What are your thoughts on this game after playing and finishing it?
Give out pros and cons and a review out of 10.
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4/10 genre flawed by premise
>only five worlds make the game feel small, despite the option to expand them
>moves from later worlds are required for certain pagies in prior worlds, despite there being the option to expand them rather than moving on, making it the best option to move on as soon as possible to collect them all
>bubble move means you can never drown
>flying move means you can cheese everything
>rextro's minigames are bad
>cashino world with all its gambling games was an unwelcome sudden departure from formula, I like the idea of having to collect coins but not from playing slot machines over and over
>they missed the opportunity to have the second boss be "old king cold" or something similiar in the boiler as a reference to tooie's old king coal in the train boiler, and went with a generic square face you spam fire on instead
>some solutions to puzzle seem very random, with no explanation you could even do those things beforehand (like turning invisible when in a beam of light to shoot a straight light beam out of your butthole)
>some objects have no "death" animation, they just instantly disappear
>general lack of polish
As someone who has actually played this game, I can say that it is exactly what I expected and wanted out of it. It has so much love put into it, it has great worlds (the casino being a bit eh admittedly), good platforming, lovable characters, puns, audio, everything. It's a proper game in the spirit of Banjo and Kazooie.
Would easily give this a 7.5/10 or 8/10, it's beyond me how some people like that fat cuck Jim Sterling have the nerve to give this a 2/10
what did they mean by this
Its like someone set out to copy Banjo&Kazooie and didnt have the money or the time to finish whatever it is they were working on.
Sadly the game is shit, I mean nobody in twitch is playing it. The most popular streamers didn't like it. Hell even a manchild like Lirik said the game is shit and the 40000~50000 retards agreed it with him.
In my opinion it looks average, the controls are horrible at least in PC, and it's tedious to complete some quests, to be honest collect-a-thon games are dead.
The casino level is the worst thing ever conceived.
>It's a proper game in the spirit of Banjo and Kazooie.
how i know you're lying. BK you could gather everything in one world, in one run. this game is more akin to DK64 or Banjo Tooie.
i played the first world and honestly, i want to get rid of the game. i'll try the second world eventually if i can get any motivation to care.
I don't understand how they fucked something as simple like the voice of the snake.
that bee character is antisemitic
I don't understand how you can feel this way. Yes, you'll come back later on with more moves to complete it, but in this game you can also expand worlds, so there is that.
Either way, how are you not enjoying the visuals, the platforming, the characters and designs, the way they talk, the puns and humour, all of that? I don't get it.
Fuck off donkey
This is a joke post, right?
Why would I be joking?
I even went and played B&K just a month before Yooka-Laylee came out.
YL is a solid game. I think you might just be blinded by nostalgia. Have you tried playing Banjo lately? Are you sure you still enjoy it as much as you believe you did if you try and take off your nostalgia glasses?
>Banjo Kazooie ft. Despicable Me
I'm good.
Yooka-Laylee is the most unfairly underrated and shat on game of the year.
Anything under 7/10 for this solid collect-a-thon of yesteryear that does everything it promised it would do is ridiculous.
eh, i still 100% a file here once in a while. idk why i like that game so much, maybe cause it was a solid formula? i think 10 jiggies, 100 notes were a good balance.
maybe i'm just getting old.
Its a good game but some people didnt want another sequel to BK despite Tooie being a better game.
5 worlds seems less but each world is fully fleshed out with NPCs, moves to learn, transformation segments, and a boss. Much better than BK levels that would only have 2 npcs, or no transformation, or no boss. Not to mention the last half of BK your hardly even learning new moves. Disappointing.
The controls are tight and responsive. Walking and jumping has more precision than Banjo who slid a lot more and couldnt maneuver in the air as easily. Rolling is not a talon trot, its a steering control like the snowplow in w2. Once you learn that and grasp the controls it becomes extremely easy, about halfway through the game I had mastered rolling and no challenges that used it were difficult. Same goes for flight in YL and BK. Unless you think learning curves are bad.
YL has more difficult challenges than anything in BK except maybe rust fuckit bay, Banjo takes less than 10 hours to 100%. YL takes twice the time because it has that much more content in the forms of challenges where as to many jiggys in BK are just get to the top of the level or something similarly easy.
It does have some flaws.
The camera can suck a dick.
Rextros minigames are as fun as the minigames in BT, so not at all. More an annoyance to anyone going for 100%
There needed to be a larger varity of colectables instead of just quills everywhere. BK had a shit load of mumbo tokens, over 30 extra. Maybe have multiple mollycools and have groups of quills. Banjo had too much useless ammos and feathers so its hard to balance.
Having NPCs that looked largely the same didnt help either, have the snowmen or shopping carts actually be different NPCs and that also helps a shit load in variety.
Now for the subjective bit
Its fine you idiots, its the same humor from the same old men that made Banjo.
>but muh fourth wall
Fuck off, Cranky in DKC literally always broke the 4th wall.
Playing it now, honestly everything I wanted and expected it to be so far. I don't know if I'll 100% it like I did with BK or BT, but I miss that thrill of the hunt. Resisting the temptation to go online and find that last jinjo/ghost or whatever.
Also the complaints about camera control is literally bullshit.
It's the ONE thing I can even agree on when it comes to complaints. The camera is a bit wonky at times.
Well that and the casino world isn't quite up there with all the other ones, but other than that - great game. Some of the rextro minigames could be a bit better I suppose but eh
I expected to feel like you did, being older now the idea of 100% 'ing anything is a huge chore to me. But something specifically about the type of game just...unlocks this thrill for me. It's like hunting again.
i mean i can slog through it, idk i have the game and i'll try to beat it. i guess i should be thankful we got anything similar to bk/bt, and its not terrible for a crowdfunded game.
Understandable points.
I still think the game is good for what it wants to be and has a nice carefree atmosphere especially for those who get nostalgiaflash bonus.
I can see what you mean.
A lot of people like BK because theres no backtracking and thats fine. I enjoy going to past levels with new moves ever since metroid killed my taste. Tooie was far too mazelike and difficult to navigate so I'm glad YL is more like BK just much much bigger.
I didnt expand anything but the first world until I had every move so backtracking was less an issue, just went in each level twice unless I missed something.
Whats funny to me is Tooie was already playing with the expanding worlds concept. Remember atlantis?
Makes you wonder Banjo threeie was always going to be like YL, just with actual funding and a huge publisher so it would have been far more polished.
He was a parasite who contributed nothing to the game.
I'm enjoying it a lot.
I think it would be better if it didn't have the kind of flying it did and if you could 100% each world as you go through them, but that's not really a major issue. Love all the characters, voices, designs, all of it.
It's shit.
Forgot my numbered score.
I give it an 683/100
Could be 764 if they patch the camera.
>the amount of reviewers that went "ugh, come on, it's 2017, there is a reason we no longer have collect-a-thons"
wow great, what a helpful review considering it's literally a game that sets out to be JUST like the collect-a-thons of back then funded by people who want EXACTLY that.
>Levels too big and empty
>Vehicles are shit
>Characters are cardboard cutouts
>The humor wasn't funny
>I had no drive to find the 100 Pagies needed to fight Capital B
>Story is tepid and almost non-existent making you not care about what happens
>Capital B is a shit villain that doesn't hold a candle to Grunty
>The hub is shit
>The music was okay
>The basic platforming controls are okay
>The flying move you get around the casino and space swamp levels breaks the rest of the game
>Characters are cardboard cutouts
You what
Nice try, schlomo.
Another bandwagon I see.
Popular streamers have shit taste. Why even mention them
Really, the casino and the marsh have been my two favourites.
They're about as lax with the requirements as Super Mario Sunshine, but at the same time they've put in a lot of tools to help you know where you're meant to be looking like something.
Nice to see weaver jumping on another bandwagon.
>Levels too big and empty
Sure, having stuff in all corners makes it so empty, not like Click clock woods and rust buckit bay
>Vehicles are shit
Transformations? The're just as useless as in BK.
>Characters are cardboard cutouts
Not even trying anymore, come on. Or you forgot how most characters in BK are the same shit, or that half the levels hardly have NPCs to begin with
>The humor wasn't funny
You mean the same exact humor as BK? Yeah okay
>I had no drive to find the 100 Pagies needed to fight Capital B
Thats on you
>Story is tepid and almost non-existent making you not care about what happens
The characters do have less motivation but the end is where all the story is so to say its not here when you havent finished it is retarded.
>Capital B is a shit villain that doesn't hold a candle to Grunty
The boss battle itself is pretty good, I cant decide which I like more
>The hub is shit
Not as shit as gruntys lair holy fuck thats an ass level to get through at first filled with constant backtracking and decieving pathways.
>The music was okay
Grant was OK. David and Steve were tops.
>The basic platforming controls are okay
They are more precise than BK
>The flying move you get around the casino and space swamp levels breaks the rest of the game
The flying move you get at the end of the game you mean? Oh no I got an ability that lets me backtrack through levels more easily. Oh no I sued it to cheese a challenge. Or you could have some self control.
But honestly it should have been locked behind the expanded version and that should have taken a lot of pagies to unlock.
>think of the chilluns
>need to finish World 3, 4, and expand World 5 then complete that
>go to World 3
>a lot more left that I never expected
Some of the challenges stump me though like the timed underwater bullshit
Yeah I enjoyed 3 a lot.
I dont get all the hate for 4 either, the slots are piss easy, the fucking wall challenges are lame though good thing theres only 3.
I cant remember having trouble with any challenges though, I'm sure you tried the bubble to go faster underwater
Yeah and I drop the bubble and swim over the spiky things, pushed by the air stream but it's not fast enough.
Oh damn the spiky tunnel I remember that. It probably gave me more trouble than most things in the game.
You can barely jump over the spikes if your slow and careful, popping the bubble will always take to long I learned. Took about 5 tires because the second jump is real tough.
It's was pretty fun
people who are bitching are those who can't handle exploring shit on their own, both gameplay wise and map wise.
sadly, that's all the millenials
>this game is more akin to DK64 or Banjo Tooie.
Banjo Tooie, maybe. DK64? Lol.
>tfw the thread dies if theres no shitposting
yeah i agree its a stretch, but i meant it more in the backtracking way but that could be said just from banjo tooie. my b
A few years ago this criticism might have actually meant something when it came to certain games but you people are seriously driving this word into the ground now.
I want to give Wumba big heap dick
maybe if it was a good game we'd talk about it more
0/10 May as well be a BRAAAAP post if you ask me
>World 5 boss
Its shit
Never played it btw
How was Jolly Rogers Lagoon an "expanded" world?
I was going to give it a solid 7, but the final boss is really disappointing.
You have a little bit to do in the town centre, and then once Mumbo does that spell you have all the underwater bits to explore I guess, not sure I'd call just the town centre a proper level though
The underwater part was basically "blocked off" until you used the Mumbo magic (otherwise you'd drown).
I actually really like the casino. It's my favorite world with the music and the look of it.
I don't know why everybody hates this level the most.
Banjo Tooie was way worse than this
Yeah I really liked the casino level, what were the wall challenges, was that the one where you have to shot the pattern on one of the walls or what?
He probably means the puzzles with pushing a ball up/down through an obstacle course.
Those are pachinko machines, yes.
Golf was easy in the casino, and same with GG, apart from that fucking windmill
All right, I'll say it.
"Dude they shouldn't of removed JonTron and then denied everyone their refunds because they wanted to be a multicultural company aswell a bunch of fucking nazis."
t. Sup Forums
>getting upset that jon's broken syllables weren't played over a toilet joke
lmaoing @ ur life tbqh fampai
8/10 I had fun
Is Yooka-Laylee more Tooie or Kazooie in terms of design?
Tooie had more backtracking and lock-and-key design (i.e. 'to get this jiggy, you must go over to this part of the map to become mumbo, then go to this pad and press B'). That type of gameplay isn't fun. It's not a challenge outside of remembering where stuff in the world is.
DK64 was like that shit on crack. Fuck that time vampyre of a game.
Delivered exactly what was promised
Kartos and Rextro minigames are horrible except for 1 each
Though there are only five worlds, they're very big and and full of conten
People like this have no right talking down to the game because they openly admit they don't like the genre to begin with.
Backtracking is a huge part of collectathons, it extends the playability of the game, gives you reason to revisit worlds, and is in no way a con.
Depends on the level, the first two are definitely more Tooie based, in that you need a lot of future moves for it, the third one I'd say is far more like Kazooie, the fourth is difficult to say, because the way you get pagies is by doing lots of little things to get tokens, which you cna trade 10 of for a pagie, but very few of the mini-challenges, if any require any sort of backtracking.
Haven't finished the 5th one yet so can't say.
>Backtracking is a huge part of collectathons, it extends the playability of the game, gives you reason to revisit worlds, and is in no way a con.
Pretty zealot-like stance to take on this.
>Huge part of collectathons
Wasn't a part of Kazooie, a quintessential collectathon. Levels could be beaten 100% on your first visit.
>Extends the playability of the game
This type of content is something that I and many others just view as filler. There isn't any meaningful mechanical or intellectual challenge to backtracking. It's just the addition of time taken to travel to a location to do a task that you would have otherwise done immediately if it wasn't located in a different level.
shit camera and level design
does nothing to fix the issues platformers on the n64
voices are shit
nice colors
nice music
>we're the heroes, you might recognize us from the box art
>Levels could be beaten 100% on your first visit.
Which is why Tooie is always considered an improvement
>There isn't any meaningful mechanical challenge to backtracking.
Getting 100% is meaningful and can be a mechanical challenge if it requires a later move.
And as a nice gesture, i'm not going to make fun of you for the "intellectual" bit
I just can't get behind the chameleon lead. It just looks so bad.
>Which is why Tooie is always considered an improvement
I have no idea why you're making backtracking appear as though it's inherently superior to not backtracking.
Does the notion of subjective value escape you or something?
Honestly I hope they've realized they would have had far less controversy if they hadn't remove him
I mean, look at Hatred. Hatred was the hottest political topic in gaming until it released.
Why? Because those people don't actually play videogames, and once Hatred released they saw the topic as done, there was no point in debating it anymore, so it quickly became forgotten by the masses.
The exact same would have happened to Yooka-Laylee if anyone even cared that Jontron was in it
But Playtonic didn't want to risk it, and by wanting to avoid possible bad publicity they created their own bad publicity.
So bad that people buy the game just to call it bad
did they ever fix the tongue?
also a lot of things are on timers which I dislike why is the roll even on a timer anyway
each world has no really distinct characters and instead has the same people every time
>I have no idea why you're making backtracking appear as though it's inherently superior to not backtracking.
Because as I said, it extends the playability of the game and gives you reason to revisit worlds.
If you 100% a world your first time around you might as well forget it exists.
>please waste my time: a game design philosophy
nice dude, right on
You sure that last girl isn't from Jet Force Jemini?
If you truly consider expansive content to be a waste of time, then my first holds true.
You have no right shit talking the game because you openly admit you didn't like the genre to begin with.
It's speculated that's what she's designed after seeing as that's another Rare game
Based off of her probably, but the character in the image appears in Galleon Galaxy as an NPC.
YL is just mediocre.
It did what it promised and thats it.
The game isn't worth more than 9.99 $
There would have been a big shitfit if they didn't remove him. His views were extreme and racist, and not moderate or understandable political views. Anyone actually upset with playtonics decision is a child who was raised on Sup Forums and has no concept of real world consequences for actions, and feels highly threatened by the prospect.
What was wrong with the tongue?
the tongue is always in the mouth even if you stick it out meaning that there will be 2 visible tongues
I think we are reaching to point where calling someone racist for saying scientific facts is losing its power.
Is it racist to say that the average IQ of all Africans around the world, when and wherever measured, using a variety of IQ testing methods is somewhere around 85? think about these things.
Its 10 because pol fags and eceleb cocksuckers are butthurt and triggered by it
It's not racist to state facts.
I wasn't expecting to be bothered by the voices but jesus, they really botched the execution of what they were attempting hard there.
>There would have been a big shitfit if they didn't remove him.
The very same SJW faggots who applauded the removal of Jontron shat all over the fucking game though, all they ended up doing was pissing off the people who supported the game for including Jontron and gaining no new customers for it
Honestly though, don't even bother. The people that cry foul over this are too far gone to be worth speaking to. Just ignore them and hope they get hit by a car or whatever
Wait is it really made on Unity?