So from your experience with the game, is it better or worse than your personal favorite Quake? Is it competitively viable?
Quake Champions Beta Discussion
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Fun Game, I'm the cunt that shoots you from history with 250 ping
Always played unreal over quake, it's alright
Why didn't that person take a screenshot?
They announce my boy yet?
Is there any reason to play as anyone other than Ranger, Slash and Anarki?
You can play quake 1 and 2 for free right now. Check out nQuake or Quake 2 starter and find out. The games become ten times more fun once you learn bunny hopping and strafe jumping though.
It feels good, it's fluid it's fun and I'm exited to see more things added to this game in the future.
Just add more Doom weapons and out boy the Marine and we're jammin.
Really though I'm enjoying myself and I would genuinely play this when it comes out.
how do i equip stuff i get from chests?
nevermind i read that as "is it alright?"
>tfw id announces Vadrigar as the last champion who seeks redemption
Is there a major difference between the auto bhop and doing it manually?
Daily reminder arena shooters are dead. I'd be happy if this did well but that's just a pipe dream.
I assume the auto bhop is just spamming the jump key which won't really make you go fast at all. Learn strafe jumping and real bunny hopping if you're playing anarki.
Is bunny-hopping's speed boost exclusive to the raptor or does hopping do things for everybody? Also, is the only way to actually buy characters really just with the premium currency?
Galena, duh?
It's pretty fun, decently made, and works as you'd expect a quake game to work
I don't get who this is targeted at exactly though, since hardcore quake fans are obviously playing their favorite quakes, while new players will be completely demolished if they even attempt to start playing
I'm bad at the game myself (played quake 3 arena like 10 years ago) and everyone in the beta is at least decent, so unless they have some extremely strict matchmaking system it will not be fun for casuals
Also only has one good waifu, pic related. Not even a furry/scalie/whatever
i prefer UT4 and i hope QC will fail.
>only character with no speed cap
>Acceleration is so slow, by time you get any speed from strafejumping, you hit a wall or have to change directions
Why did they even bother giving Visor uncapped speed?
Characters drop from the loot crates
>I don't get who this is targeted at exactly though
There's a new generation of people making their way to pc gaming now that have a thirst for faster paced shooters than the call of duty they grew up on. I think they just saw the direction call of duty and titanfall were heading in, with regards to speed, and thought it was time to bring back quake.
>bethesda games
>EPIC games
>being anything but niche
good luck with that delusion lmao
>literally less than 600 players spread across all 8 biggest arena shooters
Guys, let's be real here, champions is going to flop hard as fuck.
>while new players will be completely demolished if they even attempt to start playing
Well it's the same as people picking up fightan games probably.
>There's a new generation of people making their way to pc gaming now that have a thirst for faster paced shooters than the call of duty they grew up on
The sheer delusion in the post.. it's honestly sad.
sounds like you're too young to remember 2k4
>bethesda game
It's going to stay afloat with Bethesda because they'll shill it to no end and because it's free it will be alive for ages just like Paladins. If it's on Steam it will definitely stay alive.
>>bethesda games
this title is literally brink 2
so what? it's f2p so you can play if you want to, you're not forced to pay for anything, which you'd play for the price. We can easily go back to Q3
i'm much worse than i remember
or maybe i'm just getting old
i even rage quit after getting to -1 in tdm...
how dost i learn how to strafe jump
t. newfag
It's true though. Speaking as a newer gen player that missed out on early quakes.
I know many people in their early 20s or late teens that feel things like OW are just too slow and too easy.
Don't pretend you know more about a generation you aren't part of.
People will defend this in a quake game.
have you actually played the beta? the game is trash
user.. even paladins is more appealing to the average gamer by 10 fold, it's got 20k players right this second, whereas all 8 arena shooters have 600. There is no market for an arena shooter. And what is "staying alive"? Like how quake live is "alive" on steam?
Bring failed because it was buggy, the multiplayer was literally single player mode but with players instead of AI, and because it had GOD-AWFUL netcode where it was unplayable in versus. Not to mention the aimbotting AI that plagued the cooperative mode. It was just a bad game all around.
Quake Champions may be mediocre (or it may not depending on how they change it), but it hasn't got a quarter of the issues Brink had.
>the game is trash
This didn't stop every other Bethesda title.
>I know many people in their early 20s or late teens that feel things like OW are just too slow and too easy.
anecdotal evidence. if 'your generation' wants something fast, why does OQ have 25 million players while quake live can barely get 1000 players at any given time
Quake Live averages 500-1000 players daily. That's good enough for me.
Good point, I don't think there are many like that, but it might be true
Yeah I guess, it's either you drop it straight away or dedicate at least a few months to learn and master it
Doesn't even compare.
It's not even a new IP.
It's also piggy backing off D44M's sucess. Doomguy is going to be a character
>Y-you don't know me, bro!
Whatever you say, user.
>98% gpu usage
>in the fucking menu
nice game quaketards
wheres any kind of evidence from you, then? Quake live is a bit old at this point
all you said was "lol this guy is delusional". This new quake is the only time I've seen people who don't even like shooters get interested in a shooter.
>Also only has one good waifu, pic related. Not even a furry/scalie/whatever
Why lie to yourself?
Fingers crossed for Hunter, though. I NEED her.
where to get that map?
>wheres any kind of evidence from you
refer to these games are all available, yet no 20 something year old is playing them.
Is that enough to keep servers on and producing content? Perhaps, but I think it's less about this game but the future of quake, why would they make another if all they get is 600-1000 players?
>i hope QC will fail.
But why? With so few people interested in the genre period nowadays, why do people still fling shit over which game is subjectively better?
>This new quake is the only time I've seen people who don't even like shooters get interested in a shooter.
What a joke, people who don't player shooters aren't going to fucking play an arena shooter, the most autistic genre of shooter.
Quake Live had a lot more than 1000 players when it came out nearly 10 years ago you mong.
because i don't want to play UT4 against bots anymore. there can only be one populated arena shooter with how dead the genre is.
I'm 21, never played Quake and I feel that way about Overwatch. I spent most of my adolescence playing TF2 though.
then why aren't you playing quake live or unreal tournament 4?
I think you might be surprised. It's never had more than several thousand players, which is nothing. TF2 is 10 years old too and has 51,000 players right this second.
The rockets are shit and the game is just rail and LG right now
sorlag fucking blows
What do you guys have your jump bound to? Still using spacebar like a fucking idiot here
>not 99
passable but still rather plebian
Because I stopped playing EPIC games after they abandoned Gears.
2k4 was pretty much a straight upgrade to ut99 in the gameplay department which was inferior to q3a
2k4 had way more content
I want Sorlag to blow her chunks all over my dick and then devour my burning body.
Spacebar. Like, why wouldn't I?
spacebar because RMB is for crouchsliding
>have 12 beeers
>still topfrag
if youre doing bad its your fault
>dude weeded
>still get first place
reaction time is overrated
A lot of people rebind spacebar to a more spammable button like the scrollwheel to be able to spam it more.
Perhaps it isn't common in quake, but back in counter-strike 1.6 and source people bound it to the wheel to bhop across the map at a much higher speed than just the standard run.
>on crack cocaine
>1st place with 32 frag lead
gotta go fast
play the hoverboard dude. Fucker goes fast as shit and works like CPMA/reflex
>sacrifice virgin kid
>you have taken the lead
How can you play it on that ping? I tried and it was just a waste of time.
I really hate playing low health characters with the way the rail is right now
The quad is a stupid item.
They should rename it the triple.
replace quad with instagib rifle
It is. It enhances the effects of luck and it's just plainly unfun to get instagibbed without time to respond.
>quad with SS in a tight space
>people keep rushing me
I hate to say it but Totalbasket was probably right about this one. There is no market for arena shooters, they're not casual friendly enough, the skill ceiling is simply too high and people who are good at the genre are so much better than newcomers it's not even funny
I want this game to succeed because, despite the cancerous Overwatchization, it still has the core Quake movement and gameplay and it's extremely valuable that that is still seen as worth keeping around by AAA developers and publishers. It and UT4 are literally the only hope for this dying genre.
this game will be dead in a month
sad! but true
hoping the game wont be $80 but it probably will be
>Total "brutal doom is what the developers intended" biscuit
>right about anything ever
Reminds me of evolve to be honest.
Not that user but TB occasionally spouts a non-retarded opinion.
hes 100 hp and gets an ability thats boosts it. Motherfucker can be tanky because of his ability
I mean that's wrong as fuck, yes.
there is an announcer that literally tells you the quad is coming up
How does that relate to anything? How does that make it fun to get instantly killed?
You dont need to spam jump in Quake, it has buffered jumping, so if you start holding jump while in midair you will instantly jump when you hit the ground.
wat? aren't we supposed to play the game?
>shoot rocket
>has a delay when it comes out between you clicking mouse and it flying out
>shot bullet gun
>hits instantly with no delay to register a hit
Way to ruin my fun assholes.
>rocket does 6 damage
it's still a good weapon but they should get rid of the delay
Another issue it makes rocket jumping a fucking nuisance.
Plus I get 50 ping, and it basically takes 0.5 between click and rocket flying out.
It's dumb coding that even fucking blizzard managed to get right and id/Bethesda/who-the-fuck-ever is developing this couldn't figure out correctly.
im still hoping that it's just latency
i think that's what it is because things RG slugs have a slight delay too ad if you watch the vids from id's office where they are on LAN it looks a lot crisper
im also still not sure if a lot of these problems are the netcode itself or shit servers, it's hard to say
They've had three chances and didn't fix it yet so give them, maybe 5 months after launch they might acknowledge the fuckup.
If it's intentional then fuck them.
Also fuck them for not/never adding the grenade launcher
>no plasma gun
the Super Nailgun is a reskinned PG, you can even jump/climb with it
the negatives it has over PG is that you cant really block someones view with it which was a good tactic against rail
>everyone can strafe jump but specific tech like bunnyhopping is restricted to certain characters
I'll only ever play Duel or modes that take off the restriction because of this.
One of the worst fucking F2P games in a decade and it's fucking P2P!