Year of Sony

>Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy
>Persona 5
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Yakuza 5
>Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
>Gravity Rush 2
>Grand Turismo Sport

That's it, pack it up fellas Sony already won.

Post sales figures for each of these. I'm due for a laugh


In all honesty I haven't really picked up anything for the ps4 and xbox one. They've been collecting dust until this year

Got P5,Nioh, and Nier

and it only took three and a half years of no games

might as well give some use to this shit thread

>implying sales = games quality

By your logic, Call of Duty is the greatest game of all time.

You truly are the wisest wizard cat.

All coming to Switch.


You truly are the wisest wizard cat

OP has a point, those three you mentioned and Crash are good games, Hasn't been anything good out on the bone for while.

>Grand Turismo Sport

List fodder.

I got the gt sport beta it's gt 6 with nicer graphics which is exactly what I wanted I can't wait. I also pre ordered puyo puyo tetris and I'm gonna go pre order the Yakuza 1 remake

delet this

>Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy
Unity trash
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
Feminist trash
>Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
DLC for $50 trash
>Gravity Rush 2
Just straight up trash
>Grand Turismo Sport
Racing sim trash
Overhyped trash

You truly are the wisest wizard cat.

With that logic you do realize Andromeda is better then BOTW right?

>I'm so posh and sophisticated, look at me!

Crash N Sane Trilogy is multiplat.

You may think "oh so what it's still better on PS4" but honestly it does matter to me.
If I have to choose between a PS4 and PC version I always pick PC, same happened with Nier Automata.
It's not even because of graphics or something, it's because I get to keep my save files.
PS4 is a temporary platform, when the PS5 rolls around you have no idea whether your games will work on it and even if they do whether your saves will transfer over.

to be fair he's not wrong.
I have a PS4 and would not buy any of those games.
PS4's current real games are: Bloodborne, Yakuza 0, Persona 5, Future Tone

>being proud you eat shit

>Sales make a game good
>Madden is the best game ever!
>Call of Duty is amazing!

Crash is a multiplat? In that case I'm going to Steam to pre-order it right now!

preorders aren't up but yeah it is.
although you could argue it may only come to XBO and not PC like RDR2, we'll see.

Okay I'll go pre-order it on Xbox live now!


I own a PS4 so these following opinions are not me "shitposting" but being sincere.
>>Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy
Look like mediocre ports, better off emulating them or playing the old ones on PS1.
>>Persona 5
Pretty good
>>Horizon: Zero Dawn
Shitty generic adventure game riddled with SJW garbage
>>Yakuza 5
>>Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
>Playing ND games after Uncharted 2
>>Gravity Rush 2
Super underwhelming compared to GR1, missions and world are far more boring
>>Grand Turismo Sport
>playing a GT game post-PS2
Super repetitive action game. After you beat the first couple bosses it gets very old

Honestly if I owned a good enough PC I'd have major buyers remorse about my PS4, the only games it truly has is Bloodborne and Yakuza thats it.
Two fucking exclusives in 4 and a half years.

when consoles can come up with more creativity other than 3rd person hack slashy shooter, ill give you all the respect you crave.
Until then ill continue with my rts, mmo, moba, 4x, grandstrat, driving/space/military simulators, emulators and fap material.

However i will agree the ps4 has been building its library lately, too bad it only took 4 years and 2 versions to do it.

Well, at least you didn't say trash again. You're still likely trailer park material, though.

What? You said it's a multiplat? So it SHOULD be available on other platforms right?

>I wouldn't buy them so they're objectively bad because I don't know how opinions work!

it's not available on any platform right now it's pre-release.
I don't know why you think one store taking your money for an IOU means it's not multiplat.

Is it a coincidence that it always seems like it's fucking weebs who post like this?


>I don't know how opinions work!
no you don't.
If you actually need someone to amend "in my opinion" to everything you may actually be autistic and need it to be explicitly stated.

I'm not a weeb, I just like good games.
All the good western games get released on PC.
The only western exclusives Sony has are shit franchises from Nu-ghty Dog.

But I do know only being announced for one platform means it's nit a multiplat

Wasn't 2014 the Year of Sony?

Every year is the year of Sony

What about 2015?

that's not how it works, like ever.
If you announce a game, you announce it's an exclusive then and there.
That's what's going to prompt a purchase, you're giving people a sense of security.
Crash was never announced as an exclusive and furthermore it was mentioned as "on PS4 first" and the Twitter account promoting the game let slip it will be on other platforms.

you truly are the wisest wizard cat.

>Ratchet and Clank
This game took a shit on the amazing legacy of ratchet and clank and frankly this really saddens me :(

What about 2016? Wasn't that supposed to be the year of Sony?

Oh Dragon Quest Heroes and Disgaea aren't exclusives any more...


>Whoreizon Wireless
>Forza: Sony Edition
>Nickelback Hydroxide


Hey, all I know is that right now as we speak it's only announced for PS4. Until they announce a release for other platforms then it's exclusive

you are full of shit
the game is great

How do we fix this?

How do we Make PlayStation Great Again?

>So fucking salty he only lists the holiday games because he knows he'll get BTFO


start realizing a year is more than just holiday season

How do you get from THIS to those?

>Fall and Holiday
Learn to read.

> i'm being so Sup Forums! ha

how can other consoles and PC even compete?

Fall and Holiday Season are a pretty important part of the year though.

>sony fags have to literally pretend that they have more exclusives than they do
this is next level

Wanna point out a part where I'm wrong?

You truly are the wisest wizard cat.

The part where your mom gave birth.

>PC fags have to literally pretend that they have more mulitplats than they do
this is next level

>Horizon: Zero Dawn

apparently not judging by the past 3 months

even Uncharted 4 did >8 million, despite not being a fall game

Because back in those days video games pretty much targeted that period because that's when most people would buy them

Now with so many games out and the help of digital publishers and developers know its better to spread their games out throughout the year. This is why Sony doesn't need to launch games in the holidays anymore (Infamous, Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank and Horizon Zero Dawn all launched earlier in the year)

You would know this if you weren't such a literal child

>apparently not judging by the past 3 months
No, the fall and holidays are still considered extremely important.

>that's when most people would buy them
Just like today...

So what happened?

the combat is fun

I'm glad shit is starting to actually be spread out through the year now
It was always just one or two big games til fall rolled around

>Now with so many games out and the help of digital publishers and developers know its better to spread their games out throughout the year

You are literally proposing an economic trend that doesn't apply to any other form of entertainment besides video games. Hell spending in general is known to drop at certain points across the board during certain times throughout the year, specifically January and July.

>You would know this if you weren't such a literal child


Which part? The simple and repetitive melee? The glowing HIT ME marked shooting? The broken stealth?

I understand it's an improvement from The Order and other cinematic experiences but still...

You truly are the wisest wizard cat

now list the good games

Let's Make PlayStation Great Again!

are you actually arguing that games don't count unless they are released around holiday season?

Notice how he left out Persona 5

>hurr hurr muh sony wins again

you realize youre competeing with an XBO right?

there might as well be just one console

Yo FUCK you, mane

>are you actually arguing that games don't count unless they are released around holiday season?
No? Nobody made that argument.

It's just a shame seeing Sony drop in quality so sharply from their golden years.

>are you actually arguing that games don't count unless they are released around holiday season?

what you're insinuating was not posted here

Anyone notice it's always sonyfags making these flamewar threads?

do they have a complex or something? why cant they just get along with everyone else?

We don't consider Sonyroaches the worse fanbase JUST because we hate black people

check my 6

>Just like today...
Nope. Shooters and Sports games still sell well but everything around them bomb

See Watch Dogs 2, Dishonored 2 and Titanfall 2 last year


>shit sequel, un-marketed sequel, un-marketed sequel
Huh, you uh, showed uh, something?

and why do you think that is?

Yakuza 5? That's been out since 2012 user.

You truly are the wisest wizard cat

What did he mean by this

Those are the iconic games of 2016 on the PS4

>everything is trash if I haven't played it

Watch Dogs and Titanfalls first games sold exceptionally well and they were released early in the year. Then when they get sandwiched between other games in the holidays the second time they bomb

Sony always wins baby!

>games that are marketed sell
>games that aren't marketed bomb
I see.

>b-but Nintendo
Sonyroaches, every time.

Can't handle a little bantz, kid?

>Sonyroaches think that's bantz
Son, you make me laugh

You make me laugh harder.

The only game I want to play in that list is Bloodborne, and I don't want to pay 500$ just to play it at 17 fps.
Fuck your Tim Burton Dark Souls.

I somehow doubt that my little Sonyroach

The gameplay was good, though. Not a fan of them shitting out a terribly uninspiring story, but it's a reboot of a franchise who's story has long been over that it couldn't possibly go anywhere else without rebooting.

I know this is bait, but I'd like a reason to voice my opinion. R&C threads die too fast.