nice emulation
what's up with all these P1 threads lately
So is it worth playing Persona 1? Heard really mix things about it. As for Persona 2 how confusing is playing the PSX version of EP and going to PSP of IS since they are most likely fell really different with the localization.
they're not worth the headaches. just play persona 4 and 5
*school days starts playing*
Wait a minute, that coat...
I'm running through it right now
Just beat mouse robot at the school
Depends on your tolerance for older JRPGs. There's some tedious things like experience being distributed unevenly and having a bunch of functionally identical damage types. First person dungeon crawling is hit or miss. I don't regret playing it, but it's definitely not for everyone.
How bad is it? And I'm fine with older JRPG. Does the map auto fill at least?
>As for Persona 2 how confusing is playing the PSX version of EP and going to PSP of IS since they are most likely fell really different with the localization.
I would suggest playing PSP IS first and EP second, but if you want to play them out of order, feel free.
I actually never finished EP, but I think I played enough to say that it's fine. Most changes I think are in spell and persona names, and some cases of character names too, but nothing so major that it would make things hard to understand.
Depends what you mean by "bad." You can look up videos to get a general idea of how it works. The map auto fills and I rarely got lost, but it's a lot of samey corridors and random encounters.
So PSX of EP is alright in localization? Know Persona 1 is funny as fuck with how badly it was handled but don't really know much about 2 of EP.
People are realizing P5 is fucking awful
persona 1 is a very old school style of rpg
it's about exploring a maze dungeon and making tactical choices/manging resources to get out of it alive with a bare bones plot to string it along
if you aren't into this you will hate this game
miles better than p2 desu because at least P1 has good gameplay for it's specific niche, P2's gameplay is just objectively trash
Yea, P2 is just translated more than fully localized.
Although P1 characters still have their American names, for consistency.
P1 gameplay is not good enough. At least you get good story and characters from suffering through P2.
Actually sounds great. Seen gameplay but I really don't understand it mostly because of some of the weird things you do like dancing or whatever.
>At least you get good story and characters from suffering through P2.
I was gonna respond to this post but I was interupted by half a dozen random encounters that all last several minutes but aren't actually difficult/exciting at all
p2 would genuinely have worked better as a VN, it's the absolute worst type of crpg gameplay
>dozen random encounters that all last several minutes but aren't actually difficult/exciting at all
Are you claiming that P1 is any better in that regard?
Such deep decision making in P1. Step 1, use guns, if guns are not enough, use biggest spells that enemy doesn't reflect/absorb/block. So deep.
if nothing else P1's grid combat makes it more involved than P2, as does the fact that it's more difficult
also P2 has really bad loading times in every version
People going back to play through the series now that 5 is out. 1 definitely exceeded my expectations when I beat it last year, it's surprisingly good considering how different it is from 3-4-5
That's at least a marginal improvement over spamming the same fusion spells through the entirety of the game.
PSP P2:EP translation when?
what the fuck garbage emulator are you using
The grid is just another thing that people claim to increase depth, but it literally doesn't matter.
Oh, no, this character can't hit this one random enemy now, what a huge loss.
All the bosses are big enough and centered enough that positioning is literally never a real issue.
Like I should make rpg with dozens of systems like "change background color to fit character's mood for 0.0001% increase in damage" and Sup Forums would eat that shit up as deep and complex.
Never. It didn't even do well in Japan.
To make turn based RPG combat good, you need to do one of two things with your random battles
>Make the fights flashy and fast paced so they're overly quickly and feel good
this is what new persona does
>Make the fights difficult so they tax resources and full of little subsystems to manage/minmax for some strategic depth
This is what persona 1 and most SMT gamesdo
P2 does neither. The combat is as shallow as a puddle but between shitty loading times and drawn out animations/enemy health it takes for fucking ever even before the inflated random battle rate and shitty hallway dungeon design
It's a mess, period.
Deadline best P1 battle theme.
I never claimed that P2 is good in gameplay sense, so stop fucking bringing that up.
Also Snow Queen Quest might be a thing on it's own, as from what I know there the issue of managing resources might come up, but in default there is very little interesting decision making in average battle in P1.
Like I said earlier, shoot guns against normal enemies, use biggest spells against bosses works for most of the game.