I'm feeling pretty down lately, Sup Forums, and I want to grind away my sorrows

I'm feeling pretty down lately, Sup Forums, and I want to grind away my sorrows.

What should I sink time into to take my mind off things?

Black Desert Online

Something else?

I'm going to keep working on my six pack of Red Stripe and load up VA-11 Hall-A.

As far as MMOs go, FFXIV i currently as good as it gets, take that how you will

Is correct.


FFXIV is subscription based, so fuck that.

If you like MMOs, you can play Tera, it's pretty good.
EVE is VERY slow paced, and you'll just think back on your sorrows as you warp through stargates and stare into the emptiness and depressing nothingness of space.

I played a bit on release, and a bit during the re-release. Maybe I should give it another go. It just makes me nostalgic for FFXI even though it's so different.

A monthly sub isn't a big deal.
I'll look more into Tera. The combat sounds interesting for an MMO.

EVE is nice because it's relaxing. I never got into pirating or large battles, mostly explored and mined a long time ago. It was a nice way to wind down.

I'll look more into FFXIV and Tera right now.

If you liked Warframe, try Skyforge.

I'm level 40 on Tera and the combat is (for now, PvE, haven't looked into meta) a lot less rotation heavy than in FFXIV.

I had a DRG I got killed by AoEs back in FFXIV, and honestly fuck the rotation of that thing.

I load up Warframe here and there. I'm not good at going fast but I'll look into Skyforge.

Less buttons to press or shorter cooldowns on skills? I never tried DRG. WHM or BLM usually sometimes PAL.

Less buttons to press.
Level 40 takes some grinding and so far my rotation which kills most enemies except bosses in one go is basically 3 buttons. 8 if the enemy is super tough.

Also there are "combos", basically meaning that the game automatically makes a combo for you. You press the starting skill, and then you press spacebar to follow up with other pre-chosen skills. I don't know if you can actually set these up yourself but it'd be very interesting.

Basically, less stress about not fucking up your rotation if you look at it from one way.
Way more dumb and simple if you look at it from another.

I'm fucking ashamed I used PAL instead of PLD. Shit.

The idea of combos is pretty intriguing. No shame in less stress. I don't have much time to git gud right now.

Cash shop in Tera is mostly cosmetics right? Any perk to subscribing besides more cosmetics?

its either ff14 eso or eve

every other game is just one of these games but with less features

As far as I know it's mostly cosmetics but I've heard people go off saying it's P2W because gear matters more than skill.
I've no idea, I just play it as a timesink. I'm too laggy to PvP anyways.

Used to play FFXIV but I honestly could not for the fucking life of me memorize the DRG rotation.
Plus I felt inadequate playing dungeons that were over level 30 because I was so shit at the game.

Omg you're drinking beer? Your so chill

FFXIV and EVE are up there for choices for sure. I don't have an interest in ESO though.

I don't do PVP in MMOs. I just like to explore and have a good time with strangers. I'll play a fighting game if I want to press buttons really fast and watch colors fly.

I am drinking beer, but I'm not chill. I'm actually really stressed out. It felt like the right thing to do tonight after realizing all the work I put into my career with the company I'm with now is going to waste.

Alright I'm trying out Tera because of you fucks, what kind of character should I build?

Same. Is Lancer worth a shit?

a cute girl

I hear Gunner and Brawler are fun

Nice. Punching things sounds like a nice way to mix things up for me. I've always played magic casters, so a melee class might be a nice change of pace.

Everyone on one server or is there on a should get on?

/vg/ plays on celestiall hills

take that as you will

No no no. You need to go outside. Tomorrow is Earth Day. Go help your community.

here's how that would go!

>world shout "all my angry fucks from Sup Forums shout out!"
>no response

That's good to know. I haven't checked the general but if it's like the rest of /vg/ I'm sure there's lots of ERP and attention whores.

I haven't had a break from work in months. Tomorrow is the first day in a long long time I can sleep in and catch my breath. I just want to sit down and play some vidya tomorrow. I'll figure something out to help my community on Monday when shit is open.