Still hangin in there Sup Forumsros?
Still hangin in there Sup Forumsros?
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Drank a full bottle last night and smashed a mirror whilst playing Persona 5..
I'm hanging.
Barely, been playing Persona 5 on NG+, still applying to places for work but no luck.
Finished P5 and feeling hollow as shit, i don't know what to play now man
How do I feel happy again?
I'm hangin alright
When I was young I used to think playing videogames all day would be a fucking amazing way to live.
Turns out that's a sure fire way to an utterly hollow and depressing existence, you need purpose.
i spent 5 hours browsing Sup Forums today
Playing P5 for like 1 hour a day cause medical school is a pain in the fucking ass.
when did Sup Forums suddenly become Sup Forums
I just woke up. I expect to be browsing Sup Forums for a good 9-12 hours from now on.
Isn't that normal?
Waiting on The Surge. Not much good coming out this year.
My sister has been acting emotionally erratic for the past few years, constantly throwing tantrums and threatening suicide, and I finally found her trying to commit suicide by wrapping a plastic bag around her own head. Checked up on her and found her like that, and instead of calling an ambulance I just ripped the bag off and started beating her face in until our parents pulled me off. Now I've been sitting depressed in my room for the past two weeks.
It honestly feels like the only way to completely cripple her constant threats of suicide is to show that they're not going to get any sympathy for her any longer. I felt horrible about this at first and told the few friends I have what I did. They were shocked and none of them are speaking to me anymore.
I'm absolutely alone right now, but for some reason I feel absolutely happy about what I did. I don't regret it. I just wish people understood why I did it.
just some advice for anons here
this is totally fucking true
Get a fufilling-ish job where you exert yoursefl mentally, and you can enjoy the shit out of things again. Being jaded about video games is just a matter of your brain being all fucked up on dopamine and not being able to tell the difference between constant stimulation boredom anymore.
I'm not saying you'll turn into a normal fag, but you will be able to immerse yourself easier in things.
>TFW you realize everything is as hollow and depressive as videogamez.
>Implying that anything you find has purpose.
I understand you, user
I'm getting into FGs, starting with skullgirls. It takes a toll on your sanity man, but I think I'll survive. Thanks for checking
Not him but getting a job with good paid is hard enough as it is, fulfilling is a stretch buddy. Video games is the only things left that genuinely make me feel happy on this gay earth
I did this to my brother a few months back, he constantly would threaten suicide and text/call our parents and my younger sister just for attention.
I basically beat the shit in to him so much that I doubt we'll ever talk again.
Not to be an ass but i fucking despise people like that, suicide is the only way left for people with no way out, those that did it have fucking balls too, i used to stand on rooftop for hours and too much of a pussy to jump.
Your sister is just a fucking cunt that want attention
Alcohol is the worst dude. You should take smack or something instead.
Been doing MDMA, but you can only do so much before you serotonin crash. Guess it's good whilst it lasts.
I wanna die whenever im not playing video games
Just... anything but alcohol. My dad is an alcoholic. He's okay now but he has had some really bad times. It'll make you a depressed useless sack of shit while not even being strong enough to kill you. It's a sadistic drug.
dauntless is truly my last hope and i'm already not feeling to good about it
I actually haven't been here since september, since I wanted to avoid P5 spoilers.
What did I miss?
My dad is, and my grandad was. I just keep thinking 'it's in the family' but there are times where I've had the best nights of my life on drink, and then the worst nights. So it's give and take I guess, I can easily stop drinking for weeks but then I'll always come back to it.
>What did I miss?
You can't romance Sae Nijima
My dad literally doesn't function without his morning dosage of about a liter of strong beer. He's completely coherent and smart even after this. He rarely gets drunk, but he will freak out if he's denied his fix.
These are the good times.
>Dude she's just a cunt who wants attention
>After actually attempting to go through her suicide attempt without warning anyone
Naw, user beating her up not because he cares about her or to 'punish' her, he's just a sadistic shithead who wants to feel justice when he slaps around someone who can't even defend herself.
P5 spoilers
I know, obviously I beat the game first.
wtf man it isnt 4 am for like another 18 hours...
Shaved my head few days ago, feels good.
Tried to play games from backlog, but got bored instantly so I just removed 95% of the games and kept only few, maybe I will get around to play these.
When every middle schooler decided Sup Forums was the perfect board to force their shitty memes by spamming them daily.
Now it's just normal Sup Forums
it's okay user's sister you can just put the plastic bag back on
why hasnt there been something like this for 13 years now?
How far does the free trial on WoW go up to now? I might replay 1-60 and then dump it.
It's gotten to the point where I can't even bring myself to play vidya to enjoy myself anymore. I only play when friends want to, and while that makes me have fun, it's more I'm having fun spending time with friends than anything. I really only wish I had a boyfriend to sit and play with me, and help me feel good about myself again, even if I shouldn't be complaining because I have a group of friends myself.
Because your nostalgia can't be conjured up by other companies.
Not really, my friend. Waiting for T7 is the only thing keeping me around and I'm not even sure I'll make it there. Shitty grey weather for another week straight isn't helping things.
For those depressed souls out there, get a pet. Helped me a lot.
Things aren't going well for me. Getting stressed in uni, friends choosing to stab you in the back, parents might separate soon.
I just wanna have money for Nier: Automata so i can imagine the troubles away
You can stop posting little sister, just put the plastic bag on and everything will be fine
I was thinking about adopting a girl and raise her up as my little sister
But i don't know, it doesn't sound right
I keep flopping back and forth between being ok and feeling utterly worthless. I manage to talk to people during the day but it makes me totally drained by the end of it so I feel like shit. Doesn't help that sertraline makes me dizzy either.