What's the best DS emulator?

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I think drastic is the best.

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anyone else?

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Also I wanna try playing some DS games on my phone, what games work best on phones and what year phones do you need?

drastic on arm cpus/phones

the alt-right are a cancer upon the world and you will be remembered as nothing but a sad, racist drone for falling into the circlejerk

I'm not alt-right I'm pure fascist


Drastic works well, any phone after 2012-13 and has more than 1GB ram should play most games fine.
Any game that's either turn based or relies on the touchpad only is perfect, so most of the library. I recommend getting a controller for action games.

the alt right is a meme created by CNN

there is no real alt right

the alt right is everybody right winged but not conservative

name 5 things that are good about fascism and how it could be applied successfully and what benefits would come from it
>unironically believing in "fake news"
it's too late for you, brother

Name ONE thing wrong with the ideas and philosophies of the so-called "alt-right".

leftism leads to economic ruin
centrism leads to social ruin
rightism leads to economic stability and social stability

>jordan peterson or stephan molyneux


>social stability
yes yes that's why there's an unstoppable race war happening, correct?

that's why the acceptance of LGBT is largely associated with leftist ideals and concepts than the right

>but them's just degenerates XD

jordan peterson is based but stefan molyneux is just a retard parroting shit he doesn't really know about. him and that dumbass sargon just tip-toe on the line and pretend like they don't massively favor the right.

Neither of them are "retarded" because you disagree with them.

they are unintelligent and preach about things while putting on a facade that they know what they're talking about.

Haven't you got a rally to be chased away from, Antifa?

>stefen molyneux pretends he doesn't favor the right
What?Why would he pretend?Hes an anarcho capitalist.He is right wing.

I wanna play all the ace attorney games and stuff like 999

All nation-states with large populations inevitably devolve into revolutions, civil war, and balkanization. It's gonna happen to countries like France, Germany, and U.K. within the next century as ethnic tensions rise. Fascism is the only way to maintain a singular culture that with collective values. Collectivist societies that aren't fascistic (such as China) also experience political upheavals every couple centuries because the regimes aren't catering to the needs of the working class. Fascism is the only way to keep the working class happy, while capitalist populism inevitably devolves into degeneracy amongst the populace. One needs to strike a balance between culture and work. Right now there is no culture but consumerist culture. Fascism is parental authority, but with the nation's best interests in mind. This is why fascism needs to have a division for promotion of cultural values as well, not merely the continuation of present values but the creation of better values for the future.


inazazuma eleven is fit to drastic.

>it's another "we pretend this isn't gonna be a political cancer thread with a lot of shitposting" episode

i can promise you the guy who started talking about alt-right BS is the same guy as OP.

I don't think either are brilliant or even right most of the time but neither of them are unintelligent. It's time for people to realise the shared values of the left and right and unite against what is attacking those shared values. We can relax into the comfortable groove of bipartisan shitflinging once the western world is even keel again. Sargon and Molyneux are generally in agreement.

the alt-left are a cancer upon the world and you will be remembered as nothing but a sad, otherkin drone for falling into the circlejerk

>It's time for people to realise the shared values of the left and right and unite against what is attacking those shared values.
I don't know what fantasyland you live in but even the concept of this is purely impossible.

for as long as faggots on either """side""" screech about unimportant issues, this will never happen.

>MUH Sup Forums


There are plenty of ideologies that seek to dismantle every foundation of western civilisation, start there.

If you don't see the reason behind the MUH SJW shit then you are the one in a fantasy land. I hear about absolutely benign people getting no-platformed at state-funded institutions fucking weekly and that's not even touching the mess that is europe. Denying that an issue is important can only ever lead to a backlash that insists the problem is the ONLY thing of importance. When in reality anyone with a brain knows of course it's somewhere in between. People aren't dying in the streets by the hundreds but let's not pretend they haven't ever.

it's not that there isn't truth behind either one of those things, it's the fact that people only focus on that shit and nothing else.

people would rather get mad over MUH SJWs in games/tv/movies while real issues are happening. just as SJWs themselves would rather get mad over petty shit in said games/tv/movies than real oppression.

Don't conflate Sup Forums with "people"

it exists throughout all the internet, not just Sup Forums. and though I wish I could say "well that's just the internet" it's simply not the case anymore. this identity politics garbage has caught a lot of attention over the years, no matter who you are or what you believe.

and the election made it about 5000x worse.

Can i get a quick rundown on these guys?

Not an argument and sort yourself out.


>Fascism is the only way to keep the working class happy
Italy disproves your dumb claim.

>while capitalist populism inevitably devolves into degeneracy amongst the populace.
Oh boy! Let's hear about this degeneracy.

i don't know anything, but am mad the post

t. radical leftist

Even the farthest right you can possibly go, you won't find anyone calling him unintelligent. It's exclusively the far-left that think that because they get eternally BTFO by him


what a stupid post hahahahahaha

Capitalism leads to consumerism leads to materialism

Not that dude, but sargon isn't good for anything other than "dude sjws are dumb", and jokes.

>white knighting Cuck of Akkad
This fucking board, kek.

The rebels were mostly Communist. It was a Communist that killed him and his lover.

Take the test m'lads


Same thing goes for the amazing atheist, and milo.These people are only good for rallying retards.

I said it's the only way, not that all types of fascism are the only way

Capitalism without culture leads to capitalism itself being the culture. Which leads to a void of values.

you are weak

>guy didn't mention fake news at all, just spin
i like how you fell into the "EVERYTHING I DON'T LIKE IS SOMEONE THAT FELL FOR THE FAKE NEWS MEME" meme. how many layers of post-irony are you on?


haha chill out bro why you so angry dude

Yea sounds about right.

Post your edgy political views then faglets

>not that all types of fascism are the only way
Sounds like commie talk to me.
this pic operates on several levels of irony btw

>pic unrelated

spotted the libshit who calls everything he dislike ''alt-right''

64.5% equality

perfect 50/50 might and peace

70.4% liberty

56.6% progress

dude you are so stupid. that poster is clearly OP, and the only real intention he had making this thread was so he could reply as someone else to start this whole thing.

catch aids fags

why did you edit it

>not wanting our species to progress
you are a dumb puppet

your ''progress'' is cancer just like your whole feel based, muh rights ideology

>Falling for the American unrestricted capitalism meme
>Falling for strong goverment who needs no man meme

ladies and gentlemen, the easily duped American male

Saudi Arabia is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>


>implying equality isnt basically a second ''Strong gov'' line

youre as dumb as it get bernshit

>saudi arabia

retards like you are pretty rare

>The stronger the leadership, the better.
What kind of question is that?I have to interpret what this fuck means by strong now.Is this a quote?

Fuck. I can't help that there's reasonable points on either side in pretty much all important debates.

Bruh are you true neutral?

Last time I did one of those "what DnD alignment are you?" tests, I did get true neutral.

I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

Alright I'm goin to sleep now fellas

can I get a final confirmation on best emu? Is it 'drastic' then?

Yeah there's nothing more liberal than not letting women drive and public execution of gays

>that's why there's an unstoppable race war happening, correct?

Protip: That was caused by leftism. Racial agitation is done by the Democrats exclusively.

controller for your phone?

>equality, might, authority, progress

I think I might be for technocracy overall.

I don't like some of the questions desu

>traditional statist
Fucking redneck

>Racial agitation is done by the Democrats exclusively.
You're funny

Autocracy only has one leader state slave user.

KKK is a Democrat organization.

BLM is a Democrat organization.

Use your brain, lad. The Democrats are the party of racial politics.

The party politics basically reversed last century. Republicans used to approach problems how modern democrats do.


t. assmad paid soros antifag that got their shit pushed in

>party switch



look at me, I'm special

Not interested in your conspiracy theories, "lad", the KKK is , was, and will continue to be a conservative organization (as any normal person will tell you)

Nice bait kid, here's your (you).

You are everything that's wrong with the world

Well if the rest of the world would just be considerate and die or become inert like it's supposed to then it wouldn't be an issue.

>Stating normal views is baiting

You need to step out of the hugbox more often, ya fucking nut

This has little to do with the party switch

>Blacks switched to the racist Democrats because of the New Deal
>Modern Democrats are still just as racist

Liberals, lol

last one doesn't make sense, how is tradition and progress tied? You can be both an extremely traditional country and be highly advanced at the same time.


>You can be both an extremely traditional country and be highly advanced at the same time.
Countries such as?

The second a new technology or way of thinking contradicts a currently held belief or societal system a conservative ideology will attack it.

Japan, Taiwan, Singapore

Pretty funny actually.

That's about all, peace out.

though ti would be more captialist, but w/e