Switch is a reasonable $299 MSRP

>switch is a reasonable $299 MSRP
>artificial scarcity makes it so i have to go outside to find one under $375, or refresh retailer pages all day

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couldn't you spend that time making more money

Good thing there's no reason to get it right now then

>i can't wait a few months because i'm an impatient spoiled teenage brat

consolefriends everyone

cemu to play botw, wait until games, not ports, games come out.

>reasonable $299 MSRP
>even considering getting one before 2018

What is the use of more money when I'm cheap and it takes me weeks to convince myself to make any entertainment purchase?

Any tips?

Find someone willing to hire you to work by the hour, turn up to twelve hours a day of your time into paychecks.

I'm already doing that, silly. I'm looking for tips on making more money.

maybe you should try getting a job

I'm already doing that, silly. I'm looking for tips on making more money.

Go to night school and earn certification that would entitle you to a position that pays more.

Hmm. That's a good plan. Like plumbing or something?

Whatever works for you!

Well I'd rather be dead. So I'll try for security and I'll be a hero at every chance I get.


Just buy the next iteration of the switch at launch then, ya fuckin Nintendo fruitcake faggot

>reasonable $299 MSRP
Not for such shit hardware. It's barely above the Wii U.

I guess I'll write a book about minecraft. That should sell well.

Meanwhile PC cucks shit up threads constantly asking if a games been cracked yet

*An hero.

Sell Switch consoles at markups

>switch is a reasonable $299 MSRP
It's really not. Once you factor in the 2015 SoC, 720p screen, and terrible build quality on all of the components, there's no reason it shouldn't be $200

I kind of want to get in the markup business, but I don't feel that's something I'd be good at.

>artificial scarcity

Nice meme. The real reason is that nintendo never goes into debt when it comes to manufacturing, so there's less available at once. Sony gained millions in debt to get their ps4's manufactured. It worked out, but its more risky.

if you consider it a souped up n3ds xl it doesn't seem that bad of a price.

>terrible build quality on all of the components


>tfw I live in a 3rd world country
>handhelds/consoles is abundant but the import tax is fucking it hard

>that high-pitched REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sound

>Meanwhile poor BRs shit up threads constantly asking if a games been cracked yet
fixed that for you

What a pile of bs, nintendo is sitting on piles of money
The real reason for scarcity is to create buzz with consumers and generate "OMG switch is sold out everywhere!!1!" headlines for free publicity. Remember how the wii u was sold out for months despite selling like a turd and flopping hard? Artificial scarcity.

>manufacturing defects

>he didn't pre order
>he didn't go out and but one morning release

It's your own fault user.

The joy cons and the dock make it $300

Remember the $800 iPhone is also a 720p screen.

Downloaded the book. It's only 72 pages? It's gonna change my life?

>fanboi:the post



>what a pile of bs, nintendo is sitting on piles of money

and its easier to produce only what you estimate will sell immediately and be conservative about it. No company wants to end up with low cash and high assets.

Liquidity is one of the most important factors in running a business. Saying meme words you know nothing about just makes you look foolish.

Wait until a bunduru comes out, i mean wouldn't be nice to have Zelda and the console for $10 or $5 less?

I remember getting a Wii U with 3 games for the same price it was at launch i believe

Try again redditkarmacuck


calling it, the first bundle that comes put will be Mario Kart, there will not be a Zelda bundle until Nintendo remakes another older one.

Kinda hope it's skyward sword.


Might actually be fun without motion controls.


Sup Forums

learn the difference

>Sup Forums
>he's still using reddit spacing

Well duh

>taking pride in shitposting

pat yourself on the back user

>they actually remade a wii u game for the fucking switch

nintendo is just awful

>falling for the nintendo meme

>don't care for the overpriced handheld piece of shit
>can literally find them in 3 locations in under 15 minutes

Sucks to be you, drone.

I meant, there's a lot of people that didn't buy a WiiU, they could remake some games that got forgotten because some stupid features, i still can't play Skyward Sword

Looking for people to play MK8, Arms, Splatoon 2 with :)

That can't be right.

A new WiiU is still $299

maybe you should try leaving - in a body bag

console launches are always a nightmare

Only nintendo launches

Come on now there by the same uploader

Just wait
I'm itching to lend mine to somebody so it has some use

Sit your ass down, in the grand scheme of things it won't matter to have played botw now or a few months later. In 2 weeks after finishing it you'll be stuck with a console you overpaid for with no other games.

>what are parodies


>and its easier to produce only what you estimate will sell immediately and be conservative about it
And Nintendo are producing far below that

And about liquidity, it's the retailers that would be holding the stock so it's not Nintendo's problem

glad we're on the same page