ITT: """Heroes""" who did nothing right
ITT: """Heroes""" who did nothing right
god that character design is so ugly
When did Sup Forums become an offical republican site? I can't think of any other reason all these redpilling faggots keep leaking into every single board.
Yooka sounds like a sex offender
YL is a bad game on its own merits.
>muh Sup Forums bogeyman
Not every person who dislikes it is on the jontron Sup Forums bandwagon.
Literally NO ONE said a fucking thing until the happening. NO ONE.
Fairweather as fuck.
Because Hiroshima doesn't want to nuke the source. There was a chance to do it in 2014, but at this stage, the site has been compromised.
I'm surprised people don't like it, because I really do.
I feel like people are just mad that he isn't wearing pants or something, but I really dig yooka's design. Laylee can go either way
There is no need to explore why you have shit taste, it's just enough to say that you do.
when will this meme end
Oversized head, tumblr nose, Godzilla 14 feet
But modern games are shitty.
Just remember, this is a crowdfunded game. It wouldn't have happened if people didn't want it.
Just because something is crowdfunded doesn't mean it'll turn out the way people want.
Though that doesn't apply to this game. I got exactly what I paid for.
That isn't what I was trying to imply.
I was trying to imply that people want things that pander to their youth and nostalgia.
As long as someone is willing to pander to it, and as long as people respond to it, it's going to keep happening.
People think they want of things that they don't actually want. The common man is a fool.
>being this much of a nostalgiafag
Enjoy your empty game with your sprinkled easy enemies throwout.
Most boss battles are a joke difficulty wise. Ugly character designs. Npcs do nothing, add nothing to the story, and are glued to the ground. Combat Mechanics are boring and bland. Looks like a generic unreal 4 game with glossy graphics that look like nuts and blots (the worse out of the series). Enjoy your shit taste bitchboi.
This is correct, the common man is a fool, and the common man is the one who drives businesses, since the common man is the one who is willing to spend his money foolishly.
Frig you OP I debated buying this for two days, glad I did
Yooka just seems very bland, not fond of the thin arms and legs either. I get what they were going for with Laylee but it would be charming without the buggy eyes and gross mouth.
I stopped coming to Sup Forums at the time when the kickstarter was announced, what was the reaction? I thought Sup Forums of all places wouldn't fall for the 'epic successor to banjo' meme.
>tumblr nose
that's not what that is
And when they didn't want it anymore the devs said fuck you you're all nazis and nobody got thier refund.
I got exactly what I wanted,
the problem is all of you people are fucking autistic
Everyone was making edits removing the bat nose the second it was revealed. Also, eyelashes.
I still don't know how the entire team got together and looked at this huge yellow abortion of the early 90s and thought "yes this is something we should put in the final game"
>stop disliking what I like reeeeee
I was saying shit about it since the moment it got revealed, people just dismiss as Sup Forums being overly negative when not everybody is doing it and they forget about it.
Not his fault that you have your head up your ass.
You can unlock pants for him for your replays if you get every pagie.
Because you were saying it on reddit
>y-your head is just up y-your ass reeeeee
Enjoy your shit game nostalgiafag
Well what you want is mediocre and you'll always get it.
it's r/thedonald faggots migrating over, pol made them feel welcome rather then driving them out and now we're all stuck with them
when people post shit like about a game that has a literal fucking mammy caricature like the game isn't social justice just because they were forced to remove jontron because jontron said blacks were inferior to white people in year of our lord 2017
I don't give a fuck if it's true or not, you can't say shit like that in this political climate.
Underrated post
I can go on a whole tirade why YL is fine (terrible camera not withstanding, wheres the damn patch) and more a sequel to BK than BT and why BK is actually a mediocre as fuck but I digress. I just wanted to say that I like the character designs fro the main cast. Supporting characters I can take or leave but trowzer.
Also the googly eye enemies in YL are a fucking genius evolution of the ones in past games.
>Thread starts off with reasonable question which is opinionated at best, so anybody can answer however the fuck they want "WHY IT WAS SO SHIT?"
>Some Sup Forumsfag responds with "SJWs" or "Feminists" usual cuck response when they see something they don't like or removed.
>Lefty-shitter immediately replies right after instigating this fucking person because lefty niggers are so fucking fragile that they can't grasp at the idea of not feeding a troll.
>Because lefty nigger responded and instigated an argument randomly accusing Sup Forums of ruining this site, the entire thread devolves into shitters going back and forth at each other when it could have been avoided from the beginning.
Lefties are so fucking assblasted they are starting the threads with their fucking diarrhea. Just look at the 2nd post
Sup Forums!!!!!!
I don't even browse Sup Forums, I mostly stay here and on /vg/ but lefties after Trump are fucking pathetic.
I wish they at least used the fact that it's a chameleon to make him turn into other "colors" instead of eating magic fruit for abilities.
can we ban this guy
forgot my img
Kek wtf, Why are you talking about politics and jontron. I never brought any of those up. YL is a shit game on its own merits that only gets a pass from nostalgiafags. I can't care less about sjw politics and jontron.
I'm right and I know that upsets you. Don't be so fragile
it's an offensively designed racist joke, that's basically the only reason they kept it in. they though having a mammy in the game was funny.
No, but I'll report you.
please go back to 8chen where they still have gamergate threads
gamergate ended 3 years ago. stop trying to kill videogames and move on.
they need to save abilities for the sequel
>tfw every thread is just idiots arguing with shitposters
I like games.
>gamer gate
Kek what about my post is remotely like gamer gate? Just told you I don't care about politics and only care about the game itself, which is shit. Stay salty.
>he disliked muh game Reeeeeeee your gamergate reeeeeeee
not just shitposters, specially designed Sup Forums shitposters who do it in every single thread, often replying to themselves to look like there is more than one, because they think they are serving their political agenda
I understand the autistic tactics of faggot falseflag posters. you just copy the tactics of professionals who actually know what they are doing.
your stolen kike smoke and mirrors do not work on my superior aryan mind.
SeeNobody even mentioned politics until some assblasted leftie (you) brought it up.
Can you blame them though?
Just look at this guy:
He's so booty blasted that his abuela lost that he's announcing his reports.
>you don't have intentions because you don't announce your intentions.
>if you dislike YL your from Sup Forums
You must be purposely avoiding all the criticism on the game itself and only paying attention to the shitposting to push your agenda.
Your posting in a thread that was made to criticize the game. Get over yourself.
>tfw this makes you want to draw yooka giving something a lipstick slathered blowjob
>he even has the voice of a fag
if only this game had some other designs that weren't This thing tier.
... What 'left' thing did I say, other than why the hell is the party of geriatric jesus freaks infesting this video game board?
laylee unironically gives me a massive boner
she has that perfect type of passive crazy and this laughing, panting voice like she wants to suck your dick because it makes you uncomfortable
I would a laylee
The biggest offender in this game when ti comes to visuals it's not the character design really (I don't like it either tho)
It's a combo of bad lighting, which I don't know if it's a unity thing since it reminds me of Hand of Fate's, and adding texture to level props and ground through normals. Everything looks greasy and overdetailed and really fucking unpleasant overall, they should have learnt from Nintendo in that regard.
That said, I haven't played the banjo games, I have not played this game and I don't care for it, but it really is a pity to see mistakes like this in cartoony games.
You could have chosen to ignore the obvious Sup Forums bait OP posted and posted about the game or posted in a different thread instead, but your kind has an addiction to screaming and crying about politics so you don't do either of those things. Any response to this post will prove me right. Be the change you want to see.
You have yet to explain why YL is a good game. Plenty of good examples itt explaining why it's bad. It seems any person who likes it has the same argument,
>t-they're just shitposters
>t-they're Sup Forums
You're going full Amy Schumer
there's that word again
>any response to this post will prove me right
any response to this post will prove me right
>Still not talking about video games
I'm done with you and your victim complex.
there hasn't been a single legitimate complaint in this thread other than vendi being ugly as fuck.
like literally nothing but "this game is shit"
I just won the argument.
You've got a little piece of spaghetti--on--your overalls.
>thread is going full retard
Welp time to bust out the ruler and actually post an opinion on the game.
I just 100% Banjo Kazooie in 9 hours after doing 100% Yooka Laylee in 24.
I would say they are pretty equal if they patch the camera in YL. Rollfags that think the controls are bad are legitimately bad at games. The roll and flying control fine once you learn how. Unless you think learning curves are bad.
I thought BK was better until I went back and realized how few moves and NPCs there really are. Sure there are 9 worlds but some are pretty lame where as every land in YL is fully fleshed out with NPCs and moves to learn. And aside from Mad Monster Mansion and Rust Bucket Bay theres no real challenge in BK either. I use to hate Click Clock woods but this time I loved it because its size. I also completely forgot you dont even learn moves in the last 3-4 worlds after gobi desert, and quite a few you do only have a single move anyways. I was pretty disappointed with that as well.
If YL had more things to collect like multiple mollycools since there were tons of mumbo tokens to find or something and put some of the quills in groups like in tooie, and if the NPCs that were all the same "species" like the snowmen were actually different it would have been a lot better.
Gonna start Tooie sometime soon.
Oh I also learned you can basically skip bubblegloop swamp since the move you need is next to the entrance which I didnt realize before even though this is probably my 5th playthrough of BK, only beat tooie once but having a solid 30 FPS and great draw distance on the 360 versions is too good to not enjoy.
The character motivation was so much better in BK though, final boss is a toss up.
Hope you enjoyed my homemade pasta, its getting stale after 3 days but it'll do. Time to finally start tooie so later faggots
>he thinks the word agenda only applies to politics
How old are you?
>just because they were forced to remove jontron
yeah it's really sad that they were forced into cutting someone's voicework because he engaged in wrongthink, and how the devs were forced to virtue signal on twitter after the fact
.....remind me who exactly forced them to do that, though?
Honest question to people in this thread. Are leftists really stupid enough to believe the peeing thing is real? Like even they can't be that retarded right?
Why the fuck are Sup Forums and Sup Forums the easiest boards to get off topic with a thread in? Any other board like /ck/ or Sup Forums would just ban your ass for doing that shit.
I liked the game. Fuck the backlash
old enough to remember snacks faggot. what's reddit like?
SeeHere's one example. Not that hard. Learn to read a thread.
Post disregarded
I have an honest question
are Sup Forums faggots really stupid enough to use blanket terms like leftist outside of Sup Forums and think people won't instantly know who they are?
Sorry for using your trigger word. Won't happen again.
I remember the week the kickstarter happened when people were editing out Laylee's big stupid nose.
Pic related was taken from one of those threads. That was almost three years ago.
probably because grocery stores aren't trying to push a political agenda using peas and rice
it's natural for people on a vidya board to discuss pushing politics in vidya when the developers are so blatant about it
Reminder that Yooka and Laylee killed a husband and wife for absolutely no reason
Aside from the aviation gear on laylee, this is nice.
The little curve on yooka's mouth and slimming down his neck a bit are very small but really good touches
laylee looks 100x better in the real design. laylee is supposed to be an ugly crazy bat-thing, not a sexy girl bat.
It's kind of amazing how much better the left looks from the right.
people who say left looks better are the same idiots who funded the kickstarter.
idiots don't know what's good
Yooka definitely sounds like a jolly roger lagoon dweller hungry for salty meatballs and seaman surprise
I would restructure Laylee entirely but Yooka is much nicer on the edit.
One thing that really bothers me about their animations is how they fly, the whole pose seems too awkward. I hope I'm not the only one here
>just ad nonsense accessories to give them character
>make sure to humanize all proportions
Yeah no.
I think the left looks better and I never funded the game.
When I first played BK I completely skipped Clanker's Cavern. I don't think you need the invincibility at any point in the game, so I managed just fine until I realized I had missed a world.
Have fun with Tooie.
You're a good man user.
YL is a good game that has a few bad parts user, stop this fucking shit.
I'm so tired of shitters like you.
this. the final versions are better than the early renders, and laylee is a cute.
It's really funny how anti-Sup Forums lefties post there "muh Sup Forums bogeyman" arguments before any Sup Forums users start shitposting.
It's like giving yourself chemotherapy before you get cancer.
I've said it was mediocre design since pretty early on. I can enumerate some problems with it, if you'd like.
Ban all brown people from this country.
>S-stop disliking what I l-like reeeeeeee
>y-you're just a-a shitter reeeeeee