Is it just me or is he becoming less funny
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maybe you're becoming self aware of your autism and how embarrassing it is to watch youtubers
yes his last few videos have been way below par. he needs to stop trying to do "serious" reviews
he is clearly out of ideas, he barely makes videos anymore
it was a good run while it lasted
His video today on dark souls was kind of funny. He hasn't made a truly good video since his 2016 game roundup
He is still da king
Still doing better than Spoony
It's because he's making the same joke for a decade.
>hahaaa im so good at this game baybeeee
>loses due to some stupid mistake which is obviously scripted
Bloodborne video was painful to watch
>haha I'm so good at this game
>*bad thing happens*
**wwalks into thread*
You are slowly growing up.
>record gameplay without commentary
>commentate over recorded gameplay like it's happening organically
Yeah that fucker's never been funny and you should feel autistic for thinking it ever was.
Novelty is inherent to entertainment. Repeating the same jokes don't make them funnier.
He needs to make more TTT and Rust videos. More online games with chat in general.
His Rust gameplay had me in tears laughing
but maybe that's just Rust in general
the only good dunkey videos are the ones where he talks about old games and mario titles
not video games.
I think it's more like what says.
His pre-planned stuff isn't good, but trimming down his off-the-cuff videos makes for some really funny shit.
>repeat 5 times
haha very funny i laughed 18 quintillion times at the funny joke haha
Dunkviews are shit
His serious reviews have been on point imo.
His NMS rewiew was 100% accurate
there's literally no other way to make humor out of a scripted playthrough
you forgot
>repeat 5 times with a spaghetti joke
haha VERY funny i cum on cat she hiss at penis
he's afraid of just doing shit now that he's bigger than he ever was. Making shit for fun or because you're hungry will always be better than doing it as a job
He became unfunny years ago when he stopped making jokes and only screams at prerecorded shit.
why have you come into this thread about a video-game related thing you do not like to make a post saying it is not related to video games
you have only bumped the thread about the thing you dislike you dumbfuck
he never was funny.
I'm imagining these as those bazinga comics
somebody get on this shit
Where's the video games?
how, he's literally a video game centric channel, what's not vidya about it?
haha absolute 24 karat comedy gold
>you have only bumped the thread
So not only an idiot, but a newfag too.
I like his Yooka Laylee review. He should do more reviews.
so long gay bowser
Videos too formulaic and (surprisingly) (way too) lolsorandom now, prime dunk is 2011~2012 (few non-LoL gems and mario 64 series)
>e-celeb cancer
>video games
Psycho Mantis?
Turned to shit with LoL. Beyond shit whrn dunkviews became serious. Beyond saving when he started playing overwatch and undertale
Sup Forums talks about anthony fantano
Sup Forums talks about nostalgia critic
why can't Sup Forums talk e-celebs?
I always viewed him as a massive faggot and that will never change. Stop shilling his channel here.
It's video game culture
Shits gay, fag.
>why can't Sup Forums talk e-celebs?
for exactly that reason
both cancer boards and no one likes those threads
>anthony fantano
ah yes, such quality content that is worthy of dicussion
His reviews are never insightful or funny so I don't know why he bothers. The only good one he's done to date is the Tony Hawk one.
He can be pretty funny when he isn't making it painfully obvious that he's setting up things to blow up in his face and then recording over it later.
Who can beat him?
certainly not the 5 gods, they are from a previous generation.
Why batman tho
>implying Sup Forums isn't the worst fucking board on this website
You're that Ninja!
fresh OC
>all his reviews
first time i laughed at dunkey desu
get a spegiti and meetballs in there and you are golden
>kind of funny
>literally the same type of humor he's done from his previous videos
Not hard to do better than being fucking dead
It feels like he's falling back into his cookie cutter League of Legends video style only doing it with different games.
I understand he puts a lot of time into playing and editing but his stuff is oftentimes just not that good and he uploads only once a month. The Bloodborne thing bored me and the Yooka-Laylee review wasn't anything anybody who wasn't paying attention to other reviews didn't already know.
come on the banjo and kazooie one was good, mostly said what other people already said but still was nice
His serious views are his better videos.
If I ever saw Kaley Cuoco out on the street I'd grab her then give her an enema. Her shit probably smells so good. Yum
He was harsh on Yooka Laylee. And he was incredibly harsh on androgynous. There seems to be no middle ground with this guy, honestly.
Are you still 12 y/o?
He has nothing insightful or new to offer nor is he expanding on anything that he is talking about. He's better as a """""comedy""""" guy.
The Bloodborne one was kind of lacking, but I loved his Nier and Yooka Laylee videos
I'm okay with that because most people don't have a middle ground. They either like something or don't.
I think he was absolutely correct on the topic of shit like remakes and difficulty.
Why is that a bad thing if it's funny? Did you feel tricked when you realized it wasn't real-time or something?
He was never funny, honestly. Not baiting either.
I like that part where he said the name of an Italian food
his nier video was literally the worst video he has ever made
im not baiting
Stop shilling here u fat fuck.
This is how I feel about Critikal.
He only reiterates what everybody on the fucking internet has already said about Banjo-Kazooie, you said as much yourself. He doesn't even present it in a new or interesting way.
I really feel that the Banjo praise is pretty overblown by most of the internet, so seeing the thousandth Banjo review just makes me roll my eyes. The Tony Hawk review at least has a segue into Superman and a funny pizza analogy, but the only good part of the Banjo review is the Nuts and Bolts visual gag.
Him and Jontron, I swear they double their repetitiveness each video.
Not that user but I think you're wrong as fuck. He offers insights you don't even get close to hearing about from 99% of other reviewers. IGN and shittaku will write 15 page essays to make a more arbitrary, unfounded case than he makes in 3 lines when he's being serious.
Why does he sound like he's Black and Italian?
critikal stopped being funny in 2007
He ripped Arkham City a new asshole, and rightfully so
Don't forget Sup Forums user
>propaganda spam threads
>200 reply 10 poster threads for epic r/Sup Forums screencaps
>"i fuck your mom XD"
Not even remotely close BAYBEE
People absolutely have a middle ground. Yooka Layle for example was a 7/10 at best. He shat on it like any other game. Dude is binary as fuck, I don't know why needs to be gushing or shitting on a game. It's not comedy if you're taking a small thing and blowing it up to make a joke.
This is his best video and only because the supporting cast was good
I watch old dinky videos and they're actually funny so he's lost touch. Maybe not being sad made him worse, having a fulfilling life kills comedy it seems.
Now that is a dude I'll never understand why people think is funny
his original videos back in like 09 when he did voiceovers of informercials were fucking hilarious
after he started doing videogames he became shit
I don't understand how the literal whos in his videos are so consistently funny.
>shits on Last of Us in a video
>later retracts his statement and says it was good
He's an idiot.
That combat video gets so annoying because five hours in you get ass raped by enemies with knives. You can't just hit counter like he made it out to be. The combat IS shit, but he was just misinformed and spreading misinformation.
Just because he didn't like the shitty game you found to be mediocre doesn't mean he doesn't have a middle ground.
Dude ballooned up to fuck. I actually thought he was sad now because jeez what kind of weight gain.
you just got older
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>nu-Sup Forums
Sup Forums isn't even in top 5
That Bloodborne video today was not very funny
Anytime he's actually playing with people it's fantastic.
His Duck Game video sold me on that and I've had a blast playing it with friends. Same exact experience too.
I wish he would do more serious review videos.