ITT: the best girl of their respective series
Pic wildly related
ITT: the best girl of their respective series
Pic wildly related
not even close
she's best for me
Honestly, all the party girls are good this time around, except for Ann.
I disagree.
I think Rebecca is best but I respect your opinion.
I like Honkers as much as anyone, but she's not top girl
Victoria is underrated but Max is still best
If Chloe DID look like this irl, i would disregard every justified mean thing i said about her and she would become best girl by way of pussy magic.
Incorrect. The correct answer is in fact, Tifa.
Nah, she's good, but she's not even second best.
>ywn have a threesome with them
My man.
Imagine having taste this shit
You're right, she's first best.
o-oh fuck... I bet Chloe is clean shaven sown their whilst Max has light fluffy p-pubes...
>not hue
I bet max is inexperienced and chloe a real pro in bed
Now way josé
Small breasts > large breasts
wrong again, Tidus
wouldn't have it any other way.
Nope, also
Short hair > long hair
wrong again, Wakka. Tifa has all the qualities a real man needs.
I think this too, but id like to think when that freesome gets down, Chloe is a nervous nelly and just chatters the whole time whilst Max actually takes the cock like a champ before gushing girl cum all over everyone and Chloe is all jelous and out of her depth and gives alward toothy blowjobs while Max sticks her pinky in Chloes butt. Nice.
That sounds like something an al bhed would say.
Figures, you sand blasted grease monkeys wouldn't know a thing about best girls.
>That sounds like something a faggot would say
Fixed for you, bruvah.
I love Reisen!
basically you like boys :^)
Im not that new but i still never really get what this conveys. False righteous sarcasam? Does this mean you DO like short hair or not? imma post some anyway.
How can a pic be "wildly" related?
No contest.
>b-b-but I can't fuck her without mods
>she's a whore!
Cass is best
Not that any of you punks would even know what this is.