From the point of view of a UO player, wow was a mmorpg for carebears...

From the point of view of a UO player, wow was a mmorpg for carebears. "Go play wow" was the lowest insult you could spit towards anyone.

Now, given how much time has passed and that even wow is dying, i'd like to read a quick rundown of what when on in wow, and how did the game evolved. I want to know what have i missed over the time.

Bump my bump.

jesus shut up

So what happens after we beat the legion.

You need to kill yourself is the information you've missed

Warcraft 4

I only played till first expansion. Blizzard just kept making it more casual, world PvP stopped pretty much completely, then it got even more casual with group finders. It's now just a theme park and yeah...No need to go to a theme park to look for adventure.

>I want to know what have i missed over the time.
A casual MMORPG turning each expansion after TBC (the fist one) into a causal coop PvE game.

If anything the real content of the game when its relevant has gotten progressively harder as the game went on. Heroic Lich King was a guild breaker before they nerfed it for prepatch cata, Cata heroic dungeons were the hardest dungeons of all time when they were first released, Firelands was disgusting hard but fun, CM mode in MoP was hard for most, SoO Garrosh roadblocked most people, the Butcher was an extreme dps check, Archimonde had a million mechanics to learn and you could still be shit out of luck if fire wanted to spawn in a bad spot, Mythic Helya still gives guilds trouble if they arent good even when its 6 months old and outdated, and Mythic Gul'dan is the spirit breaker right now

"Sargeras was a good boy, he dindu nuffin!"

Now that you have defeated the one opposing the Voidlords, the universe is doomed. Only the epic choosen one can defeat them!

They aren't whipping out the void lords yet

They've been hinting at going after Queen Azshara heavily and its not going to be this xpac

Don't tell Jesus to shut up, not cool man.

They're going to cleanse him with light, why else would they put make that retarded holy Dreadlord a focal point of two order hall campaigns?

MMOs are a casual genre tbqh fammo, they just throw in infinite grind to simulate a hc game.

>From the point of view of a UO player, wow was a mmorpg for carebears
Oh fuck off retard
UO was dead and abandoned by everyone who loved game year before wow was even released
At least you could pretend to be EQ player or SWG one
Shame no one else called you for your shit, just means that new generation trully took over

You missed the most polished genre-defining mmo in existence.

It's trailing off and has maybe one more expansion left before people lose interest and expect WoW2.

You missed it for an ugly 2d grinder.

Funny enough, the "go back 2 WoW" was the default answer/insult in most WoW-killers, like WAR, AoC or TOR (among all the others). Guess most players literally took it as advice, LAMO

we kill Azshara and probably N'zoth, then fight the Void Lords somehow

wow was and still is a mmorpg for carebears. I'd say it's in a completely different genre of UO where the "massive multiplayer" dynamics were completely open to everyone.

You don't really play WoW to play with other people, you play it only for the farm, the raid or the plot (do people really care about the plot at this point?).

>then fight the Void Lords somehow
I'm sure they'll have a flawed plan involving reused assets.

funny enough, those games don't really have anything different from WoW

that's why they all died
because they were WoW + a gimmick, and most of the gimmicks were shit that came at the cost of basic features that WoW had on lock


nigga, if they make a finale expansion for wow, believe me they are going all in and make the most impressive game ever. I don't play it but i can't imagine less from Blizz.

remember when Sup Forums hated wow? neo Sup Forums doesn't

I was about to reply more or less the same that Why play a gimmicky WoW from the start when you are already playing WoW?

I liked WAR tho, but the game was too unfinished and bugged at launch to compete with WoW. Also, Blizzard do a lot of things wrong, but their smooth animations and responsive was great since the start.

>literally anyone with talent was moved to other games or left actiblizz
Yeah, these inters are going to deliver "the most impressive game ever".

What the fuck is UO player?

Ultima Online, son.

>that's why they all died
Another bullshit, I bet you another newfag just like op who learned about genre only from epic memes
Warhammer had 300k when EA decided to fully drop support for the game and gave it years of no content. And they finally put plug off it had 50k subs
Both are by no means bad numbers for the mmo
TOR was gone F2P before it even go down to the 600k subs
Lotro was stable until developers gone full jews after Moria with paid shit, surprise players didn't liked it in the p2p mmo and subs dropped so they were forced to go f2p
Them being wow copy have nothing to do with them going down

it's not like there is anything else to play now

RTS are dead, FPS all have the same shitty mechanics (deathmatch, ctf, payload, the shitty "survival" kind like h1z1 or playerunknown), mobas are boring and mostly toxic, all other mmorpgs are literally either a wowclone or a casualized korean grindfest.

What else is there to play online these days?

>putting any effort into WoW beyond early Wrath

>early Wrath
Cata was the only post BC expansion where blizzard actually put any effort

to be fair, WoW is pretty similiar to korean grindfest games.

It was the same attitude on Dark Age of Camelot.

could you elaborate? i would like to know what you mean by that.

I think they they gave a shit through wrath, cata was the first sign shit was going south, I was a lich king baby (teeechnically I starred in BC, but I was just a newbie leveling my first toon, I didn't get into any end game stuff until wrath was out) and even having started in Wrath and going into cata something felt lazy compared to lich king, now it may have been the focus shift from instead of making purely new content to revamping and changing older content so much for the expansion, but it just didn't feel the same, I left and came back some time into MoP and it felt the same, just lazy generic add on stuff with the content gating ramped up to 11, never went back after that.

You meant post wrath right? Wrath lore wise is the best expansion there is and it felt good us fuck to see the Culling of stratholme once more The rp was cool for the first time, after that you want to GLAD YOU COULD BAKE IT UTHER

Blizz put a ton of effort into Wrath until about halfway through development when the team got moved to Titan. That's why it released an unfinished mess. Cataclysm was less of a blizzard-tier effort and more of a you tried.jpg courtesy of interns.

>Blizz put a ton of effort into Wrath until about halfway through development
Everything about early wotlk was terrible

yeah, they made a huge effort to re-do the entire leveling process so that a blind toddler could do it.

inB4 "muh Ulduar!"

Nah it's going to be more along the lines of, he was training us and purging our world of the weak so that only the strong, hardened veterans are around so he can fight with us against the voidlords.

I don't think you understand what development means, early WotLK was terrible because they didn't finish the damn game before they released it, yet it still had glimmers of brilliance from when the old team was still working on it (like Ulduar).

>expecting BC-babbies to give a cohesive, reasonable, logical answer
you're too optimistic

>Wrath lore wise is the best expansion there is
but Wrath lore is shit?

hurr durr I was pretending to be retarded all along

The changes to the base continents was cool, just the new content was sorta eh, and that was when they decided that all the sudden everyone's stats should jump by a metric FUCK ton over 5 levels, PvP twinks we're ridiculous.

I should note, Ulduar was mostly finished upon release, but they put it off so that content was staggered.

I mean i really liked it, basically the same thing as on FT. Young prince decends into madness and gets corrupted in search for power and has the moment of redemption in the end. Its the most basic fantasy novel plot done well, thats why i enjoyed it.

i guess i am, was just wondering their opinion. i wish i could get into wow how it is today but i don't know why i can't push myself to do so. FFXIV was alright, but i just play on a TBC server for kicks.

>Wrath lore wise is the best expansion
>Blue dragons are evil now and neutral dragons will help you, go kill aspect
>There always must be a lich king
>Ashbringer? Nah you gave it away to some dk before he gave it to hobo
>old gods being retconed
>Garrosh who was crybaby and never held axe in his hand now can beat shit out from the Thrall(Experienced arena fighter) in the duel
Just from the top of my head
Bait or actually retarded
Leveling in the old zones during wotlk was:
>Came to the quest hub
>Do 2 quests
>You already overleveled
Thanks exp butchering
And don't forget "nice" shit like making all red mobs yellow in the starting zone and and removing elite quests from the old world
Oh, and because class fixes you could kill mobs in 3 strikes
2 if you had heilrooms
Cata actually made 1-60 leveling better after shitshow that was wotlk
Wotlk generally killed raiding with 10/25 ppl being same dungeon, but ulduar pushed it further with hard modes for some battles

The team on WoW is blizzards B team. They put all their experienced people on other games at this point. They kinda stopped caring about WoW.

>They actually remade all 1-60lvl zones with new quests that continues stories from this zones
>All new dungeons had cool mechanics and were more or less hard
>Best X,0 raid tier
>2 new races and new class-race combinations from the wc3 rpg book(yes holy cows were a thing before wow was even released)
Compare it to the wotlk
>just remove hard quests like saving marshal from the 1-60 zones, so people will stop complaining
>Let's just rehash old raid but make all bosses inside braindead so it will be fully cleared on the release week
>What about things we promised like fly mounts battles? Let's just pretend we forget about it and will never talk again despite shit being on the back of cover

REALLY like how you forgot to mention Cata killed talent trees and was the start of the class homogenization that lead us to current state WoW where every class play the same.

Cata was soooo good that fucking Old Republic was the better choice during that year because they were still copying WotLK.

Wasn't Cata the start of the automatic cross-realm raid finder too?

>raiding is for fucking casuals, real pros know all the challenge is in the grind to levelcap

Leveling is a week long tutorial that can be made more enjoyable with friends or through a mix of lore and atmosphere (Vanilla had both, most of the time) but at the end of the day it's basically the least fun thing you could be doing with your friends in a game about killing shit with friends.

Leveling isn't challenging, and you can only read the quest text so many times before you have it committed to memory. If my desired gameplay is killing mobs, then for fucks sake I want it to be against mobs that do a little bit more than autoattack and Shadowbolt me.

People acting like the folks that had no particular interest in leveling and bought the game for the challenge of endgame content are somehow the casual ones wig me out.

tldr - Leveling in wow had its moments. If there were no raids or endgame pvp and the game ended at Sixty, with new daily quests and mobs to afkswing at, who do you think the only people still playing would be?

that wasn't in 4.0, only the last patch had it

>REALLY like how you forgot to mention Cata killed talent trees
They were still there, you just needed to finish one tree before starting 2 others
Each patch since vanilla killed some builds, so I don't see it as a problem
>And was the start of the class homogenization that lead us to current state WoW where every class play the same.
That was wotlk, ask any healer or tank
Adding shit like raid wide buffs didn't helped at all
Oh and don't forget amazing wotlk innovation like all dps had some kind of self heal
>because they were still copying WotLK.
Another lie
ToR dungeons required cc and had some instant death mechanics
Sounds more like cata for me:3
Wotlk started auto lfg, cata started lfr but it was wotlk that introduced "easy" modes for raids

All these blatant lies and denial... you must really be starving for attention...

Here is a (You)

WoW's grind is way to weak and you can't pay to make the timegates go away.

>each patch since vanilla killed some builds
Buddy, a third of the available specs in the game in vanilla were completely unplayable at a minimum and were only there for lore reasons.

>any tank but a warrior
>any class with a healing spec HAD to play the healing spec because their dps specs were not tuned and designed correctly certain specs got a little bit of attention later into the lifespan of vanilla but it was nowhere near enough
>even specs with 3 dps options only really had one option, two at most

Vanilla may have had more filler abilities, but it was by far (BY FAR) the least diverse iteration in the game as far as homogenized gameplay goes, by simple merit of there being only a handful of specs that could be played at all at endgame, and most classes having only one spec competently enough designed to actually stay afloat at endgame.

Not all the changes from Vanilla > Onward were good by any means, but holy shit class balance was the lowest it's ever been and you're blind to not see it.

>All these blatant lies and denial
But everything I said was true
Fucking wotlk kids...


He cried about talent changes in cata, aka you needed to get last skill before 2 other trees will open for you
Only 2 viable builds in wotlk that forced you to NOT take last skill were killed in cata thanks to this changes
So any person who played game for longer than 1 ptch wouldn't give a shit
Just give up wotlk kid, your expack was shit and you can't argue with cold truth and facts

>Only 2 viable builds in wotlk that forced you to NOT take last skill
Arcane mage and that really good DK build?

Really cant pinpoint if you really are that retarded or just trolling at this point. I still stand by my original post, EVERY single of your "counterpoints" are false or plain stupid.

Either way thanks for calling someone that got at the very least 10 years on you a kid twice, that sure showed me.

>EVERY single of your "counterpoints" are false or plain stupid.
Why are you keep telling lies?
Do you actually think that you can win something on the internet for this?

Or are you THAT desperate to defend your shitty expack, wotlk kid?

>tank woltk as a warrior in icecrown
>druids have significantly more hp than me
>pallys and dks just get a huge ass flat damage reduction
haha...all the same

Stop feeding the troll at this point. Hes not even subtle anymore.

I'd say classes are more distinct now than they ever were, but I've only been playing since AQ.
I never really understood this homogonization meme, in wotlk tank rotations didn't even matter because you got free threat and it just depended on how good your passives were.
Wotlk-cata are like the dark ages of tanking.

Okay, I understand that you a "very special kid" but still try to understand
In BC the only ber def cd for druids was fucking regen hp
Paladins had serious mana issues and couldn't block for shit
Guess what happened to all classes in wotlk? Right warriors got hp regen skills, druids got def cds same as warrior ones and paladins forgot about shit like mana and got some warrior cd too
Same shit happened with healers, someone doesn't have normal res? Here's one, someone doesn't have any aoe heals? oh god how terrible we need to fix it at once. One of classes still didn't hadhots after fucking one expansion? not on my watch
But of course wotlk kid like you will find a way to justify it and will blame cata for "And was the start of the class homogenization that lead us to current state WoW where every class play the same."
Oh, and of course you blame me for lying

>druids not being able to tank in bc and paladins barely being able to was class identity

>>druids not being able to tank in bc
Yeah, all this druids tanks on the brutallus... I bet all raids wanted one:3
Not having def cd didn't meant they couldn't tank, you fucking retard
It's just they tanked differently from war, like using skin before pull. But yes, they were good OT and only ones who knew when to use and what to use, but as a mt they were pure garbage on most of bosses
>paladins barely being able to was class identity

they changed lots of stuff and lots of people hated everything and others liked it

currently there is plenty of room for 'hardcore' play if hardcore means grinding out mythic+ and billions of AP for a random chance at BiS loot and legendaries. raid encounters have been alright this time around. 'casual' players do the same thing just... less. m-muh old school hardcore MMO players should feel right at home grinding billions of points and rolling the dice every day. just don't expect anything all that different from the beginning, not that you were actually looking for any nuanced discussion here

distancing myself permanently from this company and all its shit products and blatant jewing was the best thing i ever did for my gaming health and wallet

At least rogue still have swirly ball.

Now if they could go ahead and fix outlaw shit DPs, that would be great because I'm bored of playing sin.