Sum Sup Forums up in one image
Thanks, doc.
All 3
>all we want is politics OUT of games journalism!
>sweet this unashamedly right-wing blogger guy supports us, haha he complains about feminists all day long, he is so BASED!!!
>but the important thing is no agendas are being pushed VOTE TRUMP
>haha milo is so right about trannies being insane VOTE TRUMP
>the only reason I hate all these SJWs talking about games is that they don't even play videogames!!!
>haha milo wrote a game review for a game he never played and made fun of SJWs haha BASED
>milo also wrote an article after a shooting where he blamed videogames
>haha it's fine though there's no way milo is just an opportunist looking for clicks because he's not like the SJWs
>haha milo so based, he even knows the memes!! xD
we had this thread yesterday.
This picture does so much to my dick.
You're straight up gay if you don't pick #1
Sup Forums has always been a counter-culture clash. Hang around another 10 years if you got the guts.
Anything that gives the greatest reactions is going to get bolstered here.
Everyone hates milo hes a fag. The alt-right is a gigantic lie, its all gay men.
Traditional Conservatives are the real right. The alt-right is full of fags.
Too true.
Everyone should have realised this as soon as all the Trump kiddies started treating him like "Daddy"
You do know that milo helped to confirm that gaming journalism was corrupt and secondly since when did gamergate, a group mostly consisting of left wingers support trump?
Trump was a gigantic fucking mistake, but would shillary have been any better?
I did.."research" into this and apparently you can actually milk a horse
I dont quite understand how
>le strawman
This doesn't work when it literally happened. Too many people saw it happen, too. So your attempt to pretend otherwise is a waste of time.
>armchair philosophy
W-What was holding the 3rd puppet
He could've just said "wailing cunts can't believe people don't like the same shit as them" and get the same point across.
>This doesn't work when it literally happened
haha lol dude :)
>I support a republican candidate because I'm a TRADITIONAL liberal!
Literally only Americans could be this fucking dumb
bullshit. my dick isn't anywhere near big enough to support a sockpuppet
But it did. You aren't making much of a counterargument.
>implying the "democrats" are liberal
Milo is a fucking fag, what dont you get about hes a leftists liberal plant to degrade the conservative republican party?
He's a fucking fag
seems like the second guy has a point tho
ban me too mods.i had enough of arguing with kids .
>literally everyone on GG's "side" said they did not support GG until all that was left was reddit
Hello teenager
Oh, I'm sure you do, user
just google "milking a horse", you assbasket
I'm not falling for that one, user
Well.... yeah. At least she isn't mentally unstable. You may not like her but at least she is a politician with experience not a weird wild card.
See you tomorrow friendo.
Your broken self steem
I'm just stating the fact that milo helped to expose coruption in game journalism.
Personaly I find him annoying.
I would have zero surprise if it turns out Spencer is in the closet. A lot of this alt right people are downright obsessed with ideals of masculinity that never really existed. They spend so much thinking about other men and manly they were. It's fucking weird.
I wouldn't be suprised, why can't people be fucking normal anymore? Why can't women not be feminist cunts? Why can't we go back to the 50's? Where families were fucking normal..
In my opinion modern feminism is the cause of all of the lgbt issues. Causes men to hate women, causes women to love each other, and causes men to want to become women.
>Milo discovered there was a mailing list
Wow it's fucking nothing
Those logs did nothing but expose how little corruption there was. I thought it was going to be full of juicy shit. I thought they were all fucked. But it was nothing. Literally fucking nothing. They chatted to each other sometimes. Whatever. You know all journalists talk to other journalists? Honestly everyone who supported Milo has brain damage. GG was just so, SO desperate to feel like they had exposed something that they pretended this was HUGE but there was nothing there.
not an argument
>I can't get a girlfriend now but I bet I could if it was the 50s
You'd probably be an even bigger failure back then you sad beta.
I hated GG the moment reddit got involved with it.
I wish this guy made more videos. I find his brand of autism perfectly enrapturing.
They targeted gamers.
Its society itself, if I was raised in the 50's or 40's I'd have been better off.
I got 10 bucks saying that's a vanilla milkshake.
Spare me that no true Scotsman shit, Milo is as much of a brainwashed Trump cultist as anyone else on Sup Forums.
also since, as a career politician, she would have to worry about re-election and therefore pleasing the citizens, while Trump is going to bank off his position while he can, and be no worse off if he doesnt get re-elected. he's accountable to no one, unless he very obviously and explicitly breaks the law
Yes user it's societies fault that you can't get a girlfriend. If only the entire world was different then you'd stand a chance. There's no way in hell that you're just an asshole.
>confirm that gaming journalism was corrupt
Nigga, vidya journalism has been nothing but shilling since day fucking one.
He might have broken the law, who knows. Rumor is Chaffetz is quitting to get away from all the incoming bullshit. Also the FBI is piecing the dosiers reliability little by little from what the news are reporting.
People should read the logs for themselves.
It was everything , not a "fucking nothing" shill meme.
>some fat ugly chick slept around and got some puff pieces on kotaku and other shit sites for her FREE game that got 5,000 downloads
I never understood why autists got so wound up over this shit
No pretty sure its the moving parts of this society. I have had girls but they all were mentally ill, its in the food, its in the water, its in the media. Nobody is normal anymore, this is the fucking problem.
Please keep posting, your delusion is funny as shit.
I don't want one user, If i met a woman in the 1950's I'd probably like her. The truth is modern women suck so horribly that I'd rather be alone. The pussyhat pretty much sums it up.
>educate yourself
Every fucking time
If there was anything even halfway salacious it would have been capped and spammed over and over again by now. You'd have to go through the entire thing like an obsessive autist desperate to find ANYTHING just to find a morsel of something that even then you'd have to force yourself to believe was corruption.
Over and over I hear about the "uncovered corruption" but nobody ever shows it. Because there's nothing. Retards would take anyone talking politely to one another as PROOF of CORRUPTION.
Trump and GG had a two-year dt , what the hell are you talking about?
that would be "psychology"
except those are two different points. I would think that people wouldn't have such strong reactions on here if it was merely what you said
You kind of skipped some really important step.
>some fat ugly chick slept around and got some puff pieces on kotaku and other shit sites for her FREE game that got 5,000 downloads
>the gaming community started mocking Kotaku as usual, because it confirmed what everyone already knew about them
>Kotaku and the other big gaming websites who engage in the exact same practices declared internet jihad on the gaming community at the exact same time, showing that they do in fact collude and conspire together to push an agenda
>gaming community declared jihad back
If there was anything even halfway salacious it would have been capped and spammed over and over again by now. You'd have to go through the entire thing like an obsessive autist desperate to find ANYTHING just to find a morsel of something that even then you'd have to force yourself to believe was corruption.
GG is/was banned on Sup Forums .It WAS spammed on reddit and twitter.
anita is very erotic in a very weird way since she's not particularly pretty
Thanks for the laughs, user. And thanks for proving the stereotype of the beta fuck who can't get a girlfriend so he blames the entire world rather than himself and then gives up entirely like the fox and the grapes.
Who needs those lousy grapes anyway? I'll still bitch about grapes online though. ;_;
I want to hate rape Anita..
its her make-up and clothes don't fall for it user
dont fall for the trap
And then they tweeted stupid shit to each other for a year and literally nothing changed
The end.
>it was spammed on reddit
Maybe you should go back there then?
Maybe you could find some of that proof of corruption and share it with me now? Wouldn't it be sweet to blow me the fuck out? I'm pretty smug, so proving me wrong would be so good. Let's see it, then. Let's see Milo's accomplishments.
you're on it's more likely a vanilla protein shake at the lamentation of my dick
Why would I want one? The last one I dated was actually autistic and was incapable of showing love, but demanded it from me. People in general are too retarded anymore, i'm waiting for the end of the world.
I want Anita to punish me
You gamergate fucks have done enough damage to Sup Forums and gaming in general as it is.
Piss off back to 8 chan.
>I'm unaware that American conservatives are closer to traditional liberalism than the democrats currently are but I'm going to ignorantly shit post about foreign politics anyways
The only way to fight feminism is to objectify Anita, post Anita r34
a) Fuck Milo
b) Fuck US politics , GG is global
c) Fuck you , I don't owe you shit. Ignorand anons are fair game though.
I think the emoluments clause should be enough to impeach him, but it seems like no ones going to try to push that. i dont get it
>You gamergate fucks have done enough damage to Sup Forums
but that's not how you spell Chanology
holy shit did anyone notice the guy talking to himself ITT
Why would i want to fight feminism?
>People in general are too retarded anymore, i'm waiting for the end of the world.
This. I tip my hat to you good sir, for that is a fine observation. These scum will be washed from the streets... heh... [grips katana with fingerless gloves] And they'll beg me to save them... [teleports in a cloud of cherry blossoms] And I'll say no... Heh heh
>gamergaters are a bunch of cucky faggot beta males
There are multiple lawsuits underway regarding the emoluments clause but the FBI investigation should get him impeached beforehand. The FBI is just dotting every i and crossing every t in their investigation so it's taking a while.