Sup Forums I just inherited 100 billion dollars...

Sup Forums I just inherited 100 billion dollars, but the stipulation is that I can only keep it if I spend a certain percent of it funding stupid shit.

So let's hear those video game ideas

Idea guy simulator

Is this a Part 7 Jojo reference?

Trap simulator


I think its a Brewster's Millions reference

I was just trying to make up a stupid scenario so I could ask about your vidya ideas
I didn't even remember Brewster's millions and I'm not even aware about Jojo part 7

not mine but my dad has been saying since I was like 8
>user, you know what would be a good game?
>you play a border patrol guard in the desert
>lethal or non lethal takedowns
>deport or let them pass for a bribe
>bust drug dealers
>upgrade weapons/vehicles

A sci fi RPG set in the semi-near future, after humans have colonized the solar system but before they figure out interstellar/FTL travel. Due to some horrible cosmic tragedy, the sun goes red giant way earlier than expected and expands, consuming mercury, venus, earth, and mars, leaving the surviving humans to carve out a life for themselves living in domed megacities, primarily on the moons of jupiter and saturn, as well as some of the larger asteroids the asteroid belt.

Lots of transhumanism going on, line between machine and human is blurring. Think GitS, Deus Ex HR, or Cyberpunk 2077 except more extreme due to the generally lawless nature of the post-apocalyptic solar system. Androids are common and widely available.

No aliens, but lots of different groups/cultures of divergent humans, including machine/robot worshipping cults, a collectivist society whose minds are wirelessly linked and function more like ants than people (kinda borg-ish except not as robotic), and a hypercapitalistic society which is governed by the executives and directors of a number of mega corporations who own literally everything.

As to the plot/story, I'm not sure yet. I like the idea of leaving it open and up to the player as to what they want to do, but obviously there's gotta be some direction for the story. Probably something along the lines of picking a faction and fighting to expand their influence in the solar system.

I always wanted to play a GTA where you're a dirty cop
also a really fucked up jrpg, by fucked up just edgy and violent as shit

Papers, Please but with the actually interesting part of the border then?

How the hell 50 cent still relevant?

An uncharted/tomb raider type game set during the 1930's in the universe of HP Lovecraft's books. You play as an indian jones type, except equal parts professor/adventurer rather than just mostly adventurer, and finds/explores R'lyeh. Part non-euclidian geometry puzzler, part platformer, part survival horror.

There are musicians that manage to stay relevant past their fucking deaths.
But in this case I think 50 just makes funny shit posts

>major AAA title
>maybe the next entry in a major franchise
>but we show them having sex, and it shows everything, the full penetration, the cumming, the jiggling balls and everything
>and we do it in VR

Ok so you're the bad guy right but ok hold on you gotta actuly help the good guys and sabotage ur own dungeons hahaha im mad

A stealth game where you're a spaceship pilot that needs to sneak into space crash sites to salvage their cargo and spare parts.

A stealth or fps game where a major game mechanic is that you and enemies can move forward and backward in time with the same ease that you move in space.

An fps where you have the ability to see projections of where enemies are going to move and what they're going to do. This would only last for a little bit because it would be too easy but after that enemies start showing up that can see projections of where you are going to move and what you're going to do and they can also project false movements to confuse you. Later in the game you'll also get the ability to project false movements to confuse these enemies.

A stealth game where to get past human enemies you have to move in the shadows a la Thief but being in the shadows for too long attracts inhuman enemies so you have to balance time spent in the shadows and time spent outside of them.

he described it as a 3d action game
I could see it working as a topdown shooter though

A shooter where you dont actualy have to aim you just shoot in every direction and hope to hit something. Kinda like GunGrave

Rape simulator

online mode allows you to play as the victim in multiplayer and your job is to try to escape without getting raped

Sports cars and blow.

>no one has said Star Citizen yet

A demake of Kid Icarus uprising. The flying parts would become a sidescrolling shooter while the Ground parts would be platforming and shooting.
All the weapon classes would still be there as would the story and multiplayer. There would also be coop missions and the ability to play the original 2 games with the new weapons you've aquired.

What about a multiplayer co-op game which incorporates aspects of this user's idea as well as Papers Please with a (imo) more interesting setting?
You're a special forces cop in a sci-fi mega city. You are drafted by your corporate overlords as a Public Morals Inspection Officer (AKA government stormtrooper/enforcer), whose duty it is to ensure that citizens are happy, healthy, and following the law to the letter. Ordinary aspects of your job include patrolling and investigating petty crime. But throughout the game you will be dispatched to deal with more difficult scenarios such as breaking up illegal cybernetics/android manufacturing, ferreting out illegal immigrants and fugitives, among other dangerous tasks.
Although there is no conventional morality systems as in other games, you will often be given the choice between being a good underling to the powers that be or bending the law as you desire. The more successful you are in performing your duties and manipulating the balance of power, the more influence you gain, the more you can get away with, or the more good you can do, and the more difficult assignments you will receive. Will you choose to brutally hand down sentences? Will you pull the strings for your own gain? Or will you fight from the inside to free your country from the oppressive dystopia?
You are also given the option to be joined by a partner (other player) who can assist you in carrying out your duties. There are options for stealth or run-n-gun gameplay, as well as lethal and non-lethal combat options, with plenty of futuristic gadgets and weapons.
Something like that.

Your dad sounds like an asshole
