>JRPGs still have turn based combat




Fuck off.


This is why killing every single human being is a great idea.

Demiurge pls

It's almost as if turn based combat is still something many gamers enjoy.

Only closet homosexual or nostalgiafaggots enjoy it though.

>crave a good turn based rpg
>it's all weebshit

Name ONE good turn based RPG released in thr past 5 years that ISN'T anime garbage.

So, the entirety of Sup Forums?


darkest dungeon

Why not?

EO has weeb character designs but there's no godawful anime story forced on you


>a bad thing
time to kill yourself buddy.

>faggots like op are still shitting up Sup Forums





Why fix what isn't broken?

then make a party that isn't lolishit dumbass

Divinity OS

>not weebshit

I dunno. The combat is just so slow and it's surprising seeing such a archaic battle mechanic when other rpgs have ditched it in favor of more engrossing combat.

>Some people still enjoy turn based combat
Wooaaaahhh, that just blows my mind man. How can people play this tired genre instead of the fresh new FPS games or open world

FFXV didn't have turn-based and look how shit that was. Turn-based is and will always be a vital part of a great rpg. If you don't like it play cawadooty fagget

Chess is also still turn based and whites have the first move.
How do we stop this systemic oppression?

You do realize that action RPG combat isn't any less archaic than turn-based, right? Action-based combat has been around even since the SNES if not sooner. It's nothing new, and certainly does not represent a step up from turn based or anything else. They're just two different approaches to RPG combat, that's all.

Your underage is showing.

It would have been fine if they didn't go nuts with the free range of your movement off the ground teleporting willy nilly


You know Chrono Trigger is 22 years old right?

Dismissing an entire genre as "archaic" is fucking stupid.

Do you even know what a weeb is you dumb fucking normalshit?

not really. There's a reason the last great FF game was ten

More variety of gameplay mechanics should always be welcomed. Not to mention turn based has gone through tons of modern changes to make it fun/bearable for people. Not to mention a good turn based RPG that rewards strategy over stats is always great fun.

13 had good combat though.

lmfao senpai end your life

let me guess, PS2 was babby's first console? Fuck off

>mommy I did it again!

>when other rpgs have ditched it in favor of more engrossing combat
You mean combat you personally like more. Turn based and real time are completely different things with their own strengths. One isn't an improvement over the other, they're straight up different genres

I like it a lot and I don't agree that it's slow and archaic. If you don't like it that's fine, but implying that it shouldn't exist in the CURRENT YEAR just because you personally don't like it is just is just dumb as hell.

Very few devs can get ARPG combat right.

>Action-based combat has been around even since the SNES
>Your underage is showing


13 has shit combat.
hahahahahahahahaha faggot

goal posting: the thread

if you dont like turn based games fuck off and let those of us who do enjoy them
not every game needs to be a generic hack and slash zeldorizonierrakengarddmc clone you cucks

So you're saying 4-9 has shit combat as well?

Darkest Dungeon isn't GOTY by any standards but to call it trash just means you hate games

I don't think all turn based games need to be bad. See paper mario, legend of dragoon, shadow hearts etc. Turn based games where there's participation from the player in battle are fine for example.

>that pic
jesus christ i love persona 5 post release time on Sup Forums

So you know nothing about modern turn based combat then. Because there's more for the player to do in p5 during combat than there ever was in legend of dragoon

P5 turn based battles are more dynamic than FF XV """""action combat"""""

I can't think how you wouldn't know a single action RPG before SNES

Perhaps you should go back and actually read my post this time, fucking retard

And zelda is hardly an RPG.

>Action-based combat has been around even since the SNES if not sooner
This sentence is absolutely retarted no matter how you look at it.
And yes, most Zelda games aren't really action RPGs, but Adventure of Link definitely is one

Not him but you level up stats in that game

There's nothing retarded about it. I made the statement that it has been around since the SNES, if not sooner. Absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. You're just a tryhard showoff who thought he was going to impress someone on the internet.

It's like saying movies have been around since the 80s if not sooner.
It shows you have no idea what you're talking about

No he's right, that's an awful sentence. Maybe you mean "if not earlier."

>It shows you have no idea what you're talking about
lol no. it doesn't do any such thing.

Give me a break dude. You think I'm not familiar with the early zelda games? How fucking stupid do you think I am?

The only thing this discussion shows is that you saw an opportunity to nit-pick an otherwise fine statement to try to make yourself look better. It's really sad, to be honest.

>b-b-but you should have used muh "earlier" instead of "sooner"
jesus fucking christ just fuck off.

Dude you got called out by a couple anons now, just be a man and take it and move on

I got called out for using the word sooner instead of earlier? Big fucking whoop.

That's not even the issue here. The issue is the fact that some retard on here seems to think I wasn't familiar with the early zelda games. He drew that conclusion by reading a statement I made declaring that action RPGs existed during the SNES or before.

Stop trying to change the subject.

Zelda 2 (and Simon's Quest) is absolutely an action RPG adventure game. None of the other Zelda games can be claimed as such (Breath of the Wild pushing it, but not close enough).

Otherwise you're deflecting semantics over the definition of RPG.

It works in Pokemon and Persona because it doesn't feel like a number-crunching grindfest.

what's the alternative? brainless hack and slash?

To be fair Japs are almost incapable of doing anything other than turn based games

But at least the Jap gaming industry isn't filled retards like this trying constantly to hamfist in a transgender Islamo-Atheist muslim at every given opportunity

>Age of Decadence

It really isn't.

No that person doesn't know what they're angry about either.

You fucked up for trying to claim someone was underage, then dug yourself deeper by claiming Zelda 2 wasn't an action RPG.

That's all there is too it.

It really is retard-bait.

Next thing you'll try to argue the definition of hack'n'slash.

I bet you think "character-action" is a legitimate genre.

Because why put effort into gameplay when you can make a dating sim and sell way more copies?

I fucking hate people who legitimately think this. Turn-based gameplay is enjoyable because it's less stressful. No need for reactions or any kind of technical skill. It's relaxing to just think for a bit and move. Hence why turn-based gameplay and strategy blend so well together.

I didn't fuck up at all.

The guy was acting like turn-based was some relic of the past and action-based was some new innovation. I explained to him why he was wrong, then called him underage for suggesting what he did. There's nothing wrong with that.

I also didn't dig anything deeper. I'm sorry, but I do not consider any Zelda games RPGs, including the adventure of link. I played that game when I was a kid and it was no RPG then, nor is it now.

numenera :)

oh wait its anime as fuck

Why make a dumb post about a game you don't know shit about?

>Turn-based gameplay is enjoyable because it's less stressful
wow. how do you get so stressed at games where this is even an issue

>implying X-COM isn't incredibly stressful even with being turn based

All I know is that Personas dungeons and combat are complete trash and what else does that leave.

I'm making one, it will be great, just you wait

>every turn based game is like dragon quest

fuck off

>Personas dungeons and combat are complete trash
Nice opinion, faggot.

If you don't like it, don't play it.

>tfw want to buy persona but every time I see that fucking UI is turns me off
Why couldn't it just look nice and clean like Nocturne or the last Reavant.

there goes user, beating on that strawman again

You did fuck up when you thought SNES would be a good reference point when it comes to the beginning of the action RPG genre.
I'd say the first of them were on some Japanese PCs in the mid-80s

idk I'd hardly call it gameplay in the first place

there goes this guy, a literal nervous wreck who needs less stress from video games

Because its fun? Honestly its sad Souls is probably the only rpg that isn't turn based that i've found fun and its basically just a action game for retards with stats.

Turn based games can be great or amazing like SMT games that put work into making the decisions you make in combat rewarding most of the time. Or boring like FFX where a majority of the main game is attack heal summon repeat with rarely a challenging boss.

If you hate turn based combat you either have ADHD or you're a autistic that can't get over the "why are they standing still taking turns" non realistic part of it.

i came here to call you a dummy

Because you need to shit some time.

SNES was just the first thing that came to mind. Y'all can nit-pick it all you want, but you have to admit that it's a pretty stupid thing to argue with me about.

>Tactical choices and resource management aren't gameplay

It looks like fucking shit how can you defend that

It is a pretty stupid thing to argue about, but at least it was about video games and not racial representation

Name me 5 good action RPG's, without repeating developers/same series.

i'm saying its a dumb thing to get hung up on

>Best fighting games by a fucking long shot since NRS shit is the only competition and trash
>Best action games
>Best turn based games
>Best horror games still to date with SH1-4 REmake and Siren
>Best mix of genres games
>Best rushed games with DMC4 and Shadows of the Damned.

The West really only has shooters because Japs don't make those and D44M/QC are the only good ones to surface in awhile and old shooters have infinite replay value especially Doom1/2/Serious Sam etc.

The West used to make such good wrpgs and platformers but then everything turned into a race to make the next flavor of the month and not something people might play again after a year or so.

>turned based combat games

some of the greatest games of all time, thoroughly enjoyable experiences, very playable today, absolute treasures in the world of video games

>Action RPG's

Have never produced a truly amazing game, some pretty good games, but not to the level of the best turn based RPG's, most have aged horribly.


Someone is going to say Tales and i just want to laugh before they say that when Vesperia is pretty much the only good game in the series and overrated as they come with a terrible cast and its gameplay/music carry its sorry ass.

Action RPGs are perfectly fine, but never with a party. Then it just handles most of your team to AI and battles become a clusterfuck of shit.

>Name ONE good game released in thr past 5 years that ISN'T anime garbage.

UI is a pretty big part of a game if it looks appealing to the eye why would you play something if you don't like how it looks. thats like playing something you don't find fun in.