Star Wars Battlefront 2

>"Quite Drastic' Character Customisation (Shield, Aiming, Quickfire Mods)

>Droid-Based Companion In Single-Player Combat
The Empire is known for its technological prowess and so giving her this combat ready droid gives her a greater range, a greater reach, more versatility, more flexibility [...] The the droid is one of the ways through which the players can express their own personal style of play and how they choose to engage with a combat scenario." - Mark Thompson, DICE

>Ground-To-Vehicle Transitions

>Takodana Map (Maz's Castle location) Confirmed

>Theed Map

>Kylo & Luke Are Playable In The Campaign

>Dedicated Servers For Online Play

>Unlock Deluxe content by playing instead of having to always purchase

Give me a reason why you are not excited for the multiplayer game of the year?


All the reason anyone needs to stay away from this cancer

Did you read all the detail this game will have?

btw Battlefield Hardline is one of my fav online games recently and that was made by EA

Only thing their first Battlefront was missing was new content otherwise I loved the way they designed the battle fields and all

I-is it okay to discuss this game on Sup Forums now?

I'm curious to see how they're going to handle heroes in the new one. From what I can gather, they don't want them to be overpowered as fuck again, which was a huge problem with the first Battlefront IMO. Hopefully they manage to get the balancing issues fixed before the game is released.





This is the only legit complaint, but even then it's not that big of a deal

Already confirmed that it won't be returning

Already confirmed that classes will make a return

Classic Battlefront had some small ass maps too

How much is EA paying you for this?

CoD is finished.

>Classic Battlefront had some small ass maps too
classic battlefront had fucking huge maps.

>but even then it's not that big of a deal
A fucking alpha hobos dug up has it. There is no excuse.

about as much as Activison is paying you for anti-DICE shitposting

>still no conquest confirmed
>still no instant action confirmed

>if you're not spreading misinformation for no reason you're a shill

Please kill yourself.

I can't wait to play as a prequel droid!

This sounds awful.

You did this shit with Battlefront EA 1 before.

Dude the game is 20 v 20 right? So big maps wouldn't work.

Yes they should have made 40 v 40 BUT they didnt because after a few months, it will be hard to get 80 players playing the game constantly which is why EA SHOULD BRING BACK BOTS!!

Any chance we can get them to bring back bots since they have been kind and given us all this new content?

>A fucking alpha hobos dug up has it. There is no excuse.
The fucking PSP game they made out of the BF3 guts still has it.

Seriously we need bots and instant action. No bots on first battlefront sucks cos now I cant play the dlcs cos no one is hardly on it

>now I cant play the dlcs cos no one is hardly on it
how much money did you spend on the game including dlc?

will it still have the boring and shallow game modes that ruined the first game?

What I want

>Theed Hanger
>Theed Underground (Obi Wan, Qui Gonn, Maul Fight area)
>Theed city

>Coruscant street level
>Coruscant vehicle sky

>Podracing mode

>make a bunch of completely false statements for the sake of circlejerk shitposting
>"uh no that's wrong"

>how much money did you spend on the game including dlc?

$60 for game
$20 for the season pass

Not too bad of a price I guess


Heroes v mode was fucking awesome! Fuck you the modes were great. There was just so little content which is why the game dragged

At this point, they are better off just remaking the original swbf games.

2 (You)s won't be necessary, autist

Every Battlefront game except the original is dog shit because they entirely missed the point and made everything focused on the fucking jedi again.

>$80 for a game you can barely even play now because the online is on life support when it's barely like two years old
>not too bad of a price
actiblizz is shit but they've done a fairly decent job of keeping overwatch alive and as far as i know they haven't pulled any dlc shit.

3 (You)s will be, faggot. Though its funny to see much this frustration over you being called out and how your shit new game will crash and burn just like the first one did after 2 months.

>prequel droid!
Can we do customizations? I want to paint the body of the droid

I still got survival mode to roam around in so that's okay I guess once online servers go down...

>no survival mode on Bespin or Death Star

lol how was it called out exactly? an uninformed retard complaining about shit that is either outright false or proven to be changed?

i know you like your ecelebs to tell you what to think and all but you should really consider looking into things before having sperg fits about 'em.

>tfw I can't even walk around myself on the maps once this game goes completely offline
So that's it? The DLC is just useless? WHAT THE FUCK

>"Quite Drastic' Character Customisation (Shield, Aiming, Quickfire Mods)


Also that sounds fucking awful. Everyone zipping around in a jet pack was bad enough the first time so it's nice to know their doubling down on the bullshit.

i don't like when companies make games with the intention of making a quick buck and then abandoning them, especially if it's a game that requires multiplayer to enjoy. tf2 is ancient now and csgo is getting up there but they're still really big. fucking cs 1.6 and cs:s are still kicking too.


CIS represent.

I don't know why so many people don't like the droids. Everyone just seems to choose clones over them.

Don't get me wrong, clones are alright, but I'd always choose CIS over the Republic in Battlefront any time.

>doesn't address what I said
>immediately strawmans about some other shit while trying to poison the well
Typical retarded shill.


>CIS droids make a return
It's something, but unless they have Supers I'm not watching out to see if this turns out to be any good.

what is there to address? you're just parroting shit from the circlejerk, not to mention you didn't even make a point.

are you always this mad about video games bro?

>I'm not watching out to see if this turns out to be any good.
It won't be.

>Super Battle Droids
overrated. classic CIS is best

>Made by EA
You're fucking retarded. Go read their fucking Wikipedia page, for starters.

>doesn't actually still address anything I said
How are you this retarded and not dead yet? You need to shoot yourself in the head because even a quick glance at the chain of replies isn't even my post about the classes being true or not, you dumb troglodyte.

This game will fail just like it predecessor did.

It because they see droids the shitty child friendly version of those droids that have high pitched voices and are incompetent comic relief.

>Not sending in the supers
You're a disappointment to the confederacy.

>Jumped-up security bots

Even with those voices and mannerisms, they were down right sadistic in TCW CGI series.

>B1 Battle-Droids just literally getting off and enjoying Clones suffocating in the vacuum of space with the Malevolence arc
>Seeing Clones getting slammed or exploded also had them laughing

i think you might be an actual down syndrome retard or something considering i never even mentioned anything about the first post i replied to in that last reply. you seem to get confused pretty easily, so i'll break it down:

this post right here
has nothing of value. all you said is

what exactly are you so butthurt about me not "addressing" here. do you want me to say "no it won't", you fucking idiot?

next time you should actually try making points so you won't seem like a complete braindead retard.

You literally are retarded.

This isn't even my post. Now neck yourself you piss-ant. This is why you are a retard, because you can't even put two and two together even with the most simple things. Do you have some kind of mental disease? Are you handicapped? Because every single post you've entered in this thread strongly suggests this.


why are you so mad that your game is going to fail? like the other guy said, no matter what changes Nu Dice makes, it won't hold any interest for long and its playerbase even combined between consoles and PC will drop like a rock in the water and sink to the bottom just like Battlefront EA/first one did

improvements won't matter because their rebooted Battlefront series is boring as shit and more or less already have microtransaction shit coming back in to P2W

>campaign begins right as Death Star 2.0 is destroyed and you watch this from ground level

The episode 1 Naboo B1s are still the best ones:
No high-pitched voices.
No shitty personalities.
No emotions.
They were just cold, killing machines that marched towards their target without fear.

I agree with B1s look better than Supers. Hell, they should have made Supers be an unlockable class or something, not standard infantry in the first two Battlefronts.
I had to mod the normal B1s back in.

when did i ever suggest you were that first guy i replied to? are you so angry that it's inhibiting your ability to read, let alone think?

Every single post you gave in reply to mind didn't just "suggest" it but massively implicated it. Go ahead though and keep trying to deflect, its cute faggot-kun.

hahaha what? i can't believe you're actually this mad (and stupid)

like all you've done this entire time is say retarded shit and get mad as fuck when it doesn't fly so good

I like how you keep bumping your shit thread every time it moves past page 6, shill kun. You aren't fooling anyone but keep projecting. Also from your posting style you are likely an ESL third-worlder shitter as well.

CIS didn't exist until Episode 2, you double nigger

i dunno man you're the one that keeps replying. and angrier every time lol.


Still projecting? Cute. Also who are you quoting?

I love Star wars battlefront 2
Because of the maps and era.
I love how depending on the map, Either the Environment or creatures will kill or help you. For Example, In Pols masa, Going outside will kill the clones but not the droid, In Felucia, There are pockets of poison gas that will choke you, even deadly creatures. In Endor, Ewok will help you fight the Empire with traps in every path.

The games was fair too, Allowing Rebels to have tanks and special units. I love BF2, Still have it in PS2 and in steam.

While EA Battlefront 1 fucking sucks, was not fair to the Rebels too. "Oh The empire have Walkers.. well here a bazooka.. good luck faggot, Also the Ewoks won't help you, even their traps.. so Fuck you even more, Maps don't affects your battle. were rlly fun "

I honestly don't have hope for EA Battlefront 2, I got to see to believe..

>online is on life support
>still find games almost immediately

no one cares faggot

Activision has focused all the shilling budget into making COD WWII threads.


Thanks for proving his point, you cuck.


truly sad

>being this retarded

Truly pathetic.

i have been wondering, why the death star explosion is so lame? it's full of rooms, corridors air conditioning and all that. there should be a shit ton of debris after the explosion which would cause immense chaos around it, i want it to rip all the space crafts into shreds and all that debris fall into the nearby planet which would destroy most of it's surface.

Don't forget Hunt maps.
>playable tuskans
>playable jawas
>playable ewoks
>playable wampas
>mods also make npc classes playable for hunt like the felucia bug things and the pig guards in jabba's palace

Yes that too! Thank you. :)

The real question is will someone who's never watched Star Wars in his life like it?

i never watched star wars and liked the battlefront(2015)


>being this mad over getting BTFO
haha u MAD bro
>being an uncultured idiot
5 bucks guaranteeing you're one of those fags that only know about video games and are stupid in literally every other category

fucking kill yourself you RETARDED FUCK

Whose mad, shill-kun?

>heavy metal
What they mean by this?

no different from people who though Oblivion was the first Elder Scrolls really, just know that you are a massive tool for not playing one of the GOOD games instead of supporting trash.

I will wait for post launch reviews and gameplay footage. I want to know the actual map weapon and hero count first. I not an idiot.


No season pass this time around so hopefully it's just cosmetic bullshit and everyone will get the maps
But yes I always want bots too

I didn't buy this game because I was expecting this to happen. Fuck EA and its online only bullshit.

>No season pass this time
They might pull a Capcom:
- maps cost 1000 pts
- skins cost 250 pts
- 0.2 pts per game, IF your team wins, 0 pts for losses

Because the death star explosions are a tiny little prop for a pg-13 movie. The debris from a death star would be so enormous it would create a ring around the nearest planet most likely.