slow going.I'm redoing chapters with the gaze of despair right now.The game is really good.

I did but I dont like having to replay alfheim missions and the constant cutsenses aren't great on replay.

I'm hoping this will spur a bayonetta 3, since IIRC the success of the Valkyria Chronicles port had sega produce Valkyria Revolution. Too bad about revolution being shit though.

i have an LGA771 Xeon and a GTX770

what will Bayonetta run like on my PC? shitty i imagine

>Too bad about revolution being shit though.
What did they expect? They slapped the brand name on a completely different game.

I have a GTX750 and it runs flawlessly

It's really easy to pirate. Try it out before you buy

I would like to get the pc version, but I have a few games to finish first. I hate having a backlog.

Damn, Jubileus the Creator looks like THAT?

I would like to be in her ass

>a game that ran at 60fps on ps3 and 360 in 2009
>a very decent card from 2013

Why would it run poorly...

>60 FPS on console

you make me laugh


That's some serious history revisionism, even with the patch that was supposed to fix it's slide show framerate it still was inferior to the 360 version.

i have a 570 and it runs flawlessly

That bitch stole the character slot in smash from the one who really deserved it.

My AMD shit hates the game so I can't play it at a solid framerate.

I love Bayonetta! Of course I bought the PC version! But, I haven't even finished the 360 version yet...

Yes, i bought the original on Xbox 360, then bought 2+1 on the WiiU and rebought the first one on pc, I love me some stylish hack and slash.
