So can we all agree that Zone of the Enders>Metal Gear right?
So can we all agree that Zone of the Enders>Metal Gear right?
ZoE 1 sucked. ZoE 2 was top notch. MGS has all been pretty "meh," in my opinion, to the point that I didn't even care about V.
The only one worth a damn is ZoE 2. But fuck what a game.
Looks sorta like thanatos...
Practically flawless
>Zone of the Enders is the distant future of the Metal Gear universe.
>The Metal Gear Universe also consists of Policenauts, Snatcher and Rumble Roses.
Never touched ZoE, is it best to emulate?
I do not think it emulates particularly well.
ZoE is nothing special. As a matter of fact, its a bit of a chore.
ZoE 2nd Runner was great, but no, it doesn't emulate well. I'd recommend picking up the original for the PS2 if you have a tube TV, or the collection for the PS3 if you're stuck with a flat screen (PS3 version was the only one to get patched to 60fps).
Low quality b8 thread.
>Sahelanthropus is not just the "missing link" for metal gears, it is the "missing link" between the evolution of metal gears and orbital frames
Why Rumble Roses?
>ZoE 3 will never come out.
Even if it did, its a Konami property, so you can be sure that it will be a money grab.