>DEX (or AGI)
What do you go with and why?
Why are dex builds generally shunned? Because of muh weeb katana builds?
Yes I suppose that's also an option
>Why are dex builds generally shunned?
Fat people and people insecure about their masculinity.
>faith has the most satisfying sound effects
>faith sucks dicks unless you put 60 points into it
>even then great chaos fireball, a ranged spell, still outdamages lighting stake
Damn you DS3
But can you cast GCF without being staggered?
You don't need to when you are far enough away.
Smashing people through their attacks feels so good tho, i'll give you that
Isn't there an "H-he's fast!" edit of this?
We had a thread yesterday where it was proven without doubt that Stealth > STR, DEX, poison or anything else, really.
gives you skill points and generally improves your spellcasting (which is somewhat OP in lategame depending on your rpg)
Stealth is consistently the most boring playstyle unless the whole game revolves around it.
STR wins every time baby.
Claim your destiny and blah blah blah
How so? In what situation would you be able to win with stealth over a gigantic explosion that covers the entire room?
Str + Int
I like playing a tank with a fuckload of passive group buffs.
Most STRfags are just fat guys who delude themselves into thinking they are strong instead of obese.
Pic related, it's what a dexterous fighter actually looks like.
Because its to close to real life. In real life a relatively light smack on the back of the head can kill you if it joggles your brain the wrong way. In reality its ALWAYS better to move first. They proved that human reaction time even among the very best is not fast enough to negate first move advantage like some sword and fighting styles would have you believe.
The goal of video games and /tg/ games and really any media in general is distraction and escapism. People don't really want to be reminded of the real world during these sessions.
>>DEX (or AGI)
These traits suck balls. They are outdated and there is no reason to have them in video games.
Dexterity isn't a trait. You aren't dexterous in all things. Things that require dexterity require a very specific kind of dexterity specific to that one skill. Being dexterous at archery doesn't make you more skilled at other things.
Intelligence is a trait that the player has. There is no reason to simulate it in the game. Why not just have a puzzle? Why let the player pass through or not pass through based on a statistic when you could have a gameplay element that tests the player's intelligence?
*punches you*
I seriously fucking hate fat people, hope that fat fuck died of a heart attack.
>How so? In what situation would you be able to win with stealth over a gigantic explosion that covers the entire room?
By killing or disarming the source of the explosion before it even occurs.
>Fth Fth
Deus vult
>Stealth is consistently the most boring playstyle
Objectively wrong, there's nothing more satisfying than a perfect stealth kill.
>In what situation would you be able to win with stealth over a gigantic explosion that covers the entire room?
In a situation where you don't give your opponent a chance to initiate the explosion by not giving him a reason to do so since he won't even see you coming?
LMAO skinnyfags get fucked. That guy is a beast.
>before it occurs
That would require a gigantic load of INT
You see, this is the pathetic shit you faggots fall back on. That twigman is nothing.
>*pushes you over*
woops, didn't see you there cucko
>heh, I'm sure to win because I can execute a surprise attack
Then he rolls a nat 1
>That would require a gigantic load of INT
If it is a person setting off the explosion, they have no reason to set off an explosion until they know someone is there. And they don't know anyone is there if the person is using stealth abilities.
leo here, can I be STR FTH
Have you even played stealth ?
It's satisfying once, twice if you're easily impressed, and after it becomes boring and repetitive
Dex works as long as you never get grabbed. As soon as grappling and grabbing is involved. Weight always win in the end.
>Why are dex builds generally shunned?
DEX and AGI are usually glasscannon and kiter class which is real annoying to deal with
>All examples of STR winning over DEX are unarmed brawls between people with no martial knowledge
>play souls games
>disguise as a crate or a chair or whatever, next to a bridge or cliff
>host comes by
>pop Force
>instant kill
>All examples of DEX winning over STR are whe-
woops, too bad there are no examples of this happening
what about this
That's clearly two STRfags going at each other.
>two water signs
Crybaby detected
I build tank
That's wrong and you're a meanie
What if you build luck and accumulate wealth through gambling?
You people need to define DEX first. DEX is not overall skill, it governs overall hand-eye coordination and reflexes, not your technique. A more technical fighter beating a less technical, but stronger one is not an example of DEX being superior, it's an example of a more skilled fighter winning and there's nothing precluding STR fighters from being skilled.
Weight almost always wins in the end. Even if its a fight with or without martial knowledge. Why do you think there are weight classes in Boxing and UFC?
>post an example of STR beating DEX
>n-no that guy is a stick, hes not a dexfag
>that guy is buff, not DEX
>lmao that's not even a professional brawl
Why don't (You) post the examples you dexcuck?
99% of fights between skilled armed combatants in history
>Continues to post streetfights between untrained faggots
Watch this and shut up.
>tfw no one to tank for
>tfw no one to buff
>tfw no one to heal
It's nothing personnel kid
dex is associated with rouges and no one in the party likes rouges
>always reminds the party of how much damage they do
>stealth check into everything
>always trying to steal shit
STR + LUK for big crits
DEX is not skill. Fedor won that one because he knows how to execute an armbar from the bottom, not because he has superior speed, reflexes or hand-eye coordination.
THIS is how an example of DEX deciding the outcome of the fight looks like:
That statement only holds true assuming both you and your grappling opponent have the same amount of grappling skill. That's why weight classes in combat sports exist, so skill takes precedence over weight advantage.
Take note, I'm equating grappling skill with DEX. In video game terms, STR only becomes the deciding factor if the enemy DEX is near yours.
t. BJJ brown belt and wrestler
A mix of STG and AGI.
>Attune Sunlight Spear
>Get in some dex faggot's face
>Wait until he thinks he can stunlock you
>Poise boost and hit him with a SS that does extra damage at melee range
You are not worthy of the most satisfying build in DS3. I dare someone to find a more satisfying feeling than shoving a sunlight spear down some dex fag's throat because they thought that their attacks could stunlock you like they do everyone else.
Good sportsmanship too.
psssssh nothin personel
>sunlight straight sword
>70+ faith
>700+ AR
Doesn't what you said make my statement true though? As soon as you brought up weight classes so that skill takes precedence over weight advantage, like doesn't thats make my statement true that weight will usually win in the end?
>Implying I, the DEXmaster won't roll every 2 hits
I will shove this katana up your ass where the sun won't praise.
I'm just mad that with similar investments, pyro does more damage, even when you get the perfect situation for lighting stake/spear.
Faith gets the coolest big weapons tho, i'll give you that, earthseeker, dragonslayer greataxe, mourne's hammer
I'm so sorry user
You can still do oral, though
Okay, but what do you do when the game only allows for minimum amounts of stealth, or rather, if you -can- stealth but there's no build accompanying it as a playstyle?
DEX with a strong ranged weapon and quick melee weapons, I suppose?
>post anime as proof
Katana are shit, western sword a best
Because everyone hates the DEX faggots with Dark Swords in DS3.
Short answer is becuase when it comes to ARPGs usually a hit that kills is always worth more than a hit that's fast.
There are exceptions but things like stun locking or parry are involved
I'm sorry you didn't understand my point.
Just watch the videos in the thread as it may be easier to understand:
Both STR and DEX are factors in a battle outcome, but just because one fighter has more STR than the other fighter does not mean they automatically win the fight.
DEX means a lot as well.
>but just because one fighter has more STR than the other fighter does not mean they automatically win the fight.
On the opposite, this is EXACTLY what happens in nature.
>What do you go with and why?
stinger missiles
What, if you cage two animals together in some sort of dog fightt? Maybe.
But in nature, that is objectively untrue. The definition of 'winning' is survival after all.
See here:
You're too one-dimensional of a thinker.
If we are talking IRL Str almost always wins out. It's why all major combat sports bracket you on weight and not speed or flexibility.
If you are 5'6 and 100 pounds and your opponent is 6'7 with 300 pounds it doesn't matter how fast or light on your feet you are your punches are twice as weak and one haymaker from him and your face becomes a splattered mess
Literally like one of my JRPG's. As in DEX INT are good stats for gun users.
I have gotten into street fight with untrained people who had an obvious weight and strength advantage on me, but I always manage to mount them for a rear naked due to my experience in combat sports and grappling. There are proven ways to work around disparities in raw strength through training.
Perhaps I would take your inputs more seriously if you were a fellow combatant.
This guy is ~135 lbs and could out grapple anybody on /fit/.
Why do faggots think having no muscle mass makes them light and speedy? People
With muscle mass don't really move and fight like Jack from the Tekken series you guys, this isn't one of your japanese animes. That said, just because you go to the gym 4 times a week and can deadlift a perfectly balanced 3 plate a few times does not mean your gains will carry you against some one who is technical at fighting. Quick way to get choked out.
This post was so autistic it gave me cancer.
You're whole life is autistic and you do have cancer
What class am I?
You autism is so cancerous it gave me post
No one thinks that you dumb faggot
>lol no1 here even takes bjj classes 3x a month
fuck you and joe rogan faggot
based fat boy
And now there is nothing worth saying to lil niggs such as these
>No one thinks that you dumb faggot
Plz, go to /fit/ more they are likely to say
>im pretty sure i could fight a bear bro.
Also there are chokes in Judo too buddy bwoi
fat faggot butterbean thought he had the advantage
>mount them for a rear naked
you just admitted they were untrained
That undoes the whole argument and reninforeces that in a equal skilled fight power always wins
Holy fucking shit faglord have you not followed the flow of the thread at all?
It's a goddamn STRfags vs DEXfags thread, not DEXfags vs weaker DEXfags
Str will always beat out dex
Nature proves as much
>skill = dex
Not this shit again.
You mean that same thread where you got destroyed because your own fucking cherrypicked citation proved you wrong and you had to damage control on assumptions which you had no basis on and claim that it wasn't fair because the stealthfags couldn't fight back because cognitive dissonance?
That one?