You've decided to play as a female character

You've decided to play as a female character

What do you name her?


by my standard unisex username

A moe Japanese name. Just like my animus.


I don't remember CM3D being that much translated

I have some standard names I use for girl characters.


I'm out


My name but with an E on the end


I name all my female characters either Blini, Smetana, Meh or Prout. All of them. Only time I played a male character was a heavily modded orc with dual axes in Skyrim, he was also named Blini.

My real name.

My own name :3



White girl, fantasy game: Eleanor
White girl, present-day or sci-fi game: Misha
Asian girl: Yui
Brown girl: Vina



But I usually play as male mc's more, playing female feels weird, like i'm playong with dolls. I usually feel bad about myself afterwards and switch to a male mc.

Laura, Ingrid, Vera, Raynu.
Depends on the game I suppose.

I wish I'd stop forgetting what this was called


Avril or Laura or Niala

Freeda Spooginme

Its italian


I like the name Sam so Sam.


Something that fits the lore. I've noticed I'm partial to names that start with S though.

unfunny memes or something retarded

Same thing I always name my female characters.


every single girl character I've named in an RPG, except for MMO's has been Lilly, I will continue to do this until I stop playing them, I'll probably name my daughter that. It certainly made playing Pokemon S&M a little weird.

I just search up the actually names the developer has given them
if you name your Link anything but Link you are a fucking retard


The default one and if there's not Ill randomly generate a couple until I like one of 'em

I go to a fantasy name generating site and just randomize until i hit something that sounds nice.

I have zero imagination so I just go for anything from a character I like that fits the setting

Recently, I've gone with Lia.

The image you posted makes me feel like you're the retard here.

Also, I name my Link my own given name.

I can't believe people watch that shit

Must be really immersive being called Retard by the NPC's

Emily or something in-universe.

I use that same name, after the last name of an autistic girl that sucked my dick on a high school field trip.

source please

You don't even know how to use the magic select tool and you're calling me a retard?

Dude, re-evaluate yourself. Or Google Dunning-Kruger effect, whichever you prefer.

you don't want the source, dude

The real version isn't actually calling her cute

My name spelled backwards

i'd still like it anyway

you're not the boss of me

How do you even pronounce that?


Trust us.





I didn't make the image Retard



Some JAV name.


If there is character creation I will try to make a Heather Mason.


My gf(male) named him(she)self Sam


If shes blonde Solveig

Alison or Anne


Hmmm yesss



I believe you now.

My name, which isn't unisex

WHICH IS SHE (he)?????



A standard normal female name. Shaniqua.

I always use my real life name



Aya Brea

I want to impregnate Hotaru

Akarin or Phaella

saya something


Agnes, every time

>that part where she get slapped

I can actually answer this.

I was creating a character in some MMO and looking around my room thinking about a name. Mine eyes didth fall upon yon desk fan that sat upon my table leftside and I read the brand name on its face. I remembered a previous fan that I owned that had a brand name on it that was a female name so I combined the two and used the name for a bunch of things from there on out. I don't really want to say the name because I'm worried that people might recognize me.

Thank u for reading my post.

Fantasy? Talaris.
Pokemon? Hitomi

jesus christ

after my female friends.

Mint, after the heroine of Threads of Fate

I use to name them siri, but then apple fucked that up, last one i called nyasha

Tiger Festival.

I always either use demonic or angelic names, like Astraea or Seraphim or Lilith or whatever.

If it's a D&D game I find a name that I like and suits the race I'm playing.

Amy or Evelyn. Depends on my mood at the time of character creation.

muh dick

that's very private info

what game is that never seen it before

Medieval or fantasy setting where you can use holy magic/cleric stuff: Ephreal
If I play with a darker skin tone, or can use some Egytian theme: Nefereti
Warrior/berserker type character: Mazikeen
Renesseanse or European type setting: Amee
Chinese: Xiao (I also really like the name Quan Chi, I know it's from MK, but I really like the sound of that name)
Japanese: Rin/Ayame I guess, both from Tenchu
Kung Fu or Marital aritst: Violent Lotus
Nordic/Norse setting: Hrist

If everything else fails, I just go on the Tactics Ogre Luct genereic character name list,

Tara. No special reason, I just like it.

>choking, slapping
Diamonds instantly

>not naming link "linebeck" in phantom hourglass so when you meet linebeck he says "your name's linebeck? that's a weird name... anyways, i'm linebeck!"

That's not.. very clever or funny.

I usually go for slavic names like kisa, katya, nastya, etc.

>You've decided to play as a female character
but I'm not female?

You could make any name at all, why do you chose a third world name?

Ardenza, Bellery, Pasha, Natsuo, sometimes something a bit different if I come up with something good.