COD WW2 has entire NEW coop campaign for mode


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wow kid, i bet you're real excited, huh?

>no pacific front


i bet you are such a loser , you think that everybody is sad loser like you

yeah surprising but you know what some of us here still enjoys video games

Eh, I usually buy the yearly CoD to run through the campaign with some friends. I'll get a little more out of it this way before I sell it

>video games
choose one

>buys the campaign instead of pirating it
fucking amazing

>no eastern front
>no pacific theater
>more D-Day

So it sounds like WaW's legacy as the best WWII Call of Duty will live on.


what about it

V can be as miserable as it wants I'm getting it.

-sent from my phone

Are they finally going to update the game engine and rework the entire thing?

Total desperation move to counter BF1's hype
generic and lame / 10

>I-I found the new boogieman!

I'm going to laugh if there is Stalingrad and SAS levels too.

>BF1's hype


they reworked their game engine after Ghosts dude.

graphics looks good as Battlefield games since Advanced Warfare

please go back to memeddit

>sledgehammer games

Into the trash

Great so we get to play the same missions that all the other ww2 games have. Where's Italy or Africa? What about the Pacific front?

If you're going to do Europe then at least give us something other than Stalingrad, D-Day and the fall of Berlin. The French resistance would be nice and so would Finland.

Someone never played Finest Hour.


Why. This is the most boring, overdone FPS setting. It's honestly worse than modern-day FPS. I'd take Modern Warfare 4 or Black Ops 4 over another WW2 shooter. The only thing worse is WW1, so at least they did better than Battlefield in this respect.

Although I don't really care because I haven't played since BO1/MW3.

they've been working on COD WW2 for almost 3 years.

>mercilessly slaughtering a bunch of japs from island to island
Europe's where it was at.

There's always dlc though

Advanced Warfare was miles better than Black Flops 3 and Infinite Memefare

>they look as good as battlefield games
Are you actually a shill? Battlefield is still leagues higher in graphics and tech

It's still the same engine, it is just more polished. They need to start using Unreal 4 or one of their own.

It isn't just the graphics, it is the movement, physics and everything else that needs updating. It is the same now has it has been since CoD1. They tried to get round it by adding jet packs and wall running but non of that changes what is underneath.

There hasn't been a WW2 fps in fucking forever dude

Because it's the cop-out setting. The setting they know that people will buy no matter what. This is why there's so many fucking WW2 FPS games, even though they're all almost exactly the same fucking game.

Why do people keep buying them for the last 20 years? Who fucking knows, but they do. We got basically a 5 year break where it slowed down some(Even though it was still going on), but the brakes have been torn off and thrown out the window thanks to Battlefield and now we've got another 10 years minimum of this regurgitated whack-a-mole shit killing the FPS genre further and further.

Proof? We know that there's a 3 year dev cycle, but can anyone prove that THIS title was the one being worked on?

Quake 1 and 3 have the most responsive movement in FPS, can't mess with perfection. The movement in Unreal Tournament 4 is garbage and often complained about by the Unreal fanbase.

>cinematic shooter has a coop mode

You never played Conflict: Desert Storm, haven't you?

They've been working on supply drops for 3 years, you mean

Are you retarded? WW2 FPS games never fucking stopped. They slowed down a bit once AAA games started shifting to different settings, but they've always been a non-stop barrage of carbon-copy bullshit that all looks and plays the same. It's literally the 'capeshit and remakes' of the video game industry. The great cop-out that every uncreative and lazy game developer falls back on when they've run out of ideas or want to be lazy fucks that still make tons of money off of wehraboos and airsoft LARPers. It's quite possibly THE most done setting in all of video game history, eclipsing zombie shit.

you need to go back

I wish they made more of those games, I spent so many hours replaying the first 2 games.

The are to hard for CoD players anyway, casuals killed those type of games ;_;

>graphics looks good as Battlefield games since Advanced Warfare

>New Co-op Campaign mode

World at War already had this. Cut the bullshit, theres nothing new about it. shill this shit somewhere else

The fuck are you on about? CoD is on a three year cycle with their studios: Infinity Ward, Treyarc, and Sledgehammer.

WaW only allowed you to play through the SP campaign in co-op (which you can also do in BO3). This seems to suggest that there will be a dedicated campaign for co-op.

The more nu-Sup Forums becomes more accepting of newfags, redditors, and people that browse fucking neogaf, the worse this site becomes.

Oh wow, like Black Ops 3, i'm sure going to buy this for only $69.99.

This post is gonna get shit on even though it's true. One of the few things going for CoD is the polish it gets as the biggest crash grabber in the industry.

Infinite Warfare maxed out.
It's so beautiful.

What fucking polish?
Every single game needs months of balancing patches, of fixing get-out-of-map glitches and the PC ports look and run worse than Battlefield games.
Not that i'm saying BF is better, both COD and BF are trash.

It's been like this since goobergate. Even before, really. If anyone hasn't accepted Sup Forums as the worst board, then they're retarded.

I work retail and the demand for couch co-op games is crazy

Black Ops 3 had this shit.
Fuck off marketeer.

Where's the AA?

I mean, how can the 6th gen even compete?


You better have recommended Earth Defense Force at least once

I was speaking more to the aesthetics of the games. They gotta make them look shiny and new, but they're basically gilded schlock.

Also, most multiplats run like shit on PC. Nearly every single AAA title always gets the "this is broken on PC" coverage.

Mind blowing.

It will just be Zombie Mode

Earth Defense Force isn't very good for couch co op though, it drops to 10 fps on even on PS4

Has anyone actually read what's in that pic?
It's fucking hilarious, so many words and they literally say nothing.

>COD WWII's cooperative mode unleashes a new and original story, play with your friends in this next-level standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.

Literally everything here is a buzzword.


The fuck is this, 2005? Use SMAA or SSAA, stupid.

But you're wrong though, every word in that sentence is used as it should be

SMAA gives a much worse result.
Not even going to bother with SSAA, the game already has trouble mantaining itself at 60 FPS on my fucking GTX 1070.

Well it tells you that you won't be able to play the regular campaign in co-op, instead they made something specifically for co-op.

Yes, gramatically is fine, but it says literally nothing.
Seriously, they don't describe a single thing, it's all buzzwords that mean absolutely nothing.
Saying that and saying ''The game has a co-op mode'' it's literally the same.

It's fucking embarassing.

Let me guess, zombies?

Wow, that's incredible and super awesome!
I am going to preorder CALL OF DUTY™: WWII™ for only $69.99!

>COD WWII's cooperative mode unleashes a new and original story,
It's telling you that the co op mode is anoriginal story
>play with your friends in this next-level standalone game experience full of unexpected, adrenaline-pumping moments.
It's telling you that said story is is full of unexpected, adrenaline pumping moments
What's so hard to understand? Literally every game does this, you're literally just looking for excuses to hate on it

I don't need any excuses to hate it, I know exactly what this game is going to be, just like I predicted exactly what the previous games were going to be.
Military shooters, Call of Duty and Battlefield specifically, are the embodiment of everything wrong with videogames, and saeing these franchises die will be a pleasure.
Very good to know how both BF1 and IW underperformed too compared to their predecesors, the industry is going in the right track.

>It's telling you that the co op mode is anoriginal story
As opposed to being an old story or, pping off the story of another game or some movie?

>It's telling you that said story is is full of unexpected, adrenaline pumping moments
And every single one of those is a buzzword.

>actually defending the usage of buzzwords
Shill detected.
Good to see you back after the obnoxious Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare shilling campaigns.
Are you going to make a couple threads a day and necro-bump them for hours like you did before?

This picture is the most retarded cherry picked bullshit I have ever seen and you are a fucking retard for making it.

>new boogeyman
only thing new around here is you, friend

Cherry picked?
Look at the date of those posts, they all happened within a very short timespan.
It's a fact Activision has been shilling these games in here.
Fortunately, it had no effect, both BO3 and IW were forgotten instantly.

>Look at the date of those posts, they all happened within a very short timespan.
Wow, people were actually discussing a newley released game on a video games board.


i don't know why everyone is upset WWII is pretty much the best setting for shooters. I think they could do a pretty interesting campaign if they focus on the lesser known parts of the war but don't try and make a political statement like dice did.

> you'll never drop Little Boy on Hiroshima in a CoD game
> you'll never press F to nuke the gook

It's called shilling. Shilling done by people who are obviously not used to being in Sup Forums
Just like how Forza Horizon 3 was shilled, just like how For Honor was shilled.
And fortunately, none of that did anything, in fact, Infinite Warfare sold half of what Black Ops 3 did, hope this entry follows that trend.

>i don't know why everyone is upset WWII is pretty much the best setting for shooters.
No, Sci-fi is, it allows you to do whatever you want.
You want jetpacks?
You have it.
You want wallrunning?
Go ahead.
It lets you do whatever you want.
WWII games don't, they are a limitation.

> I think they could do a pretty interesting campaign if they focus on the lesser known parts of the war
Would it suddenly stop being a 5 hour long shitshow of non-challenging, braindead AI with no replay value whatsoever?

>It's called shilling

>discussing a video game on a board for the dicussion of video games is shilling

Not everyone is a shitposting faggot like you that thinks he has to shit on every game to be cool and edgy.

You are a fucking retard.

>obvious Activision marketeer getting mad as fuck when (((he))) gets found out
Everyone say goodbye to our friend Schlomo Goldstein.

>war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny

ahahahha Sup Forums on suicide watch

Hahaha epi m8 you are such a cool dude on le anonymous frogposting board where no one knows who you are

>don't try and make a political statement like dice did.
>the description says ''Fight a war against a global power throwing the world into tyranny''

>trying this hard
I thought you were not allowed to insult the customer

At least he's not desperately trying to defend this embarassment of a franchise.

I wasnt a big fan of any of the scifi shooters in the last couple of years. Last CoD game i actually bought was MW2. I think if it was done right id like it but so far no go.

il be real i didnt read the picture, but you know exactly what i mean. No need to be a smartass

>I wasnt a big fan of any of the scifi shooters in the last couple of years. Last CoD game i actually bought was MW2
This post has appeared in every single COD (((thread))) for the past 3 years.

IW and Treyarch BTFO

maybe because it was the last good one? but really i don't even own a tv right now im not sure why i talk about videogames still

Oh yeah, they decided to get rid of literally the only innovation the franchise has had in a decade and make the game exactly like the 10 previous games.

Yeah user, they were working on Call of Duty: Azerothian Warfare, a warcraft crosssover, but then 1 and a half year into development, they switched to WW2 in order to counter Battlefield One, a WW 1 game.

Yeah, they must be stupid. How dare they not have the jetpacks and wall running that were used in WW2.

No, what I wonder is how creatively bankrupt do you have to be to come back to this?
For fucks sake, look at the fucking title, COD WWII.
This title is something i'd expect from some lazily made fake photoshop.

They could have gone to the Korea War, they could have done more Cold War shooters with fictional stories like Black Ops, an actual Vietnam game, but no.
Another generic WWII game.

They are going back to it because they know that the meme at the moment is WW2 shooters and normies want them.

They are being clever and cashing in on it.

>No, what I wonder is how creatively bankrupt do you have to be to come back to this?

>Modern Warfare
>Modern Warfare
>Modern Warfare
>Modern Warfare
>Modern Warfare
>World War 1
>Made on 1 year cycyles by one studio


Call of Duty
>Modern Warfare
>Modern Warfare
>Cold War
>Modern Warfare
>Near future
>Near future
>Logical future
>Cyberpunk future
>Extreme Far Future
>Developed on 3 year cycles

Creatively bankrupt.

Sounds like you're just being a biased sperg, m8.

Why do you assume I like Niggerfield?

I love how in all these marketeer threads you keep trying to force BF vs COD rivalry.
This isn't Youtube comments, retard, everyone here despises both franchises.

Because how is it creatively bankrupt if they haven't done WW2 in a decade? How is it creatively bankrupt if this studio, Sledgehammer, the same one that innovated the series the most, has never done a WW2 game? You're also assuming it's going to be generic, when there's nothing to indicate that yet. If anything, because of the studio, I'd actually bet it'll be really weird/different.

next year probably

you can't cram WW2 into just one game, though BF1942 did a good job

sci fi fps are shit
jetpacks and wallrunning gimmicks ruin multiplayer

>Implying there won't be another COD next year

They won't be shooting their entire load at once, they have to make a whole new series out of this. First you get the Western Front, then the Eastern Front, then the Pacific, then you get to fight the Afrikakorps, then it's secret atomic jetpack fights on the hidden Nazi moon base with zombies.

>Because how is it creatively bankrupt if they haven't done WW2 in a decade?
You think that just because the WWII fad died away anything is going to change now?
Is this game somehow going to be different from COD WaW?

>the same one that innovated the series the most
That innovation is including a jetpack.

>has never done a WW2 game?
Oh wow, then Call of Duty 3 was a complete revolution compared to COD 2 then, I mean, Treyarch never made a WWII game before.

>You're also assuming it's going to be generic
Why would it suddenly not be generic?

>when there's nothing to indicate that yet
When the title of the game is Call of Duty, Battlefield or Assassins Creed, you have a generic and personality-less game on your hands.

>I'd actually bet it'll be really weird/different.
Oh yeah?
Seriously, do tell, how do you think this game is going to be ''weird'' or ''different''?

And it's confirmed, the shilling campaign for the next COD has begun.
May this entry underperform too, and may you get fired, Rajesh.

>game just revealed
>marketeers already struggling to find reasons to sell the game
It's Infinite Warfare all over again.