There are people on Sup Forums who prefer 3 over NV

>there are people on Sup Forums who prefer 3 over NV

>there are people on Sup Forums who think transwomen are not real women

>there are people on Sup Forums who think this isn't shopped

only reason i prefer 3 is cuz a city is a much better setting for a post apocalyptic setting than a fuckin desert

I agree with this sentiment, a nuclear apocalyptic atmosphere when you are around something that was actually nuked

>stop liking what i dont like REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I want nu-Sup Forums to leave

>there are people on Sup Forums who think

There aren't.



Those stat checks are not very good (Charisma especially - how it that reply charismatic?), but the lowest response isn't bad, really. That does sound like something an assholeish Fallout protag would say.

FO3 had a better atmosphere

btw I won't be reading any (You)s

Yeah New Vegas has no stupid dia-

Yeah, for roaming and exploring, DC blew the mojave out of the water.

>mfw Even vegas felt small and flat

Speaking of dumb stat checks.
The failure of this check shows more knowledge of explosives than the success. He's just saying "I know how to use explosives". Should've made it a speech check.

Or this one, which should be perception. You don't need high INT to fucking count to 4.

One decides the fate of a major npc
The other is some random ass grunt in the middle of the mojave desert wishing for a nuclear winter.

>there are people on Sup Forums who think fallout 4 is worse than the 3 because muh dialog system
>literally everything else is better or equal

That's not stupid?

This one kind of makes sense as an Int, though it could work as a Per too.

Or this one.
Not saying NV is worse, just musing at the especially dumb checks.

>Major NPC
It's a videogame character in a videogame inside a videogame.

This whole questline was fucking stupid, but this was the cherry on top.
>Jason told him he was not a ghoul, he didn't believe him
>You told him he was not a ghoul, he didn't believe you
>You tell him Jason says he's not a ghoul

Or this one just for the pure dumb edgy factor.

>there are people on Sup Forums

I actually like this one, it makes sense.

Yes, this whole quest is idiotic.

Fallout 3 is stupid. Fallout New Vegas is stupid. All the fucking Fallouts are stupid.

If you honestly believe NV is some sort of intellectual game for intellectuals then you are a complete and utter fucking retard.


I prefer 3 for one simple reason
When you escape from the Vault, you can go anywhere you want. Anywhere.
First time I played, I made a beeline for the Republic of Dave.
In NV, you have to follow the predetermined path or you'll be murdered by the Cazadores.

Honestly, I think NV is too similar to F3 to be able to shit on one while pretending the other's God's gift to RPGs.

NV did have some big improvement to the RPG systems and a better plot, but overall the game's practically a F3 expansion.

>I'm going to kill you SO MUCH
>I'll kill you for asking
Both are threats, which one actually sounds menacing?

yeah, everything in 3 is level-scaled so you never encounter an insurmountable challenge regardless of where you go

this is considered a good feature by some people

Is this some sort of bait?

Which one was said to a videogame character and which one was said in response to an innocuous comment?

One is a joke. You aren't even talking to a real person, it's all a silly computer simulation and there are speech options to not take any of it seriously.

>Sup Forums defends level scaling now

holy shit

Did beth miss the message about the difference between chinese and japanese people cause this guy commits seppuku like he's some sort of bushido warrior when he's chinese

>Sup Forums defends linear game design on RPG's.

>Implying 1950's retrofuture videogame designers know or care about the difference between any slant-eyes.

Ignoring the fact that you actually can beeline to Vegas, the game is completely open after the first act.

I mean, if you ever played FO1 and 2 you'd know that those games are kind of linear-ish too at first unless you metagame, but you obviously haven't.

>I don't like being challenged in video games!
>Please hold my hand!

Fair enough, but it still feels like kind of a stretch to assume the Lone Wanderer assuming a "squeaker on the mic" persona because he's in a VR simulation even though it can most likely be assumed that he's taken an actual life before hand. Both are tone comments used for role play, but considering who both came from it seems natural that the benefit of the doubt would be given to the writers who didn't remove all role playing elements from a role playing game.

NV isn't linear you dipshit.
If you really want to go to Vegas early game you can use the Stealthboy from Goodsprings and sneak past the deathclaws early.

nothing wrong with linear approach. if anything, the mandatory open world mindset has contributed to rpgs becoming more lackluster. But 3-4 hubs will always be the best choice for rpgs

I'm how the Hell did you think I was complaining about Fallout NV or Fallout 3 being "too difficult"?

>Ignoring the fact that you actually can beeline to Vegas
By breaking immersion and exploiting the game mechanics, yes.

>the game is completely open after the first act.
The first act is FAR too fucking long to hold you in before opening up.

Don't try to justify that, there's no excuse for literally corralling the player for that long in a fully open world game.


>breaking immersion
I'm not talking about glitching through walls, the Stealth Boys should be enough.

Open world games suck, anyway.


>there are people who claim to love one and hate the other, like KotOR

I bet they are the same people who love dogs but hate cats, or vice versa.

Post apocalyptic implies its set after the thing happened, Bethesdas retarded decision to move the time line 200 years and not having it affect anything at all was one of the reasons this franchise became unsalvageable.

I like both dogs and cats, though. I like cats more, but dogs are bros.

>start game
>get shot in the head
>get buried
>decide to chase the man for some package
>I don't know who it's for or what it is and it's the fucking wasteland so who gives a shit

I've finished NV and all the DLC but I really don't care for the story. I'm not saying it's worse than 3 or 4 but there's a limit to how much I can suspend disbelief and it ruins my entire enjoyment of the game.

I feel like I remember jsawyer or something changing that to PER 6 check

>implying a handful of people browsing at the same time as you represent Sup Forums as a whole

>Bethesdas retarded decision to move the time line 200 years and not having it affect anything at all was one of the reasons this franchise became unsalvageable.

Why do people find it so difficult to grasp what exactly it was Bethesda was doing when they did that? The whole point of Fallout 3 was the area was so utterly fucked up that even 200 years later society has not rebuilt and survival is still a struggle, hence why project purity was so goddamn important. Nobody gives a shit if it's technically unrealistic. Nothing about Fallout is realistic.

it's a fucking western revenge story, at least for the first third. Do you not like westerns, are you some sort of faggot?

NV feels like a huge standalone Add-On. Also most new mechanics were copied from the most popular Fallout 3 mods like weapon modding, companion wheel, new ammo types, real ironsights and crafting.

>survival is still a struggle
the cool thing about that is that none of the communities are really shown struggling

Megaton dudes just sit around the bomb all day long, Rivet is a cool and functioning city, then you have shit like Republic of Dave where the biggest problem is wacky elections (something that NV did too, but much better).

>breaking immersion
NPCs, such as Victor and Vulpes for example, will react to meeting you for the first time in Vegas as opposed to the I-85 route

>exploiting the game
stealthboys are an intended gameplay mechanic

did that general even speak english?
would he surrender based on your body language then?

The wasteland is mostly barren landscape, pretty much a desert too, what the hell are you talking about?
90% is just empty space.

Because in 3 you can damage anything regardless of what weapon you use. Every other Fallout game uses both Damage Threshold and Damage Resistance but 3 only uses DR. That means things that shouldn't take damage from weak weapons still take damage from them.

>Nothing about Fallout is realistic
But internal logic. Speaking deathclaws and talking stone heads were aleady established!!!! Also basic infrastructure nay be fucked beyond repair and some parts of the wasteland fell back into a tribal age while the next settlement has electricity and a sewage system and robots and laser weapons.

It's a simulation, so all the inconsistencies like that make sense.

The real question is why would Bethesda make a DLC that is basically an FPS with Fallout 3 FPS mechanic set inside a simulation so nothing you do has any consequence in "real" Fallout world except for giving you some KEWL LOOT. Oh wait.., I think I know why.

>the cool thing about that is that none of the communities are really shown struggling

Because Bethesda obviously took a light-hearted approach to the game. They didn't want edge-lord level depictions of suffering, they wanted a caricature of it. Are you going to complain that there's no rape in Fallout 3 when in reality it would be rampant too?

>post apocalyptic
post post apocalypse the west coast has rebuilt itself way beyond anything that had been accomplished on the east coast. especially after what faloout 3 and 4 showed

The only people that like westerns are over 50s.

Besides it doesn't make any sense as a revenge story. You're just some dude that delivers packages, you'd be more than happy you survived and go about your merry way. What sense does it make to chase after a guy who is clearly connected to something much bigger than you? Leave it be this is the fucking wasteland as if you'd get involved in any of that shit.

3 and 4s story are cliche dogshit but they're coherent at least.

DT in NV can't block more than 80% of incoming damage and 1/2 have instakill crits so you can throw flares at a deathclaw and one-shot it.

But that one makes sense, he's dealing in things that can put him in trouble with certain people, he needs to be certain that you are not with them.

why would they program that into the simulation instead of having it be as it would in reality?

From the dialouge choices offered when given a chance to explain himself and his motivations, it seems like the 'canon' reasons for the Courier's pursuit are either

>"I'm as good as my word, and I'm going to deliver that gol-dern chip no matter what"
>"This piece of shit shot me in the head, I'm angry but if it's so important maybe I want a piece of that pie"

also i don't understand how that would ruin your enjoyment of the game when you're pretty much totally allowed to fuck off and avoid the main quest

Yes, getting rid of the rape from Fallout 2 was a mistake.

>Sup Forums still can't get over this topic

>Because Bethesda obviously took a light-hearted approach to the game.
They did? Huh, I guess I imagined most of Wasteland's population being raiders who hand mutilated bodies and viscera all over the place, or super mutants with their gore bags, or nuking an entire town for sick amusement of some old fart, or town of cannibals (one of few FO3 setpieces I actually liked)...

Because they're racist pre-war American programmers who don't know better.

It can block up to 85% and they had to work in the DT mechanics code off the backend into the gamebryo engine. Also the formula was reversed from 3 onwards in regards to order of damage applied between DT and DR.

I dunno i'm the same way with films.

I saw Life recently and the second the 'scientist' put his hand in to touch the living alien creature I lost all interest. As if you'd ever do that and not prod it with a stick from a safe distance or use some robot arms to fuck with the thing.

They aren't.

>inb4 go back to Sup Forums


>they had to work in the DT mechanics code off the backend into the gamebryo engine
Sure, okay, but I'm pretty sure Sawyer wouldn't want to make player completely invincible. I think it was a design decision.

>Huh, I guess I imagined most of Wasteland's population being raiders who hand mutilated bodies and viscera all over the place, or super mutants with their gore bags, or nuking an entire town for sick amusement of some old fart, or town of cannibals (one of few FO3 setpieces I actually liked)...

Exactly. There's all this shit in the game but it's all a joke. Bethesda treated Fallout like it deserved, as a stupid B-movie romp. Obsidian took it far too seriously, I got really tired of being lectured by NPCs and the game is nowhere near as smart as people around here seem to think it is.

That's true, just because you can avoid the main quest doesn't mean there's suddenly not a major chunk of the game that isn't fun to you/him/user/xir

>The only people that like westerns are over 50s.
>he doesn't like westerns

>the only people that like westerns are over 50s
wrong, and you have shit taste
>Besides it doesn't make any sense as a revenge story. You're just some dude that delivers packages, you'd be more than happy you survived and go about your merry way
no, because the package is obviously something so important people are willing to kill over it. Also since the package is so important, I'd want to try my damnedest to recover out of fear of the original employer finding out. My courier wouldn't want to get raped and tortured by securitrons for being an incompetent fuck up who failed their job

>There's all this shit in the game but it's all a joke.
Based on what exactly? Were the hamfisted Bible reference a joke too? I don't think you're discussing this earnestly.

What the fuck I hate darks souls now

>there are people on Sup Forums who prefer 3 & NV over FALLOUT 4, plebs

The one that isn't a simulation with dead people?

What's wrong with this one?

The fact that almost everything is played for laughs? You really think nuking an entire town because some guy thinks it's ruining the view from his penthouse was meant to be taken seriously? Or that when you go back the most annoying NPC in the settlement has survived and is as chipper as ever? Liberty Prime? Malcolm McDowell? Tranquility Lane? One DLC involves playing a videogame and another involves reversing your lobotomy? You think all this was meant to be taken seriously? The whole game is a joke.

Todd, please go.

You wouldn't have been invincible anyway. The old games all the armour types had variable DT and DR depending on the type of damage done. From 3 they just made a boring flat DR for all and a flat DT rating for stuff in NV and the DT rating was pretty low compared to past games. In a nutshell I just found Deathclaws far too easy to kill in FO3 especially on top of all the free stats(bobbleheads) given to me as well boosting me further.

As for design decision I dunno, I would theorize that it would have been way too much effort to put in the code to calculate DT first before DR when taking damage working off of the engine in FO3 without something going horribly wrong behind the scenes.

How am i supposed to be challanged if i can't fight enemies higher level do to scaling?

the fact she survived was because they didn't want to lock the player out of a major questchain just because they decided to blow up the city the questgiver was located in

This. Would MUCH rather have something like bloodlines' 4 major hubs+other explorable areas than open world, though New Vegas' was honestly not that bad

Aincent Chinese also committed suicide for humiliation, or losing battles as well. There was no romanticized notions about it however, like the Japs. They were held up to the law of war or some shit like that. But still different.

They don't just have her survive, they have her retain that ridiculous personality. It's a joke.

New Vegas however would have worked vastly better if it had a world map in the style of older games

there's a lot of empty areas in NV and its fairly obvious the prime focus of Obsidian was the various settlements, not the wasteland, similar to how the older fallout games worked.

And quite honestly I could have seen it work, if given enough time, even in the Gamebryo engine. Biggest problem with that sort of map, from a commercial pov, is that it would have only appealed to fallout fans and not the bethesda open world fans which made up a large part of FO3's audience

>The fact that almost everything is played for laughs?
Actually quite a lot of that feels like it's supposed to be pretty dramatic, based on writing and such. It's pretty clear that you're supposed to take dad's death seriously, for instance. A huge open world game can have both silly and serious content, you know?

>The old games all the armour types had variable DT and DR depending on the type of damage done.
I did play older games. APA, which I managed to get at like level 8, made me feel pretty dang invincible. Sure there were occasional crits, but it really was something else.

to be fair, you CAN destroy her personality with a few mean responses

They are restarting the vault program.
Heavy industry has restarted in the Pitt.
They have a Giant Robot and a flying aircraft carrier.

WTF are you talking about?

>I did play older games. APA, which I managed to get at like level 8, made me feel pretty dang invincible. Sure there were occasional crits, but it really was something else.

And now we can't shoot rats in the groin with a Sniper Rifle. RIP