It's up

It's up

Other urls found in this thread:

>Matt and his awful slag GF

no thanks.

>casual chat with matt and his gf playing bayo

this is an odd kind of video, it's like sitting in the room with them as he plays. I didn't even know he had an extra channel.

>tfw considered doing videos like this but didn't think anyone would give a shit.

>this autistic fuck has a girlfriend

Why would anyone ever be with him.

>confirmed for having never seen her

He's 6'1 and has a great face and body.

>Youtuber gets big
>Starts a patreon
>Once that's big enough they just stream games and shit and barely make anymore actual content

Happens every time, do you punks ever learn? Patreon is a blight.

What's up? A Youtube video? Why is he special?

DS-fucking-P has a girlfriend, pretty much anyone besides you can get a girlfriend.

>8 hours of an autist pointing out details about a game that anyone who played it already knows

Man, I don't know why I ever bothered watching his earlier videos. His shorter ones, like the one on Bioshock, are good, but these fucking stupidly long ones where 95% is him just saying something like "when you press x twice to do a double jump, there's an interesting linger in the second jump and an animation to match that creates a different sense of momentum, conveying the idea that it's supernatural. This is interesting because it changes how you perceive space, and fits the character's motiff well."
Then maybe 5% of the video is actually insightful criticism.

CGR comes to mind. Mark is dead inside

He's middle aged now too. He can't get a real job. It's either this or sucking dudes off at the bus station.

>He tries to get his GF involved with his video games
Anyone who does this deserves to be cuckholded by a more socially well-adjusted person

He was supposed to be the chosen one. I'm pretty sure most of the people who donated liked the way it used to be run.

We hate Matt now, right? Just cheking

Just disappointed.


Mostly because he quit his job to make video's, started a patreon, then didn't make any video's for months on end.


Thank god we still got Johnny, but with the youtube strike he might be forced to beg.

>Dark Souls Commentary - 600,000 views
>Recommending Kula World - 86,000 views
>Devil May Cry Commentary - 170,000 views
>Downwell Review - 60,000 views
>Furi review - 75,000 views
>VA-11 Hall-A / Papers Please Comparison - 60,000 views
>Recommending Riven- 50,000 views
>Obduction review - 50,000 views

Did this guy get 'big'? He's under 900$ a month on patreon

Stopped reviewing actual games

How is he able to subsist on Youtubebux with so few views?

This fucking gingerbread could make a video on MGSV and Blodborne, that's the sole reason he still has subscribers and he knows that - this fucking cunt.

The Valhalla/Papers Please video is good.

Here's a good video for you, thoughl. Lots of views.

Reminder that his gf hates DaS2 more than he does.

I'm not saying that a high view count is indicative of good content, I just find it a little amusing that immediately after he quit his job to do youtube full time his views started dropping off hard

He exploded in popularity with the Dark Souls video but he didn't strike while the iron was hot, he left it too long and he started to fall off the wagon a little.

He cares more about what interests him and doesn't pander, how awful. Totally not /ourguy/, here at Sup Forums we only support the lowest common denominator.

>want to start making critique videos to youtube
>dont own a mic at all
>have a shitty accent and I'm extremely aware of what I sound like


I bought a $150 one and it works really well.
I haven't had the urge to make a video in months

Why is everyone hating on Matthew now

>only makes one video every 5 month after dropping out of his job promising to make more videos
>still hasn't made the DS3/BB/MGSV/BOTW reviews

Fuck off matt

Nobody cares about some shitty indie games or boring point and clicks

People do care about Dark Souls

he reviews games after all the dlcs are out
be prepared to wait for another three years

Read the thread


He's not making videos about meme games so people can steal his opinions and pretend they're his own. They can't do that if he only reviews obscure games.

Irrelevant since Joe appeared

>literally final day of exams, already celebrated with friends, ready to not see anyone and fucking vegetate over the weekend
>8 hour MM video drops

everything's coming up user

>posting videos of you playing video games with your girlfriend

I hate this fucking meme

you're not being subtle; every man knows that proving you get pussy is the most basic of ways to put yourself in a higher societal bracket, but people come to your comment to hear about video games not when was the last time your bitch was on her period

Post pics.

Isn't this the guy that has a patreon but never uploads videos?

>Happens every time, do you punks ever learn? Patreon is a blight.

Most youtubers now have a patreon these days because youtube fucked them over and they are not getting insane money from eds.
They are just getting pennies from views.

>Guys youtube is not paying me now enough
>please give me money on my patreon so I dont have to find a job
>people actually give them money

Kinda jelly that somebody else pays for everything while you just play videos and upload them on youtube and nothing else

I want to make a videogame review channel and shit on videogames

To be fair the chat basically begged him to do it.

For every succesful channel there's a thousand failed ones. It's not that easy to make videos people like.

It's usually done because your gf wants to do shit with you, not because you want to show off.

Friend used to show me General Sam's videos, but then Sam started doing youtube full time and releases nothing but Rust and Unknownplayer's Battlegrounds videos. Needless to say, my friend got frustrated.

dark souls 3 goty critique fucking WHEN

>giving women that much freedom

This basically.

What do you want him to point out about that game?
Literally everything has already been said/"analyzed" by others (i.e. Joseph Anderson)

If you need a MM-video you care for him, not the video-game. Which is kinda sad, desu

>nigga talked shit about valhalla

i'm a huge souls faggot you faggot

obviously i care more about games i've PLAYED

The chat pestered him about bringing her in to the stream non stop. It's not like it was his idea. Also, she's fine, she's a gamer too and she knows her shit, stop being such a bitch.

She plays video games too you autist.

>Doesn't make shit for months
>Finally makes some basic video about an indie game
>Then goes ahead and makes a video about an 8 year old game and its PC port


t. mattymatt's gamer gurlfriend

It's a stream he had last night, not an official video. Come on, did you even click on the link?

>implying i would give him views

I'm not giving him $$$ via my clicks, be aware of that.

Or maybe he enjoys engaging in activities with the person he loves, and you are bitter in your loneliness and jealousy

Just a thought

>gee I wonder why his video about this obscure 20 year old game got less views than his dark souls video

Have you guys never heard of adblock plus? Serious question.

I really liked those videos

that's deep. wish i could give reddit gold to this post

Reminder that Matthew doesn't care about us anymore

uninstalled it since too many websites are inaccesible due to it

>he hasn't made the video I want ;(
Fuck off. I agree with the lack of content but he shouldn't be pandering to people who want him to do videos on whatever is popular.

You can turn it off for certain websites and leave it on for the frest.

>Sup Forums makes a person popular
>after getting popular that person abandons Sup Forums and starts sucking off Reddit

Every single time

epic comeback!
upvoted! xD

>will give websites that literally block you if you don't give them ad revenue money
>but not matt


I'm quite certain that he said that he still goes on Sup Forums, just as user. I think he just doesn't like the attention, hence the fact that he only ever shows up when "summoned"
Also, is a pretty useful website, and it probably makes it easier to deal with dumb shitposters

Everyone hates their voice user, you have to just start and not give a fuck. I'm Scottish but lived in Canada for a few years so I have a fucked up half Scottish half Canadian shit accent but I still make videos and do streams. People don't care as long as they can understand you. If you want to make content just do it.

>Everyone hates their voice user

patrick stewart? morgan freeman?

Sup Forums doesn't mindlessly suck your dick, that's why they move to reddit. For some not even reddit is enough of a hugbox.

>clueless retard is shit at video games
why is this not a surprise

What's your big issue with her other than her vagina?

>a man with one child and a pregnant wife makes more videos than matthew at this point
>and they're generally longer than matthew's too

What the fuck

I mean don't get me wrong, Joseph's videos aren't as good as Matthew's on average, but Matthew can't have anywhere near as much shit to do

Is there any evidence at all of matthew moving to reddit though? Where is this coming from

>nintenbros are mindless animals that will assault you anywhere unless you agree that their kid games are perfect
Who would've expected that

You don't have to make anything when you have a money stream coming from manchildren who are just hoping you'll actually put something up.

>a man with one child and wife neglects them to make reddit-tier observations

Patrick Stewart's accent isn't his real accent, spend enough time in the Shakespearean company and you end up adopting that bombastic theatre accent.

>everyone hates their voice

Incorrect, I have a great voice

Just scroll down.

post vocaroo then. if you're confident in your voice this shouldnt be a problem

Where is she to be seen?

Dublin, Ireland

Is this the thing that has your panties in a knot? I also fail to see how someone using Sup Forums for its intended purpose is "abandoning" Sup Forums.

Who is this and why should I care? Looks like some internet nobody.

Lurk more

Matthew still browses Sup Forums
Just anonymous.

He is the guy who gets an autism attack whenever someone says DS2 wasn't shit.

Anyone who uses the term hating or haters needs to be gassed. It's an absolutely infantile descriptor.

Why should I spend time looking up some e=celb faggot I don't know?

I can't see her.

>He is the guy who gets an autism attack whenever someone says DS2 wasn't shit.

matt sure posts a lot then