What headphones do you use for gaming?
What amp/dac do you use for gaming?
What is the best headphones for gaming under $200?
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>he fell for the headphones meme
Don't be autistic. Just buy a wireless headset like normal people. They are cheap and convenient.
>good headphones
>under 200 dollars
pick yer nose
but I like wires
I use beyer dt770s, haven't bothered getting an amp though.
fuck no, wired 4 life
This shit is amazing and it was only 40 bucks.
>let me put how many ohms my headset has so people know how badass it sounds
fucking retarded
Had these for a few years
>Talking shit to the GOAT headphones
what do ohms even do?
>What headphones do you use for gaming?
Focal Elear
>What amp/dac do you use for gaming?
>What is the best headphones for gaming under $200?
Some piece of chink shit
Primarily for music and keyboard, but it's alright for vidya.
>hipster brand liked by idiots at Sup Forums because it was made at nazi land
Holy shit kid, you're trying too hard to fit in the hivemind.
>Modded Grado SR325e
>Dragonfly Black USB
There's no such thing as a best headphones for gaming. It's all subjective and personal based on what you expect them to do and what your situation is.
Someday I'll get myself proper headphones and amp.
For the layman, more Ohms means a bigger amp is needed to power it. Generally speaking, the more accurate and detailed a pair is the more power is required. So high impedance(lots of ohms) tends to also mean high price, though this is not always true.
In Sup Forums terms, it's just a shitty meme audiofags use to make them think they know what they're talking about. The higher it is, the better the sound quality.
No thanks, I'd rather keep my eardrums safe.
What are the best speakers for games? Something without the usual nigger bass of low tier 2.1 systems.
>he doesn't own a 16,000 dollar headphone for gayming
>"built in vibration units"
Your eardrums can be safe if you're not an idiot and put full blast in it...
>no soundstage
>nigger bass
>uncomfortable as fuck
>will literally bake your ears due to shit materials used for the padding
>literally babby's first non-disgusting headphones
>literally meme headphones
Always cracks me up, i love this webm so much
Oh how cute, one of those idiots that follows the Sup Forumsible.
I could care less if it says gay club of america as long as it sounds good and the price is reasonable.
Steelseries Arctis 5. Mostly because I needed a headset that didn't make my head hurt while wearing glasses and it was a reasonable price.
Added bonuses are that the dial lets you make chat volume louder than your PC audio or quieter, it has an adapter to use the headset with 3mm devices and it has a built in 3mm jack to plug in additional audio like your phone or handheld while still using your PC audio.
What the fuck is this shit from? I've seen it here a lot but never knew the source.
Actual garbage for anything beyond monitoring
Incoming triggered m50 babbies
ATH-AD700. They're not audiophile headphones by any measure, but they're 10/10 perfect for video games (unless you don't like open-air).
I actually purchased some 700xs and they were 100% less comfortable, so I ended up returning them and sticking with the old crusty 700s because they're recliners for my ears.
Forgot pic.
>10/10 perfect for video games
>gaming led built in vibration units 40 bucks shitboxes
>sounds good
You don't even know what "sounds good" means.
Anyway, I highly recommend the closed version of the Memennheiser HD598 (model name is 598CS). They are absolutely amazing and miles ahead of the open-back 598, and only lose a bit in soundstage (which imo is more realistic and 3D-like compared to the tunnel soundstage of the open 598).
Here's a review:
poor people headphones. oh, and they sound like shit.
He's the guy from innerfidelity, but I've yet to find out what review is that from or what the fuck is happening in the video.
I use these. Cheap and get the job done.
Picked up the akg k545s last week from a woot deal and enjoying them okay so far. Most high quality phones I've had so far. Not sure where they rank in quality compared to others in its price range though. Ignorance is bliss when it comes to sound quality it seems
>all this salt
Stay mad.
i fell for the hyperx revolver meme
The over the top highs are actually causing physical pain, lots of headphones do this
AKG K7XX Massdrop. They sound amazing, although them being open back means I need a quiet room for the proper music listening experience.
Relaxing in a good chair and listening to Call of the Wretched Sea on these in a dark room at night after drinking heavily is one of the best feelings in the world.
>gaming headsets
pic related
Seriously? On the board where 9 is considered a failure?
you'd swear it was one of those videos where someone hears for the first time, I've had some pretty emotional reaction to good music on nice headphones but man audiophiles are wierd
HD 598 Cs
Amazing how they don't need an amp.
Tell me where they fail for video games.
>Hey those headphones are actual garbage memes
would expect nothing more
Sound stage despite being open back
Blown out highs
mumbly grumbly muddy bass
>HD 598 Cs
>Amazing how they don't need an amp
well they're 23 Ohms
hd600 with schitt stack
Underrated. Impeccable taste my man
Back to
I've been using Superlux HD681s + Sound Blaster Zx. I run my consoles audio through my soundcard as well so I can still skype or have media playing on my other monitor.
None of that shitty matters for vidya except sounds stage which isn't bad at all. They cost $70, so you're not going to get audiophile quality.
Not that it matters, they don't sell it anymore, and nobody should pay more than $70 for them anyways
Where my Grado bros
All of that matters user
Footsteps are in the mids
Guns are in the highs
Explosions are with the bass
and the soundstage matters
I said the soundstage matters. What headphones are better for vidya that cost $70?
>shit stack
HD 200
good taste
I have it and it's pretty much perfect.
Fantastic sound and very comfortable.
for gaming these cannot be beaten.
inexpensive, comfortable, the high treble levels helps with footsteps and other similar audio cues.
kinda meh bass but that's a common trend with open back headphones anyway.
>Fantastic sound
If you've never driven a good car of course you are always going to think the nissan shitbox you're driving is amazing
I had tons of Senn and B&W, and these are real fucking good.
Now shoo shoo
You're completely talking out of your ass bud
sr007 with bifrost multibit and srm 353x
cheap and all I need for gaming.also have a Micca OriGen+ arrivinf from Amazon today
T1 Tesla Gen 2
NFB-11 with TCXO upgrade
This. My only complaint is the cable, which eventually gets soaked in sweat and oil and hardens up like a fucking rock.
Modded in a headphone jack the past weekend while changing the pads for the first time in ~5 years, it's fucking nice that they still had them in stock for less than 10 bucks from the official store.
I couldn't give a fuck about "sound superiority", they're the comfiest headphones I've ever tried and they don't get stuffy like leather/pleather trash.
>they're the comfiest headphones I've ever tried
how many headphones have you actually tried because they aren't very comfortable at all
>What headphones do you use for gaming?
>What amp/dac do you use for gaming?
Same ones I use for everything else: Shure SE535s and an O2+ODAC. Although if I'm able to take advantage of a deal from a guy I know who works at an audio store I'll upgrade to SE846s since it'll only cost me another $50 in that case. Otherwise I'll stick with what I've got.
For speaking I just have a cheap but decent desktop mic.
>What is the best headphones for gaming under $200?
The best headphones under $200 are $500 headphones you find used/factory clearance/refurb/whatever for under $200 (or close enough). I got my SE535s (well, they were E500s back then) for $210 on ebay ages ago. The cable broke under warranty and Shure replaced them with SE535s.
I'm sure you can do the same with any other non-crazy (ie., some "audiophile" audiotarded $2000+ stupid bullshit) ones, there are tons of $300-600 headphones floating around these days that are a decade old but still fantastic unless they've been purposefully abused.
Neck yourself retard, wireless computer peripherals are shit.
Sup Forums knows nothing about audio
I have hd600 and schiit amp+dac
Logitech makes some good wireless mice like the G602.
Poor guy looks like a 70 year old with a babyface
>Not m40x
You fucked up.
40x actually managed to be worse though
This is objectively wrong. They managed to make a set better than the M50x (Though it's not hard) for less.
You should actually go look up some reviews of those things not made by redditors
>Neck yourself retard, wireless computer peripherals are shit.
Some are now decent but overall yeah, it's disappointing how the industry has completely failed to improve. In principle there is no reason it should be nearly as bad as it is, very low latency "short" (as in, less then 1000 ft) wireless in specialized applications is very much a thing, crypto was sorted out ages ago, etc. All the tech exists to very high quality wireless peripherals, including earphones/headphones, that match or exceed wired in quality and have at least 10-20 hours of life on a charge.
So far though nobody is really putting the various pieces together in one package. At this point I'd be happy even if it was someone like Apple who got their shit together and did it because even if it was their proprietary shit for a year or two everyone else would see it and copy it and do the copy better then the original (USB C is awesome for example and it got a big kick in the ass out of lightning). Apple's newest wireless is a little bit of a step in the right direction but even with their all-in bullshit it's still not what it should be.
Progress in tech is really frustrating sometimes, even when you don't have IP crap nuking entire evolutionary chains for decades.
>every review I don't like is reddit
Not what I said at all detective
lots of people don't like iems but if you are ok with them they can be great for vidya since good isolation and doesn't bother anyone else around.
Fuck yea bro. Those are my music headphones and have been for like 10 years now. They've been making them for sooooo long. It's literally the saying "if it's not broken, don't change it" as headphones.
Are the Philips SHP 9500 actually any good?
How in the world is the fidelity of footsteps relevant?
HD600s for gaming, good soundstage and plenty of clarity.
HD800s are awful for gaming, the large soundstage and analytical reproduction means that you can just hear how shit games sound. Try using them with Diablo and you'll get the worst headache known to man.
Any recommendable headset?
I've got decent headphones, but need a headset, so audio quality doesnt have to be that great.
>bad mids means low fidelity
You seriously have no idea what you're talking about do you
They have a lower frequency response range and volume, somehow they managed to make V shaped sound worse
>need a headset
No, you don't. Buy a cheap shit mic and tape it to your headphones.
Why do you need a headset vs just getting a cheap standalone mic?
No. Headsets are bad (both bad value and bad quality).
Either use a desktop mic or use a clip-on mic. I've been using the Antlion Modmic for a couple of years and think it's good on the whole, but it works badly with realtek onboard mic input, so you need a cheap/USB soundcard for the mic input.
I think there's a Zalmann clip-on mic that's supposed to be better anyway.
these are studio monitors. they're meant for production, not consumption
So they're a little bit quieter at a certain pitch? Be still my heart.
>not wanting to hear music exactly as it was mixed
why do people fall for the "listening is more important than a flat graph" meme?
>a little quieter at a certain pitch
Oh shit you really have no idea what you're talking about
HD600 master race.
>using amps and DACs when your motherboard is perfectly fine
I have another headphone that I use on my TV for console games.
I've got a desktop mic, but I'd have to lean in or it won't pick up. Might just use the tape or the clipons.