If the Uncharted series were to continue with Cassie Drake at the helm, what would it have to do different to distinguish itself from
nu-Tomb Raider?
If the Uncharted series were to continue with Cassie Drake at the helm...
Focus more on cool real historical events, less crafting and survival elements, consistent characters over multiple games, humour, PLEASE DONT MAKE HER LESBIAN
Add a lesbian romance subplot
Better kill the franchise.
Uncharted is Nathan drake.
Nothing, sonygers would praise it anyways.
The same as Uncharted has already.
Better writing, better characters better cinematography, better plots, a likeable protagonist, more varied locations and gameplay, and none of the tedious open world collectathon bullshit to pad out the game with busy work.
The main character isn't a breathy obnoxious brain dead moaning idiot who pretends to not love killing
She dresses sluttier than nu-Laura, so probably.
It would need a female protagonist
Why bother? Uncharted was always "Tomb Raider but with a man" -- take out the man and all that's left is a Tomb Raider clone with more quips. And what's she gonna discover? It doesn't get much better than El Dorado, the Tree of Life/Shangri-La, Iram of the Pillars and whatever they found in 4. You can't top it, so anything found would be a letdown.
Just let the series end now, while it's still got some modicum of dignity.
Oh yeah, those 4 things are definitely the only lost or mythological ancient wonders that ever existed in the history of mankind. Definitely drained the well dry on that plot driving mechanic, guess that's that for adventure games then!
Name a better discovery to make than the Tree of Life, faggot.
have her get kidnapped on a college outing by a demon cult trying to spawn their demon overlord by impregnating virgins with a weird ritual
As the game progresses so does your pregnancy, increasing the difficulty significantly as you lose mobility, speed, and continence. The demon inside of you also just generally fucks you over, making you lose health randomly, causing you cry out in pain when you try and sneak, fucking up your aim, etc. Let's also through in a hunger meter along with health and also a stamina bar just for the fuck of it.
Eventually you fight your demon spawn in a battle to the death, you are losing tons of blood and need tons of health packs to keep from dying almost immediately after giving birth.
Before it dies it turns into Nathan and says "I love you sweetheart", then stabs you in the knee as you are stunned then runs away all giddy wearing your dads face laughing maniacally.
As you lay there bleeding you hear the other girls starting to give birth and have to crawl your way out of the hell hole before you get eaten alive.
You're alone in this game, there's no supporting cast other than villains, there's no way of knowing if your family is looking for you, you are completely on your own.
Sounds gay.
If its not written by Amy then i dont care.
They literally pushed that woman out of her own franchise because she wasnt a faggot enabling degenerate
had to gay it up a little, it is uncharted after all
That's the woman the wrote Soul Reaver right?
she was on the team but i dont know her role
Amy left because Disney gave her a blank check to make a Star Wars game
>As the game progresses so does your pregnancy, increasing the difficulty significantly as you lose mobility, speed, and continence.
This is extremely uncomfortable alone, the rest of that is sperg sexual fantasy with an uninspired twist that leaves you feeling further like shit for even playing the game.
Not even 10/10 gameplay could solve that fucktarded plot
Please never write again
>a whole game of swimming
Ah yes, a return to the classic Uncharted formula of scuba dive-based combat.
>implying you wouldn't play a Sully game
this is the most autistic thing i have ever read
It won't. Thanks for playing.
Make her an explorer OF SPACE
Fountain of Youth
The fountain of youth, excalibre, atlantis, various weird triple suit from aboriginal mythology, the ark of the covenant, the real mount olympus or valhalla, the fire stolen by prometheus, the lost Kingdom of Albion...
And that's just off the tip of my head. The world I'd full if weird legends and myths that can be used for world endangering plots and treasure hunts. The few we've seen in the Uncharted games so far are frankly a bit pedestrian compared to some of the ship that can be used.
Doubt they would. 4 is perfect as an ending.
Name other cool findings the game can have as the main thing.
I don't know. Maybe a spin-off focused less on combat and more on platforming/puzzles, giving them a little more depth. They can do the inbetween years from the end of 4 to Cassie's birth/early childhood.
Won't matter for awhile because they're probably just getting stuck into developing TLOU 2 for now.
fountain of youth is already discovered fag
I mean, that zombie making coffin is still in the ocean, ocean currents are pretty strong, you could make some dumb underwater nazi base or something.
She wrote Soul Reaver too. She's honestly one of the few talented women in the industry
I went off the things you said in your post, I haven't played Uncharted.
Make it a literal Tomb Raider game to complete the cycle.
Has Amy actually said what happened or did everyone just infer this is why she left/was pushed out?
>hat would it have to do different to distinguish itself from nu-Tomb Raider?
And Tomb Raider was always Indianna Jones with a sexy woman
>your post
That guy isn't me.
It's bullshit. Only SJW shit in Uncharted 4 was them not including Donut Drake because it hurt fat "people's" feelings and that wouldn't be enough to have her leave
Maybe. But no-one's suggesting replacing the sexy woman with a male archaeologist with a whip, are they?
You could argue Nadine's character too. But yeah I've tried reading about the whole Amy fiasco before and what happened behind the scenes when they were developing U4. And I can't really figure out what actually happened or something close to it.
>You could argue Nadine's character too
Yeah no. She was a mercenary leader and obviously had unarmed training, Sam and Nate's fighting experience was limited to bar brawls which gets the job done against random mooks but that's it.
Somebody else said about Disney giving her a blank cheque to work on a Star Wars game which I don't know if it's true but makes a lot more sense.
Do people really think Amy's UC4 would have been better than what we got?
Have it be a stealth game where you're penalized for killing people.
Blue immortals were more believable then Nadine not only fighting off but over powering the two.
Then you're a retard.
Shes an all round shit character shoe horned in to the game to fill a diversity quota that could be replaced by a random rocket explosion or locked door.
Nathane fought guys stronger than her ALONE in the three series he was in, her brother spend years in prison probably fighting as well. Yeah no. Maybe I can believe her holding her ground with """tehnique""" against Drake, but against them two together?
You're the one ignoring that every Uncharted game before 4 has happened in order to justify Nadine.
Bullshit. She exists to highlight how fucking delusional and needlessly greedy Rafe is in the final portion of the game.
Nate, Sam and Rafe fought off about eight guys at once in the opening and nobody calls it ridiculous. You're also trivialising technique as if that's not a huge impact on martial combat. People just don't like being put into situations that you can't win in video games and lambast her entire existence in the game because of it.
>She exists to highlight how fucking delusional and needlessly greedy Rafe is in the final portion of the game
After losing her entire merc squad to untrained rock climbers for money in the first place. She not only highlights incompetence but shits on the deaths of every man working under her.
She consistently tells Rafe "hey, this is going to get you fucking killed" and even comments on the death of her men by saying "let's pull out before more of them fucking die" though.
Her saying thing really changed her actions also it was more pride for Rafe then greed.
Except she tried to pull out multiple times once she brought it up but Rafe kept stopping her and eventually bought out all her remaining men. It's also mentioned that they'd just had a huge loss so she had a huge investment in the job.
She didn't try shit. She left moments before the end with everyone who worked for her dead.
She actually did though. She wanted to leave in Scotland and then again when Sam nearly domed her but Rafe talked her out of it because of how much she had riding on the job.
We already know shes a greedy awful character. We're going in circles here.
> literally the problem
Uncharted? More like Unfarted.
She's undeniably flawed, she's a fucking villain. She's just not so fucking ridiculous or badly written that she drags the game's quality down which so many people imply.
I'd fingerbang Drake's 11 yr old daughter so hard that she wouldn't pee right for a week.
Since Naughty Dog are pretty much done and Sony obviously wants to continue it sometime in the future I nominate Sony Bend to make it since they have the experience and I don't think Days Gone will sell that great
Also if Cassie is the protagonist I don't want them to do what Gears 4 did and have an old grumpy Drake as a side character
>She's just not so fucking ridiculous or badly written that she drags the game's quality down which so many people imply.
>animefag an expert on decent writing
If it was me. I would keep Drake, make the 4th games events none Canon. Make him a single bachelor with a different hot girl in each game and a supernatural twist in the plot.
I would also be okay with young Sully adventures.
But I think uncharted is past saving now.
>No supernatural element in the 4th game
>No donut Drake because "muh growth as a company"
>No chloe or cutter
>Chloe's ass nerfed into the ground
>Unwinnable fights with Nadine
>Nadine in general
Yeah, at this point only a Sully adventure can work.
It also didn't help they had 4 uncharted games last gen.
Burnt the fuck out too fast.
>needing to be an expert on decent writing to see how shit nadine is
What triggers me is that the dlc will probably help her as a character but it should be like that. We should have had that in the main story to begin with.
The whole "uncharted is a Tomb Raider clone" was never truth. Sure they both share some superficial similarities, but in the end they end up feeling two very different games.
Now, the last two Tomb Raiders titles sure feel like an Uncharted clone tho.
When will SelfDrillingScrew do a Cassie short?
Oh so THAT'S where that SFM model is from.
I still can't get over how much more fun it is to play Tomb Raider games. Uncharted is definitely different in that it's focused on "cinematic experiences" and gameplay just gets in the way.
>SFM porn of Cassie
It might actually the The Last of Us' daughter, now that I think about it
Oh well, it will happen eventually.