Is Halo done for under 343? It takes them months to respond to anything the community wants, they can make any game they want but they seem to be incapable of growing and sustaining a community on the level previous games had.
Is Halo done for under 343? It takes them months to respond to anything the community wants...
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yes you retard. you should have figured this out 8 years ago
Wish there was more good elite porn, 1/3rd of it is crude almost ms-paint tier and SFM.
>new spartans are all either black, women, or beta nu males
>armor looks like complete shit
>campaign is a cake walk
RIP halo. 6 is going to be bad
What's with the shop'd butt?
I know they want to milk Halo for as long as possible but at what point do you reckon Microsoft will pull the plug? Also, will 343 be disbanded or will they actually make other games?
How many copies did Halo 5 shift? I played every Bungie Halo but after Halo 4 I've gone off it.
>Is Halo done for under 343?
Halo 6
>Master Chief focused
>Blue Team focused
>split screen
>new writer
>simple story
>Halo Wars 2 Art Director
>black undersuits
>return of Halo rings
I say Halo may be fine under 343.
Man Halo 1 on PC is pretty good, especially the online. How far you gotta get in the story to meet these guys?
They're pretty hot
sfm is the worst thing to happen to porn in awhile
fucking all of it is mediocre and the sheer volume is weighing down every site because fucking idiot retards keep making the same goddamn shit using the same godddamn models and think they are being artists or some shit. i don't even hate overwatch because its a shit game, its just the insane amount of porn you have to sift through when looking for a wank to something that isn't the dumbass sniper's 8 polygons of ass
fucking MMD is better than this shit because atleast the nips have some kind of hivemind flood control
Really not difficult.
Sangheili girls should be more prominent in Halo games
Overwatch is shit
>post moar Ayylien butts
So then watch the ones where they remodelled widowmaker.
>fingers crossed Halo Reach art director
Halo Wars 2 looks good, but I think Reach was the pinnacle of armor styles. I know it'll change as the armor did for the GEN2s, but at least make the new spartan armors look functional, jeez.
Something like this.
>pic related
I want to suck a Sangheili cock
it appears as though this thread will likely devolve into pornography and should be deleted.
Or fucks sake, this even. Imean they kinda made up for it, but that it was even this bad.
The bottom one is what I wish had come up into the game. The top one was the abomination that was put in.
Nah spartan 3's were squat and reach's whole aesthetic was plop as much spikes and skull tattoos wherever.
Wanna try that bait again?
Are you that guy who asked for writefagging on elites yesterday? Cuz I've got something written up, and I've been waiting for a chance to post it
Also, more on topic, Halo needs to undergo major changes to be as good as it once was. It needs open environments which allow for different tactics, a lengthy campaign that has a good variation in environments, and it needs to give the ancientest evil trope the boot and go for a more interesting story. Maybe something set before reach. The beginning of the covenant-human war would be great.
>wanting the mess that was Halo Reach's art direction and aesthetic back
Nah I rather have Halo War 2's art, it's the closes there is to Bungie's Halo 1-3 and none of Reach's "realism".
no it's terrible because 90% of all SFM is nigger cuck shit.
>not realizing Reach is the most Bungie Halo ever made
>forgets Bungie left M$ after 3
>forgets interviews with Bungie employees, where they said that this was what they envisioned in Halo 1, and that their ultimate aim was a sense of realism
>Not realizing that as this was Bungies last Halo, that they went and put their hearts and everything else into it
Mk, you do what you do.
make a pastebin user
Are we posting Halo porn again?
I'm okay with that.
yes please
just not me I don't want to get banned
I have every confidence that these dudes have the skill and knowledge necessary for creating a great Halo game, but they have piss poor direction and focus. The last few entries in the franchise have been an obvious and desperate attempt to play catch up with "modern" shooters like CoD and BF by introducing unnecessary elements like sprinting and ironsights while simultaneously giving no thought to the elements which once made the series popular, like LAN and splitscreen. They are completely unaware of the fact that the classic gameplay and multiplayer features are what made the series popular and kept the community alive for so many years. There were ways to evolve the series without turning it into a CoD clone, but sadly they did just that.
>Reach is the most Bungie Halo ever made
And it was total shit.
Reach + Halo wars is literally the peanuccle of Halo design.
>I didn't get to play as the chief wahhh
Remember in Halo 2 when you were the Arbiter? Remember how shit that was then? Remember how cool it was as a story telling experience?
No. No you don't.
The problem with Reach wasn't the main character. The problem was the garbage gameplay.
>not realizing that Halo 3 was the last REAL Bungie Halo game
>forgets Bungie left MS for the $ and their games fell apart with their studio
>forgets interviews with Bungie employees, realizing that going in that direction would have been a mistake so they change directions with Halo 1-3 because they actually had smart developers their working at the time and just wanted to create a fun game over just making it for the money
>Not realizing that Bungie only made Reach under contract so they could fuck off and make Destiny for a worse corporation
user, pastebin and post it. I've been writing some shit too, but now I'm at work and can't post what I've got now.
Nope Halo 1-3, H2A campaign, and HW2 all have great art styles the rest are serviceable.
Nobody plays Halo for the story.
Bungie had a vision for what they wanted Halo to be. It started as a large-scale warfare with vehicles and tons of crazy shit going on. They wanted a large amount of players on a single map; Battlefield before BF1942 happened. The only reason we got the Halo 1 and 2 we have today is because time constraints forced them to hire people for the sole purpose of making something plausible in a reasonable timeframe.
Bungie has no idea what makes a good game, they just got lucky by picking up literally 2 people who did.
>waaaahhhh I was bad at a game and people called me a retard on xbox live, this game is the worst
Are you just trash? I fucking thrashed people in Reach and loved every second of it.
This, the other problem was the bad storyline and your annoying ass teammates who dies so quickly that you really never give a shit when they died. The only member of Noble Team I felt sorry for that died was Noble Six, because he/she was you.
> not realizing Reach is the most Bungie Halo ever made
Hahahahaha, dude what are you smoking? Reach was fucking shit. It was the fork in the road for Bungie where they decided if they wanted to copy Call of Duty or stay true to the classic formula, so they cut a path through the middle. Fucking sprinting as an armor ability LOL armor lock alone disqualifies this piece of shit as a real Halo game. The only good thing about it was the firefight mode, every other aspect was total shit, especially the depressing gray graphics.
>We don't wanna make the same game under contract forever!
>Turns around and signs a contract to make the same game forever
I will never understand the video game industry. They do it to themselves.
Nigger it wasn't because of the story, the gameplay was fucking garbage, armor lock, sprint and get away jail free card. bland ass maps with grey as fuck forge palette. reused campaign assets for maps. etc armor was fugly on those squat as fuck dwarfs.
So what you're telling me is that Bungie were always hacks that just got lucky that none of their shitty ideas didn't make it into Halo 1-3 because of time constraints. Glad they're never coming back to Halo, if Reach was the Halo they've always wanted to make.
All for the $.
>Is Halo done for under 343? It takes them months to respond to anything the community wants
Do you post on gaf?
When Stinkles isn't being a raging leftist piece of shit he usually responds to halo hate threads.
I think Max Hoberman said similar things in either an RTX or PAX panel before MCC came out, when they were discussing H2A.
never forget
What the fuck does Bungie even do now? Are they planning anything after the inevitable Destiny 2, or are we witnessing the downfall of a company into MMO hell?
Destiny 2 was already announced. They're probably going to be doing DLC for that over the next 2-3 years just like the first one.
Oh, and next you're gonna tell me you like Halo 4s gameplay? Where in case you weren't sure if you wanted to be a fat fuck, you could have your cake and eat it too with your sprint and your abilities.
Sorry if you never figured out how to get your shit together on armor lock, I figured only retards would stand next to the guy who can knock down your shields with an EMP.
I love it when you faggots cry about armor lock being game breaking - it was only game breaking if you didn't know how to counter it. Wanna know how to counter armor lock? Huh?
Lemme whisper it in your ear.
>Back the fuck up.
Oh noooo, the secrets out, now I'll never get to slap you children around with a kill combo that makes a plasma pistol/BR headshot look like it takes skill.
Christ, really. And anyway, I thought sprint was well used in that game. None of that infinite sprint shit - you had to know when you could use it to make a successful getaway, rather than just getting pinged once and hauling ass to go hide in a corner somewhere.
Also, where do you get bland maps from? There are fucking no maps at all in H5 that arent Forge maps, and shit, I've seen a number of Reach Forge maps make it into the regular H5 playlists.
Y'all got brains, I think. Use them?
Frankie doesn't do shit, he's worthless PR
Halo 4 is even more of Reach, Mr. Redditspacer.
It's not written like a green, and I haven't gone over it to iron out all the shittiness, so be gentle, plox. It's essentially the first chapter of something that'll be leading up to porn. I've never played the game so I imagine I've fucked up something somewhere, so don't be afraid to call me out.
Destiny is going to be a trilogy
>Destiny 2 AND 3
Why did it have to end up like this?
Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were a COD fan.
No, that's why I don't like Reach.
Halo isn't about "backing up" you stinky baboon, it's about learning weapon locations, timing pickups and actual skill/aiming/reflexes instead of having to learn retarded "counters" for abilities that were only introduced to give noobs some slight chance of surviving. Halo 4 was more of the same, and arguably even worse, but at least Halo 4 had decent weapons and graphics that didn't try to be "gritty". The entire flow of the game was ruined by stupid bullshit like armor lock, and relinquishing basic, modern abilities like sprinting to the realm of armor abilities creates a power divide because nobody is ever going to fucking use them when you can use something like jetpack or armor lock which is infinitely more useful. The balance was entirely destroyed and thus the series became dirt.
what kills me is that they could have had their special snowflake armor design shit, and still included legacy armors and the ability to color the undersuit separately. bam everyone is happy. but naw, fucking retard testers said they couldn't tell whos team who was on unless the spartans had the bit of color in the midsection. amazing how this was never a problem in 1-reach.
I want to fuck a __male Sangheili's butt so bad somebody help
Need Chief to get his old Mk6 helmet back too. The change in H4 was a bad choice
reach could have been just as good as 3 or 2 with minimal fucking effort on bungie's part post release when the community gave them backlash over the genre unfriendly changes, but no, they had some vendetta or stuck up, prude vision to push on everyone
Bungie never really changed their games post-launch except for occasional weapon placement tweaks and patching a couple of game-breaking bugs. They're too full of themselves to make a good game on purpose.
Sangheli don't have butts. or any protruding fat deposits for that matter.
They also probably have cloacas
How's that for help?
So what are the chances of
Showing up in 6? Wars 2 had some really cool designs, and Red Team was better than Osiris by a long shot.
But I like cloacas too
halo 3
>not using a hammer to knock back a shotgun user to a safer range to find alternate strategy
>not using bubble shield equipment to cover yourself from sniper fire
>not throwing shield drain at vehicles to board/disable/get away from them
>not throwing radar jammer and picking up a cloak to fuck with people
I'm questioning your grasp of the english language, because you clearly don't get what a counter is. Even the overcharged plasma pistol is the rough equivalent to the EMP blast from armor lock on vehicles/armor. And yeah, even though now everyone had the rough equivalent of the equipment abilities from Halo 3, it's not like taking them out was hard at all.
>Reach pre armor lock patch: throw nades at enemys feet and get him to use his lock so he cant use it when you go for the kill
>DMR/Sniper/Needler/Needle rifle to take down jetpacks, since its likely more difficult for them to aim with default precision weapons, unless they have rockets or something
>Sprint - watch your radar stupid
>Invisibility - use your eyes stupid
Tell me more about how much you hate the game you're bad at.
>Post armor lock patch: just keep shooting, nades will knock them out of lock
So let me get this straight, Microsoft saved Halo, the mp was going to be shit but thanks to Microsoft we got the mp Halo is famous for, I was already disliking Bungie because of the shit after Halo 3 but this just sets a new low. I'm so glad they put Hardy LeBel on Halo CE mp.
What are you going to do when the Armor Lock user's teammates show up? Get distracted so the Armor Lock guy can pop out at any point in time and kill you from behind? Or ignore him and keep looking at the glowing blue guy?
Jetpack is broken not because you can fly up in the middle of the map for everyone to see, but because you can ignore any sort of pathing on any map.
What good is your radar going to do when they run away from a fight?
You don't always have the luxury of being right next to a Camo guy to see him.
Halo MP always works best with small teams and strict time constraints. It gives the developers less time to add in dumb ideas.
>Oh, and next you're gonna tell me you like Halo 4s gameplay?
No because it was just a modified reach system. 5 is the only one that is core and is reminiscent towards 1-3. 4 had an interesting story though compared to 5.
All I'm hearing are reasons why you're bad at the game.
>Nades and AR for suppression, as armor locked guy will likely have damaged shields, and the nades will go through that once they pop him out of it, knocking his shields off and likely damaging his health. Nades will likely damage/kill/cause reconsidering of life choices for other players. Use sprint to haul the fuck off, jetpack away to another level of the map, or armor lock yourself and hope they're as dumb as you to get close.
>Listen for the jetpack, watch the radar for triangles or dark red dots, figure out where they're going and know where they could be flying. Not like they can wallhack with a jetpack, there are still paths, just vertical ones now.
>If you cant run, and you have armor lock, lock down, dipshit gets close, unlock and pop his shields, slap him around. If you're getting shot from a distance, try to return fire best you can and keep moving.
>I'll repeat myself - keep your eyes open, stupid. Doesn't hurt to waste a few rounds in a suspicious corner to see if you hit your mark. And if you know your maps, you can probably guess where they are based off the radar suddenly going spotty. Works on multiple floors, just keep your eyes open.
It's like I played the game, or something.
How is 5 reminiscent of 1-3? I'd put that one as far as possible from 1-3. And yeah, 4 seemed like something was going to go on, but the 'ancient evil' got a nade to the chest and stabbed in the eye - Jul got 30 seconds of screentime, most of it while he was dead, so who was left?
>"Hey I got an idea, what if - and hear me out - what if, CORTANA was the bad guy? Huh? Huh? Yeah slap that shit down, no one is gonna do anything but multiplayer anyway, and we need at least something with a black guy since the only other one in this series died, so work that in there somehow."
5 plays more like 1-3 with its speed and core elements of map control. 5 is honestly 2's spiritual successor specially with its ttk. reach and 4 play nothing close to them.
>If you cant run, and you have armor lock, lock down, dipshit gets close, unlock and pop his shields, slap him around. If you're getting shot from a distance, try to return fire best you can and keep moving.
Also know where sniper spots are, and where their respective blind spots are. Hug walls, stay near corners, peek corners so hard Sam Fisher would be proud.
I know its fun to go in guns blazing and lay waste to the peons, but isn't it just immensely satisfying to outplay your opponents and read all that salt that comes flying into your inbox after a match?
Just play smart, man.
Considering all the maps are scaled in 3 and 5 so that sprint in 5 is really just normal speed in 3, yeah, I can see that. I don't think 4 plays like any other Halo, so that's out.
And I can see that on from 5 = 2 in that same way, but the armor abilities in 5 lend to your survivablity, so I'd put that in Reachs direction.
It was alright user, but kind of short. There's a lot of questions that are left while finishing it too. Off the top of my head, it was just action, but no detail or substance. As far as I could tell, there was a hill and a tree trunk, but scenery wasn't very well set up. I'm not sure if you're just rushing towards the sex scene, but you've got something that could be some good shit, but you need to be more detail oriented.
Thanks user. I didn't really have much in mind for the environment - I was thinking average fields and trees kind of like Halo 1's setting. Bland, but safe. Never really got around to mentioning it. Should I just make this shit the second chapter and give the thing a proper opening? I don't like the exposition dump in the second half where I go over why they're there. I'd like to explain it in a more natural manner.
You can explain it in the second, or redo the first chapter. If you do it in the second, you need to re-edit your first chapter still. You can start guns blazing, but it'd be best to remove any mention of why the squad is there. Add more depth to the squad, add pauses to your action to take in the environment, and end it WITH finding the wounded elite. You want it to leave with a cliffhanger, something that will keep people interested for a second helping, then a third.
Also, check out Halopedia and read up on some lore for your subject matter. Going blind in military science fiction is never a good idea.
Alright. Open with a chapter expanding on the characters and why they're there - maybe a pre-mission monologue from the protagonist or some such shit. Edit what I've got to include more details on the surroundings. End the second chapter on finding the elite, start the third on the fireteam discussing wether or not to kill it.
Been checking up the lore on youtube. Is the rpg in-game actually called an rpg, or should I change that?
I'm glad Halo 1-3 were rushed then.
>the rpg in-game
Wait, hold the fuck up
You wanna be a writefag, but you know next to nothing about the thing you're writing about?
I done fucked up.
No man, check halopedia. I promise you, no one will like your stuff if you don't READ up on it. Halo lore has some Grade A sci-fi fluff. People will expect Eric Nylund level material.
I do
You want to take give it a try then be my guest. Work is scarce for a humble writefag who simply wants to write about humans spunking in ayys. Somebody asked for writefagging, and I delivered.
Always liked the halo universe, tho. I'm a complete and utter sonybro, and Halo was the one thing that made me jelly as fuck. If Sony doesn't crap out a new console to match the xbox scorpio, I'm switching consoles.
Nobody is saying stop, we're mildly confused and saying read up
Seriously, go poke around the wiki for a while
Alright, so I'm going to have to read up on this. I kind of got the feeling after I watched some of the youtube videos and the narrator started talking about Swords of Sangelios.
I'll read up on it. Might take a while to take notes, but I'll do what I can.
>Make Halo more accessible
The fuck? Halo was already pretty accessible with 1-3.
They actually made it less accessible with Halo 5 with all the advanced movements, removal of splitscreen, and game changing REQs that you need to grind for
To make matters worse, on Neogaf, when commenting on the criticism of Halo 5, Frankie stated that the main complaints were for the ads, Locke and Osiris and that the reception was mixed. All this told me is that Halo 6 will be a Master Chief focused game that will have less Warden fights, and removes the non combat missions, but forced coop, level design, enemy encounters, and vehicle play will pretty much be the same, I can also see the mp being the same just with split screen and more focus on BTB hopefully.
REQs only matter in a single shits and giggles mode though.
A mode with a significant amount of resources put into and led to the shafting of BTB