Getting into Resident Evil

I recently read articles saying 2 and Code: Veronica were getting remade. If I get the remakes of pretty much all the games will that suffice as getting into the series?

You can't miss out on 0, 2, or 3, and claim you play resident evil.

CV getting remade? I wish, probably just a PS4 port.

Just play the games in order faggot. A lot of the scares in the REmake are based off your expectations and knowledge of the original game. Without having experienced the first game a lot of the scares wont have the same effect. But yes, the REmake of 1 is the definitive version of it. It incorporates story references to future sequels which were not present in the original game because the sequels obviously didn't exist at the time.

Why Claire is so perfect bros?

Just planned on getting the origins collection to play 0 then wait for 2 on ps4 then just play the emulation of 3 unless that comes to ps4 ever

You're saying you cant miss out on 0, 2 3, games which have zero bearing on the overarching RE story, but not play 1? Found the underage. CV has far more crucial plotpoints then 0, 2 or 3.

0 is literally the worst game in the series and has zero importance to the series lore. Brace your anus for a terrible experience.

>Code Veronica being remade
Says who? Literally the first time I'm hearing this. REmake 2 project also has barely even started, and we certainly won't be seeing even any teasers about it for another year or two.

Just start with the originals and play in release order. They still play fine and in general are top-notch gaming experiences. If you are a horrible graphics-whore casual, you can use the REmake HD as your gateway to the series, but you better stick to the original controls, or you'll be hating yourself when playing the rest of the series.

>0 is literally the worst game in the series
That's no RE6.
Or if you wanna differentiate pre-RE4 stuff into its own category, then CV is the black sheep.

You must be kidding right? You can play the entire series except zero, it's fucking terrible.

>REmake 2 project also has barely even started
Wasn't it already in development during RE7 announcements? I expect to see something either at TGS or E3 next year.

I think the best introduction to Resident Evil is Deadly Silence on the DS, or if the person grew up before the Ps2 era I'd recommend either Resident Evil Director's Cut or just the original.

Games I would recommend to a hardcore fan would be 3, 0, CV, and then finally last but not least Outbreak 1&2 (online only)

>Or if you wanna differentiate pre-RE4 stuff into its own category, then CV is the black sheep.
CV is great, even if you dislike CV you'd have to be a fucking idiot to think 0 is better. 0 has zero importance to the RE story, Marcus is a garbage piece of shit villain. He has zero presence, only has about 2 minutes of screentime before you kill him in a boss fight. The removal of safe boxes and co-op addition are horrendous. The forced backtracking for that fucking hookshot.

CV has a great story, intrigue, mystery, lots of twists and turns, you have two different villainous factions working against each other and you're caught in the crossfire. It explains the origins of Umbrella and gives you the opportunity to interact with vital members.

Yes, it was announced almost two years ago. The other poster is clearly a fucking moron, I mean, he thinks 0 is a good game.

>Wasn't it already in development during RE7 announcements?
They simply said "yeah, we'll do it!" couple years ago, as a reaction to the "unexpected" great sale figures of the HD ports of REmake and Zero. Beyond that, it's been a complete radio silence.

The ADHD morons have already started crying about vaporware and shit, but kids these days fail to realize that making games takes time. And REmake was NOT just a "HD remaster" of RE1, but a total overhaul build from scratch, and that's exactly what is going to happen with REmake 2 as well.

>CV is great, even if you dislike CV you'd have to be a fucking idiot to think 0 is better.
Better gameplay, visuals, cast, and no Matrix Weskers already make it a better game.

CV is only getting a PS4 port/remaster. RE2 is actually a remake. Go play the original 3 man, you can play REmake afterwards. After that you can play CV and 0 (both are kinda shit though), and then 4-7.

Also reminder Chris > Leon and Leonfags should kill themselves

>literally nothing has been shown
>RE7 came out first and now Capcom is pushing out a DLC wave
>"lol teh user is just stoopid bcos he dun like muh favorite game! :^) "
t. (You)

Play resident evil hd remake version.
Then play 2
Then play 3.
The rest after than is up to you.

Story doesn't matter after that?

It goes full anime, but i kinda like it. Also you can watch the CGI movies if that's your thing

Start with REmake then play 2 3 and 0 can't go wrong.
7 is also a good starting point if you want to see what the original style of gameplay is like with a more simplified but still classic RE gameplay.
CV is a bit slippery since its broken in a few places but still a fun ride for most of it.
4 to 6 is where the divide comes in since there more action games then horror games.
4 still has horror but its very light and 5 and 6 have no horror at all.
if you like 4 give 5 a try but only play it with a freind.
As for 6 I know some like it but frankly I hated ever second of it. See some gameplay first and give it a rent if it looks good to you.

What's your point? REmake 2 was announced almost two years ago. That's what I said. I didn't deny no information had been released. Learn English comprehension you dumb piece of shit.

>Better gameplay, visuals, cast, and no Matrix Weskers already make it a better game.
The gameplay in 0 is shit mate. The co-op and lack of safe boxes break the fucking game. Dropping and backtracking for your items every five seconds is insufferable. Wesker and Rebecca are the only cast members worth a damn. Marcus is a shit villain, he has zero screen presence. He has two minutes of screen time before you have a final boss fight with him.

Both Alfred and Alexia are GOAT villains. Not to mention based Wesker. The villains in RE were always ridiculous and over the top with hammy as fuck voice acting. That's their charm, that's what the RE series is known for. Alfred and Alexia take it to the nth degree and it's great. Also, better visuals? Wait, so you're telling me an older game...looks better than a newer game? No way!

I'm giving you actual arguments. You're just throwing buzzwords at me.

2, 3 and 0 have no impact on the overall story. 1, CV and 5 are the only ones which matter to the overarching story.

No. 4 and the rest suck.
Outbreak and ps2 exclusives were ok.
Code veronica is ok.

Just do what I fucking say.

>but not play 1?
He already said he was going to play the remakes, and playing the original Playstation 1 (which is worse than REmake) would be a small bonus but is not required to be played to unsterdand resident evil. Learn to read.

Anything you say is to be disregarded because you recommended 0.

Wyd is with the hate for 0? There are half a dozen worse RE games than 0. There are fucking shitty gameboy and cellphone versions for fucks sake.

>The gameplay in 0 is shit mate.
Better than in CV.
>The co-op and lack of safe boxes break the fucking game
No they don't. I was fucking glad and happily welcomed the dropping of items & instant-using of Herbs.

is it easy to find the resident evil games on ps1 and ps2?

>Better than in CV.
Not an argument.
>No they don't. I was fucking glad and happily welcomed the dropping of items &
Yeah, so rather than depositing your items into a safe box you now have to drop items on the floor and backtrack to wherever you dropped said item when you want to pick it up. Genius game design, just genius!
>instant-using of Herbs.
Nobody instant used the herbs you dumb fuck. Every person that played that game would drop the herbs in the central room of the mansion and backtrack there whenever they needed to heal.

Well any toaster nowadays can emulate PCXS2 ;)

But ya I think I got RE1 Director's cut for like 7 bucks a few years ago.

>There are fucking shitty gameboy and cellphone versions for fucks sake.
Those aren't counted in mainline series, same said for Umbrella Corps, Operation Raccoon City etc.

I think the hate comes from how annoying the tag-team system was, and the story in general.

I think Capcom wanted to see if players still liked the classic style of gameplay with RE7.
RE7 might be a good jumping off point to anyone wondering if they can get into the originals.
Its like the originals but a bit more friendly in terms of puzzles and controls.
If you can get it cheap give it a shot

Because of the community having markups of past games due to collectors, you're lucky to find a copy for 50 dollars.
Just emulate and play on smartphone or pc or whatever. If you are familiar with pc, you can add plugin graphics add ons that do wonders to the original gameplay.

In terms of the ones that got ported to newer consoles should I play the ports or play the originals?


>backtracking to a box is worse than backtracking to wherever you choose


>safe boxes
>the option of travelling to one of 10 or so safe boxes in the game
As opposed to dropping an item on the floor and having to backtrack to that one location in the game. Dumb fuck.

At this point you're baiting.

Just play the fucking originals. You could have them all cleared in a month.

I will never get why people hate zero.
Most arguments just boil down to "I don't know how to play it right." and blame the game for there own mistakes.
That and "Bosses are just big animals!

>"I don't know how to play it right." and blame the game for there own mistakes.
The fuck are you talking about? Just a butthurt 0 fanboy who cant take the fact you're in a minority. There's nothing to "get" in 0, it plays exactly like every other RE game except there's no safe boxes, just gotta drop everything on the floor and backtrack every time you want that particular something. Riveting gameplay. Thankfully people like you and me are really really smart and intelligent, because we enjoyed 0's shit game design, we're smart because we know how to play it "right". ;)

All you had to do was drop shit in the safe rooms its easy as that.
It barley affects gameplay you have to backtrack in ever RE so why are you crying that every know and then you need to backtrack to get an item?

>All you had to do was drop shit in the safe rooms its easy as that.
No shit, you think people who dislike 0 drop items in rooms filled with leech men? Fucking idiot.
>It barley affects gameplay
Except wasting a tremendous amount of time.
>you have to backtrack in ever RE so why are you crying
The backtracking is from obtaining key items and now being able to use these key items on open up new parts of the game, or use these key items to interact with the environment to allow you to progress in the game. In 0 you have to do that like every other RE game. But on top of that you also have to backtrack for items you want to carry about the place.

It is extremely tedious. You'll never know when you need a key item, you'll never know when an area gets cutoff or messed with, you'll never know when an area gets new monsters spawned in, and it's annoying when you stack a bunch of shit in one area.

>0 is literally the worst game in the series

Oh fuck off its fine. It's pretty much the DaS2 of the series. It's still a good game on its own but it's just nowhere near as good as most of the things that came before it.

Because cucks are life

It's not a bad game at all. As far as I'm concerned REmake, 0, 2, and 3 are all excellent survival resident evils that nailed the survival genre, and each had their own unique spin on gameplay. 0 tends to be thought of as the least popular of the golden age style of REs and because of this people meme that it is a bad game.

People like couldn't manage items properly and and dropped his items in the far corner dead end rooms and not the central hub. He was confused in the lack of hand holding in the game and panics at the thought of playing REmake on no magic box mode (ideally the best most accurate way to play a survival horror, and 0 replicates this aspect better than any other). Having to control 2 characters confused him. He also probably hates tank controls, hates resident evil 4, and loves resident evil 5.

Do people really think 0 is worse then 6 and 5?

>It is extremely tedious. You'll never know when you need a key item, you'll never know when an area gets cutoff or messed with, you'll never know when an area gets new monsters spawned in

Are you talking about 1, 2, 3, 0, Remake, CV? Are you talking about thw survival horror genre? I honestly can't tell

>annoying when you stack a bunch of shit in one area

Oh I see, you are bad at item management.

>in the far corner dead end rooms and not the central hub.
But the central hub was exactly where I dropped my items dumb fuck.

>panics at the thought of playing REmake on no magic box mode (ideally the best most accurate way to play a survival horror, and 0 replicates this aspect better than any other)
I've platinumed every RE game. They aren't difficult games mate. The only hard part is collecting every leech on leech hunter mode in 0 because it can fucking glitch and refuse to spawn the final leeches.

>He also probably hates tank controls, hates resident evil 4, and loves resident evil 5.
>mummy this man hates my childhood game, 0, i bet he loves 5, that'll show him!
Nice arguments.

Nu Sup Forums hates 0 and thinks you are baiting if you don't hate it.

>Oh I see, you are bad at item management.
Or it sounds like you're a COD kiddie who plays the game like a shooter. Seeing as I played this like a survival horror game, not the latest CAW OF DOOTY, I maxed out the main room with items and had to start using the centipede boss room to deposit items. The game is a fucking mess.

Samefag harder.

How is Code Veronica on ps2?

I think 7 is a pretty great start.
I started with 7 and I'm quickly playing the older ones.
I've played REmake and 2 so far.

play as much of the main series up to 4.
Play Outbreak if you want but I think they are shit games that play worse than the main series games
Skip 5 and 6
The Revelations games are fun too if you like RE 4

Its good but its too long and the last section kind of sucks,
But its still good old classic RE.
Give it a go.

So you panicked when you didn't have your magic box to hold your hand. Gotcha.

good enough if you cant get Dreamcast version

Eurocuck that didn't get a chance to experience Outbreak online detected.

Great argument kiddo.

I dropped all my items in the main room. I reached the point when the game wouldn't let me drop any more items in the main room so I started using the centipede boss room to deposit my items. Then when it was time to move onto the labs I thought oh shit, we're leaving this area behind. So I backtracked to bring my 100s of items along with me into the labs. Then had to repeat the process for the water treatment plant.
>b-b-b-but why did you bring your items to the lab idiot! you unlock an elevator that transports you back to the mansion! you could've used that to move your items from the main room of the mansion to the water plant!
Because I'm not psychic and didn't know there was a magical elevator in the game that travels between the mansion, water plant and factory. Not to mention RE 2 and 3 have you progressing forward into new areas with no need to revisit previous areas.

I understand you played the game as a COD kiddie, so you went through the entire game with barely any supplies left over, so inventory management wasn't a thing you had to worry about. But as someone who who played it as a survival horror game, conserving my supplies I had shitloads of items which were a hassle to move to the lab, requiring many trips, then I had to move them to the water treatment plant.

Boring game.

Nu Sup Forums thinks you are same fagging if you like 0


How mad are you right now that I don't hate 0?

You're the bootyblasted kid with zero arguments.

I live in the US and no I didnt get to play them online but the gameplay still somehow manages to have worse tank controls than the main series games and I hate them

I live in Brooklyn, how about you?

Don't take it so hard that I don't hate a 8/10 game. Ok, Nu/v/?

>implying game sites have any credibility
I was using COD kiddie as a generic meaningless insult but holy shit, turns out I wasn't wrong after all.

i need to check my house for a carbon monoxide leak because i don't remember posting in this thread

are you me

>RE2 remake

Confirmed awhile back but who the fuck knows when Capcuk is going to finish it since they just released Chainsaw Blair Witch Massacre 7

>CV remake
Would be odd seeing as its not even a good entry in the series and RE3 deserves a remake more

1,2,and 3 are basically the pinnacle of RE and it just goes downhill from there with a few entries that could be worth a play if you really enjoy RE

>y-you can't use that!

0 is a fine game. It is amusing how triggered Nu/v/ gets when someone doesn't hate what they hate. Keep replying to me.

It's the nu/v/ COD kiddies that like 0.

Why do all the faggots use buzzwords?
Also you think people who enjoy 0 enjoy cod?

I'm the only person providing arguments as to why 0 is shit. The COD kiddie fans are giving me nothing to work with.

I enjoy 0 but its probably because it has best girl so I could overlook the shitty item system

>No one can possibly not hate 0!

You keep doubling down on this. Nice work. Has anyone ever been so triggered before?

Inb4 all three of us are accused of samefaggin because that is what Nu/v/ does

>no arguments
You tried.

>nu/v/ thinks you have to post words on a Chinese picture forum in order for a game to be generally favorably received


>RE7 a good jumping off point
Never fucking post in these threads again.he shouldn't even bother playing it since it has nothing to do with the original RE franchise

>re2 gets remade
>it's first person

post yfw

What you main in terms of story?
Because if that's the case who cares? RE stories suck.
And gameplay wise its pretty much Classic RE in first person so what's the problem?


>E3 2017
>trailer starts at the RPD Lobby
>familiar music playing
>Leon enters
>seamlessly transitions from cutscene to fixed camera
>then switches to over the shoulder
>and then to first person, as an optional switch
>cuts forward to the first Licker
>gives the release date
October 31st, 2017

>scripted first person is the same as Classic RE

He should enjoy the original RE games first and decide if he wants to waste his time on the other entries

Being able to switch between Fixed cameras to first person sounds pretty sweet desu.



I've always said that this is how they should do future RE. Being able to switch from Fixed Camera and Over the shoulder.

>The old REs aren't scripted
Have you played RE? I can think of lots of cutscenes you cant skip.

I am hard now

I would honestly be psyched. RE2 is my favorite in the series, but I'm more concerned about experiencing it in a new way than in just playing the same game again. I already beat both discs 3 times.

RE 0 is a great despite the inventory management system. If that is the only thing you can rail on you don't really have an argument, kiddo codbabby nu/v/.

I've already explained why 0 is shit, the inventory management is just one aspect. Another thing to add is that the water treatment plant is garbage. It's basically a straight fucking line.

You literally have not offered a single argument as to why it's good. Fucking COD kids. Learn how to argue before coming to Sup Forums.

>im 12 and this is winning the internet.

Oh boy.
It's resident evil douchebag. They aren't exactly masterpieces in and of themselves. When 1 first came out ( I was in fucking highschool nigger) it was the only thing like it for pretty much everyone and so it was cool. As they went on they pretty much stayed the same with some changes until shit ass 4,5 and 6. The only gripe I had with 0 was the inventory system because everything else was pretty much the goddamn same you semantic arguing fuck.

You literally have no arguments. You're a fucking joke. I've actually explained why it's shit, offered reasons, pointed out specific things in the game which support my arguments. You literally cant argue for shit.

No, you supported why you don't like it. Not why it's shit. I don't need to defend an opinion, niggerchild.

0 isn't THAT bad. CV is fucking horrible though

At least I can provide arguments to back up my opinion. You're just an autistic manchild. Played the game as a kid, loved it because you were a kid and didn't know any better. Now you're older you're still dedicated to your childish beliefs and throw a temper tantrum if anyone dares challenge it. Also explains why you're incapable of providing an argument. You have none, just the hints of a child's stubborn devotion to something he likes.

Apart from the original trilogy and REmake, 5 and 6 are my favorite in the series.

Fight me.

For now just play REmake and 4. If you enjoyed REmake, play 0,2 and 3 and if you enjoyed 4 then play 5 and revelations 1 and 2. 7 is great too but can be played whenever

CV was better if you played it at release. More cutting edge and impressive content-wise (which affects atmosphere and fun factor). RE0 was towards the end of the series and it felt very stale and the additions were far less welcome overall.

Trying to emulate CVX but both far sides of the screen are glitching like stuff disappearing for seconds or flickering. Pic related, part of the zombie is missing
Also the game doesn't feel "smooth" like when I tested on the ps2 yesterday, maybe I fucked up something

>not leaving items in a room adjacent to the main hall
>not leaving key items and puzzle pieces in the appropriate room

RE0 was my first Resident Evil game and survival horror game actually, and I spent 5 minutes on the dumbwaiter puzzle stabbing the locked door with a knife because it "required something sharp to open". Eventually I stopped using common sense like a retard, got the idea, and learned how to strategically place items around the mansion.

Leave lighter fluid in the room to illuminate the statues. Leave the fucking crank parts in the fucking crank room. I used the small room with the water motif key as a closet to store Becky and more shit when the main hall got item capped. I didnt use long spooky hallways for storage when leech zombies like to hide in them.

u right tho. include 7 in there also fag