So before I waste 20 shekels be honest with me Sup Forums, This game any good or is it all fan-wank over the anatomically incorrect sorceress like all other Atlus trash?
So before I waste 20 shekels be honest with me Sup Forums...
its my favorite PS3 game of all time.
Its enjoyable but you REALLY need to take advantage of co-op. Its made to be enjoyed by multiple people. Playing solo with AI allies is kind of a bummer.
Okay? And this tells me what? Your biases aren't going to sell me on a game alone user. Give me reasons if you like ti so much.
Really? Mine was puppeteer. I still loved dragons crown. The game is good op but the problem is that a lot of the late game stuff requires coop or cheating and it's rare to get people who'll jump in with you. Also you have to love beatem ups. Because it still uses that formula.
> like all other Atlus trash
well it's not an atlus game
If you like D&D influenced beat-em-ups then it's fine. Otherwise, probably won't be your cup of tea. Bring friends if you can though some classes like Amazon can still be fun solo.
>Ask for opinions
>Get opinions
>Omg and what? Who cares? What good is this to me?
Puppeteer was creative but too verbose for my liking. I get that it's supposed to be like a play but the charm wore thin after a while for me. I don't regret playing it but I don't regret spending more than like $7 on it either.
Amazon can be if you find the patch that keeps her and elf op. Though elf can still solo you need to cheat engine to go through it as anyone else.
"Its my favorite" and "i like it" aren't opinions faggot. Thats tantamount to saying "It's shit" to pass off sometihng as a bad game.
I asked for reasons you like it, that's not asking much at all from you, but if you can't honestly tell me WHY you enjoy something, then why the fuck am I going to value your opinion? You're about as useful as a metacritic number.
It's an incredibly fun game if you like beat-em-ups and can handle grind.
I only had fun with it in my first playthrough. Combat gets very repetitive and the only otehr online players I could find were uber powerful or korean/japanese
It's beautiful, has great atmosphere, fun fights, interesting characters that make sure that you will at least like one of them, very repetitive, somewhat clunky menues, leveling and quests and is much more fun with friends.
I found that charming all the way through but I understand.
Actually you asked was it any good.
He said it was his favorites ps3 of all time. What you can take from that is yes it's very good. You got what you asked for.
Drink bleach. Fuck off.
Theres 8 levels with 2 routes in each level. So 16 variations of level.
You will replay them over and over and over. And when you beat the game they will ask you to do it all over again from scratch... Multiple times.
It is a beat'em up with a Diablo-like loot at the end of the quest. Take that as you will.
Not OP, but how does it compare to Streets of Rage/Golden Axe, and their sequels? Both in gameplay, and in story
>Sorceress and Amazon giving each other bedroom eyes
" What you can take from that is yes it's very good"
Yes, because every 10/10 on IGN is clearly a good game and not in any way shape or form paid off by reviewers and higher ups!
The only thing that matters are peoples experiences, Thats what I want to see/hear, I don't give a crap about your cherry topped opinions
Why would you care about the story in Streets of Rage and Golden Axe?
If anything you'd probably be miffed that you cannot access all of the skills right away due to the level up system and assigning skill points. Though on the other hand all the characters play differently from one another, more so than some of those other beat'em ups.
I enjoyed it immensely and mostly played it alone. I started the game with friends but their patience for side scrolling beatemup' games wore thin long before mine did.
Can you play a beat em' up for more then a few hours? You'll probably like it then.
>Golden Axe
>We must go to Turtle Villae
>Oh shit the village is actually a giant turtle and takes us closer to DeathAdder's castle
>We must now travel the Fiend's Path
>The Fiend's path is a giant Eagle and takes us straight to his castle.
>DeathAdder is just a puppet to Deathbringer.
How could you not like that.
>Is it any good.
>Its my favorite game
How does this answer ANYTHING? For all I know he could have shit taste, how does him liking the game MAKE it A GOOD GAME? Is he somebody influential in the gaming world? Is he the creator? No, hes a random user player, a nobody. why does his opinion matter at all?
Jesus, its like you don't understand simple logic.
You're literally autistic.
It starts good, but I found it extremely repetitive when you start re-running the same dungeons again and again. Muramasa Rebirth and Odin Sphere were much much better
are you actually retarded
dont buy the game, you wouldnt like it
And you're literally hopeless. You take what one person says and suddenly its fact? Are you shitting me? Is this what the youtuber/e-celeb generation is like? A bunch of zombies who can't even formulate their own opinions?!
All you had to say is "Yeah its good, because - And then explain what you liked about it. YOu're not on fucking trial here, but for god sakes, when someone asks you to sell someone on something, you DONT use a personal opinion just because YOU like it.
>Do you like beat-em ups
>Did you like Shadows of Mystra but hated the magic pauses?
>Do you like 2D art
>Do you like to play couch coop
>Do you like any of these enough to replay the same 5 hour game with different characters to unlock a tower of endless unique loot?
If you answered yes to most of these than you'll probably like it. For 20$ it's a pretty good deal. If you have couch coop bros it's a great deal.
its a pretty by the numbers brawler, but its about as perfect as you can get the formula. Dungeons and Dragons heavily influences it. Got chills after killing the Ruby Dragon. Wear your new title proudly, Dragon Slayer!
>asks question
>proceeds to shitpost when answered because answer was not in AMA format.
I remember when trolling Sup Forums wasn't this easy.
's post
Sup Forums Sup Forums : Vidya Gaems
(You)s and You: The Youening
Have a response in MLA format
Really wish I could couch coop with my pstv. One of those games that would make a killing on pc because the playerbase isn't disappearing because it's only on dying systems.
This is why I hate exclusives.
Do you like side scrolling beat em up? Do you enjoy juggling enemies in infinite combo's? Then you found the game you were looking for.
He likes it because it's fun.
Hahaha I got through the game on Inferno with Dwarf, literally get gu.
I dunno if the online is still alive, but when it was thriving it was fun as hell. Dwarf and Elf main here.