Do you think ARMS will have enough depth to garner an actual competitive scene?
Do you think ARMS will have enough depth to garner an actual competitive scene?
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If you mean muh e-sports, then no
If you mean in general, then of course, it's a competitive game, so it's only logical that there will be people researching combos, finding out strats, getting frame data I don't know
someone pointed out some flaws with this image last thread, so I fixed some things
It's a party game.
lol no
probably but we will see.
I would certainly like a nintendo fighting game to be a thing.
Esports is an iffy subject but i think they are going for that scene considering there latest direct had it paired with splatoon. the other esports game.
That scene already plays Gundam exvs. This is literally a light version of it.
fgc autists will never accept it, if that's what you mean.
>motion controls
I wish I could walk into her noodle house and through the advice of some sneaky guys I met before, order the Minmin signature, then I get taken to a private room and sit at one of those chinky floor tables while minmin walks in, drops her pants, and uses shears to cut off her noodle pubes into a bowl until I say stop. Then we both sit there until the feeling of exposing herself becomes overwelming and she cant hold it in anymore, and pees some chicken broth into the bowl. She asks me if I want dumplings with that while turning around and I turn her offer down cause I aint into that degenerate shit, I enjoy my noodles and give her a tip before leaving
you can play without them, spergburger.
Motion controls let you twist your fists as you throw a punch, regular ones don't.
it looks fun, but there's no way it'll be competitive
its probably one of the best, if not the best fucking 3D fighting game ever created by simply being the only one that uses space control like this game does.
but i doubt its enough complex, depht or even interesting to people to have a strong community let alone get into evo.
Worked with Pokemon.
Worked with MOBAs.
Worked with other Nintendo Party Games.
Why shouldn't it work now?
The dozen or so videos showcasing the game?
that only showcased motion controls?
Go ahead and tell me how you'd re-create that motion with buttons, bub.
find me one video of someone using traditional controls.
Right joystick aims the arm
Absolutely not, anyone who says otherwise is either memeing or deep in denial
Still wouldn't have anywhere near the amount of precision that motion controls would have.
Absolutely yes, anyone who says otherwise is either memeing or deep in denial
so you your saying you don't know what ur talking about.
I guess that means you can't do it.
I think it will sell like hotcakes, but its competitive scene will be relatively small by comparison. Not full blown poverty game, but like Pokken level.
no pokken was created by tekken devs, and it still had no footing beyond youtube. Do not worry about it being competitive it will be but it will not have a dedicated scene just like splatoon, it had no tournaments really but people play it
Splatoon does have a competitive scene. It is small, but it's there.
thats why I said not really, people can spout its because of the wiiu, but pokken has an arcade version that still got updates and that died to
There are Pokken machines outside of Japan?
Probably. It is pretty simple looking, but I think it'll survive a pretty long time. The 3D arena set up, elementals and multiple arms means it has enough options to last a while.
dave and busters has them in nyc but thats besides the point, japs like playing on arcade machines, and americans like playing on consoles both the jap and american scene is pretty dead.
what does depth have to do with a game having a competitive scene
fucking mortal kombat has a competitive scene
That was a fun tournament.
Rush and Grab look strong.
Mario Kart has a comp scene. Mario Kart Wii at that, for whatever god forsaken reason
What about smash? Its a party game but its been in the competitive fighting scene for years. I guess that might be a special case since it has its own brand of autists with it.
my point is that ARMS isn't even a party game.
Hopefully not, Melee autists are the worst fanbase in vidya´s history, I don´t want another one to rise.
Depth gives people reason to stick around. Mortal Kombat players without fail jump ship at every new release. Part of that is natural, as people like new things, but other games give people a reason to stay. People still play Vampire Savior. People still play Street Fighter 2. Melee is actually the most popular its ever been. So when OP is asking about depth what they are really wondering is if we are going to be talking about ARMS from now on? Is it going to spawn a franchise? Is it going to be getting multiple sequels in the next twenty years? Are we going to get the ARMS equivalent to the Daigo parry or the wombo combo?
I don't get it
fucking kek
It will definitely attract tourneyfags but it seems like all multiplayer games do.
But will it attract an actual competetive following similar to Smash? I sure as fuck hope not. When it comes out I'm going to want to discuss the game, not "bawwww muh balance muh broken characters :*( nintendo fix it fix it fix it!"
thats what i want doe
It does have enough depth for sure. The question is whether enough people will care to give it a proper esports scene.
But the game itself absolutely has the complexity needed. Recent tourney footage has proven that.
Wait, what's up with the bear?
I guess Min Min has the right to bear ARMS
it's a brand logo
There are companies that make different types of arms, think of splatoon with the gear.
You've clearly never dealt with the Sonic fanbase or Capcom drones.
>You've clearly never dealt with the Sonic fanbase
Those people aren't even slightly bad though
furfag detected
>sonic fanbase
>not as bad
>b-b-but a couple hundred autists made OC donut steels on deviantart 10 years ago
The sonic fanbase is completely standard nowadays
back to fur affinity, sparkle knot
this pun will inevitably be canon.
can't wait to see sonics baby hes giving birth too.
>Recent tourney footage
No, it's a Nintendo game.
Of course not, what are you even thinking, OP? Slap yourself for being so dumb.
Sonic fanbase is more immature, because it's mostly kids and people with literal mental conditions. Smash is the worst vidya fanbase that exists among people with a fully functioning adult brain.
>not OW fags
I know the game is about arms but Im very interested in Noodlegirls feet
No because it's a shitty 1 v 1 arena shooter at its core. Depth doesn't matter anymore it's all about what gets shilled into EVO since even Windjammers and Pokken are candidates. As long as people shitpost and circlejerk loud enough any game can have a scene if the company wants to back it.
you cant combo in shooters.
you can't punch in shooters either
or grab
or block
I think it will have the depth needed but I can't see it catching on.
DICKS AND _ _ _ _ _
>Still no "You don't have to tell me what happened" edit
for shame
>ARMS competitive scene
>Mfw it's just a bunch of autists waggling their arms like retards in front of a live/online audience
I seriously doubt it. You will probably see community "tournaments" held by the usual 5 - 10 people who want to stroke each others epeen. However, if this thing actually blows up, I would watch the tournaments just to laugh my ass off.
ARMS players would be the most fit people at EVO