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How are they going to justify triple jumping and wall running in WW2? Alternate timeline with exoskeletons and robot Hitler?

>inb4 AK47 from supply crates

My one hope is that they bring back gibbing, the games are rated M anyways.

Are we all ready for the super serious approach they will take with this?

War is hell and serious buisness

>You will never have a Napoleonic wars CoD

Why don't they just do CoD1 and copy WW2 movies?

another remake of Carentan pls

I liked the french resistance levels in III, I hope those lads return in this one

I thought world at war was great so hyped unironically

fite me nerdz

I hope it's as gritty and brutal as W@W.

>robot hitler
I'll buy this game day one if they pulls this shit

Does call of doody still have strafe jumping?

If they do that it will be the true sequel to RtCW.

Don't give them any ideas

Its not 2008 Treyarch and its not 2008 Call of Duty



>War is hell and serious buisness

nigga, look at BF1
>wubstep and hip hop on trailers
>niggers everywhere and a fucking cover boy
>trench warfare? fuck that. just go pew pew pew

Because that was only good because it was new and in retrospect it kind of sucked and they went for one of the least accurate war movies to copy?

It's the best engine of all time.

Not since the first one. Unless you mean the jet pack shit from Black ops 2 onwards, then probably.

Will we get nigger nazis?

Most engines are derived from the quake engine. It's like picking a random Linux distro and complaining that it's based on Debian, Slackware, or Red Hat.


its coming

>mfw side mission where you drop the nuke on Hiroshima or Nagasaki
Can't wait to kill some Japs and Jerries, I also can't wait to play the German campaign and kill some Tommies and Communist

That actually doesnt sound that bad. I just wished the ripped off the wallrunning/triple jumping systems from Titanfall 2 all the way, it felt so stiff in Infinite Warfare.

>side mission where you drop the nuke on Hiroshima or Nagasaki
Oh SHIT I can kind of see them doing it for controversy points.

I don't think musket-era warfare can translate well into videogames, considering that anything before breech loaders took a good 20 seconds at best to load and fire.

Mountain Blade did it. PVK2 did it. Pirate Ship Wars did it poorly.

>You can choose not to drop the bomb
>Unlocks a secret level where America storms Tokyo in a final, massive assault
I would buy it in a heartbeat

>forgetting half-life battlegrounds

Sounds like we have a contender for the most patriotic game of all time

>black nazi
I don't know which side's gonna blow up harder, BLM/SJW or white supermacist

I hope if they do supply drops it's just a way to add guns from different theaters that wouldn't normally make sense in others and also just guns that weren't issued in large numbers. Like the MKB 42, MP 41, MAB 38 and random guns like that. I know the MKB is basically just an STG but to my knowledge it has a faster rate of fire and can take a bayonet which the STG cannot.

Generals were so stupid back then thinking those suicide lines were honorable.

There were no machineguns back then.

Different times. Thankfully, shit like the American Civil War and WW1 showed how retarded suicide walls were

I expressed myself wrong, I meant that musket-era warfare wouldn't translate well into a Call of Duty game.

I would love if they went for some controversy and let you play a mission where you drop the bomb. It would also be fun if they let you play a Nazi campaign where you storm Poland then one near the end of the game where your just playing a nameless solider. Trying to defend Berlin as the Soviets/Allies keep pushing you back. And each time you die its not a game over but you take over as another nameless guy trying to hold them back.

You can do that for a few defensive lines till you start fighting in the Reichstag itself. Maybe the character you play in the Poland part at the start is an NPC your fighting with trying to hold the line with you but keeps having to retreat.

im hyped



This is so inferior to future-cod. Explain how mechanics that improve movement can be implemented in this shit. Protip they can't. The weapons are also shitty ww2, inferior to the weapons in black ops 3 and IW.

This return to old settings provides inferior gameplay to the futuristic cods. It's only well received because of the ww2 autists jerking themselves off over the setting which doesn't fucking matter in a video game. Go to reenactments you autists

you're retarded my man. the weapons of the time were inaccurate and slow to reload. those formations were necessary to maximize your firepower.

>you will play as a female soldier
>on DDay
this will be the most progressive CoD!
women served in WW2 too!

>playing as a Soviet female sniper
Progressive and historically accurate!

The gameplay will literally be the same just no jetpacking. Weapons technology hasn't really advanced that much. Whatever, here's the (You) for your b8.

So defend a choke point or better terrain instead of picking an open field and deciding to do battle. If the inaccurate musket balls can only hit large groups of people then don't be a large group of people.

Just started playing Infinite War, damn that first mission was good.

Fuck WW2, give me more sci-fi CoD.

nah, only ubisoft or ea would pull some shit like that


>tfw I actually agree with bait
Jetpacks and wallrunning really does make the game faster and more fun.

This was in BF1942 addon. Out of ideas? Rip off old games!

So the enemy will walk around the chokepoint, wow.

The tactic made sense before machineguns were widespread. Machineguns were a huge game-changer, though.

>mfw you kinda started to miss ww2 shooters and have replayed a dozen of these in the past two years, and suddenly a new one is on the horizon but you're bored of the setting again

That's basically Wolfenstein

I've been playing allot of Day of Infamy so it'll be nice to play a WW2 game that isn't Red Orchestra or some other dying simulator game for once just to relax and have fun with.

>knee-jerk reaction to BF1 going back to WW1
inb4 muh 3 year dev cycle

I would kill for remasters of some of the MoH games

I hope the villain is a Nazi that looks like Donald Trump.

I'm surprised they haven't done that since the series basically died with Warfighter.

I want to play as a girl

>implying codkiddies even know what the term means

Zombie mode gives you access to future tech becuase why the fuck not.

I'm hoping they alternate between future CoDs and WW2 CoDs. IW is unironically my favorite CoD.

No thanks

Will it feature blacks and transgendered soldiers?

>Finally a new WWII COD game
>It's not from Treyarch but instead the company who's claim to fame in the series is "well we aren't as bad as Infinity Ward"
There goes any hope of a WaW tier game.

KYS you CoD fanboy.

They still literally use the updated Quake Engine so please hang yourself

>Not a Treyarch CoD

It's shit.
Call me back next year when they release theirs.

>he thinks BLOPS 3 was good

>he thinks BLOPS3 was bad

Dumb fucking frogposter.

that would be cool though


>The only company left at Activision that knows what they're doing

>use a classic engine that still looks good and runs smoothly
>a bad thing somehow

TF2 had grappling hooks, that shit is fun as fuck

>looks good
heres BLOPS 3 on Ultra
>runs smoothly
cod always has shit optimization even on consoles

Blizzard is making this game?????

At least all the soldiers aren't niggers like in BF?

That alone makes it better than SJWField.

not a solider, but some SLIGHTLY HISTORICALLY ACCURATE farmgirl turned rebel leader who fights off nazis out of france or something

she gets shot by a sniper during a mission finale, all in first person, so you just drop to the floor, slowly dying and people will love and remember you forever because you had tits

What makes treyarch games so good? I can't quite put my finger on it but I always felt player health in multiplayer and gun damage was always fair. Black Ops is my favorite COD the multiplayer was GOAT.

I'm actually a little excited. Sledgehammer got me back into the game with that exo movement system. Here's hoping they can breathe new life into WW2.

Replace "niggers" with "white people" and you'll realize how much of an SJW you sound like.

i really wonder what treyarch is even gonna do next year
post apocalyptic cod maybe?
seems like it would be in their style with their vision of cod

its still garbage cod, it doesnt matter who makes the games, they all suck, some more than others though

shit, remember when MoH was a good series?
standing toe to toe with CoD because they were the only two WW2 fps?

>Killed Warcraft
>Killed Diablo
>Killing Hearthstone
>Killed SC, trying to resurrect it
>Subscribers dropping
>B L I Z Z A R D

>post apocalyptic cod
Isn't that literally Ghosts?

>i hope this game is historically correct

they need to get rid of this exo suit jump pack garbage. its literally the reason why cod is dead as it is now. nobody wanted that shit. thankfully it seems they'll be going back to older cod with just pure gunplay and none of these shitty gimmicky titanfall style jet pack shit.

Nah mate. This is WW2 so they can actually use literally hitler. They'll just have him say make Deutschland Great Again or some shit to draw ((parallels))

>they were the only two WW2 fps
There was RtCW, the SP was more about wacky Nazi science magics, but MP was more grounded.

But even black ops 3 was trash because Treyarch got infected with the stupid jetpack shit.

Last good COD was ghosts.

>gets mad historical accuracy at a Battlefield game

Ah yes, I remember when soldiers would come back to life 20 seconds after being killed in combat.

I guess Extinction was

Ghosts is one of those "I forgot this thing even existed."
Kind of like MW3.

The game would actually be in danger of being creative and fun instead of 'generic, slow, arcade WW2 hitscan whack a mole cover shooter #48293213'

So no, that's not going to happen. Your high budget shovelware is safe.

Swedes are born cucks so you can't blame DICE for their nigger soldiers.

If this faggot Condry gives us female and nigger solders, I'm going to be upset.

What a shitty argument.

Nuketown is a treyarch thing.
These are the guys who made MW3 and advanced warfare

Its mostly their own code nowdays.

not necessarily
it could be set after bo3 and they could retain some of the future tech while also toning it down