What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Is it official promo art? Because it's shitty as hell.


we wuz assaaasinssss and kangzz

I thought this cancer died in 2015


Who cares, if you're still buying these games after 3 you're what's wrong with the gaming industry.

3 is pushing it they should have stopped after brotherhood but there will always be idiots on earth

I actually really enjoyed 3.
The main character was fucking shit but the first part with Haytham Kenway was proper comfy. HE should have been the protagonist and it should have purely been about him and the Templar point of you.

How did they fuck up this great premise by making a generic native with no personality the main?
What were they thinking?

If it means we're going back in time again instead of fucking guns everywhere then I'm all for it. An ancient Egyptian game sounds fucking neat and pretty unique to boot. Day one pirate

Here's hoping we see a game set in Rome during the Roman period too. It was nice during the renaissance with the ruins but give me the real deal now, please.

A lot of shoulds and coulds when it comes to Ubisoft i cant understand why some people still believe in them after all these years

I think outside of buggy mess of the gameplay itself the Indian man himself was alright
I feel like because there are so much shit going on in the present storyline and everyone just want to get it over it and kinda gross over his whole saga both player and the writer

Always amazes me how people can be so hypocritical when it comes to AC

Madden Games every year A Ok
Call of Duty Rehashes A Ok
Modern Warfare Rehash A Ok
Halo Rehases A Ok
Forza Rehashes A Ok



>Madden Games every year A Ok
>Call of Duty Rehashes A Ok
>Modern Warfare Rehash A Ok
>Halo Rehases A Ok
>Forza Rehashes A Ok
things that never happened

Ubi uses denuvo now man
Not that most of their games are worth it

I'll give you a hint sonnyboy, none of that shit is ok.

Nigga, we have plenty of games and fiction in general set in roman times. There's plenty of super detailed, super accurate recreations of rome itself around too, so moving around the city wouldn't even have that much novelty. Asscreed sole's saving grave as a series is having underused settings and the cities being pretty accurate and well designed. Don't waste that on something that generic.

You know what had really sick-ass cities that there really aren't any cool depictiions or recreations of that would be cool as fuck to roam around in? The Mesoamericans (Aztecs, mayans, etc) and the Southeast asians (Khmer, Sukothai). Litterally every spainish account for the Aztec captial and the settlements surrounding it on the lake they were all built on basically are just them, jaw dropped, talking about how amazed they are by how clean and big and beautiful everything is. It was basically venice, but better and with Constantinople tier population.

Just fucking drop the assassins wrist blade, its retarded in every way.
Theres literally no benefit over using a knife. Also the hood, like lets pretend someone wants to catch a potential assassin.
>Well theres that 1 extremely suspicious looking guy with a hood blocking his face, lets search him.
>What is this elaborate wrist construction, are you a magician?
>Thats so retarded you couldnt possibly be a professional assassin, you're free to go.

Make the series about Different weapons in Different countries and ages.

>Halo Rehashes

Halo has a 3 year dev cycle and actually changes a lot between cycles, to the point where the entire fanebase is fractured because there's no definable, concrete idea of what makes a Halo game Halo.

If you wanna bitch about how Halo popularized the two weapon limit or whatever fine but it doesn't have an issue with rehashes

>point of you.

get some sleep

Also worth noting that the cities around the lake in the "Basin of Mexico" image wasn't the extent of Aztec territory, they controlled territory stretching thousands of KM past that in every direction, it's just those were the core cities.

guess what.

>There's plenty of super detailed, super accurate recreations of rome itself around too
Not rally if they actually gave a damn about accuracy.
You know, paint the place up, decorate it and all that.
People only know the white Rome but that's like claiming medieval people lived in castle ruins because it is what is left of the shit today.

that looks like shit

so what did they meant by taking Witcher 3 as an inspiration? more elaborate sidequests sounds like fun