Persona 5 BTFO

He's got a point.

Whoah whoah whoah

Is that the "I haz a fedora! Oh noez, its gone, sniff :')" guy?

i'm bored of these threads


I agree, the game should've followed with a potential max courage scene where you force the trans pyrsxn into a shower and throw some pellets of Zyklon B into the water

What's going on with Persona and SJWs lately?

Some e-celeb talked shit about the series recently?

Would have been funny, but also out of place.

I don't even remember that

Isnt that in P4?

It's a game. Stop being such a sensitive bitch that gets upset when a fictional scenario doesn't play out the way you want it to.

Persona went from niche weebshit to slightly popular niche weebshit which caught the attention of SJWs

Wait but I know a transitioning person in real life who catfishes guys online to trick them into bed (because if he tried seducing them as a non passable trans then it would be too gay for him).

i don't get it. do people like this believe that japanese devs are supposed to kowtow to lgbt stuff the way western devs do?

>wow high schoolers acting like teenagers? why are they sexualised like this? this is, like, soo creepy! #ugh
>oh my god the boys even try to TOUCH the girls sometimes! what a holocaust! why does nobody call the rape police?
>btw i swear i'm not overly sensitive

>hey look at what this random faggot said on facebook one hour ago

Sup Forums pls

I didn't pass Persona 3 when it became blatant that the whole franchise is story over gameplay.

I never felt more bitter knowing I wasted at least 6 hours on a Japanese teenager sim with meticulous time micromanaging.

the beach were the male crew try to get laid

considering half of their sales come from the west, yes they should be more mindful of their audiences

Wow is almost like japanese culture is completely different that american
What a revelation.

>to be clear I'm not overly sensitive

ahahaha holy shit, the worst part is that they actually believe that

well he doesn't know what a joke is apparently

>their audiences

SJWs aren't anybody's audience, Shlomo.

Well too bad for you they dont give a single fuck.
Gaijins are subhumans to nips they will never pander to them

>persona 3


and too bad for you they're going to start giving a fuck thanks to Persona becoming more mainstream in the west
enjoy the creepy and ass-backwards writing while you still can because it'll all be gone by the next game guaranteed

Part of the appeal of Japan is that it's different. If they focused on appealing to the west, they would undoubtedly lose sales.

>considering half of their sales come from the west, yes they should be more mindful of their audiences

the only westerners playing this kind of autistic waifu simulator are massive weebs and internet addicts.
for reference: this audience is more likely to appreciate outright nazi propaganda than it is to tolerate SJW pandering.

>muh cultural diversity!
>we have to celebrate the diferences between our cultures!
>WHAT?! why doesn't this japanese/polish game cater to our cultural standards?! REEEEEE

these people are walking contradictions.

>lol why does an turn based jrpg has an focus on story? what the fuck

good jrpgs focus on gameplay

I guarantee they'd stay quiet about an islamic vidya gaem where you rape your wife and beat the shit out of her.

This man speaks the truth.

does that even happen?
i honestly can't remember

Well, it's lucky that SMT games and spinoffs often have some of the best gameplay when it comes to JRPGs.

>persona 5
>Posts persona 3
See you fags 500+ posts later

It happens with Naoto in 4. I don't know what trap he's referring to in P3, though.

ultimately this is why this trans movement will fail. gays fucking gays isn't as big of a problem since it's between two gays. straight guys don't want to fuck some "girl" with a mutilated dick hole and you can't force them to. i honestly think trans "people" who don't disclose this information beforehand should be charged with sexual assault

Yeah. Junpei is into it until he notices a few hairs on the lip.

>self-deluded sjws getting triggered by a video game that makes a point out of deconstructing jungian archetypes

Operation babe hunt. In FES the only girl interested in the guys is a trap (though P3P adds the slutty teacher.)

The best part is that they've been shamed into distancing themselves from victim culture.

If Sup Forumstards can boycott a game because an e-celeb's literal gibberish gets removed then legbutts can decide to not play a game that hurts their feefees. Seems fair to me.

That's because transexuality is built on a fundamental level of self denial and revolution. That you hate yourself so much that you think you were "made" wrong.

Even gays aren't this insane, because they can love themselves, meanwhile Trans are fundamentally insane and broken.

Junpei is a faggot for not hitting that semen demon.

>That you hate yourself so much that you think you were "made" wrong.
>Trans are fundamentally insane and broken.
seems like you're proving their point but yeah sure bud

So do you think people that work out or attempt to change their figure also hate themselves?

People who work out or attempt to change their figure don't have a massive suicide rate, your point is completely off base.

I will say though the lack of a gay option is a bit weird considering how intimate bromance some of the dialogue gets with Ryuuji and Yusuke. And wasn't there that deleted Yosuke stuff, or was that just bullshit?

Either way the not-quite-there-ness is annoying.

How fat are we talking here?
The fact acceptance movement is also fuelled by loathing and self hate.
If you're actively trying to change yourself, then yes, I do believe that you do not like yourself the way you are now.
Otherwise, why would you want to change?

"deleted" isn't accurate, there were some parts there that were never finished, as is extremely common in large game development projects.

Stfu leaf

There's a difference between exercising and building muscle or losing fat, and having your junk mutilated.

A fat person can become skinny.
A skinny person can become fat.

A man can never become a functional woman.
A woman can never become a functional man.

Oh, but if golden didn't add it then it was a legit decision to not include it.

>Persona 3

are you stupid? that's not the same thing. working out is natural. chopping off your cock isn't natural

This is why I hate traps. You're gay whether or not you hit it.

That would mean they would have to buy and play games which they do neither of.

those people celebrate the hijab. the wouldn't stay quiet, they'd vote it GOTY.


Get over it, this thread is going to wind up more embarrassing than that post.

No, it could just mean that it was a legit decision to prioritize other elements, or that they never even thought of it.

That said, it's entirely possible that it was a legit decision not to include it, it would take a lot of extra work since you'd likely want dialogue from more than just the protagonist and Yosuke, and tackling elements of sexual deviance isn't something you "just" do or throw in there for the sake of it, it has consequences for personalities, interactions, relationships etc. Otherwise passing something unusual off as "normal" would just be jarring.

The main crux that people tend to forget is that homosexuality might be "common" and "acceptable" but it isn't "normal" same as how being born with a third nipple or a sixth finger isn't "normal"

Gee, have you considered they might have a higher suicide rate because of how ostracized they are in different societies? I bet you if you examined suicide rates among homosexual people in societies with low-acceptance of gay people you'd see similar extremes.

A fat person may never become skinny and a skinny person may never become fat. Sure there are things you can do to help (such as not eating so fucking much), but genetics plays a huge role in terms of how much weight we gain.

And define 'functional'. They may not be born a man or a woman or be able to have kids, but there are plenty of people that are sterile which by your definition would not be functional. Or people with penile problems such as yourself.

A lot of things are no longer natural. In the future we'll probably be able to make synthetic biococks. Plus if someone modifies their own body to make themselves happy and have been talking with a psychiatrist to rule out other issues I don't have a problem with it.

>Product of its time

Cross-dressers =/= Trannies

People need to stop putting their mental illness into harmless fetishes.

Oh wow, I didn't know they gave her a portrait in P3P.

No, because these people aren't ostracized until they act out, same as any other group of people who act massively deviant. You should also be well aware of the reasons why suicide rates are so high if you're trying to use these arguments, and you clearly don't, so kindly stop talking out of your ass.

And no, suicide rates among homosexuals in radical Muslim societies isn't remotely comparable, so your assertion there is completely off base as well, we're talking about a culture that will stone people to death for being homosexual, so don't even think about bullshitting how they just don't care or some shit.

You have no idea what you're talking about, this much is abundantly clear, you're speaking on beliefs, rumors, hearsay and wishful thinking, you have little to no factual basis, why are you even having this discussion with such conviction while having absolutely no foundation or basis?

I would tap that trap

Because they aren't normal. It's a mental illness. Why not make alcoholism normalized? Beastality? Maybe that guy who makes love to his car should be next. Trannies are disgusting and not normal and should be shunned.

>why aren't there cute anime waifus in Mass Effect Andromeda?!
>if the game can't be bothered to care one iota about cute anime waifus, I don't see why I should care about it

All of these stupid fucking cucks seem to forget Persona 2 had a legit gay route.

...because trannies have never tried to trick dudes to fool around before...

>implying the whole lgbtqq culture didnt explode since then
2006 was a different time. We were still relatively uncucked.

>No, because these people aren't ostracized until they act out, same as any other group of people who act massively deviant

Man, you're legitimately retarded. Pretty sure you're the one with the mental illness here, bud.

Any fat person can become skinny. No question. The ones who don't have no willpower and eat like shit and delude themselves into thinking fat is beautiful and fine.

Nobody played Persona before 3

Trans people don't even deserve to be called human. They are mentally diseased retards who try to mutilate themselves in the hopes of gaining praise from tumblr/facebook and whatever liberal circles they're in. I can only pray that jap games never fall under the spell of this sjw agenda.

There were Persona games before 3?

Why are transvestites so apparent lately?

Movies, video games, TV shows. Why are they shoehorned in all media?

That's a newhalf. Not a trap.

why are you so fucking bitter man

>transgender person faces discrimination in media
>media stops including transgender people
>media has a bunch of transgender people that don't face discrimination
>SJW flips out when people imply transgenders never get discriminated against in real life, since they never see it there or in media

>He doesn't know

Not any less gay

>I don't have a counter argument so I'll just nitpick something I inherently disagree with and assert they're retarded for suggesting it!
user, grow up, or at least learn how to have a proper discussion with people above the level of teenage bitching, this is pathetic and embarrassing, especially after you've been confronted with how faulty your rhetoric has been so far.

>tranny in transition detected


Why would I argue against someone legitimately retarded? The entire basis of your argument is flawed, like someone who thinks the earth is flat. There's no point.

>not wanting to be in a relationship with someone whos pretending to be a woman is wrong

This is the world we live in now

>Draw a woman
>Call it a dude
>Is basically all one big joke and used as a means to reinforce the message, game basically calls them a waste of existence that deserve to die for taking people's time from the goal of procreation.

Not sure what you're getting at there user?

Sequel starring Erica when?

Are people on this board ignoring Lala-chan?

She's pretty clearly transgender or a crossdresser

I'm gonna need a citation where she's called a joke in Catherine.

i don't have to be a tranny to see how hateful you are towards a group that has does not concern you whatsoever

You can write Erica with a c or a k as well, so it'd work perfectly.

>N-no I don't need to argue with you, you're retarded!
This is not an excuse, user, like I said before, grow up. Calling someone names and using that as an excuse to cop out of an argument where you have no leg to stand on without having to admit fault, honestly I can think of little that is more pathetic.

>The entire basis of your argument is flawed
Oh? How so? You just come out here and claim that with nothing but you just shouting it's wrong. Your assertion is that people get ostracized, this is something you claim with neither proof nor basis, nor is this a commonly accepted claim.

People get ostracized when they act out, if you behave like a normal human being no one would even know you think that you're a different gender than your genitalia imply, how WOULD anyone even know unless you go around telling everyone or shoving it in their faces? You also claim that the suicide rate is due to being ostracized and this too has been dismissed, your claim was completely dismantled on every angle due to being factually inaccurate, and your response was "n-nuh uh, you're just a poo-poo-head!!"

And I'm the retard? Bitch please.

>implying that's not exactly what trans people do
>implying the essence of the trans fetish isn't tricking members of the same sex into fucking them so the trans can do the big reveal afterwards and feed on the self-loathing and despair and even abuse that issues forth

Concerns me when they're hamfisted in media I regularly enjoy.

I don't wanna see a worthless freak of nature attempt to be validate. They should be shot.


She isn't called a joke, reading comprehension buddy, she'd the core element of a joke toward one of the protagonists mates, the fact that he had a crush on a lady that was actually (previously) a dude, and he gets mocked for it, shows massive regret too ("give me my virginity back!"

>Persona 3
>Persona 5 BTFO

Not him but to allow them rights is a slippery slope toward other unwanted groups getting them in the future. You know it's coming too.

>red hair
>black eyebrows
How can one girl be so perfect?