I know Sup Forums despises anything that resembles an open world survival game, but EFT seems to be doing some interesting stuff, basically it's a campaign, you loot the environment to stand better chances in future location. You can play in Co-op with other players raiding your instance.
Escape from Tarkov
Looks /k/ as fuck would operate
This game gives me a fucking anxiety attack when I play it every time. Fun as all hell but damn is that shit super tense. It also has some good music.
Cool weapon and inventory systems. Utterly uninteresting game/gamemodes.
Hopefully a decent developer copies the former.
not familiar with this game. the last video I saw was a guy tiptoeing around some facility for 20 fucking minutes being scared of his shadow
can someone give me a quick run down?
>Sie könne nicht beurteilen, ob er mit der Mentalität des türkischen Kulturkreises das Geschehen, das sie als Vergewaltigung erlebte, vielleicht für wilden Sex gehalten hat.
It's not up to her to judge the mindset of the cultural environment of turks. What she experienced as rape might have been just rough sex to him.
>Der Staatsanwalt räumte ein, dass der Freispruch ein „schwerer Schlag“ für die Geschädigte sein müsse. Andererseits sei eine Verurteilung nicht möglich, weil kein Vorsatz nachweisbar sei.
The prosecution admitted that it might be a blow for her but prosecuting the man is impossible.
I paid for beta but the basic package so I have to wait until later this year to play reeee
Only looks good because games that make you lose your equipment on death is god tier.
thats it
You die in like two shots and audio is basically the minimap so thats how you have to play. In outside maps you can tell someone is inside of a building and which side just by standing next to the building and listening closely. thats it.
>You can actually get away with rape in europistan if your skin is a little brown
Also games looks kinda neat seems like stalker but no mutants
On smaller maps it's just a corner-camping simulator, on large maps it's a pixel-hunt.
Is it co op in any way? I've been wanting a good co op game with tons of customization, but if it's pvp only I'll look elsewhere.
well, right now there is no reputation system to keep others from killing their faction. but yes you can play coop but the friendly fire is super real.
Game looks extremely neat.
Not paying until it's done though.
>You can play in Co-op with other players raiding your instance.
I'm going to hate myself for making this comparison, but does this mean it's like a Souls game?
You play the campaign normally against NPCs, you can call friends to join you, but there's always going to be a risk some other player will invade as an enemy?
And not like other DaiZy-likes where it's just a giant game of death match and the only end goal is to dick other players harder than they dick you?
I'd really like this game. The question is, does it have my favorite the AN-94?
There is apparently going to be ten campaign levels, one free roam environment and two arenas. It seems like you unlock the campaign levels by escaping the previous area. You can then save and select the gear you want to use in the next environment. There will be quest urging you to revisit old locations.
You can also spawn in with limited gear as one of the bandit NPC factions, basically just to dick around.
Not really like Dark Souls, but a lot more interesting than the other dozen DayZ clones and it looks really pretty.
One thing concerning me is the game's engine. It's running on Unity.
I can't stand the spawning system but other then that this game is elder god tier for me. I agree with others that some different types of game modes would be a welcome change but I'm already having too much fun. Devs said they were going to add in some temporary game modes to make shit exciting and it sounds pretty great in my opinion. I hope they take one or two of them and make the modes official.
>You can play in Co-op with other players raiding your instance.
Thats not entirely true. The maps are usually anywhere between 6 to 8 people, and your maximum group is 4. So even with a full group, you still have at least two opposing players, not counting the players who invade you. Co-op life is rough though, because you both spawn in different places and if you aren't careful of telling each other where you are you just end up killing each other because this game displays no indication that someone could be your friend. Which I suppose is a good thing.
Plenty of good games run on unity, Kerbal Space Program, Subnautica, Blackwake, Cities Skylines, Ori and the blind forest.
It seems like a decent engine, but I heard documentation is shit and the unity devs want you to pay for support. One of the Blackwake devs said the only reason he used Unity was because UE4 wasn't free when he started development on his game.
All the matches are pvp of like 8 people, maybe more later with larger maps. And every match at about 6 minutes in an NPC faction called Scavs show up to just come and kill whoever and steal their shit. Essentially it's just AI that show up to be a pain in the ass. Players have the option to play as a Scav with random shit gear once an hour. Essentially they "invade", as they lose nothing for dying, while other players lose everything they brought in if they die.
Another game with an empty looter shooter formula doomed to fail, which is a shame because the customization is cool.
The game looks and runs significantly better then pretty much any other "survival/battle royale" game on the market in my opinion.
Not trying to have 60+ playercounts and gazillian squaremiles maps might be the reason for that.
How do i play
Ain't paying for some fucking prealpha lmao
Never. It's pay to play.