Theories thread, Deepest lore, etc

Theories thread, Deepest lore, etc.

>Was created to hunt down nightmares in the Glade of Dreams
>Born under the moon
>In greek mythology, Artemis is associated with the moon and is a goddess of hunting

Rayman is an incomplete avatar of Artemis and the Bubble Dreamer is Hypnos, god of sleep.


Squall is dead.


The Bubble Dreamer is Hypnos, god of sleep, who dreams up the Glade of Dreams. Hypnos's son is Phantasos, god of surrealist dreams. The Glade of Dreams is a physical manifestation of Phantasos which explains why there are worlds made of instruments and such.

In Rayman 3, the Knaaren worship The night god, Leptys, Being "The Bringer of Night" The Leptys can be seen as Nyx

Doomguy and BJ are related

Does that explain the awful Rayman Legends final boss in Greece?

In Rayman Origins, there is mention of "The First Nightmare" which led to the creation of Rayman. In Rayman 2, Jano is the guardian of the cave of bad dreams. He was the first nightmare and created many others. Phoebetor is Hypnos's son and the god of nightmares. Jano was defeated by Rayman and forced to guard the Cave of Nightmares for all eternity

Doom RPG confirms this if you consider it canon. Commander keen is also related.

is this one a joke?


Don't forget this guy's grandmother was Artemis

>top ones say the name of the level the easter egg is in
>bottom ones just say things redundant with the pictures except for the last one


I wish i had Rayman's shoes

I always got a boner when Rayman was transformed into a frog

What's that helicopter game?

How would Rayman kill himself without a neck?

What are you implying?

This man is gay.

>Implying hanging yourself is the only way to kill yourself

>Both from Japan Studio
>Both their series had cute interesting animals (a cat made of stars and an army of monkeys wearing red lantern helmets
>Both come from games with interesting and creative controls
>Both happen to be young (Kat is 17)
>Both series had two characters sharing the name "Aki"
>Both had to battle against their best friends when they were being mind controlled by someone else
>Both games they come from had a situation where the real ending/boss battle happened after the first credits sequence
>Both add anime adaptions
>Both were 2 of 3 characters representing their studio, with the other one being Toro
>Speaking of Toro, pic related

No-Bark Noonan is the Chosen One from FO2

Rayman for Sma5h


OK now you're just making shit up

But what if he wanted to die, but hanging himself was the only way?

Why were most of Rayman 3's new characters so forgettable?


If someone is suicidal and picky about how they die, they are pretty retarded

And the hole on his face is his anus

Any time you see a Mario one, assume so